Cross the ISTRICT


Across the DISTRICT


The Pennsbury School District will open its doors for approximately 11,000 students on Wednesday, August 31st. This year's first day for students is in keeping with the established practice of starting the school year before Labor Day when the holiday falls after September 3. We are delighted to welcome back our students, faculty and staff for a new school year and also extend greetings to our new faculty inductees. Following is a brief summary of new and continuing initiatives in Pennsbury:


? Beginning last spring, approximately 80 new LCD computer projectors were delivered to elementary schools across Pennsbury for use by classroom teachers in grades K-5 to support new curricular materials.

? Over the summer, a total of 330 new Dell laptop computers were installed in ten elementary school computer labs.

? Students taking classes in the Business, Computer, and Information Technology department at Pennsbury High School West will find 90 new desktop computers in that area.

? Also at West, 30 new desktops and upgraded computer software were installed for use by Technology Education students.

? This year, parents and guardians in Pennsbury have a new resource that enables them to

access their child(ren)'s personal information, attendance records, and marking period grades, along with various other data. The new system is called the Pennsbury Parent Portal. Letters were sent to all Pennsbury households during the summer to announce the launch of the Parent Portal. Each parent was invited to enter the system to register a login email address and create a password. Registration enables the user to access pertinent information about a child. For example, if the student is in grades K-5, parents will find personal demographic and contact information, attendance data, and report cards. If the child is in grades 6-12, similar information will be found, plus class schedules and marking period grades. In addition to these features, the Parent Portal has the capability of sending an email to a parent or guardian when a child is tardy or absent. Parents also have the ability to email teachers through the portal. By mid-August, about 3,000 parents and guardians had already signed up for the Parent Portal.

? Student videoconferencing will continue this school year as an expansion of the efforts that began district-wide last year. By means of grant-funded videoconferencing equipment, Pennsbury students have experienced a full variety of distance learning opportunities at all grade levels. These sessions correspond with curricular content and focus on integrated learning opportunities on such topics as space exploration, physics, weather studies, and robotics, as well as reading, poetry, music, and international studies. Students are not only



Superintendent's Report ? KEVIN J. McHUGH, Ed.D.

connecting with their peers in other states and foreign countries to share information via videoconference, but they are also learning directly from such experts as NASA educators, college professors, and other professionals. The consortium grant from the Bucks County Schools Intermediate Unit #22 that provided the equipment last year was expanded to allow for additional equipment to be deployed to Pennsbury this year.


Due to recent retirements, promotions, and resignations, several administrative spots will be filled by new appointees this year. Searches continue for these openings: Assistant Superintendent or Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Director of Special Education, and Supervisor of Special Education, 9-12.

At a Special Meeting held on July 21, the School Board appointed Daniel C. Rodgers to become the School District's next Business Administrator, effective upon release from his present position. Mr. Rodgers will succeed Isabel M. Miller, who retired this summer after serving in the office since 2006.

Daniel C. Rodgers

Mr. Rodgers will be coming to Pennsbury from the Southern Columbia Area School District in Catawissa, PA., where he has served as the district's Business Administrator since 2005. Prior to that, he held various accounting positions in the private sector, where he was also involved in labor negotiations, public school audits, and employee benefit programs. In addition to his professional duties, Mr. Rodgers served as an elected member of the School Board in the Hazleton Area School District from 2001 to 2005. He holds a Certified Public Accountant Certificate from the State Board of Accountancy and earned a Master's degree in Business Administration with an Accounting Concentration from Wilkes University. Mr. Rodgers

graduated from the University of Scranton with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting.

The Pennsbury Business Administrator is responsible for all business affairs of the School District and serves as the Board Secretary. This individual also oversees Pennsbury's implementation of the state's Act 1 legislation, which mandates specific regulations with regard to school district budget planning. Responsibilities of the position include leading the preparation, control, and reporting of the annual general fund and capital budgets, as well as future year operating and capital budget projections. The Business Administrator is responsible for the management of financial services, plant facilities, transportation, warehouse, print shop, purchasing, and payroll departments. In addition, the position calls for administration of professional service agreements and contracts, including those for food services, KidsCare, the School District's aquatics program, architectural and engineering services, legal services, insurance, financial advisor services, accounting, auditing, and health benefits. In Pennsbury, the Business Administrator also serves as the Open Records Officer for the School District.


Thanks to a generous $2,500 grant from the Workforce Investment Board (WIB), Bucks County's regional career education partnership, a new College and Career Education Center has debuted at Pennsbury High School, with locations at both the East and West campuses. The grant was facilitated by Dr. Christine Zervos, Partnership and Grant Coordinator, Lisa Follman, PHS Assistant Principal and Supervisor of School Counseling K-12 and Erin Salmon, Lead Counselor at PHS. The new centers make in-depth use of the Naviance Succeed system, an online resource that connects students, parents, and school counselors. Naviance will soon allow students to plan their course selections in a streamlined fashion while also researching higher education and professional tracks that best suit



Superintendent's Report ? KEVIN J. McHUGH, Ed.D.

2011-2012 on a district-wide basis in the pursuit to provide the best education possible for every student in Pennsbury.


Pennsbury transports over 9,300 students to and from each of its 15 public schools, and approximately 1,600 additional students are delivered and picked up daily from 44 area parochial and private schools.

Lead PHS Counselor Erin Salmon (standing, left) and Assistant Principal and Supervisor of School Counseling, K-12, Lisa Follman (right), are shown here with students

in the new College and Career Education Center.

Following up on cost-saving recommendations from the district-wide Transportation Study of 2009 ? particularly suggestions made by bus drivers ? there is an ongoing effort to determine where bus stop consolidation could occur. Stop assignments are re-examined every year according to enrollment patterns, and the Transportation Department will continue to seek efficiencies.

their personal interests. While the PHS College and Career Education Center offers multiple computer stations for student use, Naviance is also a resource that is accessible through home computers.


The continuous cycle of curriculum renewal in Pennsbury yields new Reading and Language Arts (RELA) materials in grades K-2 this year, along with new Mathematics materials in grades 3-5. These materials, chosen carefully after years of review, research, and analysis, are being phased in at the elementary level. This is currently year one of the implementation of RELA renewal at the elementary level and year two for Math.


For the third year, Pennsbury will continue to follow through with state required changes to ensure that students with special needs are, to the maximum extent possible, included with regular education classes in their home schools. This movement to least restrictive environment (LRE) has been very successful and will continue in


Since October, 2008, a net savings of over $1,051,580 has been realized here in Pennsbury thanks to an aggressive energy conservation initiative. That savings represents a 14.3% reduction in energy consumption. This success is attributed to changes in temperature settings, automated lighting, sub-metering of buildings, increased air filter maintenance, and other initiatives. In 2011-2012, energy conservation efforts will continue as administrators, teachers, staff and students keep a vigilant watch on energy use and continuously identify new ways to save energy.


An extensive renovation project is taking place at Eleanor Roosevelt Elementary School, the last of the Pennsbury elementary schools without central air conditioning. The work began in earnest in June, 2011 and will continue through the 2011-2012 school year until the project's targeted completion in August, 2012. Enrollment at Roosevelt currently stands at 485 students.



Superintendent's Report ? KEVIN J. McHUGH, Ed.D.

Philadelphia-based Daley & Jalboot Architects, and the general contractor is Little Builders, Inc.

Overseeing the major renovation at Eleanor Roosevelt Elementary are (from left) Elizabeth Aldridge, Principal; Tom Gillette, Director of Physical Plant & Facilities; Linda Palsky, School Director and Chair

of the Board Facilities Committee; and Dan Jalboot, architect.

Originally built in 1963, this school will be updated to become Pennsbury's newest "green" school with energy-efficient windows and lighting, solar roof panels, new mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems, plus added space ? including a new media center ? totaling 27,000 square feet. Upgraded security and a relocation of the school's main office are also part of the renovation plan.

Safety improvements are important considerations in this renovation. New driveway and walkway installations at the school's Walton Drive entrance will encompass a U-shaped bus drop-off and pick-up area, with a separate loop for parents' cars. Parking will be located on the side of the building, with a newly fenced-in and expanded playground area in the back. An aggressive storm water management plan includes a nearby detention basin. In addition, over 100 trees are being planted on the school property, including 50 trees circling the field in the rear.

Students and parents can expect to see exposed ceilings in the corridors as the construction work continues at a pace of four classrooms per phase. Students will relocate temporarily with each phase.

The total construction cost for the Eleanor Roosevelt job is $15,565,500. The architect is Dan Jalboot of


Earlier this year, the Pennsbury School Board contracted with the firm School Media, Inc. to sell advertising that will be placed on walls and lockers in our school interiors. This initiative was an outcome of the work of the Board Revenue Development Committee. Ads will be screened by Board members and the administration to include only advertising that is deemed appropriate for the school environment. Over $400,000 in new revenues are anticipated from this initiative.


Falcon fans who attend Pennsbury football games this fall will enjoy the new advertiser-supported scoreboard that was erected during the summer months.

PHS Senior Steve Nagib organized and led a refurbishment project to update the two ticket booths at the entryway to Falcon Field as part of his Eagle Scout project. Steve and his crew upgraded structural framing, replaced outside paneling and doors, and painted the booths orange with black trim.


This year, Pennsbury faces ongoing challenges with regard to collective bargaining for both the professional staff and the support staff. The PEA (professional staff) contract expired in June 2010, so collectively, the staff will work together to maintain the status quo of the old contract as well as uphold Pennsbury's traditions of excellence in education. The PESPA (support staff) contract expired in June



Superintendent's Report ? KEVIN J. McHUGH, Ed.D.

2011 and is also maintaining status quo until a new settlement is reached. Best efforts will continue toward service and efficiency in support functions while a new contract is negotiated.


Pennsbury's provider of dining services (formerly known as Metz and Associates, Ltd) has a new name ? Metz Culinary Management ? and upgraded nutritional standards that exceed current state and federal guidelines. According to Metz dietitian and nutrition educator Juli Tracy, RD LDN, here is what students can expect to find in their school cafeterias during the 2011-2012 school year.

? Whole grains will continue to be featured at all grade levels on a daily basis. These whole grain foods include such selections as pastas, brown rice, tortillas, rolls, and buns. Fresh fruits and vegetables will also continue to be served daily at all grade levels.

? All mayonnaise and salad dressings will be light or fat free. There will no longer be regular mayo or dressings served.

? Beverages at all levels will include low-fat or fat-free milk, water, and 100% fruit juice, with ice tea and a small selection of other beverages served at the high school in containers that will be 12 oz or less (new this year).

? Beginning in 2011-2012, menus will now feature more bean items. These selections will include vegetable side dishes and main entr?e items, such as baked beans, refried beans, veggie burgers (at the high school), and hummus.

? At all levels, ala carte snacks will now meet the following nutrition standards:

?? Less than or equal to 200 calories ?? Less than or equal to 35% total calories from

Total Fat ?? Less than 10% total calories from saturated fat ?? Less than or equal to 0.5 gram trans fat ?? Less than 35% total calories from sugar ?? Less than 230 milligrams sodium

Pennsbury administrators and Metz have teamed together for years to provide Pennsbury students with optimum nutritional selections. Soda beverages have not been served in Pennsbury cafeterias for five years; foods have been baked and not fried for five years; and whole grains, along with fresh fruits and vegetables, will continue to be menu items at every grade level.

For the fourth consecutive year, Pennsbury parents and guardians will have the capability to provide pre-payment for their students' cafeteria transactions, and they may also view their child(ren)'s dietary selections online.

Pennsbury actively supplements its health curriculum with nutrition education all year long with the assistance of Ms. Tracy. In addition, the nutritional components of the food that is served in Pennsbury cafeterias is posted on student menus and the School District Web site.

For more information about the services provided in Pennsbury by Metz Culinary Management, visit and select the Food Services tab at the top of the homepage.

Students at Manor Elementary learned how to make a healthy salsa snack at a school wellness event with assistance from

Metz nutrition educator Juli Tracy, RD LDN.



Superintendent's Report ? KEVIN J. McHUGH, Ed.D.



Reading and Language Arts Coordinator Mary Ellen Lane reports that Pennsbury elementary students were challenged to read for over 500 minutes this summer. "To support this challenge and further promote summer reading, we created two events in partnership with Barnes and Noble Oxford Valley," said Ms. Lane. "Hundreds of Pennsbury students and their families attended. The students listened to favorite stories shared by Pennsbury staff members and enjoyed literacy activities created by store employees." Over 30 teachers, reading specialists and principals served as guest readers on July 13th and August 17th. Summer reading recommendations made by Pennsbury students are currently on display in the children's book section of Barnes and Noble.


At the company's annual leadership conference held in State College in July, Metz Culinary Management named Pennsbury's General Manager, Steve Kline, the company's Manager of the Year. This award is presented to the Metz general manager who consistently demonstrates outstanding performance and contributes significantly to the growth and goals of both the organization and the client.

Steve was recognized for his years of success in Pennsbury, where he has:

? converted the high school program to the National School Lunch program;

? made nutrition education a priority. Pennsbury was one of the first Metz school accounts to have a nutrition educator as part of its team;

? demonstrates fiscal responsibility; ? fully embraces and understands hospitality; ? develops strong relationships within the

Pennsbury School District community.

Congratulations, Steve!

Manor Elementary Principal Christopher Becker (center) spent time with Pennsbury students during a summer reading event at Barnes and Noble Oxford Valley.

Congratulations to Metz General Manager Steve Kline, who was named Manager of the Year by Metz Culinary Management.



Superintendent's Report ? KEVIN J. McHUGH, Ed.D.

Distinguished ALUMNI

This month, we spotlight three Pennsbury graduates who established themselves as leaders in higher education.

Sean Carroll, Ph.D. (Class of

1984) is a physicist and author. He

received his Ph.D. from Harvard

in 1993, and is now on the faculty

at the California Institute of

Technology. Dr. Carroll's research

focuses on fundamental physics

and cosmology, including dark matter and dark energy, the origin

Sean Carroll, Ph.D.

of the universe, and the nature of time. He is the

author of From Eternity to Here: The Quest for the

Ultimate Theory of Time, and Spacetime and Geometry:

An Introduction to General Relativity. He has written

for Discover, Scientific American, New Scientist, and

other publications. Dr. Carroll's blog, Cosmic

Variance, is hosted by Discover magazine, and he has

been featured on television shows such as The Colbert

Report, National Geographic's Known Universe, and

Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman.

Patricia Johnston, Ph.D.

(Class of 1969) served as an

administrator in Pennsbury

from 1998?2008, most recently

as Assistant Superintendent,

Curriculum and Instruction,

K-12. Dr. Johnston established

herself as a visionary leader in education who remained

Patricia Johnston, Ph.D.

on the cutting edge of the latest educational

practice and theory. A colleague, friend and

mentor to hundreds of educational professionals,

Dr. Johnston was considered a teacher of teachers.

Her emphasis on training and development knew

no bounds as she advocated for bringing the best

ideas to the School District. Prior to joining the

Pennsbury administration, Dr. Johnston worked

in the Centennial School District as a teacher and

then administrator. She earned her Ph.D. from the

University of Pennsylvania in 1987. She also held a master's degree in the psychology of reading from Temple University and a bachelor's degree in English education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

Arthur J. Lendo, Ph.D. (Class

of 1964) served as President of

Peirce College in Philadelphia

from 1991 to 2009. His tenure

placed him among the most

experienced college presidents in

the country. He shepherded the

College through a charter change to four year status; established

Arthur J. Lendo, Ph.D.

the successful Peirce Corporate and Community

Cluster College; and created the acclaimed Peirce

Online, which offers accredited degrees completely

online and was rated 20th nationally in the Online

College Rankings for 2008. The College now

has a national scope with international reach.

Degree-seeking students have enrolled from 43 states,

including 17 of the 19 U.S. Congressional Districts

in Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, the U.S.

Virgin Islands, and 30 other countries. Dr. Lendo

holds a B.B.A. from the University of Notre Dame,

an M.Ed. from The American University, and a

Ph.D. from Boston College, as well as certificates of

advanced graduate study from Harvard University,

The Aspen Institute, and Oxford. Dr. Lendo is the first

Pennsbury alumnus to endow a fund to support PHS

students in their academic and co-curricular pursuits.


Board Facilities Committee 5:30 p.m., September 8, 2011 Superintendent's Conference Room

Board Agenda Meeting 8:00 p.m., September 8, 2011 Fallsington Elementary School

Regular Board Meeting 8:00 p.m., September 15, 2011 Fallsington Elementary School




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