International Mobility and GEO

Faculty-led Program Proposal Form School/College of Click or tap here to enter text. and Global Education OregonFaculty-led Program Proposal FormThe Dean of [[S/C name]], in collaboration with Global Education Oregon, UO’s study abroad office in the Division of Global Engagement, invites faculty to propose a faculty-led study abroad program by completing this form. Proposals will be reviewed and final selections made by the Dean of [[SC name]] (or designee) and GEO. All programs must operate in accordance with the policies of the University Senate Study Abroad Programs Committee (SAPC).PROPOSAL SUBMISSION: Submit to GEO and [[Dean or designee, TBD]] no later than:1 March, 2020 – Summer and Fall 2021 programs 1 November, 2020 – Winter and Spring 2022 programs Please submit all required documents to: geoinfo@uoregon.eduAdditional resources may be found on the following GEO webpage: APPROVAL: GEO and [[Dean or designee, TBD]] will make final selections by:15 April, 2020 - Summer and Fall 2021 programs1 December, 2020 – Winter and Spring 2022 programs Once programs are approved, a GEO Program Coordinator will be assigned to coordinate with [[Dean or designee, TBD]] and faculty leader on details of program development.I. PROPOSED PROGRAMProgram theme/title: Click or tap here to enter text.Brief description of program: Click or tap here to enter text.Home department (s): Click or tap here to enter text.Proposed academic term: Click or tap here to enter text.Proposed dates of program (include student arrival and departure dates): Click or tap here to enter text..Program location (dedicated GEO Centers and designated GEO sites preferred; see “International Mobility and GEO” matrix at end of this document): Click or tap here to enter text. If the program location(s) will not be at a GEO site, please provide information about the proposed location, in-country contacts and any services which may be provided by known vendors or providers: Click or tap here to enter text.II. ACADEMIC VALUE OF PROGRAMBrief statement of vision for how this program helps students progress through their academic experience (degree progress, core ed, other student success): Click or tap here to enter text.Briefly describe the program learning objectives (beyond the learning objectives of individual course/s): Click or tap here to enter text.Briefly describe any departmental initiatives this program supports: Click or tap here to enter text.In what ways will you maximize the use of the overseas location to support the learning objectives of this program? Click or tap here to enter text.III. PROPOSED CURRICULUMFaculty leaders typically teach one or two courses, with other courses taught by local instructors approved by home unit Dean and GEO. For all courses to be taught by UO faculty (typically 1-2):Attach complete syllabus, with full consideration of elements below, using GEO syllabus template (see Resources for Faculty Led Program Development on GEO website). Programs with incomplete syllabi will be deferred for consideration in next annual program cycle. Course title: Click or tap here to enter text.Relevance/value in home dept: Click or tap here to enter text.Pre-approved for which home dept degree requirement (attribute): Click or tap here to enter text.Relevance/value in other depts: Click or tap here to enter text.Proposed core (gen) ed requirement(s) fulfilled: Click or tap here to enter text.Contact hours: Click or tap here to enter text.Course level (100-400*): Click or tap here to enter text.*Note: 400/500 level courses may be developed to accommodate graduate students.Language of instruction: Click or tap here to enter text.List all proposed excursions relevant to this course: Click or tap here to enter text.List specialized classroom, labs or studio space requested: Click or tap here to enter text.List proposed number and topics of guest lecturers (recognizing budget limits total number): Click or tap here to enter text.Additional details (local contacts, other program activities, etc.): Click or tap here to enter text.For all courses to be taught by local instructors with approval by home unit Dean and GEO (typically 1-2). If you are not able to propose local instructors and courses, GEO will work with your Dean to develop these courses:Attach course outline, with full consideration of elements below, using GEO syllabus template (see Resources for Faculty Leaders on GEO website).Course title: Click or tap here to enter text.Relevance/value in UO home dept: Click or tap here to enter text.Pre-approved for which home dept degree requirement (attribute): Click or tap here to enter text.Relevance/value in other depts: Click or tap here to enter text.Core (gen) ed requirement(s) fulfilled: Click or tap here to enter text.Contact hours: Click or tap here to enter text.Course level (100-400*): Click or tap here to enter text.*Note: 400/500 level courses may be developed to accommodate graduate students.Language of instruction: Click or tap here to enter text.List all proposed excursions relevant to this course: Click or tap here to enter text.List specialized classroom, labs or studio space requested: Click or tap here to enter text.Additional details (local contacts, other program activities, etc.): Click or tap here to enter text.Local language instruction (If the program will be in a non-English speaking country, a language course may be required.) If you are not able to complete this section, GEO will work with your Dean to develop a language component for program.Preferred local language: Click or tap here to enter text.Preferred level of instruction: Click or tap here to enter text.Any language for a specialized purposed (e.g., language for a particular academic discipline): Click or tap here to enter text.Non-course related excursion (typically not more than one per program):Excursion description: Click or tap here to enter text.Academic value of excursion: Click or tap here to enter text.Why this excursion not linked to course(s): Click or tap here to enter text.Does this program have an internship component? Yes ? No ? If yes, please explain: Click or tap here to enter text.IV. DAILY PROGRAM ITINERARYWe invite faculty to offer suggestions?for a?daily?weekly?program?itinerary,?including dates and locations?when?multiple?destinations and/or overnight flied trips are included. These should be included in the syllabus submitted with this proposal. Actual program itinerary will be finalized by GEO by 15 June (summer/fall programs) or 15 January (winter/spring programs) based on details provided by faculty member in program proposal and in light of budgetary, logistical, and safety/health/risk considerations. GEO will consult with faculty member as program itinerary is finalized. Dean or Dean’s designee will approve final itinerary by 15 June/15 January. No changes possible after final approval of itinerary.V. STUDENT ENROLLMENTMinimum enrollment is set by GEO in light of program costs and program price on August 1 (summer and fall programs) or April 1 (winter or spring programs) the year prior to the program.While we are open to faculty program enrollment level preferences, final minima and maxima are budgetary issues, set by GEO.Preferences for enrollment minimum or maximum: Click or tap here to enter text.GEO does not run programs that fall below budget-minimum enrollment, and, three weeks after the application deadline, cancels all programs below minimum enrollment. Program recruitment is a joint responsibility of the home department, school/college, faculty leader, and GEO. Faculty Leaders, their academic departments and colleges/schools, hold unique responsibility for program promotion within their home departments, as well as to their professional networks on and off campus. GEO will collaborate with colleges, departments and faculty to develop website materials, digital and print collateral, social media content and outreach events on campus and within its institutional network. All programs are assumed to be open to GEO’s national partner network of universities. Closed UO programs require approval of faculty member’s Dean, Dean of Global Engagement, and GEO leadership. Rationale for requesting a closed UO program: Click or tap here to enter text.Student Selection: by what criteria will participants be selected? Click or tap here to enter text.Minimum cumulative GPA (if other than 2.50): Click or tap here to enter text.Minimum university standing (sophomore, junior, etc.): Click or tap here to enter text.Minimum language requirement, including the language: Click or tap here to enter text.Pre-requisite course(s) required: Click or tap here to enter text.Additional requirements: Click or tap here to enter text.Accessibility and inclusion: What efforts will be made to make this program inclusive or equally accessible to students of color, low-income students, students with disabilities, LGBTQ students, and students from other groups underrepresented in study abroad programs? Please address the accessibility of this program for students in the underrepresented groups above: Click or tap here to enter text.VI. POSSIBLE FACULTY LEADERS List the name of the primary faculty who will run the program in the current proposal cycle as well as faculty who are willing to run this program, in a rotation, in subsequent cycles. Preference will be given to programs with a viable faculty rotation plan over multiple cycles.NOTE: Faculty who propose programs agree to: all duties and responsibilities detailed in the GEO Faculty Handbook; the duties, responsibilities, and standards of conduct that apply while employed on the UO campus; and act in compliance with anti-discrimination, mandatory reporting FERPA student privacy laws. See Faculty-led Program Provisions, Conditions, and Final Agreement, for full faculty leader responsibilities.Faculty proposing program in current proposal cycle: please complete the details below. Name(s): Click or tap here to enter text.Current Position(s): Click or tap here to enter text.Departments: Click or tap here to enter text.Email: Click or tap here to enter text.Describe relevant background(s), international experience, experience leading student groups. Please attach CV(s) to this proposal. Click or tap here to enter text.Describe any direct experience at the program site and with local contacts: Click or tap here to enter text.Relevant languages spoken and proficiency: Click or tap here to enter text.Current first aid, CPR, mental health, counseling, or related certification: Click or tap here to enter text.Potential Faculty who will participate in rotation plan (note that all programs, including those that have run in previous years, must be submitted each year for renewal by the relevant proposal submission deadline).: Click or tap here to enter text.VII. ENDORSEMENTS Faculty Member Submits Proposal by (1 March/1 November): ______________________________________________________________________________________Printed NameTitle______________________________________________________________________________________SignatureDateDepartment Chair Approves Proposal Submission (by 1 March/1 November): ______________________________________________________________________________________Printed NameTitle______________________________________________________________________________________SignatureDateInternational Mobility and GEO Understanding Your Programming Options for Global, Experiential LearningDedicated GEO CentersDesignated GEO SitesOther GEO PartnersLocations GEO Centers in London, Siena, Segovia, Oviedo Accra, Fes, Vienna, Querétaro, Dublin, AthensOther locations in Asia, Africa, Europe, Middle East and the AmericasWorks exclusively with GEO; deep understanding of institutional needs and student expectationsXPermanent on-site staffXXOn-site facility with classrooms, lounge and other amenities XVariesVariesLocal instructors available XXVaries10-year + relationship with UOXXLongstanding relationships with homestay families XVariesVariety of housing optionsXXXQualified local instructors; Guest speakersXXXProgram assistants availableXXXExcursion planning and facilitationXXX24/7 emergency management XXX ................

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