AURA | The University of Chicago

Please enter the first name, last name, chicagoID, cnetID (or uchadID), department name and the person’s role at The University of Chicago in the table below. Once completed, send, attached, as a Word document (.doc or .docx) to Thank you!All CnetIDs and ChicagoIDs can be found in the university’s “WhoAmI” directory (). The chicagoID is an alpha-numeric ID number with a series of eight numbers followed by a letter (Example: 34567130X); It can be found in WhoAmI and on the back of your University of Chicago ID card. First Name?Last Name?chicagoID[look up]cnetID OR uchadID[look up]University Email ?Department Name / Home UnitStudent, Staff, Postdoc, or Faculty?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ................

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