EDUCATION - University of Illinois at Chicago


Master of Science in Computer Science, Dec 2005 3.67/4.0

University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), USA

Graduate Coursework in Computer Science, Aug 2002-Dec 2003 3.90/4.0

Loyola University Chicago (LUC), USA

Bachelor of Information Technology, June 2002 3.89/4.0

Jamia Millia University, New Delhi, INDIA


Developed a system for user and data session management of an application that visualizes complex earth science core data. This system allows geoscientists to query, modify and update this data over time.


Programming languages: C, C++, Java, PL/SQL, ASP, , Perl, PhP, HTML, DHTML, XML, XSLT,

XPATH, VBScript, Cold Fusion

Databases : MySQL, MS-SQL Server 2000, MS-Access, Fox-Pro, FileMaker Pro, Oracle

Operating Systems : Win 98/2000/XP, MS-DOS, Linux (Suse 9.1/9.2/9.3, Red Hat), UNIX

Applications : Eclipse, MS-Visual 2003, SQLYog, Navicat, MS-Visio, MS-Office Suite,

Dreamweaver MX 2004 / MX / 4

Hardware : Build custom PC’s, troubleshoot hardware/software, experienced with installation of

most system components and configuring LANs

Others : Exposure to LISP, Shell programming in UNIX, Ada, JavaScript, XQUERY


Campus Auxiliary Services Administration, UIC

Graduate Assistant (Computer Programming) Jan 2005 to Present

Computer Programming Aide May 2004 to Dec 2004

o Solely developing a Web based system to manage and administer distribution of electronic public transportation pass.

o Implementation done using Visual , IIS, ASP, , MS-SQL Server 2000 and VB-Script.

o Write stored procedures and SQL queries for the system and user management.

o Administer, maintain and update SQL-Server 2000 database.

o Configure and maintain IIS Web-server hosting the system.

o Documented software requirements and database design as per IEEE standards.

Electronic Visualization Laboratory, UIC

Research Assistant Jan 2004 to Present

Intern May 2003 to Dec 2003

o Diagnose and repair Linux and Windows (98/2000/XP) related problems for lab staff/students.

o Lead development of a web-based machine management system using MySQL and PhP.

o Build new workstations and install dual boot OS.

o Assist in copper and optical network deployment and maintenance.

o Assist in software/hardware installation, maintenance and organization.

o Documented database design/E-R diagram.

o Migrated File Maker Pro database to MySQL and Perl.

Information Technology Dept., LUC

Technical Assistant Aug 2002 to Dec 2003

o Managed the Help Desk function as well as prioritized, resolved, recognized, and routed end-user computer problems.

o Solved software and hardware problems.

Panta-Rei Web Development Center, LUC

Intern March 2003 to Dec 2003

o Worked as a team member on a programming project involving the development of Content Management Systems.

o Restructured and documented Web-camp database for CIMT (Center for Information Management and Technology),

a part of Loyola University Chicago’s School of Business Administration.

o Appraised and optimized Panta Rei’s staff database for conversion from SQL server 2000 to MySQL platform.

o Assisted in developing Web sites and designing databases.

Polaris Software Lab Ltd, New Delhi, India

Trainee/Intern May 2001 to July 2001

o Worked with software development team, produced the software requirement, high-level design, and testing document for

Inventory Management Software.

o Implemented software using Oracle and Developer 2000.

Subject Association, Dept. Of Computer Science, Jamia Millia University, New Delhi, India

General Secretary Aug 2000 to April 2001

o Organized seminars, workshops, educational, and cultural events for Computer Science department.

Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, India

Trainee/Intern May 2000 to June 2000

o Worked on Web site and search engine optimization.


o Received traveling grant from Electronic Visualization Laboratory, UIC to attend the 2005 Super Computing conference held on November 12-18 in Seattle, WA.

o Received full grant from CRA-W (Computing Research Association for Women) to attend the 2005 Grad Cohort held on February 25-26 in San Francisco, CA.

o Received full grant from CRA-W to attend the 2005 Career Mentoring Workshop held on April 16-17 in Washington, DC.

o Awarded Gold Medal, the highest merit award given by a university for Bachelor’s Degree in India.

o Recipient of a special grant (first ever for an undergraduate student) from Ministry of Human Resource Development (Govt. of India) for presenting the paper titled “Rough Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets”.


o Published paper titled “Rough Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets” in the proceedings of “8th International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Technology (FT & T),” part of 6th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, held in Durham, NC, 2002.

o Published paper entitled “Recognition of Spoken digits- A Statistical Analysis” in The 4th Workshop on Information and Computer Science proceedings held at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudia Arabia from March 17-18, 2002.


1. Electronic Data Integration (2004): Conducted as part of an advanced database class research oriented study on “Storing data and efficient access of information in xml databases”.

2. GUI Testing: Complexities, Challenges and Approaches (2004): Conducted as part of an advanced software engineering class research oriented study on “Graphical User Interface Testing- Complexities, Challenges and Approaches”. Used a tool called GUITAR to test MS-Paint.

3. Content Management System (2003): Lead the team which developed the CMS website for the Leadership Illinois Project.

4. Weather channel for Loyola’s U-Portal (2003): Support Manager and Quality Process Manager of the team, which developed the weather channel of Loyola’s U-Portal.

5. Character Recognition using Template Matching (Bachelor’s Degree Thesis-2002): Developed a system for character recognition by quantification of the character into a mathematical vector entity using the geometrical properties of the character image. It was developed using C and C++.

6. Employee Record System using C++ (2000): Developed a module for storing and manipulating employee details.

7. Banking System using C++ (2000): Developed a module for storing and manipulating bank customer’s data.


1. Vice-Chair of Loyola ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)’s Chapter. Jan 2003 to Dec 2003

2. Member of ACM Membership No. 7437924

3. Member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Membership No. 41453552

References Available On Request


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