Admission Guide for International Students

Graduate Scholarship

for Excellent Foreign Students

(GSFS Program)

- 2007 Spring -

Seoul National University

Contact Addresses

Gwanak Campus

San 56-1, Sillim-Dong, Gwanak-Gu, Seoul 151-742, Korea

Tel: +82 2 880 5114 Fax: +82 2 885 5272

Yongon Campus

28 Yongon-Dong, Chongro-Gu, Seoul 110-799, Korea

Tel: +82 2 740 8114 Fax: +82 2 742 5947

Admissions and Inquires to:

Office of International Affairs

San 56-1, Sillim-Dong, Gwanak-Gu, Seoul 151-742, Korea

Tel: +82 2 880-8637 Fax: +82 2 880 8632



Graduate Scholarship for Excellent Foreign Students(GSFS) Program

Seoul National University History …………………………………………….1

Seoul National University Vision and Mission………………………………1

GSFS at SNU………………………………………………………………………2

GSFS Admissions Information

Eligible University List ……….…………………………………………………5

Admission Eligibility and Requirements …………………………….………6

Master’s Program Applicants

Doctoral Program Applicants

Application Instructions …………………………………………………...……7 Application Timeline ………………………………………………………..…...8

Important Notes for All Applicants ……………………………..……….…....8

Submitting Your Application ………………………………………….…..……9

General Information

Korean Language Program……………………………………….………...…10


Medical Insurance…………..……………………………………….……….....10

Service Facilities……………..……………………………………….…………11

Visa Issuance………………..……………………………………….……….....11

Certificate of Alien Registration…………………………………….………..11

Immigration Office…………..……………………………………….………....11

Transportation from the Airport…………………………………….………..12

Public Transportation………..……………………………………….………..12

Telephone Service…………..……………………………………….………....14

Climate ……………………..……………………………………….………...….14


Campus Map…………………..……………………………………….………..15

Appendix : Programs Offered for Admission ……………………….……16

Seoul National University History

Seoul National University has achieved a great deal in its sixty-year history. As an indisputable leader of higher education in Korea, it is known for its high caliber students and faculty. The University has earned this distinction by maintaining a high standard of instruction and research.

The founding of Seoul National University in 1946 marked the opening of the first national university in modern Korean history. Originally, the university was composed of one graduate school and nine colleges, with 491 faculty members and 4,500 students. The years between 1950 and 1960 marked an era of expansion for the university, with the addition of six colleges, three professional graduate schools and eleven research institutes.

Today, the university comprises of 16 colleges, 5 professional graduate schools, 64 research institutes and 28 supporting facilities distributed over two campuses.

The main campus of the university, called Gwanak, is located on the southern part of the city of Seoul. It accommodates 3 graduate schools, 13 colleges, 28 research institutes, main administrative building and other supporting facilities, and is located at the foot of the magnificent Gwanak Mountains with an area of 4.3 square kilometers.

Yeongeon, known as the medical campus, is located in downtown Seoul. It includes the College of Medicine, the College of Dentistry, the College of Nursing, the Graduate School of Public Health, the University Hospital, as well as other research institutes and organizations related to medical sciences. The University Hospital is nationally recognized as the most advanced medical services provider in Korea.

The Experimental Farms of Agriculture and Life Science College are located on the Suwon Campus in the city of Suwon in GyeongGi Province, which is about 40 km away from south of Seoul.

SNU offers its students outstanding educational, research, cultural, and recreational opportunities. There are also a wide variety of cultural and entertainment options in the college town of Gwanak and in the city of Seoul.

SNU has a student enrollment of approximately 21,000 at the undergraduate level and 10,000 at the graduate level. With a faculty of 1,784, the faculty-to-student ratio is approximately 1:17. Over 249,000 SNU alumni play a leading role in every sector of the Korean society.

Seoul National University Vision and Mission

The academic program is designed to provide students with a sound understanding of humankind and the world, to educate them with a broad perspective of both natural and social phenomena, and to foster a creative and intellectual mind through a systematic approach to learning.

Seoul National University strives to prepare individuals for continuous professional and personal growth, and to enable them to make significant contributions to the society in this rapidly changing world. By enhancing its liberal education and maintaining a strong focus on research, SNU continues to build upon its standing as an internationally recognized academic institution.

First, the university undertakes creative research activities that will enhance academic strength both in theoretical and applied sciences. To generate the kind of cooperation necessary to achieve major technological breakthroughs, the university will actively promote organic links with both industry and the government.

Second, SNU concentrates on investing in the development of a highly professional graduate school that will conduct in-depth research.

Third, to promote globalization, the university focuses on joint research activities with international institutions, and increases academic exchanges with leading universities of the world. Our objectives are not only to pursue the latest international academic trends, but also to contribute to the progress of the history of humankind.

Finally, the university assists in the eventual settlement of peace on the Korean Peninsula by providing both a professional and a functional basis for national unification. With the ideal of liberal education and progressive visions for the twenty-first century, Seoul National University continues to take a leading position as the most prestigious, research-oriented and global academic institution in Korea.

Graduate Scholarship for

Excellent Foreign Students(GSFS) at SNU

This prospectus aims to provide you with the essential information necessary for you to make the important decision of embarking on a Graduate Scholarship for Excellent Foreign Students (GSFS) at Seoul National University. As SNU strives to share both cultural and advanced academic knowledge with international students through joint research, this Graduate Scholarship for Foreign Students is offered to graduates from select universities in East, Southeast, and Central Asia to help them achieve their dream of continuing graduate studies at an internationally renowned university. (Please see page 5 for a list of eligible universities.)

Studying at SNU requires dedication and diligence but it also offers many rewards including opportunities to meet life-long friends, enjoy new cultural experiences, and develop self confidence and skills which will help you throughout your life. We hope that you will decide that SNU is the right place for you. We invite you to join us in our distinguished history, exciting present, and bright future.

|College |Selection Numbers |Tuition |Duration |

|Humanities |3 |Tuition waived |2 academic years |

| | | |(4 semesters) |

|Natural Sciences |15 | | |

|Business Administration |5 | | |

|Engineering |12 | | |

|Agriculture & Life Sciences |16 | | |

|Law |4 | | |

|Education |2 | | |

|Human Ecology |1 | | |

|Veterinary Medicine |3 | | |

|Pharmacy |20 | | |

|International Studies |10 | | |

|Total |91 | | |

|College |Department/Faculties |Major |Stipend |Duration |

|Humanities |Korean History | |None |

| |Linguistics |Phonetics |M/D : 1,200,000 won |2.5years |

| | | |Must participate in projects | |

|Natural Sciences |Mathematical Science | |M : 500,000 won |2 years |

| | | |D : 900,000won | |

| |Chemistry | |None |

| |Earth & Environmental Sciences | |M/D : 600,000 won |2 years |

| |Interdisciplinary Programs |Nanoscience & Technology |M/D : 800,000 won |M: 2 years |

| | | | |D: 3 years |

| |Biological Sciences | |M/D : 800,000 won |Full |

| | | |(Married 900,000 won) | |

|Business |Business Administration | |None |

|Administration | | | |

|Engineering |Architecture | |None |

| |Electrical Engineering and |Electrical Engineering |M: 600,000won |2 years |

| |Computer Science(*) | | | |

| |Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering| |M/D : 600,000 won |2 years |

| |Energy Systems Science and | |M : 400,000 won |Full |

| |Engineering | |D : 600,000won | |

|Agriculture & Life |Plant Sciences |Corp Science & Biotechnology |M/D : 600,000 won |2 years |

|Sciences | | | | |

| | |Horticultural Science | |3 years |

| |Forest Sciences |Forest Environment Science | |2 years |

| | |Environmental Material | | |

| | |Science | | |

| |Agricultural Biotechnology |Food Science and | |2 years |

| | |Biotechnology | | |

| | |Animal Science and |M : 400,000 won |M: 2 years |

| | |Biotechnology |D : 600,000won |D: 3 years |

| |Biosystems & Biomaterials Science | |M/D : 600,000 won |2 years |

| |and Engineering | | | |

| |Agricultural & Vocational | |M/D : 600,000 won |2 years |

| |Education | | | |

|Law |Law | |None |

|Education |Social Studies Education |History |None |

|Human Ecology |Food and Nutrition | |None |

|Veterinary Medicine|Veterinary Medicine |Laboratory Animal Medicine |M : 500,000 won |M: 2 years |

| | | |D : 900,000 won |D: 4 years |

| | | | | |

| | |Environment Hygene |M/D : 600,000 won |M: 2 years |

| | | | |D: 3 years |

|Pharmacy |Pharmacy | |M/D : 600,000 won |Full |

| |Manufacturing Pharmacy | | | |

|International |International Studies | |None |

|Studies | | | |

※ M : Maters’ Program / D : Doctoral Program (*) Masters’ program Only

Please refer to page 21 to view Appendix

Admissions decisions are based on the candidate’s academic achievements and potential, as well as his or her personal accomplishments.

The admissions committee reviews a number of factors – records of past studies (such as grade point average or GPA), study plan, personal statement, and letters of recommendation. Other achievement records and specific qualifications such as language proficiency are also taken into consideration. The candidate’s application is reviewed in the context of the level of studies completed, quality of achievement, and characteristics of institutions attended. Finally, the appropriateness of the applicant’s academic goals and suitability of preparation for the proposed program of studies are assessed.

Interviews, examinations, and/or additional documents may be required from the applicant, based on the policy of the specific college or department to which the applicant is applying. The applicant will be notified individually.

Successful applicants have the option of residing on campus at the Gwanak-sa dormitory. (Please see details on page 10.)

The OIA will provide GSFS students with the following additional assistance:

1) Certificate of Admission and Information Guide

2) Registration Management

Eligible University List

|Country |University |

|Nepal |Tribhuvan University |

|Malaysia |University of Malaya, Technological University of Malaysia(UTM), Science University of Malaysia(USM), |

| |Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia SABAH |

|Mongolia |National University of Mongolia, Monglian Technical University, Ulaanbaatar University |

|Vietnam |Vietnam National University of Hanoi, Vietnam National University of Ho Chi Mihn, |

| |Hanoi University of Education, Hanoi Law University, Hanoi Construction University, Research Institute of |

| |Architecture, Thai Nguyen University, University of Cantho, |

| |College of Agriculture and Forestry, Forest University of Vietnam, |

| |University of Agriculture and Forestry of Hochiminh city, Non Lam University, |

| |Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Hanoi Open University, Hanoi University of Pharmacy |

|Laos |National University of Laos |

|Myanmar |University of Forestry in Myanmar, Institute of Forestry, Forest Research Institute |

|Cambodia |Royal University of Agriculture |

|Bangladesh |Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology |

|Pakistan |National University of Science and Technology |

|India |Mangalore University, Bilrla Institute of Technology & Science, Jawaharlal Nehru University |

| |IIT Madras, Delhi, Bombay, Kanpur, Rookee, Kharagpur, University of Pune, |

| |University of Mumbai(University of Bombay), Ch.Charan Singh University, |

| |Indian Agricultural Research Institute, CCS Haryana Agricultural University |

|Indonesia |University of Indonesia, Bandung Institute of Technology |

| |Bogor Agricultural University, Universita Gadjah Mada |

|Uzbekistan |ISTEDOD Foundation, Taskent State Agrarian University, |

|Kazakhstan |Korean Embassy, Korean Education Center, Kazak State University of Agriculture |

|Kyrgyzstan |Korean Embassy, Korean Education Center, Kyrgyz State National University |

|Philippines |University of Philippines, University of Santo Tomas,, Ateneo de Manila University, University of the |

| |Phillippines Diliman, University of Phillippines at Los Banos |

|Thailand |Thmmasat University, Chulalongkorn University, Mahidol University, |

| |Suranaree University of Technology, Kasetsart University |

Admissions Eligibility and Requirements

• Eligibility requirements for each category of candidates are explained in the following pages. All requirements must be met before enrollment, not necessarily at the time of application.

• Submitted documents become the property of SNU and will not be returned to the applicants.

Documents that are not in English or Korean must be accompanied by an English or Korean notarized translation. Please submit the original documents as well.

• International applicants with unusual cases and individual circumstances may be given special consideration.

Master's Program Applicants

Eligibility for Application

• Applicants must meet all of the following requirements:

• Common Requirements

1) He or she holds a Bachelor’s degree; 2) He or she is not a citizen of Korea; 3) His or her parents are not citizens of Korea; 4) A letter of Recommendation from the university the applicants are currently attending in his/her country

Required Documents

1. One completed Application Form (Form 1)

2. Study Plan and Personal Statement (Free style; in English or Korean)

3. A letter of Recommendation (Form2) from the university the applicants are currently attending in his/her country

4. Official documents:

• Official Undergraduate Studies Transcript

• Notarized Certificate of a Bachelor's Degree

• Undergraduate School Graduation Certificate

5. A copy of the applicant's passport (or other official document indicating your nationality)

6. Copies of both parents' passports (or other official documents indicating parents' nationality)

7. Official document indicating parent-child relationship between the applicant and his/her parents

8. Optional materials

• Scores of language proficiency tests (Korean Proficiency Test, TOEFL, TEPS)

• Certificates of relevant work experiences, test scores and/or other achievements

Doctoral Program Applicants

Eligibility for Application

• Applicants must meet all of the following requirements:

• Common Requirements

1) He or she holds a Masters’ degree; 2) He or she is not a citizen of Korea; 3) His or her parents are not citizens of Korea; 4) A letter of Recommendation(Form2) from the university which the applicants are currently attending in his/her country

Required Documents

1. One completed Application Form (Form 1)

2. Study Plan and Personal Statement (in English or Korean)

3. A letter of Recommendation(Form2) from the university the applicants are currently attending in his/her country

4. Official documents:

• Official Graduate Studies Transcript

• Notarized Certificate of a Master's Degree

• Graduate School Graduation Certificate

5. A copy of the applicant's passport (or other official document indicating your nationality)

6. Copies of both parents' passports (or other official documents indicating parents' nationality)

7. Official document indicating parent-child relationship between the applicant and his/her parents

8. Optional materials

• Scores of language proficiency tests (Korean Proficiency Test, TOEFL, TEPS)

• Certificates of relevant work experiences, test scores and/or other achievements

Application Instructions

Please observe the following instructions before beginning your application.

Form 1: Application Form(SNU Form1)

• Form 1 contains your personal information. Please specify your desired area of study, using Appendix of this booklet as a reference.

Indicate the college or professional school and corresponding major.

Form 2: Recommendation(SNU Form2)

• A letter of recommendation from the university is required.

• Complete your part of this form and give it to the professor along with a stamped and addressed envelope. Be sure to give him or her adequate time to complete the forms before the application deadline. A recommendation should be sealed in an official envelope and signed across the back by the professor.

Study Plan & Personal Statement

• The Study Plan should state your academic goals and career aspirations. You may include questions that you hope to answer through your program of study and/or a timeline for how you plan to meet your objectives. It is advised that you review the requirements for the desired degree.

• We recommend that you discuss your academic goals with a professor prior to composing your study plan.

• This is an opportunity for you to convey information about yourself and your accomplishments that could not be adequately expressed through other portions of the application.

• Include family background, academic achievements, extracurricular commitments and accomplishments, volunteer work, employment experience, and your reasons for applying to SNU. You may even include personal interests such as music, art, sports, etc.

Transcripts, Graduation Certificates, Degree Certificates

• These documents detail your academic achievements and are required from every institution you attended in the past.

• Transcripts must provide a record of the courses you have taken in each year of study along with the final grades. If an institution cannot provide a year-by-year record, then the school official must at least provide us with a list of the disciplines you have studied (i.e. English, Biology, History, etc.) and a summary of your achievements in each.

• Please submit official transcripts issued directly by the institutions you have attended.  You must also submit official evidence of the conferrals of all degrees, diplomas, or professional titles showing the date of the conferrals (month and year).

Test Scores

• Standardized tests are optional for foreign students. Test scores, however, are helpful indicators of an applicant’s abilities, and will be considered in the admissions decision if submitted.

• As proof of language proficiency, scores for the Korean Proficiency Test, TOEFL, TEPS may be submitted.

• Note: We only accept TOEFL scores sent to us directly by ETS. The official ETS code of SNU is 7972. You may submit a photocopy of the Examinee's Score Report for review purposes only, but this is not a substitute for an official score report.

Korean Proficiency Test

• Korean Proficiency Test scores are an optional component of the application. Based on the submitted application materials, the admission committee will decide whether each admitted student should take the test or not.  Admitted students who are notified for the Korean Proficiency Test should refer to the test schedule included in the Certificate of Admissions for the date and location of the test.

• Students whose Korean proficiency is found to be inadequate to fully participate in class (i.e. Level 4 and below) may be required to take Korean Language courses at the SNU Language Education Institute () at their own expense. The following table indicates the required study period according to the test results:

|Test Result |Required Period of |Enrollment in |Restrictions for Taking |

| |Korean Language Study |Degree Courses |Degree-related Courses |

|Level 4 |3 months |Immediately |Graduate: 9 credits max |

| | | |Undergrad: 12 credits max |

|Level 3 |6 months |6 months later |None |

|Level 2 |9 months |6 months later |Graduate: 9 credits max |

| | | |Undergrad: 12 credits max |

|Level 1 |12 months |1 year later |None |

Application Timeline

SNU’s academic year begins in the Spring. Please note the following important dates:

| |Admissions Season |Notes |

| |Fall | |

|Application Deadline |22 Sep. |An application should be completed and required |

| | |documents received by SNU before this date. |

|Admissions Decision Announcement |21 Dec. |Results will be posted on the SNU website |

| | |( or () |

|Registration for Classes |20-23 Feb |Specific dates and other info will be included in the |

| | |Certificate of Admission sent to admitted students. |

|Korean Proficiency Test |Feb | |

|First Day of Class |2 March | |

Note: If the deadline falls on a public holiday, it will automatically be moved to the next day.

Important Notes for All Applicants

( SNU does not generally acknowledge international schools located in Korea as foreign schools.

( All documents should be in English or Korean. Documents in another language should be accompanied by a notarized English or Korean translation.

( If any of the submitted materials contain false information, admission may be rescinded.

( Original documents should be submitted. Should they be unavailable, however, copies must be authorized by the originating institution before they are submitted.

( Students whose graduations were pending at other institutions during the time of application should submit their Graduation Certificates and the Certificates of their degrees to their departments within 15 days after the first day of class after enrollment at SNU.

( Be sure to make and keep photocopies of all completed forms. Submitted documents become property of SNU and will not be returned to the applicants.

( Admitted students may not defer enrollment to a later semester.  Students who wish to defer enrollment must reapply.

(⎭Please note that SNU issues the Certificate of Admission for VISA application only to admitted students.

(⎭Please bear in mind that the university only provides tuition (waived) and monthly stipend. The university is NOT responsible for all the other additional spendings such as dormitory, travel expenses, fee for visa, books and others. You must be able to manage to pay other costs with the monthly stipend the university provides.

(⎭After the admission, you must be able to maintain average grade point of 3.0/4.3. The students unable to maintain the required grades may not be entitled to scholarships and in worst case, severed from the SNU program.

Submitting Your Application

1. Applicants whose forms and supporting documents are incomplete or

unsatisfactory will be disqualified from the admissions process.

2. A high volume of connections are anticipated on the deadline; completing the application prior to the deadline is highly recommended.

Office of International Affairs

Seoul National University

San 56-1, Sillim-Dong, Gwanak-Gu, Seoul 151-742, Korea

General Information

Korean Language Program

The Korean Language Program (KLP) is part of the Language Education Institute at SNU established for the benefit of foreigners and ethnic Koreans residing abroad. The comprehensive program addresses knowledge of the Korean language as well as Korean culture. Since its founding, over 7,000 students from over 70 countries have graduated from KLP, and the program has grown to about 1,000 annual enrollments.

Join the KLP for richer experience in Korea!! For information, consult by website: ; telephone: +82-2-880-5488; email:

Note: For information regarding the Korean Proficiency Test for applicants, please see “Application Instructions.”


Applications for accommodation should be directed to the relevant dormitory office during the student selection period. Applicants should apply online at the Gwanak-sa homepage at .

Medical Care Insurance

The National Medical Care Insurance for Foreigners Act has been in force since October 1, 1998. So foreigners who expect to stay in Korea for one year or more are able to be insured (with a certain insurance premium to be paid monthly). You can get insured at the Medical Care Insurance Branch Office in the area where you are staying. The required application documents are a school certificate and a certificate of alien registration.

The Student Medical Service financially assists students by paying a portion of their medical treatment fee when they need medical care. This system has been put into operation in order to contribute to improving students’ health. The students are charged with a fixed fee upon admission and become members of the service during their time at SNU.

1. Membership and fee

Qualification for membership: Registered students who have paid the fee upon admission

Fee: Undergraduate freshmen: 20,000 won

First year graduate: 10,000 won

2. Service procedures

After a medical treatment is performed and the payment is made, one must complete the subsistence application forms which are found in the student administrative office of the respective college or the Welfare Office on the third floor of the University Administrative Building. With a letter from the doctor (if not available, the diagnosis document), submit it to the Welfare Office. After an examination, a medical treatment fee will be paid according to the fixed payment basis. The application of deduction payment period is within 2 months after graduation or completion of one's studies. However, it is recommended that a comprehensive medical care insurance be obtained by the student since the Student Medical Service offers only minimal coverage.

|Classification |General Medical Treatment |Dental |

|Coverage |Up to 100,000-won, 60%; and in excess of |Up to 50,000-won, 60%; beyond 50,000-won, |

| |100,000-won, 40% will be paid. The maximum |40% will be paid. The maximum payment is |

| |payment is 200,000-won. |100,000-won. |

|Restrictions |Plastic surgery, traffic accident, injury from violence, glasses, prosthetic dentistry, and any|

| |treatment below 10,000 won is excluded from the service. The maximum number of coverage payment|

| |is 2 times/academic year. |

Service Facilities

Student Union Building

The Student Union Building provides several facilities for the convenience and comfort of students on campus. You will be able to fully enjoy the atmosphere of your campus life here. In the Student Union Building, located in the center of Kwanak Campus for easy access, you can find a cafeteria, lounge, classical music-listening room, student activity areas, various stores (stationary, souvenir shop, commodities store, daily necessities store, accessories shop), a bookstore, convenience facilities (photocopy room, barber shop, beauty salon, flower shop), the Health Center, and a pharmacy.

Welfare Service Building

There are various convenience facilities, which are for the welfare of both students and faculties located here: on the 1st floor, a cafeteria, a photo development shop, and an automobile insurance agency; on the 2nd floor, a foreign books store, electronics shop, bag store, cosmetics shop, sports equipment store, clothes store, haberdashery, photo studio, optician, computer store, seal-engraver’s shop, shoe store, stationery, and travel agency; and on the 3rd floor, the SNU Cooperative office, a table tennis room, Go (Baduk) game room, small cinema, and electronics repair shop.

Health Center

SNU founded the Health Center on Gwanak Campus for the students’ health and medical welfare. You can receive various diagnoses at a minimum cost and have the benefit of having a portion of your medical fee deducted according to the designated procedure of the Student Medical Service.

Visa Issuance

If you plan to study in Korea, you have to apply for a student visa (D-2) at the Korean embassy or consulate in your country. In the case of short-term visits (less than 90 days) you can apply for a short-term visa, which cannot be extended in Korea. In order to get your student visa (D-2), you have to submit the documents required by the embassy, such as the admission letter from SNU and a certified sponsorship letter. The application procedure varies a little according to embassies or consulates, so you should check the required documents with the Korean embassy or consulate in your area first.

Certificate of Alien Registration

Within 90 days from the day of your arrival in Korea, you have to apply for a Certificate of Alien Registration at the Immigrant Office. The required documents include: a certificate form, passport, 3 photos (3×4cm), application fee (10,000 won), and a school certificate.

Immigration Office

Head Office

Tel : +82-2-503-7104

Subway line #4, 'Kwachon' station

Sejong-ro Office

Tel : +82-2-732-6214

Subway line #3, 'Kyungbok Palace' station, Exit #5

Jeok-san Hyundai Building, Room #501

Mok-dong Office

Tel : +82-2-650-6399

Subway line #2, 'Yangchon-ku Office' station

10 minutes walk to the office.

Transportation from the Airport

How to Get to SNU from the Airport

Airport Limousine Service

It is most convenient to take Airport Limousine from the airport to SNU. Take airport limousine bus(#603) via Gimpo Airport and get off in front of Main Gate of SNU. Bus fare is 7,500 Won and it takes about 80 minutes under normal traffic conditions. Service is available everyday from 5 am to 8 pm at the Gate IIA with no charge for the normal amount of baggage.

Taxi Service

Taking regular taxi costs about 50,000 won and it takes one hour or so under normal traffic conditions. This service is available 24 hours everyday.

Call-van Service

It is recommended when you arrive in a group. Call-van is called "Jumbo Taxi" here and service can hold up to 5 passengers and up to one ton of baggage. Fares are about 50,000 won from IIA to SNU. For reservations, please call at 1588-6499 (domestic) or +82 2 310 3312 (overseas).

How to get to SNU from any other place of Seoul

Subway and Bus Number 5511 or 5512

The closest subway station from SNU is Seoul Dae Ip-ku (Seoul National University Station) - station number 228 on the number 2 or green line. So you may get off there and leave the station through exit number 3. Then, walk straight ahead for approximately 40 meters until you find a bus stop for bus number 5512 toward the College of Business Administration or 5511 toward the Administration Building.

From Shillim-dong

Regular Bus: 5516

Get off in front of Administration Building on campus

Regular Bus: 152, 5518, 5519, 6511, 6512, 6513, 6514

Get off at the main gate of the University and pass through the gate

Near Bongcheon-dong

Regular Bus: 501, 5411, 5511, 5512, 5513, 5514, 5517

Get off at the main gate of the University and pass through the gate.

From NakSeongDae Area

Take #3 shuttle bus in front of Jean Blanc Bakery just across from LG gas station toward Seoul National University campus via the Rear Gate (shuttle bus interval is 3-5 minutes).

Public Transportation

To get the benefits of using Transportation Card

Both traffic cards and T-Money can be used to receive fare discounts for transfers. Passengers should have their transportation card and T-money read by a machine and touch the card to the machine each time they embark and disembarking from a bus or a subway to get the discount benefits of the transfer. After get off the bus or subway, a passenger must transfer within 30 minutes (except from 21:00 to 07:00, when the transfer period is within 1 hour) to get the transfer discount. Transportation Card can be purchased at kiosque or Woori Bank. However, SNU Student ID Card include the function of transportation card. Rechargeable at any subway station and copy rooms in SNU campus.

Seoul Bus System

On July 1, 2004, Seoul started a new Bus system. Each bus in the municipal transit system will now employ one of four colors: blue, green, red or yellow, depending on its function. Now, passengers can easily identify the starting point and the destination of a bus at a single glance. The entire area of Seoul is divided into eight zones, which are clearly indicated in the numerical designation of each bus.

To search for Seoul public bus routes, go to ()

Blue buses (Main Line) serve the major trunk roads between downtown Seoul and satellite cities of Seoul. The buses have the letter "B" on them, representing blue buses. Bus numbers have 3 digits. (Example: 141)

Green buses (Branch Line) serve routes between subway stations and nearby residential areas/main bus lines. (These routes are often covered by village buses) The buses have the letter "G" on them, representing green buses. Bus numbers have 4 digits, starting with "9." (Example: 2412)

Red buses (Wide Area Line) serve routes between major areas (downtown, Gangnam, Yeongdeungpo, etc.) and metropolitan satellite cities (Ilsan, Bundang, Uijeongbu, etc.). The buses have the letter "R" on them, representing red buses. Bus numbers have 4 digits. (Example: 9412)

Yellow buses (Circular Line) serve circular belt roads in the downtown and major metropolitan area. The buses have the letter "Y" on them, representing yellow buses. Bus numbers have 2 digits. (Example: 41)

Bus Fares (Unit: won)

|Bus Type |Category |Transportation Card |Cash |Note |

| | |Fares | | |

|Blue Bus |Adults |800 |900 |* bus ticket   for youths:   700 |

|(Main Line) | | | | |

|Green Bus | | | | |

|(Branch Line) | | | | |

| |Youths |640 |900 | |

| |Elementary School Students |400 |400 | |

|Yellow Bus |Adults |500 |550 |  |

|(Circular Line) | | | | |

|Green Bus | | | | |

|(Village Bus) | | | | |

| |Youths |400 |450 | |

| |Elementary School Students |250 |250 | |

|Red Bus |Adults |1,400 |1,500 |* No |

|(Wide Area Line) | | | |  discount  |

| | | | |  for |

| | | | |  transfers |

| |Youths |1,120 |1,500 | |

| |Elementary School Students |1,000 |1,000 | |

* From July 1, 2004, intra-city bus and subway fares depend on the total distance traveled.

Yet Passengers can get free transfers or discount benefits only when using a transportation card. No discounts are available when using cash or single tickets. Passengers have to pay 800 won over a given distance no matter how many times they change between buses (including village buses) and subways, with an increment of 100 won charged for every additional 5 km. (For buses, the distance surcharge only applies to transfers. Without bus transfers, the basic fare will apply.)

Seoul Subway System

Seoul has 8 major subways lines (and several branch lines) crisscrossing the city and extending out to the suburbs and satellite cities. Because of frequent traffic congestion, subways generally offer the fastest transportation method. All stations are numbered and station names are printed in Korean and English.

Subway Fares(Unit: won)

|Type |Transportation Card |Single Ticket |

|Adults |Within 12 km. (basic fare): 800 won |

| |12~42 km.: 100 won for every additional 6 km. |

| |42 km.+: 100 won for every 12 km. |

|Youths |20% discount from adult fare |no discount |

| |(basic fare: 640 won) |(Pay adult single ticket price) |

|Elementary School |50% discount from adult fare |50% discount from adult |

|Students |(basic fare: 400 won) |single ticket price |

* From July 1, 2004, intra-city bus and subway fares depend on the total distance traveled.

For additional information, please see

Seoul Taxi System

General Taxis

The fare system is based on both the distance traveled and the time taken. Fares are 1,900 won for the first 2 km and 100 won for each additional 210m. If the taxi is going less than 15 km per hour, an additional charge of 100 won per 51 seconds is added. The fare between Incheon International Airport( and the SNU Kwanak campus will be around 40,000 won depending on the traffic situation. Fares are 20% higher from midnight until 4 a.m. Not all drivers can speak English well. Some taxis have a special free interpretation service, or passengers can call with their own cell phone- 017-200-3000 for a special free interpretation service.

Deluxe Taxis

Deluxe taxis, called “Mobum taxis” in Korean, have black with a yellow light on the top and the phrase "Deluxe Taxi" written on the side. They offer a high quality service. Fares are 4,000 won for the first 3 km and 200 won for each additional 250 m or each 60 seconds if the speed drops below 15 km per hour. The approximate fare between the airport and the SNU Kwanak campus is about 60,000 won. Receipts are issued and there is no late-night surcharge.

Call Taxi

People living in remote areas may need to use a call taxi for a pickup. A taxi will usually arrive within 10-15 minutes of the call. Some companies may adds a 1,000 won surcharge to the metered fare. (In some cases where the passenger lives a very far distance, the surcharge may be slightly higher.)

Telephone Service

Korea has 2 types of public phones: coin phones and pre-paid card phones.

Most coin phones will accept 10-, 50-, and 100-won coins. Coin phones do not return change under 100 won after a call, but more calls can be made if there is money left from the original deposit.

Pre-paid phone cards in denominations of 3,000, 5,000, and 10,000 won are available at convenience stores, newspaper stands, and stationary stores. To use, take the receiver off the hook, insert the card, and dial the number. The display tells how much money remains on the card. End a call by hanging up and retrieving the card, or make additional calls by pressing the green button and dialing the next number. If the card runs out of money during a call, the receiver will beep several times. Press the red "change card" button and insert a new card.

Fares are like below. Local call : 70 won per 3 minutes. Long-distance call : 70 won per 43 seconds. Mobile phone calls : 70 won/38 second. You can get 30% discount from 9pm to 7am.

 International phone calls can be made through public card phone (coin phones will not connect overseas) and personal phones. Callers can use International Direct Dialing (IDD) or go through an operator. For IDD, dial an international access code (001, 002, or 008- all have slightly different rates and discount periods), the country code, area code, and phone number. For example, to call 555-1234 in Los Angeles (area code 213, country code 1), using KT (001) as the international access provider, dial 001-1-213-555-1234. For an international operator, dial 00799.

Mobile Phone

Many Koreans carry personal mobile phones. The country has two major types of mobile phone services: cellular and PCS. Providers have their own prefix for numbers. Monthly subscription and per-call fees vary between providers, but PCS service is generally cheaper. Subscribers pay for all calls that they make. Calls made to mobile phones are charged more than calls made to land line phones. However, the fee to call a mobile phone is a flat time-based charge and does not depend on the geographical distance involved. Several companies rent mobile phones for short-term usage. (Please see the local English language newspapers for advertisements from rental agencies.) Foreign residents must provide their Certificate of Alien Registration, passport, and a credit card when applying for service.


Korea lies in the temperate zone and has four distinct seasons.

  ▶ ln late March or early April, the trees bloom beautifully to mark the beginning of spring. Sunny days can be expected from March to May.

   ▶ During the relatively hot and rainy summer season, the vegetation is green and lush. The average temperature in June is over 20℃. The monsoon season usually begins at the end of June and lasts until mid- to late July.

    ▶ The coming of autumn in late September brings continental winds and dry weather, making the fall months the most pleasant time of the year. The vivid golds and vibrant reds of the changing leaves create a colorful foliage.

   ▶ December to February are cold and dry with occasional rain or snow. During the winter months, three or four days of cold weather are usually followed by a few warmer days.


The Bank of Korea issues currency notes and mints coins. Currency units are 1,000-, 5,000-, and 10,000-won notes, and coins include 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-won coins. Special bank checks (Supyo) in denominations of 100,000 won or higher can be issued by banks on-demand, but are sometimes subject to a handling charge by merchants, especially is cashed outside of the city where they are issued. There are two banks on campus, Nong-hyup(NACF:National Agricultural Cooperative Federation) and Cho-Heung Bank. Both deal with money exchange, opening accounts, telegraphic transferring, etc. 

Campus Map

Appendix: Programs Offered for Admission

Shown below are the programs offered for admission for each category of applicants. Please refer to the appropriate list.

Programs Offered for Admission

Applicants should apply to the desired college or professional school and corresponding major. Names of departments and programs are subject to slight variation.

|Humanities and social sciences |

|College |Department / School |Interdisciplinary Program |

|College of |Korean History | |

|Humanities |Linguistics(Phonetics Major) | |

| | |None |

|College of |Business Administration | |

|Business | | |

|Administration | | |

|College of Law |Law | |

|College of |Social Studies Education(History Major) | |

|Education | | |

|Graduate School of|International Studies | |

|International | | |

|Studies | | |

|Natural Sciences |

|College |Department / School |Interdisciplinary Program |

|College of Natural|Mathematical Science |Nanoscience & Technology |

|Sciences |Chemistry | |

| |Earth &Environmental Sciences | |

| |Biological Sciences | |

|College of |Plant Sciences(Crop Science & Biotechnology Major; Horticultural Science Major) | |

|Agriculture and |Forest Sciences(Forest Environmental Science Major; Environmental Material |None |

|Life Sciences |Science Major) | |

| |Agricultural Biotechnology | |

| |Agricultural & Vocational Education | |

| |Biosystems & Biomaterials Science and Engineering | |

|College of Human |Food and Nutrition | |

|Ecology | |None |

|College of |Pharmacy | |

|Pharmacy |Manufacturing Pharmacy |None |

|Engineering |

|College |Department / School |Interdisciplinary Programs |

|College of |Architecture |None |

|Engineering |Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Electrical Engineering Major) | |

| |Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering | |

| |Energy Systems Science and Engineering | |

|Medical Sciences |

|College |Department / School |Interdisciplinary Programs |

|College of |Veterinary Medicine (Laboratory Animal Medicine Major; Environment Hygiene |None |

|Veterinary |Major) | |

|Medicine | | |

| | | |


• Original documents should be submitted. If unavailable, however, copies must be authorized by the originating institution before they are submitted.

• Documents that are not in Korean or English must be accompanied by a notarized Korean or English translation. Please submit the original document as well.


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