University of Michigan-Flint

University of Michigan-Flint

Application for Dual Enrollment



Last Name (Legal)

First Name (Legal)


Middle (Full)

Previous last name(s), if any

Birth date (mm/dd/yy)

Social Security Number

Current Mailing Address (Number and Street)



Gender m Female Zip Code

m Male

Permanent Mailing Address (if different)



Zip Code

Mobile Phone




Home Phone




Email Address


m U.S. Citizen m Permanent Resident/Green Card m Noncitizen Country

Race/Ethnicity: Information is collected for state and federal reporting requirements, as well as for statistical purposes. It is not used in the admission process and will have no bearing on your admission status.

Please indicate whether you consider yourself to be Hispanic or Latino. m No, not Hispanic or Latino m Yes, Hispanic or Latino

In addition, select one or more of the following racial categories to describe yourself: m American Indian or Alaska Native m Asian m Black or African American m Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Parent Email Address

Parent Mobile Phone




Native Language m White


The University of Michigan-Flint offers four pathways through which students may pursue college level coursework while completing high school: Standard Dual Enrollment: Standard dual enrollment is an excellent opportunity for students from local schools looking to supplement their high school experience with more challenging, college-level courses. Dual Enrollment Educational Partnerships (DEEP): DEEP programs are cohort-style dual enrollment programs that range from 6-14 credit hours over an academic year. These programs are created in collaboration with a number of partnering school systems. Students must be enrolled at one of these partnering schools in order to participate in a DEEP program. A complete list of DEEP programs and schools can be found at Genesee Early College (GEC): The GEC is an intensive five year high school program that combines the best elements of the high school and early university experience. Students must presently be enrolled as a GEC high school student in order to dual enroll through this option. Grand Blanc Early College (GBEC): The GBEC is an intensive three year high school program that combines the best elements of the high school and early university experience. Students must work with their high school counselor to apply for this program.

Which of the dual enrollment types are you pursuing? m Standard m DEEP m GEC m GBEC

Anticipated date of enrollment (Enter year) m September - Fall 20______ m January - Winter 20______ m May - Spring 20______ m July - Summer 20______

ENROLLMENT INFORMATION (To be completed by Standard and DEEP applicants. Please complete one.)

Standard Dual Enrollment: Please list the courses you plan to take:

Will your school or the state of Michigan be assisting you with the cost of attendance? m Yes m No Dual Enrollment Educational Partnerships (DEEP):

Which Location?

Which Semesters (check all that apply)? m September - Fall 20______ m January - Winter 20______ m May - Spring 20______ m July - Summer 20______ Which Program?

Office of Admissions ? 303 E. Kearsley St. ? 245 University Pavilion ? Flint, MI 48502-1950 ? (810) 762-3300 ? Fax: (810) 762-3272 ?

Last updated: 11-21-14


List the most recent high school(s) attended. Official transcripts are to be forwarded to the UM-Flint Admissions Office by your guidance counselor.

High School

City, State

Attended from (mm/yy)

Attended to (mm/yy)

Graduation Year

For office use only

PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION (To be completed by public school officials.)

The school district identified below commits to provide financial support pursuant to state regulations in support of dual enrollment. Name of High School

High School Official Signature



Any balance not covered by the high school is the student's/parent's responsibility


Are you a Michigan resident? m Yes, since (month/year):

m No

If you have lived outside the state of Michigan in the last three years, please list the most recent state (or nation if outside the US) and approximate dates you lived there.

If any of the following circumstances listed below apply, you are required to file an Application for In-State Tuition if you wish to be considered for in-state tuition assessment.

? You live outside the State of Michigan for any purpose. ? You attended or graduated from a college outside the State of Michigan. ? You lived or worked outside the State of Michigan at any time within the last three years. ? You are not a U.S. citizen. ? Your spouse, partner, or parent is in Michigan as a nonresident student, medical resident, fellow or for military assignment or other temporary employment. ? You are 24 years of age or younger and a parent lives outside the State of Michigan. ? You are 24 years of age or younger and attended or graduated from a high school outside the state of Michigan. ? You attended or graduated from an out-of-state high school and have been involved in educational pursuits for the majority of time since high school graduation. ? You attended any University of Michigan campus (Ann Arbor, Dearborn, or Flint) as a nonresident.

Questions pertaining to your residency status can be answered by staff in the Residency Classification Office, University of Michigan Office of the Registrar, 1210 LSA Building, 500 South State Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1382, phone (734) 764-1400. To apply for in-state tuition classification visit


Have you ever been expelled, suspended, or placed on probation by any secondary school or college you attended for academic dishonesty or because of an offense that harmed or had the potential to harm others?

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense other than a minor traffic violation, or been found to be delinquent by a juvenile court, or are there such charges currently pending against you at this time?

m Yes m Yes

If you answered yes to either of the questions above, you must include a separate, detailed statement of explanation.

m No m No


By my signature, I certify that the answers I have given to all questions on this application are correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that falsification or omission of information or credentials may result in revocation of admission. I understand that I am responsible for following the University of Michigan-Flint's registration policies. If I fail to comply with the University's policies, I understand that I will be responsible for any charges that are incurred. Additionally, I understand my signature below authorizes the University of Michigan-Flint to release my academic information including, but not limited to grades, transcripts, enrollment, and attendance records to my current school or third party agencies, school district administrator(s), and intermediate school district (ISD) administrator(s) each term during my attendance as a student.

Student Signature (required)


My son/daughter has my approval to enroll as a dual enrolled student at the University of Michigan-Flint. I understand that I am responsible for payment of charges incurred by my child that

are not covered by the school district for all dual enrollment terms.

Parent Signature (required)



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