Budget for the Fiscal Year 2013-2014

Submitted to the Board of Regents University of Houston System Houston, Texas August 2013

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University of Houston Table of Contents Fiscal Year 2014

Page ACADEMIC WORKLOAD POLICY......................................... 1 EDUCATION AND GENERAL FUNDS...................................... 9

PRESIDENT................................................. 15 UNIVERSITY ADVANCEMENT.................................... 19 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS.......................................... 23 STUDENT AFFAIRS AND ENROLLMENT............................ 27 RESEARCH.................................................. 31 LIBRARY................................................... 35 ARCHITECTURE.............................................. 39 BAUER COLLEGE OF BUSINESS................................. 43 EDUCATION................................................. 47 ENGINEERING............................................... 51 HONORS.................................................... 55 HOTEL & RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT............................. 59 LAW CENTER................................................ 63 NATURAL SCIENCES & MATHEMATICS............................ 67 OPTOMETRY................................................. 71 PHARMACY.................................................. 75 LIBERAL ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES............................ 79 GRADUATE COLLEGE SOCIAL WORK.............................. 85 TECHNOLOGY................................................ 89 ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE................................ 93 INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT.................................... 97 PLANT SUPPORT............................................. 101 CAMPUS SECURITY........................................... 105 BUILDING MAINTENANCE...................................... 109 UTILITIES................................................. 113 SPECIAL ITEMS............................................. 117 STATE STAFF BENEFITS...................................... 121


University of Houston Table of Contents Fiscal Year 2014

Page DESIGNATED TUITION.............................................. 125

PRESIDENT................................................. 131 UNIVERSITY ADVANCEMENT.................................... 135 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS.......................................... 139 STUDENT AFFAIRS AND ENROLLMENT............................ 145 RESEARCH.................................................. 151 LIBRARY................................................... 155 ARCHITECTURE.............................................. 159 BAUER COLLEGE OF BUSINESS................................. 163 EDUCATION................................................. 169 ENGINEERING............................................... 175 HONORS.................................................... 185 HOTEL & RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT............................. 187 LAW CENTER................................................ 191 NATURAL SCIENCES & MATHEMATICS............................ 197 OPTOMETRY................................................. 207 PHARMACY.................................................. 211 LIBERAL ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES............................ 217 GRADUATE COLLEGE SOCIAL WORK.............................. 229 TECHNOLOGY................................................ 233 ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE................................ 237 INSTITUTIONAL............................................. 243 UTILITIES................................................. 247 DEBT SERVICE.............................................. 251 AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES..................................... 255 INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS................................. 261 PARKING AND TRANSPORTATION................................ 267 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES................................... 271 RESIDENTIAL LIFE AND HOUSING.............................. 275 UNIVERSITY CENTER......................................... 279 HEALTH CENTER AND PHARMACY................................ 283 OTHER STUDENT SERVICES.................................... 287 HOTEL..................................................... 291 OTHER AUXILIARY UNITS..................................... 295


University of Houston Operating Budget Key To Symbols

For Fiscal Year 2014

Header Appt 3M 4.5M 9M 10M 11M 12M

Definition Appointment Definition 3 Month Appointment 4.5 Month Appointment 9 Month Appointment 10 Month Appointment 11 Month Appointment 12 Month Appointment

Salary Change J C E M T K S L

Salary Change Definition Adjustment Faculty Counter Offer Faculty Equity Faculty Merit Faculty Promotion & Tenure Reclassify Staff Equity Staff Merit

For budgeting purposes, the annual salary for biweekly employees is calculated as follows: 2088hrs X hourly rate. iii

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University of Houston



Faculty Academic Instructional Workload (University of Houston)

[Revised as of February 9, 1999.]

In accordance with UHS Board of Regents; policy 21.05, the University of Houston has developed the following faculty academic workload rules and regulations.

The general workload responsibilities of a faculty member at a complex institution such as the University of Houston can neither be defined simply nor summarized easily. Faculty members have fundamental obligations above and beyond organized teaching and research. They perform their normal classroom duties and carry out a multitude of essential functions including, but not limited to, academic advising and counseling, the supervision of undergraduate and graduate students, direction of individual study, special projects, theses and dissertations, and curriculum development. In addition, they accept many institutional and public service obligations.

The variety of faculty responsibilities that must be undertaken for the university to function in an effective and efficient manner makes it impossible to equate faculty workload with the sum total of semester credit hours taught, or with any other single criterion. Indeed, it is inappropriate to adopt any measure of faculty workload that is fundamentally numerical in nature without consideration of qualitative issues. While recognizing these facts, however, the university must develop a minimum teaching load requirement and report its fulfillment to the state. This is necessary to comply with the Texas Education Code, to meet the expectations of the Legislature for direct instructional activities tied to compensation from the faculty salary appropriation line item, and to quantify for all university constituencies the basic commitment the faculty have to the students at the University of Houston.

These institutional rules and regulations distinguish between minimum teaching load requirements and general workload requirements. While the university requires that every faculty member fulfill a certain minimum teaching load and assume a comparably high level of general workload, it does not insist that each one have the same teaching load. The university administration will provide chairs of individual academic units the flexibility to achieve maximum effectiveness in teaching effort as related to student enrollment and to adjust each individual's instructional assignment within the regulations and standards stated below. Each department chair and college dean must certify that the duties of each faculty member actually constitute an appropriate workload responsibility in accordance with the following rules and regulations, which have been approved by the University of Houston Board of Regents.

The minimum faculty teaching load requirement described in this policy does not apply to graduate teaching assistants. The Provost, as the chief academic



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