Penn India Research and Engagement Fund (Penn IREF)

PROJECT INFORMATIONProject Title:Reporting Period: Total Project Budget:Total Spending to Date: Principal Investigator:Co-Principal Investigator(s):Primary Point of Contact: Email Address:Phone Number:University Department/School:Business Administrator (BA): BA Email:BA Phone Number:Project-specific defined Budget segments (Please list CNAC, ORG & CREF):COLLABORATIONSPlease list all of the partners (academic/corporate/governmental/private) with whom you have worked in the last reporting period. Briefly indicate the nature of your collaboration, i.e., research/training/course development. Partners at Penn.Please list all of the partners with whom you have worked that are located at Penn, and indicate the nature of your collaboration.Partners in India.Please list all of the partners in India with whom you have worked, and indicate the nature of your collaboration.Other Partners.Please list all other partners with whom you have worked, and indicate the nature of your collaboration.SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT (KEY OBJECTIVES AND DELIVERABLES ACHIEVED)In the space below, please provide a high-level summary of your project, highlighting any changes that have occurred within the last reporting period. Please also list and briefly describe the key objectives and outcomes achieved as a result of your project. Principal investigators are encouraged to submit their deliverables as an attachment. (Deliverables can include reports, PowerPoints, photos, event programs, etc.) Please note that, if not provided, Penn Global may request copies of the deliverables.ASSESSMENT OF IMPACTIn the space provided on the next page, please specify and explain the impact of your project. Use a variety of metrics to evaluate the impact of your project. The criteria below serve as a guideline to structure your assessment of impact, but you are welcome to include additional dimensions of impact as you see fit. To the best extent possible, please quantify the impact of your project. Knowledge creation:How does your project advance developments of your discipline (i.e., bring new perspectives, generate research breakthroughs, publications in top academic journals, etc.)? Does your project generate interdisciplinary impact that facilitates further research inquiries in other fields? How does your project create learning opportunities for the Penn community (i.e., development of new courses, research/exchange opportunities for Penn students, collaboration opportunities for more Penn faculty members, etc.)? How does your project create opportunities for sustainable knowledge generation (i.e., lay the groundwork for research on larger scales, different themes, etc.)?How does your project contribute to the understanding of India’s overall development, and in what ways are the findings of your project applicable to issues on a larger, global scale? Influence-building:How does your project generate more awareness/presence of Penn in your discipline (i.e., collaborative research with key partners or opinion leaders; events that enable exchange among academic communities; building research networks for further collaborations in the field, etc.)?How does your project generate more awareness/presence of Penn in India (i.e., recognition and requests for further collaborations from the Indian academic/professional communities; awareness among Indian public and Indian governments; coverage by Indian media, etc.)? How does your project foster Penn’s relationships with key stakeholders in India (i.e., top Indian universities, hospitals, think-tanks, opinion leaders, Indian governments, etc.)? In what capacity does your project help policy planning/policy development in India?How does your project create platforms for more sustainable, long-term engagement in India? Sustainability: How does your project help advance your local partners’ academic/professional knowledge and capabilities (i.e., through clinical training, research exchanges with Penn, etc.)?How does your project create direct impact on local communities relevant to your project (i.e., improving healthy well-being/quality of life, etc.)? ASSESSMENT OF IMPACTTIMELINE OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE NEXT REPORTING PERIODProvide a timeline of activities for the next reporting period, outlining key activities and deliverables. (If known, please include as much information as possible, such as dates, facility requests, guests lists, etc.) Please also indicate if any changes have been made which will impact the scope of your project in the coming months.CHALLENGES AND FEEDBACK In the following space, please identify any challenges (i.e., financial, regulatory, collaboration, etc.) that your team has faced during this last reporting period. Please also share your feedback regarding various aspects of Penn India Research & Engagement Fund, if you might have any.Challenges: Feedback: ................

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