Reuse of Medical Contact Us South Carolina Assistive ...

Reuse of Medical Equipment

AT Exchange

Te SC AT Exchange is a free, fast and convenient online exchange program.

Any person can fnd or list gently used medical equipment for free or for sale. To register, go to

AT Reuse

SCATP collects gently used medical equipment and distributes to those in need. Tere is no cost for the equipment. If you are looking for or wanting to donate equipment, call 803-9355273. If you need equipment and we don't have what you are looking for, we can add you to our waiting list or provide you with a list of other organizations that may be able to help you.

Contact Us

803-935-5263 800-915-4522

Midlands Center Poplar Building 8301 Farrow Road Columbia, SC 29203

Go to to fnd more information about SCATP and its activities and driving directions.

South Carolina Assistive Technology Program


Tis is a publication of the South Carolina Assistive Technology Program at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Center for Disability Resources, University Center of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. Tis was made possible by Grant Number 90AG0016-01-00 from the Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Te SC LEND program is funded by the Bureau of Maternal and Child Health, in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The University of South Carolina does not discriminate in educational or employment opportunities or decisions for qualifed persons on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetics, sexual orientation or veteran status.

Revised 2/8/17



? We provide demonstrations for individuals and assistive technology teams. An assistive technology team includes an individual with a disability and any of the following: speech-language pathologist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, vision itinerant specialist, teacher, service coordinator, parents, and spouse.

? What to expect from an assistive technology demonstration: Using the research-based best practice of feature matching and a variety of assistive technology, the individual and the assistive technology team are guided through the decision-making process.

? We do not conduct formal assessments or write reports.

? Tere is no charge for a demonstration.

? A demonstration is provided by appointment.

Device Loans

? We provide free assistive technology device loans.

Download the device loan agreement form or ask us to email a loan agreement to you.

? Device loans are made for two to four weeks. If the device is not available at the time of request, we will put your name on a a waiting list.

? We can ship devices outside of the Columbia area. Te borrower is required to pay: 1) Return shipping, and 2) Shipping insurance which is based on the value of the device(s).

? SCATP does not sell assistive technology devices. Vendor information is available.


? We provide assistive technology workshops and trainings. Professionals with expertise in assistive technology provide free or low-cost workshops and hands-on trainings on functional strategies, latest devices, and information on accessible web and information technology.

? Trainings are held in Columbia, across South Carolina and via the internet.

? SCATP holds a free Assistive Technology Expo with training sessions each March. Te SC Assistive Technology Expo showcases vendors and agencies and ofers assistive technology classes.


? Call SCATP to schedule your guided tour of the Assistive Technology Resource Center.

? Tours are customized based on the interests of the group.

Technical Assistance

? SCATP's staf provides assistance to agencies that employ or are involved with individuals with disabilities.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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