University Laboratory High School 1212 West Springfield Avenue Urbana, IL 61801

Dear University Laboratory High School Applicants and Families:

Thank you for considering the University of Illinois Laboratory High School (Uni). This packet contains the application form and information about how to apply.

We highly recommend attending one of our Information Meetings:

Oct. 23, 6:30 p.m. Uni High South Attic, 1212 W. Springfield, Urbana Nov. 18, 6:30 p.m. Uni High South Attic, 1212 W. Springfield, Urbana Dec. 7, 1:30 p.m. Douglass Branch Library, 504 E Grove St, Champaign Jan. 11, 1:30 p.m. Urbana Free Library, 210 W. Green St., Urbana

Our website has additional information. Please visit to obtain more information about the school.

Your application must be complete (see directions) and delivered to Uni by Feb. 26, 2020.

Your completed application packet should include: (1) application form; (2) Two teacher recommendation forms (sent by teachers directly to Uni); (3) Math assessment form (for Subfreshman applicants only). (4) Application fee or Application Fee Waiver Form; (5) Official school records, sent directly from current school; (5) SSAT test scores; (6) Character Skills Snapshot (follow instructions from SSAT), (7) Parent Statement, and (8) Data Review Release form.

A checklist is provided for your convenience.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to confirm that the application is complete and received by Uni by the deadline. No late applications or application materials will be accepted. The deadline for applications is February 26, 2020. If you have questions, you can consult the website () attend one of the Informational Meetings listed above, or call the admissions office at 217-300-8173.

Thank you again for your interest in the University of Illinois University Laboratory High School.


University of Illinois Laboratory High School 1212 W. Springfield Ave Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-2870

What is Uni High?

University Laboratory High School (Uni High) is a public high school in Urbana, Illinois for about 300 students in grades 8-12. Students are admitted via an application process to identify students with great academic potential. The school is affiliated with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

As a public school, Uni does not charge tuition. We do have student fees, and students buy their own books, but we offer financial assistance when needed. We are proud that no student will be unable to attend Uni because of limited financial resources.

Some Uni facts:

There is no tuition. Uni High is part of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. We have a small enrollment ? there are 306 students total in grades 8-12 this year We offer students the freedom and independence of an open campus. We conduct no state testing. We offer unique, interesting, and challenging classes. We offer many fine arts, sports, and club experiences. Students are here because they want to be and because they want to learn. We do not discriminate based on race, gender, identity, disability or family income.


Where is Uni? We are on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus, but any student whose parent(s) or guardian(s) will be living in Illinois during the school year can apply. You don't have to live in Champaign or Urbana.

What makes Uni different? As a laboratory school, we are exempt from state testing, so our curriculum is more flexible than in other public schools, We have an all-honors curriculum and our teachers are experts in their fields who decide what they will teach. This can change from year-to-year based on research, experience, student feedback, and experimentation.

Uni is a small school -- 306 students this year in grades 8-12 -- and our students have an open campus, which gives them a lot of freedom. Free periods are truly free and for the most part students can leave the building during lunch and free periods.

What are the fees? Keep in mind that we offer financial assistance for all fees for students with financial need, and anyone can set up a payment plan. There is a $30 initial application fee, approximately $1070-$ 1610 in student fees per year, and books/supplies are about $500 a year.

Who should apply? We love to see applications from passionate, creative risk-takers who have done reasonably well in school (everyone makes mistakes.) Sixth and seventh graders can apply for next year's 8th grade (subfreshman) class. Eighth through tenth graders can also apply as transfer students for a limited number of openings.

Uni students are motivated students who want to learn and are open to learning and exploring in many different ways. They will be able to handle the freedom and responsibility of an open campus, and they are flexible in their expectations of school.

Our students are often looking for non-traditional approaches, more independence, a smaller environment and a safe place to take risks.

We also understand that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, so we do accommodate 504 plans and Individual Education Plans, and offer extra help in math and writing for students who want it.

When should I apply? The application deadline for students applying for the Fall of 2020 is Feb. 26, 2020. The application is included in this packet.

What classes do you have? Check out our curriculum here (), but keep in mind that it's always changing.

What is the curriculum like? Uni has a non-AP, all-honors curriculum. While we require a certain number of credits in traditional high school subjects (), we also offer a changing array of electives. Classes range from traditional lecture and test-based classes to completely hands-on active learning classes. As a laboratory school, our one constant is that things change. In addition, some students may do independent study projects or take University of Illinois classes for college credit. We do not teach AP classes or give AP exams at Uni.

For one week in February, we have Agora Days, where all regularly scheduled classes are cancelled and we put together a schedule with a variety of classes taught by students, parents, teachers, alumni and community members.

What grades or scores do I need to get in? There is no magic formula for admission. Because we look at the whole application, there are no "cut-off" GPAs or test scores. You do not need straight As. Less than perfect grades or test scores will not keep a student out of Uni. If you don't participate in organized activities, that's fine with us. If you do, that's good too. If you've won awards - great. If you haven't - that's not a problem. A committee of teachers will look at your whole application and think carefully about if you would be a good fit for Uni High.

Our only regret is that we have limited physical space, and can only accept about 65 students each year. We typically have many more qualified students whom we would love to accept, but we just don't have room.

How do you make admissions decisions? Uni always tries to build a class of incoming students that is inclusive and represents the surrounding communities. We do not consider where you currently go to school, family relationships, or affiliation with the University of Illinois. A faculty committee looks at all of the applications, and an average of 65 students are invited to enroll. The admissions process is name-blind (the committee NEVER sees the applicants' names throughout the process.) The committee will consider the entire application - no one part is more important than any other part. So we'll look at your essays, previous grades, teacher recommendations, and the activities you enjoy. We try to invite students who are open to new experiences, are excited about learning, and who are flexible and likely to enjoy both traditional and non-traditional classes.

Please remember: Admissions decisions are final. There is no appeal process.

Do you have fine arts? Yes! Uni's Fine Arts programs include visual arts, theater, chorus, orchestra, madrigals, and jazz bands.

Do you have athletics? Yes! All of our sports have a "no cut" policy, so anyone can participate in any sport, even if they have never tried it before. Find out more about athletics here. ()

What extracurriculars are available? Any student at Uni can propose a club to Student Council at any time. As students graduate and new students begin, the variety of clubs changes. There are usually about 50 clubs () at any given time. We also have student government at every grade level and an elected Student-Faculty Advisory committee.

Do you offer college counseling? Nearly all of our students are interested in eventually attending college. Our college counselor is available to work with students and families to look at post-high-school options and help students choose the path that is right for them.

How do I find out more? Please attend one of our prospective student meetings for more information and to get answers to specific questions. Oct. 23, 6:30 p.m. Uni High South Attic, 1212 W. Springfield, Urbana Nov. 18, 6:30 p.m. Uni High South Attic, 1212 W. Springfield, Urbana Dec. 7, 1:30 p.m. Douglass Branch Library, 504 E Grove St, Champaign Jan. 11, 1:30 p.m., Urbana Free Library, 210 W. Green St., Urbana


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