University of North Texas Health Science Center

University of North Texas Health Science Center

Graduate Council Meeting

December 11, 2008

RECORDING: Pamela Marshall MEETING TIME: 3:00 – 5:00 PM


PRESENT: Basu, Berg, Clark, Dasgupta, Downey, Grant, Gwirtz, Kaman, Kim, Kumar, Ondricek, Planz, Raven, Reeves, Siede, Singh, and Smith

ABSENT: Cardarelli, Cruser, Forster, Kemp, and Mallet

GUEST: Sukkid Yasothornsrikul, Ph.D., Naresuan University, Thailand

|Topic/Agenda Item |Discussion/Conclusion |Action/Recommendation |Responsible Person(s) |

|Approval of October 2008 Meeting |Dr. Singh moved to approve the October 2008 meeting minutes. Dr. Berg seconded. |No action required. | |

|Minutes |Motion carried. | | |

|Spring 2009 Tracking |Spring 2009 tracking was presented. |No action required. | |

|Review of Catalog Information |A. Mission Statement – no changes required |No action required. | |

| | | | |

| |B. Course Descriptions – will be including grade format for each course in the course|Ms. Lee to provide new course number list to |[Ms. Lee] |

| |descriptions. |disciplines and request disciplines to provide | |

| | |grade format for each course. | |

| | | | |

| | |Ms. Lee to update catalog | |

| |C. Admissions – Minor changes suggested to TOEFL score requirements due to changes in| |[Ms. Lee] |

| |TOEFL format | | |

| | |Dr. Vishwanatha to present/discuss topic at next | |

| |D. Academic Policies – Currently each school is using different grading systems. The|Dean’s Council. |[Dr. Vishwanatha] |

| |president and the provost have requested a standardized system be utilized. Dr. | | |

| |Reeves moved to remove +/- option from GSBS grade scale in line with suggested | | |

| |changes. Dr. Gwirtz seconded. Motion failed. Dr. Vishwanatha will discuss topic at| | |

| |next Dean’s Council and readdress with Graduate Council. | | |

| | | | |

| |Currently, the catalog states “The grade of W is recorded for any course dropped with| | |

| |the instructor’s consent within the timeline listed in the Academic Calendar. After |Ms. Lee to update catalog. | |

| |that time the student must have a passing grade in order for the instructor to assign| |[Lee] |

| |a grade of W for a dropped course; otherwise, the grade WF may be recorded.” Dr. | | |

| |Downey moved to change the wording in the last phrase from “...the grade WF may be | | |

| |recorded” to “…the grade of WF will be recorded.” Dr. Grant seconded. Motion | | |

| |carried. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Topic/Agenda Item |Discussion/Conclusion |Action/Recommendation |Responsible Person(s) |

|Review of Catalog Information (cont.) | Dr. Berg requested a revision to clarify the section for Grade Requirements in the |Ms. Lee to revise text for clarification. |[Ms. Lee] |

| |Integrated Core Curriculum pertaining to Doctoral Students. The statement in question| | |

| |indicates that discipline policy will determine if a doctoral student who receives | | |

| |one C+, C, or C- grade in a core course must repeat the course. | | |

| | | | |

| |Ms. Lee opened discussion about University Member policy that had previously been | | |

| |mentioned at the Graduate Council retreat in November. Dr. Vishwanatha clarified | | |

| |that students do not select UM. Junior faculty are not appointed as UM. No changes | | |

| |were made to the policy. | | |

| | | | |

| |E. Degree Programs – Dr. Kumar pointed out that osteopathic manipulative medicine had| | |

| |been left out of the first paragraph | | |

| | | | |

| |Core Curriculum Requirements - Dr. Vishwanatha will discuss length of Introduction to|Ms. Lee to update catalog. |[Ms. Lee] |

| |Faculty Research with Dr. Dimitrijevich and invite him to future Graduate Council | | |

| |meeting for discussion. | | |

| | |Dr. Vishwanatha to discuss with Dr. Dimitrijevich |[Dr. Vishwanatha] |

| |A 6010 subcommittee (Singh, Planz, Berg, and Lee) was formed to review the process | | |

| |and timelines for 6010. The committee will present proposals at February Graduate | | |

| |Council meeting. | | |

| | |Dr. Berg to chair committee | |

| |Dr. Clark moved to required Scientific Communications for doctoral and traditional | |[Dr. Berg] |

| |masters students only. Dr. Siede seconded. Motion approved. | | |

| | | | |

| | |Ms. Lee to update catalog | |

| | | |[Ms. Lee] |

|Core Competencies |Ms. Lee presented drafts of three forms: 1) practicum/thesis defense form for MS |Dr. Gwirtz to provide revisions appropriate to |[Ms. Lee] |

| |students; 2) granting writing defense form and 3) dissertation defense form. The |specialized master’s programs. Ms. Lee to revise | |

| |drafts presented incorporated core competencies required by SACS. Dr. Gwirtz |forms and post to GSBS forms website. | |

| |indicated that the practicum/thesis defense form would not work for specialized | | |

| |master’s students who have a different set of core competencies from traditional | | |

| |students and asked for a separate form. | | |

|Grad School 101 |Ms. Lee distributed a proposed outline for Grad School 101, a series of training |Council members to provide suggestions for Grad |[Council members] |

| |sessions for graduate advisors and support staff. She requested that the council |School 101 topics | |

| |members send any topic requests to her via e-mail. | | |

|Topic/Agenda Item |Discussion/Conclusion |Action/Recommendation |Responsible Person(s) |

|Faculty Appointments |Dr. Grant moved to appoint Teresa Turberville to temporary graduate faculty |Notify Ms. Tuberville |[Ms. Griffith] |

| |membership. Dr. Berg seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Planz moved to appoint Sukkid Yasothornsrikul, PhD to adjunct, Category II |Notify Dr. Yasohornsrikul |[Ms. Griffith] |

| |graduate faculty membership. Dr. Singh seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Downey moved to appoint Hollis King, DO, PhD to adjunct, Category II graduate | | |

| |faculty membership. Dr. Grant seconded. Motion carried. |Notify Dr. King |[Ms. Griffith] |

| | | | |

|GSA Update |Ms. Ondricek reported that GSA bowling night had an attendance of over 50 students. |No action required | |

| |They are now preparing for the science fair/open house on 2/7 and faculty are | | |

| |encouraged to participate. GSA T-shirts are $6 each. The GSA website is up and | | |

| |running. | | |

|Library Update |Ms. Smith announced that Bobby Carter’s last day is at the end of January. A new |No action required. | |

| |person will be updating the library webpage to make it more user friendly. The money| | |

| |contributed by the GSA will be used to buy Methods and Molecular set. Renee Drabier | | |

| |was injured recently and is in HealthSouth Rehab facility. | | |

|Announcements |The next Graduate Council meeting is scheduled for January 15. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


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