University of North Texas Health Science Center

University of North Texas Health Science Center

Graduate Council Meeting

February 14, 2008

RECORDING: Amanda Griffith MEETING TIME: 3:05 – 4:39 PM


PRESENT: Arafeh, Basu, Burgard, Berg, Downey, Forster, Grant, Kaman, Kim, Lee, Planz, Reeves, Schulz, Siede, and Singh

ABSENT: Cardarelli, Cruser, Forster, Franks, and Gwirtz,

|Topic/Agenda Item |Discussion/Conclusion |Action/Recommendation |Responsible Person(s) |

|Approval of December 2007 Meeting |Dr. Kaman moved to approve the December 2007 meeting minutes. Ms. Schulz seconded. |No action required. | |

|Minutes |Motion carried. | | |

|Fall 2008 Tracking |Ms. Lee provided the Fall 2008 application data. |No action required. | |

|Student Numbers Metrics |Dr. Vishwanatha discussed the institutional targets for student numbers. The target |Graduate Advisors and Chairs to meet. Target | |

| |for the GSBS is 268. Dr. Vishwanatha has discussed the need for more students with |numbers presented. | |

| |the Basic Science Chairs. The metrics also included target numbers for each | | |

| |department. | | |

|Application Review/ Acceptance |Ms. Lee discussed the procedures for students applying to more than one discipline |Graduate Advisor to discuss with their individual | |

|Timelines |and/or department. Each department has 2 weeks to decide to accept or deny a |departments and to review deadlines at future | |

| |student. After the 2-week deadline has passed, the student will be notified of all |Graduate Council meeting. | |

| |decisions submitted to the Admissions Office. The Admissions Office will not wait | | |

| |for delinquent decisions from the departments. Each department will communicate | | |

| |directly with the student and the Admissions Office of any delay in decisions. | | |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Vishwanatha agreed to reconsider application deadlines at the next Graduate | | |

| |Council meeting. | | |

|SCORE Program |Dr. Reeves presented the summary of stipends and funds for departments supported by |Graduate Advisors to relay information to | |

| |NSF Project SCORE 2002-2008. This year Project SCORE will fund 4 students and the |respective departments. | |

| |GSBS will provide the support for the other 4. Dr. Reeves encouraged each department| | |

| |to provide 1 student from their department to receive the GSBS support. The | | |

| |application deadline for applying for Project SCORE is March 3, 2008. Decisions will| | |

| |be made by March 14, 2008. | | |

|Topic/Agenda Item |Discussion/Conclusion |Action/Recommendation |Responsible Person(s) |

|Faculty Appointments |Dr. Siede moved to reappoint Rustin Reeves, PhD to Category III graduate faculty |Notify Dr. Reeeves |[Ms. Griffith] |

| |membership. Dr. Kaman seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Downey moved to appoint Donald E. Watenpaugh, Ph.D. for temporary graduate |Notify Dr. Watenpaugh |[Ms. Griffith] |

| |faculty membership. Dr. Singh seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Course Inventory |Dr. Siede moved to approve CGEN DNA Repair and Mutagenesis – Selected Topics. Dr. |Ms. Lee to update Course Inventory and catalog. |[Ms. Lee] |

| |Kaman seconded. Motion carried. | | |

|Summer Programs |Dr. Kaman presented an overview of the summer programs. He requested that each |Faculty to update research profiles. | |

| |faculty member update their on-line research profiles so that students will be able | | |

| |to select labs based on research interest. Dr. Kaman reminded the Council that | | |

| |summer students only have class for 2 hours each week. All other time should be | | |

| |spent in labs. | | |

|GSA Update |Ms. Schulz informed the Council that the science fair had been canceled due to a lack|No action required. | |

| |of participation from the high schools. The GSA is participating in the American | | |

| |Cancer Society Relay for Life and have currently raised over $2,000. The GSA | | |

| |officers are reviewing and updating the GSA bylaws. | | |

|Library Update |Mr. Burgard advised the Council that the library, along with the GSBS office, is |No action required. | |

| |currently working to develop the capability for the electronic submission of | | |

| |theses/dissertations. A Pub Med central database has been established for NIH funded| | |

| |research. A Faculty Development Center is being created on the 4th floor of the | | |

| |library. UNTHSC is currently participating on i-tunes University. | | |

|Announcements |Dr. Kaman reminded the Council that the GSBS bylaws were being revised and that all |No action required. | |

| |faculty need to review the changes and vote. | | |

| | | | |

| |The next Graduate Council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 13, 2008 at 3:00 | | |

| |PM in EAD-810. | | |


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