

Factor 1: Corporate Experience

Number of Years of Corporate Experience Providing Services Relevant to the Solicitation:

SALO Engineering, P.S.C. (SALO) was founded in 2006 based on the aspiration to grow professionally and offer services in the environmental consulting industry. We are located in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where we remain uniquely suited to meet the challenging environmental initiatives and needs of today’s government agencies. Our mission is to lead in providing value-added assessment, feasibility studies, and environmental solutions by creating successful partnerships with each client.

Organization’s Size, Experience in the Field, and Resources Available to Perform Services:

SALO is a small woman-owned company, operating with a total of six (6) employees. Our firm’s President, Mrs. Cristina L. Salib, is a licensed Civil Engineer. She possesses a Masters Degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Also, the firm’s Vice President, Mr. Félix M. López, is a Licensed Civil Engineer who possesses a Masters Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois with a specialization in Environmental Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering.

SALO combines technical and business skills with decades of environmental consulting experience to maximize value to our clients. As an environmental consulting firm, we have the flexibility to allow for crucial job information to be accessible to Project Managers on and off the job site. Our company is equipped with several computers that allow us to perform the bulk of our planning and documentation services. These computers are used for standard email communication with clients, and running our company’s databases to perform research, track business documents, and file documentation. Some of our software programs include Civil 3D and Primavera Contractor.

Company Background/Brief History:

SALO began operations in 2006, just before the global economy started to weaken. The company was founded based on President Cristina L. Salib’s desire to expand in environmental arenas, especially with regard to solid waste disposal, feasibility, and risk analysis studies. In the last three (3) years, SALO has entered a period of constant growth. In a primarily male-dominated industry, SALO has shown a unique dedication that involves the delivery of excellent services which meet and exceed client expectations and demands. Over the years, SALO has expanded our services to include offering services to engineering industries who embrace environmental design, including environmental projects within industrial spheres such as structural, architectural, water resources, and civil sites.

Cristina L. Salib, MSCE P.E. (Masters of Science in Civil Engineering), has over ten (10) years of experience in construction management, cost estimates, and government and residential projects. Félix M. Lopez, MSCE (Masters of Science in Civil Engineering) P.E. has over ten (10) years of experience in resource management, project assessment, water resources studies, consulting, and more. With short term projects, she has been able to lead the company in expanding and diversifying our client base. As such, we have performed joint ventures with other companies to reach higher goals. In the long term, we have diversified our services by including duties related to chemical, radiological, and natural waste analysis.

Information That Demonstrates Organizational and Accounting Controls and Manpower Presently In House or the Ability to Acquire the Type and Kinds of Personnel Proposed:

All of our accounting functions are handled in-house, and overseen by the President, Cristina L.Salib. To maintain the integrity of this information, we use Sage 50 software for all payroll, invoice, and account management necessities. The financial and accounting support we receive from our professional CPA, Jaime Benitez, is also of particular importance to us, as this assistance helps us specialize in managing each project. Data spreadsheets are sent to Jaime Benitez on a monthly basis, as this helps us complete our annual taxes without delay.

We have also distinguished ourselves within our industry through the extraordinary and efficient use of technology. In the private sector, our team is equipped to offer consulting for environmental programs in any location regardless of size. For municipal projects, we offer consulting for sanitary and sewer systems. We typically recruit new employees through newspaper classifieds or by recommendation. These individuals are then trained and given a manual of procedures to follow. To retain these individuals, we offer bonuses and salary increases based on performance. We also encourage and support continuing education in the field of environmental studies or fields of consulting, and offer to pay any expenses once a year for any relevant courses.

How Will You Will Market Services to Federal Clients and Who Will Perform These Functions?

SALO continually identifies and develops new business sources. As a result, we have developed a preliminary marketing strategy to incorporate marketing to federal clients alongside our current client base. Currently we engage in word of mouth, printed company solicitations, and our company website (). In the future, we will market to federal clients by registering on and look at expanding our website to feature particular tasks related to environmental consulting services that will benefit the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the United States Navy, and the United States Customs and Border Protection. Additionally, we will designate an individual within our highly trained staff to manage our marketing duties to these clients.

Discuss The Use of Subcontractors if You Intend to Use Them Under a Resultant Contract. (If Applicable, a Letter of Commitment is Required to Cover the Term of the Contract.)

SALO has established long-term professional relationships with specialty individuals who are able to provide us subcontracting services. These subcontractors have typically worked for our company for years, and were found based on the recommendation of other employees. Roughly 20% of our hazardous assessment and site study duties are subcontracted, particularly if we do not have enough personnel, or if a project contains requirements away from our areas of expertise. These individuals are responsible to meet the same legal and insurance requirements as our primary staff, and in all cases, signed agreements will be required.

Factor 2: Relevant Project Experience

|Project Experience No. |SIN(s) to which this project |Specific services being proposed under |

| |applies: |the SIN(s): |

|Project 1 of 2 |899-1 |Environmental Consulting Services |

|This project was completed within the last two |This project is an ongoing contract with a base year and |

|years OR |option years, or is a multi-year task order. At a minimum, |

| |the base year or first year has been completed. |

| | |

|Note: Projects that were completed more than two years prior to the |Note: Projects that are in their base or first year and |

|date of the offer submission will not be accepted by the Government. |that year is incomplete as of the date of the offer submission |

| |will not be accepted by the Government. |

|Customer/Client Name: |DHS – Customs and Border Protection |

| |NAS Roosevelt Roads Naval Station |

|Project Name/Contract Number: |Feasibility and Design |

|Customer Point of Contact (POC) for Project: |Barbara B. Wilson |

|POC's Current Phone Number and Email: |317-614-4933, Barbara.b.wilson@cbp. |

|Project Performance Period (include months/years): |September 2011 to March 2012 |

|Dollar Value of the Entire Project: |$245,450.00 |

|Dollar Value Received for the Work Performed Relevant to the SIN(s) |$245,450.00 |

|Offered: | |

| |The purpose of our environmental consulting services related to feasibility studies (FS)|

|Brief Summary Of Project: |was to examine information and offer |

| |support to determine possible uses for Parcel #46 in support of |

| |the critical needs of the CBP mission through the CBP Marine |

| |unit operating in Ceiba, Puerto Rico. |

| |

|A. Detailed Description of SIN relevant work performed and results achieved: |

| |

|The DHS invited and instructed SALO through their contract specialist of the U.S. Custom & Border Protection (CBP), Barbara B. Wilson, to submit a proposal to |

|perform feasibility studies to examine all support facilities and structures on the site for marine use (e.g. parking, roadways, fencing, exterior lighting, |

|etc.). This involved a geotechnical study and full environmental site assessment of the property, and a topographical survey identifying environmental |

|conditions. |

|Any potential environmental issues that occurred as a result of the construction were identified and documented. Environmental remediation costs in the overall |

|construction budget were also included, and investigations were conducted on whether contaminated soils could be processed on the island, whether distance to |

|travel to an approved |

|dump site could occur within the boundaries of the island, or whether unsuitable soils would need to be transported off the island and to the mainland United |

|States for processing. |

| |

|B. Methodology, tools, and/or processes utilized in performing the work: |

| |

|Our processes included the designation of a technical team within the organization who were able to conduct a kick-off meeting with key team members and DHS’s |

|key management. Here we were able to develop strong communication |

|channels, and learn what to expect from the project. As such, we conducted technical review meetings with staff, and the project manager maintained communication|

|of the project status. Our environmental consulting tools included physical samples that were obtained from on-site visits, special lab equipment designed for |

|lab analysis, and electronic project |

|report containing lab results. In order to complete the project, we implemented tools such as Primavera software, for scheduling with the contractor, and |

|Costlink, which was used for all project estimations. |

| |

|C. Demonstration of compliance with any applicable laws, regulations, Executive Orders, OMB Circulars, professional standards, etc.: |

| |

|During the course of the project, we adhered to all local and national building design codes set forth by Puerto Rico. |

|We also ensured compliancy with all Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines and made sure |

|to comply with professional standards and code regulations inherent within our own organizational structure. |

|Additionally, we complied with air and marine facility design standards from the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP). |

| |

|D. Project schedule (i.e., major milestones, tasks, deliverables) including an explanation of any delays. |

| |

|The project was delivered on time, except for a minor delay after the first draft was submitted to the owner. While the |

|owner intended to send the document back in a week, it could not be sent until one (1) day later. This delay’s |

|occurrence was explained to us as having to do with other projects which the engineer was assigned. |

| |

|However, we ensured that this would not affect our own services or delivery times, which were completed in the |

|following order: |

| |

|Examine the feasibility of constructing a facility on Parcel #46 that supports program requirements fully, and satisfies conditions within the intent for the |

|project. |

|Incorporate environmental and land-use restrictions imposed on the property. |

|Identify any potential environmental issues that may occur as a result of the construction. |

|Include environmental remediation costs in the overall construction budget. |

|Investigate whether contaminated soils could be processed on the island, and whether the distance to travel to an approved dump site could occur within the |

|boundaries of the island, and whether unsuitable soils would need to be transported off the island and to the mainland United States for processing. |

|Within the cost estimate, include separate detailed costs for sanitary and storm sewer, water utilities and other guidelines necessary to complete the proposed |

|project on the site. |

| |

|E. Describe how the work performed is similar in scope and complexity to that described in the Statement of |

|Work (Part I of the Solicitation). |

| |

|The work was performed to a similar scope and complexity as described within the original Statement of Work. A |

|distinctive environment study was completed, including an environmental assessment, land transfer documentation |

|including U.S. Navy land use restrictions, and a final record of environmental consideration were delivered to the client |

|as expected, with no unforeseen challenges inhibiting the progress. |

| |

|F. Demonstration of specific work experience and/or special qualifications detailed in the Statement of Work |

|(Part I of this solicitation). |

| |

|As a professional environmental consulting firm, we specialize in all levels of environmental feasibility services. As |

|such, we have established a long-term professional partnership with the Roosevelt Roads Naval Station. One of the |

|keys to this project’s success was selecting seasoned professionals to remain dedicated to the client. With the autonomy |

|they needed, they were able to help our firm meet the client’s requirements as expected. |

|Project Experience No. |SIN(s) to which this project applies: |Specific services being proposed under |

| |899-1 |the SIN(s): |

|Project 2 of 2 | |Environmental Consulting Services |

|This project was completed within the last two years OR |This project is an ongoing contract with a base year and option years, or is a |

| |multi-year task order. At a minimum, the base year or first year has been completed. |

| | |

|Note: Projects that were completed more than two years prior to the |Note: Projects that are in their base or first year and |

|date of the offer submission will not be accepted by the Government. |that year is incomplete as of the date of the offer submission will not be accepted by |

| |the Government. |

|Customer/Client Name: |Allied Waste of Ponce (AWP) |

|Project Name/Contract Number: |Design and Project Management New Waste water |

| |sewer pipeline from AWP at Ponce to PRASA Existing System |

|Customer Point of Contact (POC) for Project: |Eng. Miguel Garcia |

|POC's Current Phone Number and Email: |(787)722-5012, mgarciacampos@ |

|Project Performance Period (include months/years): |April 2010 – July 2010 |

|Dollar Value of the Entire Project: |$13,900.00 |

|Dollar Value Received for the Work Performed Relevant to the SIN(s) |$13,900.00 |

|Offered: | |

| |The project consisted of managing the project site for the construction of a wastewater |

|Brief Summary Of Project: |pre-treatment plant (WWPTP) to treat the Ponce Landfill Facilities (PLF), previous to |

| |discharging the PRASA infrastructure at Ponce, Puerto Rico. |

|A. Detailed Description of SIN relevant work performed and results achieved: |

| |

|Our environmental consulting tasks were critical to the ultimate success of the Allied Waste of Ponce (AWP) |

|project in Puerto Rico. Our management of the phases of this project included the following key activities: |

| |

|Data gathering and evaluation (leachate chemistry and current cost analysis) |

|PRASA permitting requirements (meetings with PRASA and PWTP staff) |

|Evaluation of leachate pre-treatment (recommendations on pre-treatment alternatives) |

| |

|B. Methodology, tools, and/or processes utilized in performing the work: |

| |

|Our methodology and processes included: |

|Designating the technical team within the organization |

|Conducting a kick-off meeting with the key team members and AWP’s key management and contractors to |

|develop communication channels. |

|Conducting technical review meetings with staff, prepare agenda, and distribute meeting minutes, by |

|email to the AWP Project Manager (PM). |

|Collecting data to determine leachate management costs and feasibility of discharging into the PWTP. |

| |

|To complete the project, we implemented tools such as: |

|Civil 3D |

|Microsoft Excel |

|Microsoft Word |

|Primavera Contractor |

|The VSEP® membrane system, provided by New Logic Research (NLR) in Emeryville, California. |

| |

|C. Demonstration of compliance with any applicable laws, regulations, Executive Orders, OMB Circulars, professional standards, etc.: |

| |

|During the course of the project, we adhered to all local and national building design codes set forth by Puerto |

|Rico. We also ensured compliancy with all Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines |

|and made sure to comply with professional standards and code regulations inherent within our own |

|organizational structure. Additionally, we complied with air and marine facility design standards from the |

|United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP). |

| |

|D. Project schedule (i.e., major milestones, tasks, deliverables) including an explanation of any delays. |

| |

|Even after unforeseen challenges related to weather issues including rain, we were able to complete each task according to schedule. Our milestones for the |

|project included site drawings, inspection reports, and lab results. |

|Our final deliverables included computer generated schedules related to our guidelines for all on-site personnel. |

|As a major milestone, we were able to perform varied aspects of consulting to our clients to ensure that proper environmental decisions could be made. Overall, |

|our tasks were completed in the following order: |

| |

|Data gathering and evaluation |

|Permitting requirements were outlined and fulfilled |

|Evaluation of leachate pre-treatment was conducted |

|A technical memorandum was compiled, and submitted for approval |

| |

|E. Describe how the work performed is similar in scope and complexity to that described in the Statement of Work (Part I of the Solicitation). |

| |

|Our environmental consulting duties were performed to meet a similar scope and complexity initially described within our original Statement of Work. The |

|services provided by SALO met the preliminary guidelines of the |

|project, with only short delays due to weather conditions. However, our consulting services were offered and |

|tasks restructured as needed to ensure that timelines would be met, keeping the project’s schedule on course. |

| |

|F. Demonstration of specific work experience and/or special qualifications detailed in the Statement of Work (Part I of this solicitation). |

| |

|Our professional expertise related to similar environmental consulting projects led us to the attention of Allied |

|Waste of Ponce (AWP). We were able to build a strong partnership with this client, along with the community |

|surrounded by the activity. One of the keys to success for this project was selecting seasoned professionals who |

|could remain dedicated to the client’s needs full-time. We gave them the autonomy they needed to meet the customer’s requirements as expected. |

Factor 3: Past Performance

See Open Ratings Report.

Factor 4: Quality Control

Describe the internal review procedures which facilitate high quality standards in the


Quality control continues with the entire team, as we are able to build a strong foundation with each team member from day one. Other input, such as environmental codes and standards, functional performance, risk assessment, and interface/regulatory requirements, are documented by our President, Cristina L. Salib, and Vice President, Félix M. López. Also, our company distributes a manual with all documented systems in place. For our procedures of internal reviews, each project will be designated a project team and supervision. After this, a decision will be made as to whether or not subcontractors are required for the project. If the project is met with any unforeseen complications, an external supervisor will be contracted for auditing or specific recommendations.

The review, approval, and distribution of controlled documents that specify environmental requirements and performance measures ensure that correct documents are made available wherever activity is performed. Changes to documents are first evaluated and approved before distribution. Also, configuration lists for these documents are maintained. All individuals assigned to a project are responsible for replacing obsolete versions with the revised copies to preclude inadvertent use. All reports are then serialized with distribution made by Cristina L. Salib or Félix M. López.

Identify the individuals who will directly supervise or review projects specifically regarding quality control.

All projects are supervised by two (2) individuals who act as Quality System Supervisors and Managers. Félix M. López is a professional engineer with ten (10) years of experience related to water resources studies, consulting, and remediation efforts. Cristina L. Salib is a professional engineer with ten (10) years of experience in implementation, management, cost estimates and government and residential projects. Each of these individuals have received a Masters of Science in Civil Engineering, and are able to directly supervise and review projects with regard to quality control. These Managers are responsible for the development and implementation of quality control procedures and have the authority to take appropriate actions to enforce plans of action and special customer requirements. These individuals are each instrumental in developing and administering the specifics of all environmental management consulting tasks, and are able to identify and resolve any eminent material issues, with the authority to stop work that is not compliant or identify source conditions that are adverse to quality standards.

State whether or not subcontractors are used and, if subcontractors are used, describe the quality control measures the offeror uses to ensure acceptable subcontractor performance.

SALO has established long-term professional relationships with specialty individuals who are able to provide subcontracting services for our environmental assessment, feasibility studies, and risk analysis needs. These subcontractors have typically worked for our company for years, and were typically found based on the recommendation of other employees. Each subcontracted individual is responsible to meet the same legal and insurance requirements as our primary staff, and in all cases we will require a written agreement to be signed.

Describe how your firm handles potential problem areas and solutions.

The most common problems our company comes across deal with projects getting delayed due to weather or traffic conditions, or as a result of delays from other aspects of the project out of our control. Sometimes pertinent information will be missing from plans and exclude information specific to a project. In these situations, we will address whether or not the dilemma is the contractor’s mistake. Often by meeting with the owner and designer, we are able to determine and analyze the environmental proposal that has been submitted, and renegotiate specifics. If needed, we will restructure the proposal in order to regulate the fairest cost and resources required for our activities. A change order will always be made if additional activities or changes are necessary. In these cases, we maintain proper communication with the project team, and always negotiate if a corrective action is necessary. We also document and maintain records of quality issues, which are stored in our office for a period of ten (10) years.

Describe the procedures for insuring quality performance while meeting urgent requirements.

Since our company’s inception, SALO has developed, implemented, and refined our processes and procedures to maintain high levels of quality for all environmental assessment, regulation management, or risk control projects. Since all of our projects are subject to tight deadlines, we create project schedules beforehand. As a result, our team remains capable of knowing what their work entails, whether the project is related to wetland, watershed, and other natural resource management plans. The time needed to meet the standards of quality required by SALO is always allocated based on project requirements and complexities. After evaluations of current resources are made, determinations are reviewed by all members of our staff to ensure that a project’s requirements and schedule will be adhered to.

Identify the strategies your firm will implement to manage and complete multiple projects for multiple agencies simultaneously.

For urgent, high priority requests, SALO uses an accelerated response process to manage and complete multiple environmental development projects at once. To maintain the ability to manage and complete multiple requests, each professional on our team will be responsible for handling at least two (2) projects at any given time. These individuals are accountable for knowing all applicable deadlines before the projects begin. These individuals will indicate to their project team weekly the work that needs to be performed, and work in close coordination to review priority requests and develop new strategies to help meet urgent requirements.


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