Curriculum vitae: Alfred R - University of Houston

Curriculum vitae:  Alfred R. Loeblich III

Personal biography:

Name: Alfred R. Loeblich, III.  Titles:  Associate Professor of Biology

Date and place of birth:  March 2, 1941, New Orleans, Louisiana

Citizenship: USA

Marital status:  married


University of California, San Diego, 1964-1971, PhD in Marine Biology, June 1971

University of California, Berkeley, 1960-1964, BA in Botany, February 1963

Fullerton Junior College, Fullerton, California, 1959-1960

Research Interests:

Dinoflagellate biology, citrus belonging to genus Fortunella and their hybrids, and biology of palms

Professional experience:

Associate Professor of Biology, University of Houston, Houston, TX, 1978-present

Director of Marine Science Program, University of Houston, Houston, TX, 1979-1983

Associate Curator in the Farlow Herbarium and Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1976-1978

Associate Professor of Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1976-1978

Assistant Curator in the Farlow Herbarium and Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1972-1976

Assistant Professor of Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1971-1976

Laboratory Technician, Department of Marine Biology, University of California, San Diego, CA, November 1970-July 1971

U. S. Public Health Service Trainee in Marine Microbiology, 1964-1970

NSF Summer Fellowship to Friday Harbor Marine Station, University of Washington, Summer Session I and II, 1964

Teaching Assistant, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 1963-1964 (Botany Department)

Laboratory Helper, Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley, CA, January 1962-June 1963


Professional societies:

Phycological Society of America, California Botanical Society, Society of Protozoologists, The Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, North

American Fruit Explorers, California Rare Fruit Growers Inc., Rare Fruit Council International, International Palm Society, American Society of Plant Physiologists, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Botanical Society of America


Recipient of 1977 "Darbaker Prize for Especially Meritorious Research in the Study of Algae" administered by the Botanical Society of America.

Selected by the National Academy of Sciences as one of 10 phycologists from the United States to represent the USA at the Joint U.S.-China Phycology Symposium, Nov. 15-21, 1981 at Qingdao, China.  Participated in a Chinese sponsored post symposim tour of Chinese academic research institutes and universities including mariculture operations on Hainan Island from November 22-December 7, 1981.

Committees, editorial board:

Initiated the organization and current President of the Houston Chapter of the California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc., 1994-present

Editor, Hesperidia, international citrus newsletter,


Librarian, Texas Chapter of the International Palm

Society, 1992-1998

Member Advisory Committee, Fruit and Nut Study Group, Galveston County Texas Agricultural Extension Service, 1992-2000

Member Advisory Committee, Gulf Coast Fruit and Nut Study Group, Harris County Texas Agricultural Extension Service, 1992-2000

Chairman, Hardy Citrus Special Interest Group, North American Fruit Explorers, 1992-present

Nomenclature Committee for Algae, International Association for Plant Taxonomy, 1975-1983

Committee on Systematics and Evolution, Society of Protozoologists, 1977-1983

Co-chairman Colloquium Committee, Department of Biology, Harvard University, 1976-1977

Member of committee to administer the Farlow Herbarium and Library, Harvard University, 1972-1978

Member of Editorial Board of the Journal of Phycology, 1972-1974

Darbaker Prize Committee, Botanical Society of America, member for years 1977-1978, and 1978-1979, and chairman for 1979-1980

Member of Texas A&M Sea Grant Inter-University Planning and Review Committee, 1979-1985

Official delegate from University of Houston for the National Sea Grant Association, 1979-1985

Member Executive Committee, Houston Area League of IBM PC Users, 1983-1987

University of Houston, Department of Biology


Committee member, Departmental Library Committee, 1997-1998

Committee member, Undergraduate CurriculumCommittee, 1995-present

Committee member, Seminar Committee, 1978-1979

Committee member, Search Committee for Director, Marine Science Program, 1978-1979

Committee member, Search for Chairman, 1978-1981

Chairman, Search Committee for Marine Biology Faculty, 1979-1981

Committee member, Seminar Committee for New Biology Faculty, 1981-1982

Committee member, Graduate Student Applicant Screening Committee, 1980-1987

Committee member, Graduate Curriculum Development Committee, 1981-1985

Committee member, Undergraduate Curriculum Development Committee, 1981-1985

Committee member, Graduate Student Recruitment Committee, 1981-1985

Committee member, Graduate Committee, 1982-1987

Principal investigator of the following grants:

NIH Grant, May 1972-April 1975, Characterization of dinoflagellate DNA (jointly with L. C. Klotz), $49,294

NSF Grant, September 1974-November 1977, Some new approaches to dinoflagellate systematics, $60,000

NSF Grant, May 1975-February 1976, The community role of intertidal herbivorous gastropods (with J. Menge), $4,000

Massachusetts Science and Technology Foundation, July 1975-February 1977, Production of non-toxic mutants of Gonyaulax excavata and implications for

understanding and alleviation of red tide in New England, $20,000

NIH Grant, May 1975-April 1978, DNA and chromosomes of dinoflagellates (jointly with L. C. Klotz), $115,200

NSF Grant, January 1978-July 1980, Some new approaches to dinoflagellate systematics, $75,000

University of Houston Coastal Center, November 1978-October 1979, Distribution of paralytic shellfish poison in dinoflagellates and the role of the poison in

the cell, $1,600

Texas A&M Sea Grant Program, September 1979-August 1981, Nutrition and biology of the oyster parasite, Perkinsus marinus (Dermocystidium marinum),


University of Houston Biomedical Research Support Grant, July 1979-August 1980, Indentification and nutrition of ciguatoxin producing dinoflagellates, $2,876

Moody Foundation, January 1979-August 1980, Graduate Education and Research Programs in Marine and Coastal Resource Management, $110,770

University of Houston Coastal Center, June 1980-August 1980, A study of toxicity of benthic, epiphytic dinoflagellates (Family Ostreopsidaceae), $1,500

University of Houston Biomedical Research Support Grant, June 1980-March 1981, A toxicological analysis of the dinoflagellates implicated in ciguatera poisoning, $2,200

University of Houston Coastal Center, October 1980-August 1981, The initial application of population genetics to a freshwater dinoflagellate, Peridinium, $2,000

Moody Foundation, January 1981- August 1982, The application of biochemical genetics to planktonic dinoflagellates, $30,076

University of Houston Coastal Center, October 1981-August 1982, Population genetics of two genera of dinoflagellates (Peridinium and Heterocapsa), $2,325

National Marine Fisheries Service, 1982-1983, obtained approximately $10,000 of salary support for faculty and graduate students of the University of Houston Marine Science Program.

University of Houston Coastal Center, October 1982-August 1983, A search for genetic polymorphism of two genera of dinoflagellates (Peridinium and Heterocapsa), $2,000

University of Houston Coastal Center, October 1982-August 1983, Biological studies on

dinoflagellates, $1,650

Texas A&M Sea Grant Program, September 1983-August 1987, Algal-penaeid shrimp interactions in a Spartina marsh, $48,636

University of Houston Coastal Center, October 1983-August 1984, A study of the genetic heterogeneity found within Texas populations of the freshwater dinoflagellate Peridinium willei, $1,950  

University of Houston Coastal Center, October 1983-August 1984, The occurrence of a parasitic dinoflagellate in the blue crab, $1,725

University of Houston Coastal Center, October 1983-August 1984, Algal-penaeid interactions in a Spartina marsh, $1,725

University of Houston Coastal Center, October 1984-August 1985, 1.  Algal-penaeid shrimp interactions in a Spartina marsh, 2.  Population genetics of Peridinium species, 3.  Biology of Gambierdiscus toxicus the ciguateric dinoflagellate, $7,330

University of Houston Coastal Center, October 1985-August 1986, Algal-penaeid shrimp interactions in the Spartina marsh, $1,950 and Ciguatera toxicology and morphology of the causative organisms, $1,950

University of Houston Coastal Center, October 1986-August 1987, Ciguatera research, $3,000

University of Houston Limited Grant-In-Aid Program, November 1994-August 1995, A morphometric analysis of kumquats and kumquat hybrids to elucidate

their interrelationships, $1,925

Environmental Institute of Houston, October 1995-August 31, 1996, A sand-dwelling community of photosynthetic microorganisms on Galveston Beach: description of the community and isolation of euglenoids and dinoflagellates, $2,439

University of Houston Coastal Center, October 1995-August 1996, A survey for novel sterols and other lipid components in members of a marine sand-dwelling algal community, $4,075

University of Houston, Limited Grant in Aid, Sept. 1995-Aug. 1996, Travel to photograph and collect leaves and fruit of kumquats and kumquat hybrids, $1,165.

University of Houston Coastal Center, October 1996-August 1997, Species composition of marine sand-dwelling microalgal and cyanobacterial communities, $3,950

University of Houston Coastal Center, October 1997-August 1998, Species composition of marine sand-dwelling microalgal and cyanobacterial communities, $4,396

University of Houston Coastal Center, October 1998-August 1999, "Glenodinium" sp. identity, Peridinium willei morphometrics, and review of 15 years of dinoflagellate research, $3,600.

Invited symposia:

First North American Paleontological Convention, 1969, presented invited talk entitled:  Thecal ultrastructure and composition of modern dinoflagellates.

American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, Newport, Rhode Island, October 26-28, 1972, presented invited talk entitled:  New advances in the biology of dinoflagellates.

Consultant Group on Dinoflagellates, Third Planktonic Conference, Marine Planktonic Conference, Marine Plankton and Sediments, Kiel, Germany, September 1974, invited member.

1st International Conference on Toxic Dinoflagellate Blooms, Boston, Massachusetts, 1974, presented with L. A. Loeblich invited talk entitled:  The New England

red tide organism-Gonyaulax tamarensis and served as co-chairman for the session The Organism

AIBS, Corvallis, Oregon, August 1975, presented invited talk entitled:  Dinoflagellates:  evidence and speculation concerning their evolution. 

Stadler Genetics Symposium, University of Missouri, Columbia, April 9-10, 1976, presented invited talk entitled:  Dinoflagellate genetics and DNA characterization.

Symposium of Paleoprotistology, Fifth Intl. Congress

of Protozoology, June 26-July 2, 1977, presented invited talk entitled:  The architecture of the dinoflagellate cell covering and its importance to systematics.

Geological Society of America Penrose Conference,

April 17-21, 1978, at Vail Colorado, keynote speaker in Symposium on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, presented invited talk entitled:  Phylogeny and classification of dinoflagellates.

2nd International Conference on Toxic Dinoflagellate Blooms, October 31-November 5, 1978, at Key Biscayne, Florida, presented invited talk entitled:  The systematics of Gonyaulax with special reference to the toxic species.

37th Annual Meeting, Electron Microscopy Society of America, August 13-17, 1979, at San Antonio, TX, presented invited talk at Presidential Symposium entitled:  Electron microscopy in the Plant Sciences entitled:  Dinoflagellate cell wall structure and


Marine Education Symposium, Texas A&M University, March 8, 1980 at College Station, TX, presented invited talk entitled:  Red tides and toxicity.

Joint U.S.-China Phycology Symposium, November 15-21, 1981 at Institute of Oceanology, Qingdao, China, presented invited talk entitled:  Dinoflagellate

phylogeny and systematics.  

Joint U.S.-China Phycology Symposium, November 27, 1981 at Institute of Hydrobiology, Wuhan, China, presented invited talk entitled:  Dinoflagellate

phylogeny and systematics.

Systematic Zoology III.  Contributed Papers, December 29, 1981 at Dallas, TX.  Chaired Session 78 and presented paper entitled:  Tropical benthic dinoflagellates.

Marine Education Symposium, Texas A&M University, March 6, 1982 at College Station, TX, presented invited talk entitled:  Red tides and toxicity.

Texas Chapter Biological Photographic Association, Inc., October 30, 1982 at Galveston, TX, presented invitedtalk:  Dinoflagellate cell wall structure. 

Ciguatera Conference, Caribbean Fisheries Management Council, April 23-25, 1985, San Juan, Puerto Rico, presented invited talk at international symposium on ciguatera:  An analysis of the theca of Gambierdiscus toxicus.

Organized and co-chaired Workshop on Ciguatera at New

BioLabs, Beverly, MA, June 1985, presented invited talk:  Taxonomy of tropical benthic dinoflagellates associated with ciguatera.

XIth International Seaweed Symposium, June 19-25, 1983 at Qingdao, China, presented invited talk: Dinoflagellates:  structure of the amphiesma and re-analysis of thecal plate patterns.  Chaired session entitled:  Biology of economic algae. 

Gulf Coast Fruit and Nut Study Group, October 1993, Harris County Agricultural Extension Service, Houston, TX, presented invited talk:  The Sunquat and other


Galveston County Fruit and Nut Study Group, December 1996, Galveston County Agricultural Extension Service, Dickinson, TX, presented invited talk:  The

citrus culture on Upper Texas coast. 

Gulf Coast Fruit and Nut Study Group, October 1996, Harris County Agricultural Extension Service, Houston, TX, presented invited talk:  The citrus genus Fortunella. 

Teaching Prior years:

Biology of Phytoplankton, Biology of Algae, Diversity of the Plant Kingdom, Introduction to Marine Plants, Culturing Marine Phytoplankton, Marine Biology,

Cytology, and Marine Plants.

Teaching Last three years:

Introduction to Biological Sciences (BIOL 1432), Plant

Physiology (BIOL 3445), Plant Anatomy (BIOL 2335),

Biology of the Algae (BIOL 4318), Special

Problems (BIOL 4198 & 4398)



Loeblich, A. R. III, L. A. Loeblich, H. N. Tappan, and

A. R. Loeblich, Jr.  1968.  Annotated index of fossil

and recent silicoflagellates and ebridians, with

descriptions and illustrations of validly proposed

taxa.  Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem.  106:  i-xi, 1-319, pls.



Loeblich, A. R., III.  1964.  The pollen grain morphology of Collomia as a taxonomic tool.  Madrono 17:  205-216

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1965.  Dinoflagellate nomenclature.  Taxon 14:  15-18.

Loeblich, A. R., III. and L. A. Loeblich.  1965. Nomenclature and taxonomic position of Pseudosporidae, Vampyrellidae and Acinetactidae.  Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 78:  115-120.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1965.  Type designations of Dicladia (Ebriaceae), Periptera (Bacillariophyceae), Gymnocella, Phaeodactylis and Phaeosphaera (Radiolaria).  Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 78: 189-192.

Patton, S., G. M. Fuller, A. R. Loeblich, III and A. A. Benson.  1966.  Fatty acids of the red tide organism, Gonyaulax polyedra.  Biochim Biophys. Acta 116:  577-579.

Loeblich, A. R., Jr. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1966. Index to the genera, subgenera, and the sections of the Pyrrhophyta.  Studies in Tropical Oceanography, Miami.

 3:  i-x, 1-94.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1967.  Nomenclatural notes in the Pyrrhophyta, Xanthophyta and Euglenophyta.  Taxon. 16:  68-69.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1967.  Notes on the divisions Chlorophyta, Chrysophyta, Pyrrhophyta, and the family Paramastigaceae.  Taxon  16:  230-236.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1967.  Aspects of the physiology and biochemistry of the Pyrrhophyta. Phykos 5:  216-255.

Patton, S., P. T. Chandler, E. B. Kalan, A. R. Loeblich, III, G. M. Fuller and A. A. Benson.  1966. Food value of red tide (Gonyaulax polyedra).  Science 158:  789-790.

Loeblich, A. R., Jr. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1968. Index to the genera, subgenera, and the sections of the Pyrrhophyta, II.  J. Paleontology 42:  210-213.

Loeblich, A. R., III and V. E. Smith.  1968. Chloroplast pigments of the marine dinoflagellate Gyrodinium resplendens.  Lipids 3:  5-13.

Loeblich, A. R., III, W. W. Wight and W. M. Darley. 1968.  A unique colonial marine centric diatom, Coenobiodiscus muriformis gen. et sp. nov.  J. Phycol.4:  23-29.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1968.  A new marine dinoflagellate genus, Cachonina, in axenic culture from the Salton Sea, California, with remarks on the genus Peridinium.  Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash.  81:  91-96.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1968.  Cenchridium: foraminiferan not dinoflagellate.  Botanica Marina 11: 127-128. 

Loeblich, A. R., Jr. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1969. Index to the genera, subgenera, and the sections of the Pyrrhophyta, III.  J. Paleontology 43:  193-198.

Loeblich, A. R., Jr. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1970. Index to the genera, subgenera, and the sections of the Pyrrhophyta, IV.  J. Paleontology 44:  536-543.

Loeblich, A. R., Jr. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1970. Index to the genera, subgenera, and the sections of the Pyrrhophyta, V.  Phycologia 9:  199-203.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1970.  The amphiesma or dinoflagellate cell covering.  North American Paleontological Convention, Chicago, 1969, Proc G: 867-929.

Lee, R. F. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1971. Distribution of 21:6 hydrocarbon and its relationship to 22:6 fatty acid in algae.  Phytochemistry 10: 593-602.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1971.  The physiology, morphology and cell wall of the marine dinoflagellate Cachonina niei.  PhD Thesis, University of California, San Diego.

Loeblich, A. R., Jr. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1971. Index to the genera, subgenera, and the sections of the Pyrrhophyta, VI.  Phycologia 10:  309-314.

Patton, S., P. T. Chandler, E. B. Kalan, A. R. Loeblich, III, G. M. Fuller and A. A. Benson.  1972. Food value of red tide (Gonyaulax polyedra). Reprinted in Thomas A. Clarke et al., Biology of Plankton, MSS Inform. Corp., N. Y., pp. 64-67.

Roberts, T. M., R. C. Tuttle, J. R. Allen, A. R. Loeblich III and L. C. Klotz.  1974.  New genetic and physicochemical data on structure of dinoflagellate chromosomes.  Nature  248:  446-447.

Loeblich, A. R., Jr. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1971. Index to the genera, subgenera, and the sections of the Pyrrhophyta, VII.  Phycologia 13:  57-61.

Tuttle, R. C. and A. R. Loeblich, III.  1974.  Genetic recombination in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii.  Science 185:  1061-1062.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1975.  A seawater medium for dinoflagellates and the nutrition of Cachonina niei. J. Phycol. 11:  80-86.

Tuttle, R. C. and A. R. Loeblich, III.  1975.  An optimal growth medium for the dinoflagellate, Crypthecodinium cohnii.  Phycologia 14:  1-8.

Loeblich, L. A. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1975.  The organism causing New England red tides:  Gonyaulax excavata.  Proc. First Intl. Conf. Toxic Dinoflagellate Blooms, Nov. 1974, Boston, Mass.., ed. by V. R. LoCicero, Mass. Sci. Technol. Foundation, Wakefield, MA:  207-224.

Loeblich, L. A. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1975. Bibliography first international conference on toxic dinoflagellate blooms, ed. V. R. LoCicero, Mass. Sci. Technol. Foundation, Wakefield, MA:  1-62.

Allen, J. R., T. M. Roberts, A. R. Loeblich III and L. C. Klotz.  1975.  Characterization of the DNA from the dinoflagellate, Crypthecodinium cohnii, and implications for nuclear organization.  Cell 6: 161-169. 

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1976.  Dinoflagellate evolution:  speculation and evidence.  J. Protozool. 23:  13-28.

Loeblich, A. R., III and M. F. Hedberg.  1976. Desmokont mitosis:  involvement of several microtubule containing channels.  Botanica Marina 19:  255-257.

Fine, K. E. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1976.  Similarity of the dinoflagellates Peridinium trochoideum, P.faeroense and Scrippsiella sweeneyae as determined by

chromosome numbers, cell division studies and scanning electron microscopy.  Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash.  89: 275-287.

Roberts, T. M., L. C. Klotz and A. R. Loeblich III. 1977. Characterization of a blue-green algal genome. J. Molecular Biol.  110:  341-361.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1977.  Dinoflagellate geneticsand DNA characterization.  Stadler Genetics Symposium,Univ. Missouri, Columbia 8:  111-128.

R. C. Tuttle and A. R. Loeblich III.  1977. N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine and UV induced mutants of the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii.

J. Protozool. 24:  313-315.

Loeblich, A. R., III and K. E. Fine.  1977.  Marine chloromonads:  more widely distributed in neritic environments than previously thought.  Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash.  90:  388-399.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1977.  Studies on synchronously dividing populations of Cachonina niei, a marine dinoflagellate.  Bull. Japanese Soc. Phycol. 25, Suppl. (Mem. Iss. Yamada):  119-128.

Schmidt, R. J., V. D. Gooch, A. R. Loeblich III and J. W. Hastings.  1978.  Comparative study of luminescent and nonluminescent strains of Gonyaulax excavata (Pyrrhophyta).  J. Phycol. 14:  5-9.

Loeblich, A. R., III and J. L. Sherley.  1979. Observations on the theca of the motile phase offreeliving and symbiotic isolates of Zooxanthella microadriatica (Freudenthal) comb. nov.  J. Mar. Biol. Assn. U. K.  59:  195-205, pls. 1-4.

Loeblich, A. R., III and L. A. Loeblich.  1979.  The systematics of Gonyaulax with special reference to the toxic species.  In:  Toxic Dinoflagellate Blooms, Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. Toxic Dinoflagellate Blooms, Developments in Marine Biology 1:  41-46.  Ed. by D. L. Taylor and H. H. Seliger, Elsevier North Holland Inc., New York, Amsterdam, Oxford.

Schmidt, R. J. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1979.  A discussion of the systematics of toxic Gonyaulax species containing paralytic shellfish poison.   In: Toxic Dinoflagellate Blooms, Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. Toxic Dinoflagellate Blooms, Developments in Marine

Biology 1:  83-88.  Ed. by D. L. Taylor and H. H. Seliger, Elsevier North Holland Inc., New York, Amsterdam, Oxford.

Loeblich, A. R., III and L. A. Loeblich.  1979.  Division Chloromonadophyta, pp. 375-380.  Division Chrysophyta, pp. 411-423.  Division Bacillariophyta, pp. 425-450.  Division Haptophyta, pp. 451-467.  Division Xanthophyta pp. 469-479.  Division Eustigmatophyta, pp. 481-487.  In:  CRC Handbook of Microbiology, 2nd ed., vol. 2,

Fungi, Algae, Protozoa, and Viruses, ed. by A. I.Laskin and H. A. Lechevalier, CRC Press, Inc., West Palm Beach, FL.

Schmidt, R. J. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1979. Distribution of paralytic shellfish poison among Pyrrhophyta.  J. Mar. Biol. Assn. U. K.  59:  479-487.

Mitchell, R. M., L. A. Loeblich, L. C. Klotz and A. R. Loeblich III.  1979.  DNA organization of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum.  Science 204: 1082-1084.

Loeblich, A. R., III and L. C. Morrill.  1979. Dinoflagellate cell wall structure and formation.  In: 37th Ann. Proc. Electron Microscopy Soc. Amer., San Antonio, TX, ed. by G. W. Bailey, pp. 184-187.

Loeblich, A. R., III, J. L. Sherley and R. J. Schmidt. 1979.  Redescription of the thecal tabulation of Scrippsiella gregaria (Lombard and Capon) comb. nov. (Pyrrhophyta) with light and scanning electron microscopy.  Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash.  92:  45-50.

Loeblich, A. R., III, J. L. Sherley and R. J. Schmidt. 1979.  The correct position of flagellar insertion in Prorocentrum and description of Prorocentrum rhathymum

sp. nov. (Pyrrhophyta).  J. Plankton Res. 1:  113-120.

Morrill, L. C. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1979.  An investigation of heterotrophic and photoheterotrophic capabilities in marine Pyrrhophyta.  Phycologia 18: 395-405.

Levine, N. D., J. O. Corliss, F. E. G. Cox, G. Deroux, J. Grain, B. M. Honigberg, G. F. Leedale, A. R. Loeblich III, J. Lom, D. Lynn, E. G. Merinfeld, F. C. Page, G. Poljansky, V. Sprague, J. Vavra and F. G. Wallace.  1980.  A newly revised classification of the

Protozoa.  J. Protozool.  27:  37-58.

Hinnebusch, A. G., L. C. Klotz, E. Immergut and A. R. Loeblich III.  1980.  Deoxyribonucleic acid sequence organization in the genome of the dinoflagellate

Crypthecodinium cohnii.  Biochemistry 19:  1744-1755, plus 4 pp. supplementary material.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1980.  Dinoflagellate nomenclature.  Taxon 29:  321-328.

Morrill, L. C. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1981.  A survey for body scales in dinoflagellates and a revision of Cachonina and Heterocapsa (Pyrrhophyta). J. Plankton Res. 3:  53-65.

Loeblich, A. R., III, R. J. Schmidt and J. L. Sherley. 1981.  Scanning electron microscopy of Heterocapsa pygmaea sp. nov., and evidence for polyploidy as a speciation mechanism in dinoflagellates.  J. Plankton Res.  3:  67-79.

Hinnebusch, A. G., L. C. Klotz, R. L. Blanken and A.R. Loeblich III.  1981.  An evaluation of the phylogenetic position of the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii based on 5S rRNAcharacterization.  J. Mol. Evol. 17:  334-347.

Morrill, L. C. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1981.  The dinoflagellate pellicular wall layer and its occurrence in the division Pyrrhophyta.  J. Phycol. 17:  315-323.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1982.  Dinophyceae.  In: Synopsis and classification of living organisms.  Vol.1, pp. 101-115.  ed. by Sybil P. Parker, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, NY.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1982.  General characteristics of phytoplankton:  dinoflagellates.  In:  CRC Handbook of Biosolar Resources, Vol. 1, Part 2, Basic Principles, pp. 37-42, ed. by A. Mitsui and C. C. Black, CRC Press, Inc.,  Boca Raton, FL

Besada, E. G., L. A. Loeblich and A. R. Loeblich III. 1982.  Observations on tropical, benthic dinoflagellates from ciguatera-endemic areas:  Coolia, Gambierdiscus, and Ostreopsis.  Bull. Mar. Sci.  32: 723-735.

Loeblich, A. R., III and L. A. Loeblich.  1983. Dinoflagellate phylogeny and systematics.  In:  Proceedings of the Joint China-U.S. Phycology Symposium, ed. by C. K. Tseng, pp. 39-59, Science Press, Beijing, People's Republic of China.

Watson, D. A. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1983.  The application of electrophoresis to the systematics of the marine dinoflagellate genus Heterocapsa.  Biochem. System. Ecol. 11:  67-71.

Morrill, L. C. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1983. Ultrastructure of the dinoflagellate amphiesma.  Intl. Rev. Cytology  82:  151-180. 

Morrill, L. C. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1983. Formation and release of body scales in the

dinoflagellate genus Heterocapsa.  J. Mar. Biol. Assn. U. K. 63:  905-913.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1984.  Physiology and biochemistry, pp. 299-342. 

Evolution, pp. 481-522. In:  Dinoflagellates, ed. by D. Spector, Academic Press, New York, NY.  

Loeblich, A. R., III and L. A. Loeblich.  1984. Dinoflagellate cysts, pp. 443-480.  In:  Dinoflagellates, ed. by D. Spector, Academic Press, New York, NY. 

Morrill, L. C. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1984.  Ecdysis and the location of the plasma membrane in the dinoflagellate Heterocapsa niei.  Protoplasma 119:


Morrill, L. C. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1984.  Cell division and reformation of the amphiesma in the pelliculate dinoflagellate Heterocapsa niei.  J. Mar.

Biol. Assn. U. K.  64:  939-953.

Alam, M., R. Sanduja, D. A. Watson and A. R. Loeblich III.  1984.  Sterol distribution in the genus Heterocapsa (Pyrrhophyta).  J. Phycol. 20:  331-335.

Loeblich, A. R., III and L. A. Loeblich.  1985. Dinoflagellates:  Structure of the amphiesma and re-analysis of thecal plate patterns.  Hydrobiologia 123:  177-179.

Indelicato, S. R. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1985.  A description of the marine dinoflagellate, Scrippsiella tinctoria sp. nov.  Jap. J. Phycol. 33:  127-134.

Indelicato, S. R. and A. R. Loeblich III.  1986.  A revision of the marine peridinioid genera (Pyrrhophyta) utilizing hypothecal-cingular plate relationships as a taxonomic guideline.  Jap. J. Phycol. 34:  153-162.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1986.  Peridinioid hypothecal-cingular plate relationships.  Round Brown Newsletter 1:9.

Loeblich, A. R., III and S. R. Indelicato.  1987. Thecal analysis of the tropical benthic dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus toxicus.  Mar. Fish. Rev.  48(4): 38-43, cover illustration.

Devereux, R., A. R. Loeblich III and G. E. Fox.  1990. Higher plant origins and the phylogeny of green algae.  J. Molecular Evolution 31:  18-24.

Loeblich, A. R., III and L. G. Walden.  1993.  The "Peel-icious" Sunquat:  eat it whole.  Introducing a kumquat hybrid with large, wholly edible fruit.  Fruit Gardener 25(6):  2, 3, 10-12, cover illustration.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1994.  Nordmann seedless:  the long awaited seedless Nagami kumquat.  Fruit Gardener 26(5):  6-7, backcover.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1994.  Indio mandarinquat:  a kumquat tangerine hybrid.  Fruit Gardener 26(6): 14-15.

Sales, Abraham and A. R. Loeblich III.  1995. Gymnopilus palmicola a lignicolous basidiomycete, growing on the adventitious roots of the palm Sabal palmetto in Texas.   Principes 39(2):  84-88.


Loeblich, A.R., III.  1969.  Thecal ultrastructure and composition of modern dinoflagellates.  J. Paleontolgy 43:  892.

Loeblich, A.R., III and B.E. Volcani.  1969. Morphology and chemical composition of the cell wall of the marine dinoflagellate Cachonina niei.  X Internatl. Bot. Congr. Abstr. Papers:  131.

Loeblich, A.R., III.  1969.  Nutrition of the marine dinoflagellate Cachonina niei.  J. Phycol.  16 (Suppl.):  21-21.

Lee, R.F. and A. R. Loeblich, III.  1979.  A unique hydrocarbon from photosynthetic algae.  J. Phycol. 6(Suppl.):  8.

Loeblich, L. A. and A. R. Loeblich, III.  1973.  A search for binucleate or chrysophyte containing dinoflagellates.  J. Protozool.  20:  518.

Tuttle, R. C., A. R. Loeblich, III and V. E. Smith. 1973.  Carotenoids of Crypthecodinium cohnii.  J. Protozool.  20:  521.

Loeblich, L. A. and A. R. Loeblich, III.  1974.  The dinoflagellate causing New England red tides: scanning electron microscopy and physiology.  J.Phycol. 10 (Suppl.):  3.

Fine, K. E. and A. R. Loeblich, III.  1974.  A comparison of Scrippsiella sweeneyae (IUCC 1656) and Peridinium trochoideum (IUCC 1017).  J. Phycol. (Suppl.):  13-14.

Loeblich, A. R., III, L. C. Klotz, T. M. Roberts, R. C. Tuttle and J. R. Allen.  1074.  The dinoflagellate nucleus.  J. Phycol.  10 (Suppl.):  14-15.

Roberts, T. M., L. C. Klotz, A. R. Loeblich, III and J. R. Allen.  1974.  Measurement of molecular weight of dinoflagellate chromosonal DNA.  J. Phycol.  10 (Suppl.):  15.

Allen, J. R.,  T. M. Roberts, R. C. Tuttle, A. R. Loeblich, III and L. C. Klotz.  1974.

Physico-chemical characterization of dinoflagellate DNA.  J. Phycol.  10 (Suppl.):  15.

Tuttle, R. C., and A. R. Loeblich, III.  1974.  The discovery of genetic recombination in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii.  J. Phycol.  10

(Suppl.):  16.

Tuttle, R. C., and A. R. Loeblich, III.  1974. Purification and growth of algae:  antibiotics, usefulness of new buffers, and improvements of plating efficiency with detergents.  J. Phycol.  10 (Suppl.): 21.

Allen. J. R., T. M. Roberts, R. C. Tuttle, L. C. Klotz, and A. R. Loeblich, III.  1974.  Dinoflagellate DNA organization and chromosome structure.  J. Protozool.  21:  426.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1974.  Pyrocystis lunula and its relationship to Sporodinium.  J. Protozool.  21: 435.

Tuttle, R. C. and A. R. Loeblich, III.  1975.  Sexual reproduction and segregation analysis in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii.  J. Phycol.  11 (Suppl.):  15.

Allen, J. R., R. C. Tuttle, M. F. Hedberg, L. C. Klotz, and A. R. Loeblich, III.  1975.

Characterization of repeated-sequence DNA in Crypthecodinium.  J. Phycol.  11 (Suppl.):  15.

Roberts, T. M., A. R. Loeblich, III and L. C. Klotz. 1975.  Studies on the DNA of the blue green algae Agmenellum quadruplicatum.  J. Phycol.  11 (Suppl.): 16.

Loeblich, L. A., G. J. Winn and A. R. Loeblich, III. 1975.  Comparative studies on Gonyaulax tamarensis and related red tide species.  J. Phycol.  11(Suppl.): 21.

Fine, K. E. and A. R. Loeblich, III.  1976. Endosymbiosis in the marine dinoflagellate

Kryptoperidinium foliaceum.  J.  Protozool.  23:  8A.

Loeblich. L. A., V. E. Clark, L. C. Klotz, and A. R. Loeblich, III.  1976.  Physical characterization of the DNA of the freshwater dinoflagellate.  J. Protozool.  23:  19A-20A.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1977.  The chloromonad affinities of isolate FCRG 51 and of Olisthodiscus luteus.  J. Phycol.  13 (Suppl.):  42.

Morrill, L. C. and A. R. Loeblich, III.  1977. Studies of photoheterotrophy in the binucleate dinoflagellate Kryptoperidinium foliacuem.  J. Phycol.

13 (Suppl.):  46.

Loeblich,  A. R., III and J. L. Sherley.  1978. Discovery of a freeliving zooxanthella.  J. Phycol. 14 (Suppl.):  33.

Mitchell, R. M.,  L. A. Loeblich, L. C. Klotz and A. R. Loeblich, III.  1978.  Physical characterization of the DNA of the methanogen.  J. Phycol. 14 (Suppl.): 38.

Morrill, L. C. and A. R. Loeblich, III.  1978. Photoheterotrophy in the Pyrrhophyta.  J. Phycol. 14 (Suppl.):  39.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1980.  A new Heterocapsa sp. and evidence for polyploidy in dinoflagellates.  J. Phycol.  16 (Suppl.):  26.

Hinnebusch, A. G., L. C. Klotz, E. Immergut and A. R. Loeblich, III.  1980.  DNA sequence organization in the genome of the marine dinoflagellate Crythecodinium

cohnii.  Program Abstr. 33rd. Ann. Meet. Soc. Protozool.:  No. 98.

Loeblich, A. R., III, L. A. Loeblich and E. G. Besada.  1981.  Tropical benthic dinoflagellates.  Amer. Zool.  21:  1006.

Watson, D. A., S. A. McCommas, A. R. Loeblich, III and R. D. LeBoeuf.  1981.  Biochemical techniques for species determination in the dinoflagellate

(Pyrrhophyta) genus Heterocapsa.  Amer. Zool.  21: 1006.

Loeblich, A. R., III and L. A. Loeblich.  1983. Dinoflagellates:  structure of the amphiesma and reanalysis of thecal plate patterns.  Abstracts XI th International Seaweed Symposium, 19-25 June 1983, Qingdao, China, p. 153.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1984.  Systematics of peridinioid dinoflagellates.  J. Phycol.  20 (Suppl.):  7.

Watson, D. A., A. R. Loeblich, III, M. A. Alam and R. Sanduja.  1984.  Sterol distribution in the dinoflagellate (Pyrrhophyta) genus Heterocapsa.  J. Phycol.  20 (Suppl.):  4.

Watson, D. A. and A. R. Loeblich, III.  1985.  Genetic recombination in the marine dinoflagellate (Pyrrhophyta) Heterocapsa pygmaea as revealed by the

use of electrophoresis.  J. Phycol.  20 (Suppl.):  20.

Loeblich, A. R., III.  1985.  An analysis of the theca of Gambierdiscus toxicus.  Abstr. published by the Caribbean Fishery Management Council, Ciguatera Workshop, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

University Reports:

1980 Annual Report, University of Houston, Marine

Science Program, 12 pp.

1981 Annual Report, University of Houston, Marine Science Program, 17 pp.

1982 Annual Report, University of Houston, Marine Science Program, 19 pp.

1983 Annual Report, University of Houston, Marine Science Program, 13 pp.


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