Call for Applications - Call for Applications and ...

[Pages:3]Call for Applications - Call for Applications and Selection Process for PNPD/CAPES (National Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program of CAPES) linked to the PPG-EP (Production Engineering Graduate Program) of EESC/USP (Sao Carlos School of Engineering, University of S?o Paulo)

The PPG-EP (Production Engineering Graduate Program) of EESC/USP (Sao Carlos School of Engineering, University of S?o Paulo) invites applications for 1 (one) postdoctoral fellowship, linked to PNPD/CAPES (National Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program of CAPES), for a period of 1 (one) year, which may be extended for another year. Applications must be submitted from September 20 to November 10, 2017 and the fellowship must be taken up at the end of the selection process.

Submission of applications Applicants or their legal representatives must hand their applications in at the PPG-EP Office from September 20 to November 10, 2017, on working days, between 8:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. or between 1:30 pm and 4:30 pm. Applicants may also send their applications by mail or by e-mail to the PPG-EP Office of EESC/USP by September 20, 2017 (date by when the applications must be posted - this posting date will be considered for validation purposes). Applications that are handed in or posted after September 20th will not be accepted. In order to apply, applicants must: 1. Provide evidence that they will have completed their doctoral degree by the date set for the fellowship grantee to take up the fellowship; 2. Have published at least one paper related to Production Engineering with JCR in the last 3 years; 3. Confirm that they will be available to dedicate themselves fully and exclusively to the postdoctoral degree program. 4. Confirm that a member of the faculty of PPG-EP-EESC, accredited as a doctoral advisor, has show an interest in their project. Documents required for the application: 1. Application form - PA085 - available on the program page on the Internet: >; "Organiza??o" >; "Gest?o PG" >; "Padr?es (templates) e formul?rios; 2. Proof of completion of a doctorate program (necessary for the grantee to take up the fellowship) or proof of enrollment in a doctoral program accompanied by a statement

mentioning the date scheduled for the defense of the doctoral thesis, confirming that the doctoral degree can be completed before the time limit set for the fellowship grantee to take up the post-doctoral fellowship. 3. Up-to-date Curriculum Lattes; 4. Research project (in the FAPESP format) in one of the major areas of EESC-USP's production engineering graduate program; 5. A statement signed by the applicant confirming that he or she will dedicate himself or herself fully and exclusively to the postdoctoral degree program. 6. Statement of support for the applicant's project signed by a professor that is a doctoral advisor of the PPG-EP program of EESC-USP; 7. In the case of employed applicants, statement from the educational institution or research institute confirming that such institution/institute will grant the leave of absence required for the applicant to take up the fellowship.

Selection Criteria The applicants will be ranked according to the following criteria: Number of papers published and research projects completed in the last 5 years, which shall be listed in the applicants' r?sum?.

Calendar: Application period: from September 20 to November 10, 2017 Date when the result will be disclosed on the website of PPG-EP: November 17 Deadline for the filing of appeals: November 24 The fellowship grantee must take up the fellowship and start the post-doctoral degree at the end of the selection process.

Contact Information SEP-PPG-EP (Secretaria de P?s-Gradua??o em Engenharia de Produ??o = Office of the Production Engineering Graduate Program) of EESC/USP (Escola de Engenharia de S?o Carlos, Universidade de S?o Paulo = Sao Carlos Engineering School of the University of S?o Paulo) Address: Av. Trabalhador S?o-Carlense, 400 - Centro 13560-590 - S?o Carlos - SP

Phone: +55 16 3373 8126 e-mail:


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