CURRICULUM VITAE - University of Washington



Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences

University of Washington, Bothell

Bothell, WA 98021

(425) 352-5409



March 1988 Ph.D. in Plant Ecology, Utah State University, Logan.

Dissertation: The influence of the spatial pattern of defoliation on regrowth of a semiarid region bunchgrass, Agropyron desertorum.

June 1983 M.S. in Plant Ecology, Utah State University, Logan.

Thesis: The interaction of ultraviolet-B radiation stress and plant competition.

June 1980 B.S. in Botany University of Washington, Seattle.

B.A. in Zoology University of Washington, Seattle.

Professional Experience

March 2004 – present: Adjunct Associate Professor of Forest Resources, UWS

September 1999 – present: Director, University of Washington Restoration Ecology Network

September 2001 – present: Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UWB

August 1998 – September 2001: Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UWB

July - August 1998: Lecturer, Botany Department, Univ. of Washington, Seattle.

September 1996 – June 1998: Lecturer, Biology Department, Santa Clara University

July - August 1997: Lecturer, Botany Department, Univ. of Washington, Seattle.

July 1997: Research Scientist, Botany Department, Univ. of Washington, Seattle.

March 1995 - August 1996: Instructor & Research Scientist, Botany Dept., UWS

May 1991 - Feb. 1995: Research Associate, Botany Dept., Univ. of Washington, Seattle.

Feb. 1988 - July 1989: Faculty Research Associate, Botany Dept., Univ. of Maryland

Sept. 1984 - Feb. 1988: Graduate Research Assistant, Range Science Dept., Utah State Univ.

Sept. 1981 - Aug. 1984: National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow, Utah State Univ.

Apr. 1981 - July 1981: Graduate Research Assistant, Range Science Dept., Utah State Univ.

Courses Taught (1995 to present)

UW Bothell:

Nature in the Northwest, BIS 393 (1 time)

Science Methods & Practice BES 301 (4 times)

Campus Ecology (Freshman Interest Group), BCUSP 133 (1 time)

Freshman Portfolio Review, BCUSP 132 (1 time)

Senior Restoration Ecology Capstone (3 course sequence), BES 462-3-4 (10 times)

Future Washington, BIS 358 (2 times)

Ecology of Pacific Northwest Ecosystems, BES 489 (7 times)

Summer Environmental Education Days (SEED), BEDUC 491 (1 time)

Ecological Methods Lab Course, BES 316 (4 times)

General Ecology, BES 312 (9 times)

Wetland Ecology, BLS 393 (2 times)

Environmental Practice, BLS 393 (1 time)

Ecology & the Environment, BLS 390 (3 times)

Native American Environmental Management, BGEN 591 (1 time)

UW Seattle:

Alpine Plant Ecology, Botany 458 (3 times)

Introduction to Plant Ecology, Botany 354 (2 times)

Santa Clara University:

Plant Ecology, Biology 135 (3 times)

Plant Physiology, Biology 125 (2 times)

Populations, Diversity & Evolution, Biology 091 (1 time)

Organismal Biology, Biology 092 (1 time)

Professional Societies

Washington State Native Plant Society

Society for Ecological Restoration


June 2008 – “Technology enhanced interactive classroom teaching and learning in a problem based ecological engineering / restoration ecology program.” $77,000 from Hewlett-Packard (includes 24 tablet PCs, basestation, software). Co-PI with Fridley, Ewing, Hinckley (UWS CFR) and Anderson (UWS Engineering)

May 2008 – Award to University of Washingont Restoration Ecology Network from the Laird Norton Family Foundation for curriculum revision efforts and general activities - $3,000.

March 2007 – Award to University of Washingont Restoration Ecology Network from the Laird Norton Family Foundation for curriculum revision efforts and general activities - $5,000.

June 2005 - “Ecology of Black Lily (Fritillaria camschatcensis): a Washington State sensitive species” $1,200 from the Washington Native Plant Society ($1,200) – with Holly Zox (Everett CC).

May 2005 - “Changes to native forest soils due to English ivy infestation” from the Center for Invasive Plant Management (Bozeman, MT) ($3,641)

April 2005 - “SEED: Summer Environmental Education Days” from the UWB Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for ($55,000) with faculty Groom, Henry, Eisele and Kubota.

January 2005 – Principal Investigator on “Patterns and Mechanisms of Vegetation Change in a Restored Floodplain Ecosystem” – University of Washington Royalty Research Fund ($30,000)

October 2001 – 2003 Principal Investigator on U.S. National Park Service grant, “Ecological Impacts of Recreation Use” ($8,000).

September 2001 – UW Bothell Environmental Science Program, grant awarded by the Boeing Company for program equipment and supplies (principal author on proposal).

September 1999 - September 2003 Director of University of Washington Restoration Ecology Network, funded by the University of Washington Tools for Transformation program. ($ 365,000)

Oct. 1993 - Oct. 1997 Co-Principal Investigator on NSF grant “Constraints to Ecosystem Development in High Arctic Polar Deserts”.

Apr. 1995 - Dec. 1996 Principal Investigator on Mazama research committee grant “The Functional Importance of Cryptobiotic Soil Surface Crusts in Alpine Tundra Ecosystems”.

Awards and Honors

Invited contributor to scholarly book: "Student Learning for Social Change: Interdisciplinary Community-based Research." Gold, WG, K Ewing, J Fridley, and R Pond. “Community Partnerships in Ecological Restoration”.

Invited Keynote Speaker: 21st Pani Satsang, Nepal Water Conservation Foundation, Kathmandu, Nov. 2005

John Reiger Service Award, The International Society for Ecological Restoration, 2004.

Nominated for Distinguished Teaching Award, UW Bothell, January 1999.

Selected to participate in NSF workshop on Humans & Nature in the Pacific Northwest, June 21-27, 1998 at the Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA.

Selected member of 10-scientist National Academy of Sciences Young Investigator Program on "Ecological Concerns in the Development of the Arctic and Far Northern Regions Program with Russia" (1993-4). Involved field investigations in Russia (1993) and Alaska (1994).

Invited reviewer for proposals to British TIGER (Terrestrial Initiatives in Global Ecological Research) Program, 1991

Invited reviewer for proposals to the National Science Foundation Antarctic Ozone Hole Biotic Research Program, 1988

Sigma Xi Honor Society Poster Competition, Utah State Univ., Second Place, April 1984

National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, Sept. 1981 - Sept. 1984

Selected Academic Committees and Appointments

UW Seattle Program on the Environment Advisory Board (2008 – present)

UW Bothell Biology Task Force (2008 – 9)

UW Bothell Sustainability Task Force (2008)

UW Bothell Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Task Force (2007)

UW Seattle Review Committee for CFR and Dean Bruce Bare (appointed by Provost’s Office) (Sept 2006 – Dec 2006)

UW Bothell – Cascadia Community College Wetland Oversight Committee (Sept 2001 – present)

UW Earth Initiative Board of Directors (Sept 2004 – 2006)

IAS – Education Joint Task Force on Science Education (Sept 2004 – June 2006)

Faculty Chair, Earthday 2000 Committee U.W. Bothell (Nov 1999 - April 2000)

IAS Faculty Secretary, UW Bothell (Sept 1998 to Dec 2004)

Curriculum Review Committee, Biology Dept, Santa Clara University (Sept 1997 - June 1998)

External Boards & Task Forces

Board of Directors, Nature Vision (2004 – present)

Brightwater Environmental Education Center Task Force (2004 – present)

Science Advisory Board, International Mountain Guides (2006 – present)


In Progress

Ewing, K and WG Gold. Realizing the Educational Potential of Ecological Restoration for Students and Communities. In Integrating Nature and Culture: Exploring the Human Dimensions of Ecological Restoration, edited by DJ Egan, J Abrams, and E Hjerpe.

Island Press has agreed to publish this book. Our chapter is complete and we are waiting on other authors to finish their works.

Scholarly Publications

Zox, H and WG Gold (2008) Ecology of Black Lily (Fritillaria camschatcensis): a Washington state sensitive species. Douglasia 32(4): 17-22.

Gold W, Ewing K, Groom M, Hinckley T, Secord D, and D Shebitz (2006) Collaborative Ecological Restoration. Science 312: 1880-1881.

Gold WG, Glew KA, and LG Dickson (2001) Functional Influences of Cryptobiotic Surface Crusts in an Alpine Tundra Basin of the Olympic Mountains, Washington, U.S.A. Northwest Science 75(3): 315-326.

Bliss LC, Gold WG (1999) Seed production, seedling survival and establishment in a High Arctic polar desert. Canadian Journal of Botany 77: 623-636.

Gold WG (1998) The influence of cryptogamic crusts on the thermal environment and temperature relations of plants in a high arctic polar desert, Devon Island, N.W.T., Canada. Arctic & Alpine Research 30(2): 108-120.

Gold WG, Bliss LC (1995) Water limitations and plant community development in a polar desert. Ecology 76:1558-1568.

Gold WG, Bliss LC (1995) The nature of water limitations for plants in a high arctic polar desert. In: T Callaghan (ed) Global Change and Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems. Ecosystems Research Report 10. Directorate-General Science, Research and Development; European Commission. pp. 149-155.

Bliss LC, Gold WG (1994) The patterning of plant communities and edaphic factors along a high arctic coastline: implications for succession. Canadian Journal of Botany 72:1095-1107.

Billings WD, Gold WG, Cooper C, Mordaunt C (1994) Sensitive and risk ecosystems of the Arctic prone to climate change. In: WC Oechel and JI Holten (eds) Global Change and Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems: an International Conference. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) Trondheim, Norway. pp. 14-16.

Teramura AH, Gold WG, Forseth IN (1991) Physiological ecology of mesic, temperate woody vines. In: FE Putz, HA Mooney (eds) The Biology of Vines. Cambridge Univ. Press., Cambridge. pp. 245 - 285.

Gold WG, Caldwell MM (1990) The effects of the spatial pattern of defoliation on regrowth of a tussock grass. III. Photosynthesis, canopy structure, and light interception. Oecologia (Berlin) 82:12-17.

Gold WG, Caldwell MM (1989) The effects of the spatial pattern of defoliation on regrowth of a tussock grass. II. Canopy gas exchange. Oecologia (Berlin) 81:437-442.

Gold WG, Caldwell MM (1989) The effects of the spatial pattern of defoliation on regrowth of a tussock grass. I. Growth responses. Oecologia (Berlin) 80:289-296.

Barnes PW, Jordan PW, Gold WG, Flint SF, and Caldwell MM (1988) Competition, morphology and canopy structure in wheat (Triticum aestivum) and wild oat (Avena fatua) exposed to enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation. Functional Ecology 2: 319- 330.

Gold WG, Caldwell MM (1983) The effects of ultraviolet-B radiation on plant competition in terrestrial ecosystems. Physiologia Plantarum 58: 435-444.

Caldwell MM, Gold WG, Harris G, Ashurst CW (1983) A modulated lamp system for solar UV-B (280-320 nm) supplementation studies in the field. Photochemistry & Photobiology 37: 479-485.

Selected Non-refereed Publications & Reports

Gold, WG (1997) Plant Ecology Laboratory Manual. Santa Clara University, 79 p.

Gold, WG (1997) Plant Physiology Laboratory Manual. Santa Clara University, 54 p.

Gold, WG (1995) Introduction to Plant Ecology: A Laboratory Manual. Univ. of Washington, 96 p.

Oral Presentations

Ewing, K.E. and W.G. Gold. 2009. Giving university students the tools to succeed in the world after school: student-driven community restoration. Society for Ecological Restoration International conference, Perth, Australia.

Jesperson, R.G., T.M. Hinckley, and W.G. Gold. 2009. Effects of cryptogams on the microenvironment of vascular plants at the subalpine/alpine ecotone in the North Cascades, Washington State. Ecological Society of America annual meeting, Alburquerque, NM.

Gold, W.G. 2005. Restoration Ecology and Mountain Environments: reflections from experiences in the Cascades, Alps, and Himalayas. Keynote address of the 21st Pani Satsang organized by the Nepal Water Conservation Foundation, Kathmandu, Nepal. November 2005.

Zox, H., W.G. Gold, and J.W. Gold. 2005. Ecology of Black Lily (Fritillaria camschatcensis): a Washington State sensitive species of cultural concern to northwest native tribes. Society for Ecological Restoration annual regional conference, Seattle, WA. April 2005.

Gold, W.G. and A. Heckman. 2002. Ecological Impacts of Recreation: A structured literature compilation. Presented at symposium: Recreational Impacts in the National Parks (Sept. 16-18; Seattle). (Symposium organizer)

Ewing, K.E. and W. G. Gold. 2002. An interdisciplinary, community-based approach to restoration education: The University of Washington Restoration Ecology Network. Paper presented at the annual Ecological Society of America Meeting, August 2002.

Gold, WG (2001) The University of Washington Restoration Ecology Network. Society for Ecological Restoration Northwest Regional Meeting, Bellevue, WA. (Symposium Organizer)

Gold, WG (1996) Functional influences of cryptobiotic surface crusts in an alpine basin of the Olympic Mountains. Northwest Scientific Association Annual Meeting. Tacoma, WA.

Gold WG, Bliss LC (1995) The influence of cryptogamic crusts on the thermal environment and temperature relations of plants in a high arctic polar desert. Ecological Society of America annual meeting, Snowbird, Utah.

Gold WG (1994) The nature of water limitations in a high arctic polar desert. Invited speaker: Washington State University, Departments of Botany and Zoology seminar, February.

Gold WG, Bliss LC (1993) Water availability and plant distribution in high arctic polar deserts. Ecological Society of America annual meeting, Madison, Wisconsin.

Gold WG, Bliss LC (1993) The nature of water limitations for plants in a high arctic polar desert. International Conference on Global Change and Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems. Oppdal, Norway.

Gold WG, Bliss LC (1992) Does water availability constrain polar desert plant life? XXII Annual Arctic Workshop, Boulder, Colorado.

Gold WG, Caldwell MM (1988) The response of a tussock grass to selective foliage removal. Ecological Society of America annual meeting, Davis, California.

Gold WG, Caldwell MM (1985) Defoliation of crested wheatgrass by cattle, grasshoppers, and mechanical clipping: the role of pattern and manner of herbivory. Society for Range Management annual meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Gold WG, Caldwell MM (1983) The interaction of ultraviolet-B radiation stress and plant competition in agricultural plant populations. Ecological Soc. of America annual meeting, Grand Forks, North Dakota.

Gold WG, Caldwell MM (1983) Plant interactions and ultraviolet radiation. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pacific Division, annual meeting, Logan, Utah.

Gold WG, Caldwell MM (1982) The effects of ultraviolet-B radiation on plant competition in terrestrial ecosystems. International workshop on the effects of ultraviolet radiation on plants, Association Internationale de Photobiologie, New Delhi, India.

Gold WG, Caldwell MM (1982) The interaction of ultraviolet-B radiation stress and competitive stress in agricultural plant populations. Ecol. Soc. of Amer. annual meeting, State College, PA.

Poster Presentations

Gold, W, K Ewing, J Fridley, and R Pond (2009) Community partnerships in ecological restoation. Community-Based Research Networking Initiative conference. Princeton, New Jersey.

McCoy C, Gold WG (2006) Habitat relationships of Fritillaria camschatcensis: a locally-rare species of cultural concern to Northwest Native Peoples. Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Washington.

Gold, WG, Ewing KE, Groom M, Greengrove C, and D Secord. (1999) The University of Washington Restoration Ecology Network. Society for Ecological Restoration IX international conference. San Fransisco, September 19-25.

Gold WG, Caldwell MM (1986) The role of spatial pattern of defoliation in the regrowth of a semiarid bunchgrass. IV International Congress of Ecology and Ecological Soc. of America annual meeting, Syracuse, New York.

Gold WG, Caldwell MM (1984) The interaction of ultraviolet-B radiation stress and plant competition in agricultural plant populations. Sigma Xi Honor Society annual poster competition, Utah State University, Logan, Utah.


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