2021-2022 Custom and Aggregate Verification

2021-2022 Custom and Aggregate Verification

Your FAFSA application has been selected for Verification. This means the U.S. Department of Education has requested additional documentation to confirm your eligibility for federal financial aid.

Identity and Statement of Educational Purpose (To be Signed at the Institution)

You must appear in person at a local University of Phoenix location to verify your identity by presenting a valid unexpired government-issued photo identification (ID), such as, but not limited to, a driver's license, other state-issued ID, or passport. The University of Phoenix will maintain a copy of your photo ID that is annotated by the institution with the date it was received and reviewed, and the name of the official at the institution authorized to receive and review the student's ID.

In addition, you must sign, in the presence of the institutional official, the Statement of Educational Purpose provided below.

If you are unable to appear in person at local University of Phoenix location to verify your identity, you must provide to the institution:

(a) A copy of the unexpired valid government-issued photo identification (ID) that is acknowledged in the notary statement below or that is presented to a notary, such as, but not limited to, a driver's license, other state-issued ID, or passport; and

(b) The original Statement of Educational Purpose, provided below, must be notarized. If the notary statement appears on a separate page than the Statement of Educational Purpose, there must be a clear indication that the Statement of Educational Purpose was the document notarized.

Mail the original completed form, signed by the notary and a legible copy of your governmentissued photo identification to:

Student Financial Services - Operations Mail Stop CF-L501 4035 S. Riverpoint Parkway Phoenix, AZ 85040-0723

Submit documentation of high school completion or equivalency. High school completion documentation may be submitted electronically by uploading to your student website. Acceptable documentation includes the


High school diploma-- ? High school diploma; or

? Final high school transcript that shows the date a high school diploma was awarded

Recognized equivalent of a high school diploma-- ? General Educational Development (GED) Certificate

? State certificate received by a student after the completion of a State authorized examination that the State recognizes as the equivalent of a high school diploma

? Completed homeschooling at the secondary level in a state that confers high school diplomas

? Secondary school leaving certificate from a foreign country or other similar document

Two year degree program-- ? Academic transcript indicating successful completion of a two year degree program that is acceptable for full credit towards a University of Phoenix Bachelor's degree program

SFS-O cc: Student File


V2.0 03/23/2021

2021-2022 Statement of Educational Purpose

and Identity Confirmation

Option 1: To Be Signed at the University of Phoenix

Legal Name (print or type) Last



Student IRN

Your FAFSA application has been selected for Verification. This means the U.S. Department of Education has requested additional documentation to confirm your eligibility for federal financial aid.

You must appear and sign this form in person at a University of Phoenix location and present valid government-issued photo identification, such as, but not limited to, a driver's license, other state-issued ID, or passport to an authorized individual, or designee. We are unable to accept military ID as identification as photocopying the ID is a violation of Title 18, U.S. Code Part I, Chapter 33, Section 701 and punishable by fine and imprisonment. The University of Phoenix will maintain a copy of your photo identification that is annotated with the date it was received and the name of the official at the University authorized to collect the identification.

Statement of Educational Purpose

I certify that I __________________________ am the individual signing this Statement of Educational Purpose (Print Student's Name)

and that the federal student financial assistance I may receive will only be used for educational purposes and to pay the cost of attending the University of Phoenix for 2021-2022.

___________________________________________________ Student Signature

_________________________ Date

Identity Confirmation


I have confirmed the above student's identity and witnessed the signature of this form. I have printed my name and date on the copy of the government-issued photo identification and will submit this completed form and copy of the photo identification to Student Financial Services- Operations.

Type of government-issued photo ID provided and ID number: _________________________________ (Expired or military IDs not acceptable)

________________________________ _______________________________ ___________________


Printed Name




V2 03/23/2021

2021-2022 Statement of Educational Purpose

and Identity Confirmation

Option 2: To Be Signed with a Notary

Legal Name (print or type) Last



Student IRN

Your FAFSA application has been selected for Verification. This means the U.S. Department of Education has requested additional documentation to confirm your eligibility for federal financial aid.

If unable to appear in person at a University of Phoenix location, you must present this form and valid government-issued photo identification, such as, but not limited to, a driver's license, other state-issued ID, or passport to a Notary. We are unable to accept military ID as identification as photocopying the ID is a violation of Title 18, U.S. Code Part I, Chapter 33, Section 701 and punishable by fine and imprisonment.

Statement of Educational Purpose

I certify that I __________________________ am the individual signing this Statement of Educational Purpose (Print Student's Name)

and that the federal student financial assistance I may receive will only be used for educational purposes and to pay the cost of attending the University of Phoenix for 2021-2022.

___________________________________________________ Student Signature

Identity Confirmation

_________________________ Date


STATE OF _______ CITY/COUNTY OF _________________________ On ______ day of____________, 20_____,

before me_________________________, personally appeared ______________________________, and provided me

(Notary's name)

(Printed name of signer)

on basis of satisfactory evidence of identification _______________________________________________________

Type of unexpired ID and ID number

Expired or military IDs not acceptable

to be the above-named person who signed the foregoing instrument.

WITNESS my hand and official seal (seal)

___________________________ Notary Signature

_______________________ My Commission Expires

Mail the original completed form, signed by the notary and a legible copy of your government-issued photo identification to:

Student Financial Services - Operations Mail Stop CF-L501 4035 S. Riverpoint Parkway Phoenix, AZ 85040-0723



V2 03/23/2021


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