The Ohio state University

Interview Guide

|Applicant Name: | |

|Interview Date: | |

|Phone # and/or Meeting Room: | |

“Ice Breaker”

Before we get started, can you share with us what it was about this opportunity that prompted you to apply and how do you feel you can most contribute to this position based on the information we have shared thus far?


Results Orientation

1) Have the jobs you held in the past required little attention, moderate attention, or a great deal of attention to detail?  Give me an example of a situation that illustrates this requirement.


2) Do prefer to work with the "big picture" or the "details" of a situation?  Give me an example of an experience that illustrates your preference.


Decision Making Skills

3) Everyone has made some poor decisions or done something that just did not turn out right.  Has this happened to you?  What happened?


4) Summarize a situation where you had to seek out relevant information, define key issues and determine the steps to take to get a desired result.


Change Management

5) What do you do when priorities change quickly? Give one example of when this happened.


6) Describe a time when you came up with a creative solution/idea/project/report to a work problem you had been dealing with for some time.

a. What was the problem?

b. How did you propose to solve the problem?

c. Did you encounter any roadblocks when you shared your idea with others?

d. What was the result?


Organizational Skills

7) Give me an example of a project that best describes your organizational skills.


8) How do you decide what gets top priority when scheduling your time?


Customer Orientation

9) How do you go about establishing rapport with a customer? What have you done to gain their confidence? Give an example.


Personal Accountability

10) Tell me about a time when you assumed personal accountability for a situation or event because you realized the role you played in the situation or event?


Resume Specific Question/Additional Job-Related Notes/Feedback:



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