Louisiana State University

2021 LSU Geology Camp Application Form Louisiana State University, State of LouisianaDepartment of Geology and Geophysics, E-235 Howe-Russell, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA 70803Applicants to Geology Camp can either be newly admitted to LSU or current LSU students. If you have not been admitted to LSU, please apply online through the LSU website (lsu.edu). Priority for admission is given to Geology and Petroleum Engineering majors, but any LSU student may apply.Name ________________________________________________________ Gender: F M Date of Birth_______________LSU ID # (if none, leave blank) ____________ Nation of Citizenship ______________________________________Mailing Address:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________E-mail Address: _____________________________________________Phone: _________________________________Name, e-mail address, and telephone number of Parent or Legal Guardian High School Information (fill out only if you have not previously attended college)High School Attended________________________________________________________________________________Name, Parish (County), and StateCumulative Grade Point Average: Date of Graduation:College/University InformationPlease provide information for all higher educational institutions attended (if applicable), including LSU.NameMajorDates of AttendanceCredits EarnedCumulative GPADegree AttainedList all courses (not listed on the transcript(s) you provide) you will have completed by May 2016.Why are you interested in attending the LSU Introductory Geology Field Camp?Describe your plans for college studies and the career plans to follow.List activities, organizations, leadership roles, honors, awards, community involvement, etc. in which you have participated or are currently participating. Include non-athletic competitions you have entered such as Science Fairs, Parish/County Fairs, and State Fairs.Please attach copies of academic transcript(s) and a copy of your ACT/SAT score report (if available).Please provide the names and contact information (telephone and e-mail) for three persons who have agreed to serve as references for you._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Reference letters are strongly recommended, but not required.I have read and understand this application form. All of the information provided on this form is complete and correct.Applicant Signature _____________________________________________________________, Date _________________Parent or Guardian Signature (for minors)_____________________________________________, Date _________________The information provided is used only as a basis for course admission and departmental financial aid/scholarship awards. It is otherwise held in confidence unless the applicant requests its release in writing.Mail completed and signed application by the application deadline to:Dr. Amy LutherDept. of Geology & GeophysicsE-235 Howe-RussellLouisiana State UniversityBaton Rouge, LA 70803 ................

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