Oklahoma Health Care Workforce Center

Oklahoma Health Care Workforce Center

Clinical Simulation Sub-Committee

Meeting Notes

9:00-10:00 a.m. – Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Regents’ 2 North Conference Room

Members Present:

Ruth Eckenstein, Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education

Cindy Neely, Oklahoma City Community College

Lisa Rother, INTEGRIS Baptist & Southwest Medical Centers

Via Telephone Conference

Debbie Morgan, Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College, Miami

Via Video Conference from Tulsa:

Cheryl Dixon, Tulsa Community College

Susan Gaston, Chair, University of Tulsa

Brandi King, Oklahoma Institute for Disaster & Emergency Medicine, University of Oklahoma

Staff Attending:

Sheryl McLain, Executive Director

Kammie Monarch, Chief Nursing Officer

Shayla Austin, Project Coordinator

Cheryl Lipscomb, Workforce Associate

Dr. Susan Gaston welcomed members and introductions were made.

Conference Planning Updates – Sheryl McLain

Conference Registrations to Date – With the deadline for early registration this Friday, May 22, the number of registrations is currently 55. The majority of the registrants are from educational institutions; therefore, another notice about the conference will be e-mailed by OHA to hospitals via their weekly newsletter.

PPT Handouts & Going Green – The decision was made at the last meeting to promote “going green” at this year’s conference. Notices were circulated requesting participants to download and print the PowerPoint handouts prior to and after the meeting. Concern was expressed about the effect on public relations during a recent staff meeting and resulted in the decision that 50 copies of the handouts will be distributed in each session by staff, if needed.

Even with the deadline of May 8, several presenters have not yet sent their PowerPoint files.

Status of Sponsorships – In addition to the sponsors mentioned at the last meeting, a new sponsor was engaged last week. OHCWC board member, Dr. Phil Berkenbile, who is the state director of the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education, offered to provide two teams of videographers for the conference. While there are many details yet to be finalized, the teams plan to tape all sessions for distribution to CareerTech faculty and to simulation conference participants and possibly even non-participants. Rob McClendon, the host and executive producer of Oklahoma Horizon, is overseeing the project.

Video from each session will be edited and saved to a DVD, along with the PowerPoint and other handout files.

Videographer – Release Forms – A release form is currently being drafted for all presenters and participants that will cover the video taping as well as the still photographs which will be taken during the conference.

Session Coordinator Packet – Packets containing an instruction sheet and other information will be provided at the registration desk for session coordinators. A copy of the instructions was enclosed in the packets for review by committee members. An OHCWC staff liaison will be assigned to assist in each session by distributing forms and troubleshooting problems.

Other Updates – Yesterday afternoon, OHCWC staff met with Lisa Rother at the Raymond L. Young Conference Center to discuss logistics. Depending on the number of registrations for the sessions, a reversal of conference rooms is a possibility; i.e., the listen & learn sessions in J-K-L and the demonstrations in the auditorium. The latter offers a raised platform with stadium seating for better visibility. As a result, the conference brochure will not list room assignments; they will be announced during the welcome address.

Cheryl Feken Dixon was notified last week that Dr. Jay Ober cannot present because he has been called to testify as an expert witness and cannot leave the state of Florida. A discussion ensued and several alternatives were suggested.

• Ask a current presenter to conduct an additional session in Dr. Ober’s time slot at 10:00 a.m.

• Ask Dr. Ober to videotape his presentation and/or perform live via the Internet.

• Substitute a team from INTEGRIS Baptist to address the same subject matter.

• Consider offering a 15-20 minute introduction by Dr. Ober to be followed by the INTEGRIS team’s presentation.

Note: Because Dr. Ober could not be reached, Lisa Rother and Wendy Bowers from INTEGRIS Baptist agreed to present the entire session, “Integrating High Fidelity Simulation Into Patient Care Setting Orientation.”

Updates from Session Coordinators

Cheryl Feken Dixon will follow-up with Dr. Ober about a videotape or live presentation of his session. She also reported that she has submitted all of the required information for her presentation on scenario writing and will use a Laerdal Annie provided by Bud Abbott.

Brandi King indicated that plans for both of Dr. Stewart’s sessions have been finalized, and he has submitted all of the required information. Lisa Rother confirmed that INTEGRIS will provide the simulator for the demo at 3:00 p.m.

Bud Abbott was unable to attend.

Susan Gaston received a voice mail from Larry Brewer confirming that he will present. He will not have a PowerPoint presentation, and INTEGRIS will provide a pediatric simulator for his session. Dr. Gaston will be leaving on her trip Saturday and will be unable to attend the conference; therefore, any issues that arise for Mr. Brewer’s session and for Deborah Buttrum’s and Megan McClintock’s session will be handled by Debbie Morgan.

Sheryl McLain received Dr. Scott’s PowerPoint file yesterday, and Paula Garvey has submitted all required information.

Kammie Monarch has been in contact with Jana Berryman, however, the PowerPoint files for her two sessions have not been received to date. Ms. Monarch will follow-up.

Cindy Neely reported that Bud Abbott has made all of the arrangements concerning Dr. Dentlinger’s session and that she will also coordinate Ms. Dixon’s session on scenario writing.

Lisa Rother reminded committee members that set-up will begin the evening of June 2 and that she needs a final poster count for the number of easels. She will be on vacation next week and requested that the catering order be submitted as soon as possible. They will plan for 200 but need to know which menu items have been selected for the continental breakfast, lunch, and snacks.

Status of Continuing Education Credit – Ruth Eckenstein

The CE certificate form will be finalized shortly and then sent to CareerTech Printing to be duplicated. Participants will pick up the form as they register, indicate the sessions attended, and at the end of the day, return the NCR copy to the desk and retain the original.

The CE evaluation forms have been sent for approval. Unique to each session, they are based on the education documentation form submitted by presenters. Distribution and collection will be handled during each session.

The following presenters have not yet submitted their CE forms:

Jay Ober – All forms are due if he still participates

Lisa Rother will provide the paperwork for an Ober substitute session, if needed.

Jana Berryman, Dr. Jose Pliego, and Larry Brewer have not yet submitted their forms.

Deborah Buttrum and Megan McClintock need to submit the education documentation form.

All forms should be faxed to Stella Gilbert at CareerTech as soon as possible.

Next Steps

Session coordinators should contact presenters about information lacking and request submission as soon as possible.

Next Meeting Date

The next meeting will be held after the June 3 conference and will serve as a debriefing session, a review of the conference evaluations, and an early planning session for the 2010 simulation conference. A date before the July 23 board meeting will be coordinated as soon as possible.

Note: The next simulation committee meeting will be held Tuesday, July 7, from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. in the Regents’ Conference Room, Level 2, 655 Research Parkway in Oklahoma City. A video conference has been scheduled for the Tulsa group.


The meeting adjourned at 9:53 a.m.


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