University of Cincinnati

University of Cincinnati

College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services

Urban Educational Leadership

Preliminary Proposal


Brandi Nicole Hutchins

Proposed Doctoral Committee

Dr. Roger Collins – Chair

Dr. Mark Gooden

Dr. Nancy Evers

Dr. Eric Abercrumbie


|Professional Goal Statement …………………………………………………………. |3 |

|Coursework Requirement ……………………………………………………………. |5 |

|Coursework by Level ………………………………………………………………… |7 |

|Coursework (Chronological Order)………………………………………………… |8 |

|Internship ……………………………………………………………………………. |10 |

|Dissertation ………………………………………………………………………...... |11 |

|Calendar of Events …………………………………………………………………… |12 |

|Committee Members …………………………………………………………………. |13 |

Professional Goal Statement

I began my academic career at the University of Cincinnati in the fall of 1997. Since then, I have embraced the field of student affairs as an undergraduate and as a graduate student. My first campus job was as a student orientation leader and later a student assistant for Educational and Tutorial Services. I later became a student worker, program coordinator, graduate assistant, and currently Assistant Director in the office of Ethnic Programs and Services under the leadership of Dr. P. Eric Abercrumbie. My responsibilities include, but are not limited to, coordinating the Darwin T. Turner Scholars Program and implementing programs and activities for students of color at the University of Cincinnati.

Before entering college, I had no indication on what lied ahead for me professionally. It wasn’t until I became a student worker in the above affiliations that I came to the realization that my career plan was in front of my face, it was higher education. Throughout my service to the university, I have witnessed issues that have hindered students in the completion of their degrees, issues that have caused students to withdraw from the university, tension between students based on race relations, issues regarding university policies and procedures, and the issues that plague the city of Cincinnati which filter into the campus community. All of the following have drastically affected the social, spiritual, and leadership development of the student population at the university. Based on the addressed concerns, I have devoted myself to enhancing and improving the university community and society as a whole.

As a doctoral student in the Urban Educational Leadership program, I am geared towards the higher educational component of the program and would like to examine the impacts of racism, diversity, and multiculturalism at predominantly white institutions. Having a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in mental health counseling, I know that there are issues that student transport to campus that could be genetic, environmental, and social which could impact their success and achievement as students and as productive citizens in society. Given my academic background, I would like to incorporate a psychological perspective in my future research.

After completion of my doctoral degree in Urban Educational Leadership, I plan to pursue a career in the field of higher education. Given that most of my professional experience and training stems from the field of higher education, I know that I will continue to be productive in this arena. I would like to provide services not only to minority students, but the entire student body population in the area of student affairs. Nevertheless, I do not want to limit myself professionally. Collaborating with the community, teaching, and publishing articles are also future aspirations. I had envisioned myself as a director in student affairs, but have recently been exploring the areas of a college dean or as a tenured faculty member. I would like to facilitate diversity workshops for corporate fields, community agencies, and college forums. Whichever path I am led, I know that I will be successful given that I have faith and a belief system in the Most High. Personally, obtaining a doctorate in the field of Urban Educational Leadership will allow me the opportunity to extend myself in many diverse areas, not feeling as though I have to be complacent in one particular place or setting. I do want to work extensively with underrepresented populations.


Major Area of Study: Urban Educational Leadership

Transfer Credits from Masters (30 Credit Hours) Grades

18-CNSL-787 Group Theory and Process 3 A

18-CNSL-811 Introduction to Group Leadership 3 A

18-CNSL-809 Abnormal Human Behavior 3 A

15-PSYC-877 Theories of Personality 3 A-

18-EDFN-775 Lifespan Human Development 3 A

18-CNSL-773 Coun Program Develp/Evaluation 3 A

18-CNSL-963 Multicultural Counseling 3 A

18-EDAD-880 School Law 3 B+

18-CNSL-852 Counseling in Schools 3 A

18-CNSL-985 Testing and Assessment 3 A-

UEL Required Core Courses (18 Credit Hours)

18-UEL-876 Special Topics in Urban Education 3 Autumn 2004

18-UEL-901 Theoretical Found of Urban Ed. Ld. 3 Autumn 2004

18-UEL-912 Lead Urban Education Organization 3 Autumn 2004

18-UEL-876 Special Topics in Urban Ed. 3 Winter 2005

18-UEL-913 Lead, Learn, & Teach 3 Winter 2005

18-UEL-914 Pol, Econ, & Legal 3 Spring 2005

Research Courses (21 Credit Hours)

18-EDFN-800 Modes of Inquiry 3 Winter 2005

18-EDFN-710 Intro Statistics 3 Spring 2005

18-EDFN-711 Intermediate Statistics 3 Summer 2005

18-EDFN-855 Quant I: Design 3 Autumn 2005

18-EDFN-856 Quant II: Data Collection 3 Winter 2006

18-EDFN-721 Measure and Assessment 3 Winter 2006

18-EDFN-857 Quant III: Analysis 3 Spring 2006

Internships (9 Credit Hours)

18-UEL-931 Internship 3 Autumn 2005

18-UEL-932 Internship 3 Winter 2006

18-UEL-933 Internship 3 Spring 2006

Support Area of Study: Student Development in Higher Education

Specialization – Student Development (24 Credit Hours)

18-EDFN-792 Cultural Diversity Mental Health 3 Autumn 2004

18-EDFN-787 Self Concept and Achievement 3 Winter 2005

18-EDFN-840 History of Higher Education 3 Spring 2005

18-EDFN-788 Comm/Envir Influence in Schools 3 Spring 2005

18-EDFN-683 Peace Education and Pop Cult 3 Summer 2005

18-EDAD-743 Computer: School Admin 3 Summer 2005

18-CI-850 Prog Develop in Higher Education 3 Autumn 2006

18-EDFN-778 Cultural Differences 3 Autumn 2006

Electives (6 Credit Hours)

18-UEL-871 Individual Study 3 Spring 2006

18-EDFN-825 Marxist Theories 3 Winter 2007

Dissertation (45 Total Credit Hours)

18-UEL-973 Dissertation Research Project I 15 Autumn 2007

18–UEL-973 Dissertation Research Project II 15 Winter 2008

18–UEL-973 Dissertation Research Project III 15 Spring 2008


600 Level

18-EDFN-683 Peace Education and Pop Cult 3 Summer 2005

700 Level

18-EDFN-710 Intro Statistics 3 Spring 2005

18-EDFN-711 Intermediate Statistics 3 Summer 2005

18-EDFN-721 Measure and Assessment 3 Winter 2006

18-EDAD-743 Computer: School Admin 3 Summer 2005

18-EDFN-778 Cultural Differences 3 Autumn 2005

18-EDFN-787 Self Concept and Achievement 3 Winter 2005

18-EDFN-788 Comm/Envir Influence in Schools 3 Spring 2005

18-EDFN-792 Cultural Diversity Mental Health 3 Autumn 2004

800 Level

18-EDFN-800 Modes of Inquiry 3 Winter 2005

18-EDFN-825 Marxist Theories 3 Winter 2007

18-EDFN-840 History of Higher Education 3 Spring 2005

18-CI-850 Prog Develop in Higher Education 3 Autumn 2005

18-EDFN-855 Quant I: Design 3 Autumn 2005

18-EDFN-856 Quant II: Data Collection 3 Winter 2006

18-EDFN-857 Quant II: Analysis 3 Spring 2006

18-UEL-871 Individual Study 3 Spring 2006

18-UEL-876 Special Topics in Urban Education 3 Autumn 2004

18-UEL-876 Special Topics in Urban Education 3 Winter 2005

900 Level

18-UEL-901 Theoretical Found of Urban Ed. Ld. 3 Fall 2004

18-UEL-912 Lead Urban Education Organization 3 Fall 2004

18-UEL-913 Lead, Learn, & Teaching 3 Winter 2005

18-UEL-914 Social, Political, & Econ 3 Spring 2005

18-UEL-930 Internship 3 Autumn 2005

18-UEL-931 Internship 3 Winter 2006

18-UEL-932 Internship 3 Spring 2006

18-UEL-973 Dissertation Research Project I 15 Fall 2007

18–UEL-973 Dissertation Research Project II 15 Winter 2008

18–UEL-973 Dissertation Research Project III 15 Spring 2008


|AUTUMN 2004 | | | |

|Course |Course Num. |Credit Hrs. |Grade |

|Cultural Diversity and Mental Health |18-EDFN-792 |3 |A |

|Special Topics in Urban Education |18-UEL-876 |3 |P |

|Theoretical Foundations of Urban Ed. |18-UEL-901 |3 |A |

|Lead Urban Education Organization |18-UEL-912 |3 |A |

|WINTER 2005 | | | |

|Self Concept and Achievement |18-EDFN-787 |3 |A |

|UEL Seminar – Lead, Learn, & Teach |18-UEL-913 |3 |A |

|Special Topics in Urban Education |18-UEL-876 |3 |P |

|Modes of Inquiry |18-EDFN-787 |3 |A |

|SPRING 2005 | | | |

|Introductory Statistics |18-EDFN-710 |3 |A |

|Com/Environ Influence in Schools |18-EDFN-788 |3 |A |

|History of Higher Education |18-EDFN-840 |3 |A- |

|UEL Seminar – Social, Poli, Ecomon |18-UEL-914 |3 |A |

|SUMMER 2005 | | | |

|Peace Education and Pop Culture |18-EDFN-683 |3 |A |

|Computer: School Admin |18-EDFN-743 |3 |A |

|Intermediate Statistics |18-EDFN-711 |3 |B+ |

|AUTUMN 2005 | | | |

|Quantitative I: Design |18-EDFN-855 |3 |A- |

|Internship |18-UEL-931 |3 |A |

|Cultural Differences |18-EDFN-778 |3 |A- |

|Pro Develop in Higher Ed. |18-CI-850 |3 |A |

|WINTER 2006 | | | |

| |Course Num. |Credit Hrs. |Grade |

|Quantitative II: Data Collection |18-EDFN-856 |3 |A- |

|Internship |18-UEL-932 |3 |A |

|Measurement and Assessment |18-EDFN-721 |3 |A |

|SPRING 2006 | | | |

|Quantitative III: Analysis |18-EDFN-857 |3 |A- |

|Internship |18-UEL-933 |3 |A |

|Individual Study |18-UEL-871 |3 |P |

|WINTER 2007 | | | |

|Marxist Theories |18-EDFN-825 |3 |A |

|FALL/WINTER/SPRING 2006-2007 | | | |

|Dissertation Research Project I |18-UEL-973 |15 |NA |

|Dissertation Research Project II |18-UEL-973 |15 |NA |

|Dissertation Research Project III |18-UEL-973 |15 |NA |

| | | | |

|Ed.D TOTAL | |153 | |

| | |(number contains | |

| | |transfer courses) | |

** NA = Not Applicable


I plan to obtain an internship at the University of Cincinnati during autumn, winter, and spring quarters. Given that the university is a large entity, there are areas in which an internship could be accomplished. I am currently employed at the office of Ethnic Programs and Services, but would like to intern within the following capacities:

Darwin T. Turner Scholars Program

I would like to work with a diverse student population to insure that they are successfully matriculating at the university. Interning with the Scholars Program would grant me the opportunity to work with a program that caters to students of color at a predominately White university. It would also allow me the experience to examine an over million dollar scholarship program at the University of Cincinnati.


My dissertation will pertain to race-based scholarships at predominantly White institutions. Though I have not thoroughly formulated my actual dissertation question, my topic will address the need of affirmative action programs in higher education. Some themes within this topic are as followed:

• The difference between race and merit scholarship programs

• Factors of success regarding scholarship recipients versus non-scholarship recipients

• Race scholarships as a retention tool

• The impact of race and class on scholarship recipients

• Who loses their scholarship and why

• Student opposition to race-based scholarships

These topics are not concrete; they are only areas of interest.


Preliminary Hearing Spring 2005

Completion of Coursework Spring 2006

Comprehensive Examination

Written Summer 2007

Oral Summer 2007

Dissertation Proposal Hearing Fall 2007

Dissertation Defense Spring 2008

Graduation Spring 2008



Dr. Roger Collins


Urban Educational Leadership

404 Teachers College

Cincinnati, OH 45221



Dr. Mark Gooden

Assistant Professor

Educational Administration

406B Teachers College

Cincinnati, OH 45221


Dr. Nancy Evers


Urban Educational Leadership

406A Teachers College

Cincinnati, OH 45221


Dr. Eric Abercrumbie


Ethnic Programs & Services/

African American Cultural & Research Center

555 Steger Student Life Center

Cincinnati, OH 45221



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