UC Santa Barbara

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|1. |1984 |L.S. Smoot and M.J.W. Rodwell, "Optical Receivers at 12 |Conference on Optical Fiber |Conference |

| | |and 45 Mbit/sec with Automatic Gain Control.” |Communication, Technical Digest, p.32, |Paper |

| | |  |New Orleans, LA, January. | |

| | | |  | |

|2. |1985 |K.J. Weingarten, M.J.W. Rodwell, H.K. Heinrich, B.H. |Elect. Lett., Vol. 21, No. 17, pp. |Journal Paper |

| | |Kolner, and D.M. Bloom, "Direct Electro-Optic Sampling of|765-766, August 15. | |

| | |GaAs Integrated Circuits.” | | |

| | |  | | |

|3. |1985 |B.H. Kolner, K.J. Weingarten, M.J.W. Rodwell, and D.M. |Presented at the Topical Meeting on |Conference |

| | |Bloom, "Electro-optic Sampling and Harmonic Mixing in |Picosecond Electronics and |Paper |

| | |GaAs." |Optoelectronics, Incline Village, NV, | |

| | |  |March 13-15. Proceedings Published as | |

| | | |Picosecond Electronics and | |

| | | |Optoelectronics, G.A. Mourou, D.M. | |

| | | |Bloom, and C.H. Lee, eds., | |

| | | |Springer-Verlag, New York. | |

| | | |  | |

|4. |1985 |J.L. Freeman, K.J. Weingarten, M.J.W. Rodwell, S.K. |GaAs IC Symposium, Technical Digest, pp.|Conference |

| | |Diamond, H. Fong, and D.M. Bloom, "Direct Electro-optic |147-150, November. |Paper |

| | |Sampling of Analog and Digital GaAs Integrated Circuits.”|  | |

| | | |  | |

| | |  | | |

|5. |1985 |K.J. Weingarten, M.J.W. Rodwell, J.L. Freeman, S.K. |International Electron Devices Meeting, |Conference |

| | |Diamond, and D.M. Bloom, "Characterization of GaAs |Technical Digest, |Paper |

| | |Integrated Circuits by Direct Electrooptic Sampling." |pp. 479-482, Washington, DC, December 4.| |

| | |  |  | |

|6. |1986 |M.J.W. Rodwell, M. Riaziat, K.J. Weingarten, B.A. Auld, |1986 IEEE Symposium on Microwave Theory |Conference |

| | |and D.M. Bloom, "Internal Microwave Propagation and |& Techniques, Technical Digest, pp. |Paper |

| | |Distortion Characteristics of Travelling-Wave Amplifiers |333-336. | |

| | |Studied by Electro-Optic Sampling." | | |

| | |  | | |

|7. |1986 |M.J.W. Rodwell, K.J. Weingarten, J.L. Freeman, and D.M. |Electronic Letters, Vol. 22, No. 9, pp. |Journal Paper |

| | |Bloom, "Gate Propagation Delay and Logic Timing of GaAs |499-501, April 24. | |

| | |Integrated Circuits Measured by Electro-Optic Sampling.” | | |

| | |  | | |

|8. |1986 |M.J.W. Rodwell, K.J. Weingarten, D.M. Bloom, T. Baer, and|Opt. Lett., Vol. 11, pp. 638-640, |Journal Paper |

| | |B.H. Kolner, "Reduction in the Timing Fluctuations in a |October. | |

| | |Mode-Locked Nd:YAG Laser by Electronic Feedback.” |  | |

| | |  | | |

|9. |1986 |M.J.W. Rodwell, M. Riaziat, K.J. Weingarten, B.A. Auld, |IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory & Tech., |Journal Paper |

| | |and D.M. Bloom, "Internal Microwave Propagation and |Vol. MTT-34, No. 12, pp. 1356-1361, | |

| | |Distortion Characteristics of Travelling-Wave Amplifiers |December. | |

| | |Studied by Electro-Optic Sampling.” | | |

| | |  | | |

|10. |1986 |K.J. Weingarten, M.J.W. Rodwell, J.L. Freeman, S.K. |Presented at the Topical Meeting on |Conference |

| | |Diamond, and D.M. Bloom, "Electro-optic Sampling of GaAs |Ultrafast Phenomena, Snowmass, CO, June |Paper |

| | |Integrated Circuits.” |16-19. Proceedings Published in | |

| | | |Ultrafast Phenomena V, G.R. Fleming and | |

| | | |A.E. Siegman, eds., Springer-Verlag, New| |

| | | |York. | |

| | | |  | |

| | | |  | |

|11. |1987 |M.J.W. Rodwell, D.M. Bloom, and B.A. Auld, "Nonlinear |Elect. Lett., 23, p.109, January 29. |Journal Paper |

| | |Transmission-Line for Picosecond Pulse Compression and |  | |

| | |Broadband Phase Modulation.” |  | |

| | |  | | |

|12. |1987 |K.J.Weingarten, M.J.W. Rodwell, and D.M. Bloom, |Invited Presentation to the Topical |Conference |

| | |"Picosecond Sampling of GaAs Integrated Circuits." |Meeting on Picosecond Electronics and |Paper |

| | |  |Optoelectronics, Incline Village, NV, | |

| | | |January 14-16. Proceedings Published as| |

| | | |Picosecond Electronics and | |

| | | |Optoelectronics II, F.J. Leonberger, | |

| | | |C.H. Lee, F. Capasso, and H. Morkoc, | |

| | | |eds., Springer-Verlag, New York. | |

| | | |  | |

|13. |1987 |K.J. Weingarten, R. Majidi-Ahy, M.J.W. Rodwell, B.A. |Invited paper to the 1987 IEEE Microwave|Conference Paper |

| | |Auld, and D. M. Bloom, "Microwave Measurements of GaAs |Theory & Techniques Symposium, June. | |

| | |Integrated Circuits Using Electro-Optic Sampling.” |  | |

| | |  | | |

|14. |1988 |M.J.W. Rodwell, C.J. Madden, B.T. Khuri-Yakub, D.M. |Elect. Lett., Vol. 24, No. 2, p. 100, |Journal Paper |

| | |Bloom, Y.C. Pao, N.S. Gabriel, and S.P. Swierkowski, |January 21. | |

| | |"Generation of 7.8 ps Electrical Transients on a |  | |

| | |Monolithic Nonlinear Transmission Line.” | | |

| | |  | | |

|15. |1988 |K.J. Weingarten, M.J.W. Rodwell, and D.M. Bloom, |IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, |Journal Paper |

| | |"Picosecond Sampling of GaAs Integrated Circuits.” |Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 198-220, February. | |

| | |  |(Invited Paper) | |

| | | |  | |

|16. |1988 |M.J.W. Rodwell, K.J. Weingarten, and D.M. Bloom, |Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics,|Conference Paper |

| | |"Subpicosecond Laser Timing Stabilization.” |Anaheim, CA, April 25-29. | |

| | |  |  | |

|17. |1988 |M. J.W. Rodwell, C.J. Madden, B.T. Khuri-Yakub, D.M. |Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics,|Conference Paper |

| | |Bloom, Y.C. Pao, N.S. Gabriel, and S.P. Swierkowsk, |Anaheim, CA, April 25-29. | |

| | |“Generation of 7.8 ps Electrical Transients on a |  | |

| | |Monolithic Nonlinear Transmission Line.” | | |

| | |  | | |

|18. |1988 |C.J. Madden, M.J.W. Rodwell, R.A. Marsland, D.M. Bloom, |Device Research Conference, Boulder, CO,|Conference Paper |

| | |and Y.C. Pao, "Picosecond Shock-Wave Generation on a |June 20-22. | |

| | |Monolithic Nonlinear Transmission Line.” | | |

| | |  | | |

|19. |1988 |C.J. Madden, M.J.W. Rodwell, R.A. Marsland, Y.C. Pao, and|IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 9, |Journal Paper |

| | |D.M. Bloom, "Generation of 3.5 ps Falltime Shock-waves on|No. 6, pp. 303-305, June. | |

| | |a Monolithic GaAs Nonlinear Transmission Line.” |  | |

| | |  | | |

|20. |1988 |R.A. Marsland, V. Valdivia, C.J. Madden, M.J.W. Rodwell, |1988 International Electron Device |Conference Paper |

| | |and D.M. Bloom, "100 GHz GaAs MMIC Sampling Head.” |Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Technical | |

| | | |Digest, pp. 897-899, December 11-14. | |

| | | |  | |

|21. |1990 |K.J. Weingarten, M.J.W. Rodwell, and D.M. Bloom, |Gallium Arsenide Technology, Volume II, |Book Chapter |

| | |"Picosecond Optical Characterization of GaAs Integrated |David K. Ferry, ed., Howard Sams & Co. | |

| | |Circuits.” |  | |

| | |  | | |

|22. |1989 |S.K. Diamond, E. Özbay, M.J.W. Rodwell, D.M. Bloom, Y.C. |Applied Physics Letters, 54 (2), pp. |Journal Paper |

| | |Pao, and J.S. Harris, "Resonant Tunneling Diodes for |153-155, January 9. | |

| | |Switching Applications.” | | |

| | |  | | |

|23. |1989 |R.A. Marsland, C.J. Madden, V. Valdivia, M.J.W. Rodwell, |Presentation to the Picosecond |Conference Paper |

| | |and D.M. Bloom, "Picosecond Pulse Generation and Sampling|Electronics and Optoelectronics | |

| | |with GaAs Monolithic Integrated Circuits.” |Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, March | |

| | |  |8-10. (Invited Paper) | |

| | | |  | |

|24. |1989 |S.K. Diamond, E. Özbay, M.J.W. Rodwell, D.M. Bloom, Y.C. |Picosecond Electronics and |Conference Paper |

| | |Pao, E. Wolak, and J.S. Harris, "Fabrication of |Optoelectronics Conference, Salt Lake | |

| | |Resonant Tunneling Diodes for Switching Applications." |City, UT, March 8-10. | |

| | |  |  | |

|25. |1989 |C.J. Madden, R.A. Marsland, M.J.W. Rodwell, D.M. Bloom, |Applied Physics Letters, 54 (11), pp. |Journal Paper |

| | |and Y.C. Pao, "Hyperabrupt-doped GaAs Nonlinear |1019-1021, March 13. | |

| | |Transmission Line for Picosecond Shock-wave Generation." |  | |

|26. |1989 |S.K. Diamond, E. Özbay, M.J.W. Rodwell, D.M. Bloom, Y.C. |IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 10, |Journal Paper |

| | |Pao, E. Wolak, and J.S. Harris, "Fabrication of 200 GHz |No. 3, pp. 104-106, March. | |

| | |Fmax Resonant Tunneling Diodes for Integrated Circuit and|  | |

| | |Microwave Applications." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|27. |1989 |U. Keller, K.D. Li, M.J.W. Rodwell, and D.M. Bloom, |IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, |Journal Paper |

| | |"Noise Characterization of Femtosecond Fiber Raman |Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 280-288, March. | |

| | |Soliton Lasers." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|28. |1989 |M.J.W. Rodwell, D.M. Bloom, and K.J. Weingarten, |IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, |Journal Paper |

| | |"Subpicosecond Laser Timing Stabilization." |Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 817-827, April. | |

| | | |  | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|29. |1989 |J.E. Bowers, D.J. Derickson, A. Mar, P.A. Morton, and |Seventh International Conference on |Conference Paper |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell, "Phase Noise in Actively Mode Locked |Integrated Optics and Optical Fiber | |

| | |Semiconductor Lasers." |Communication, Kobe, Japan, July 18-21. | |

| | |  |  | |

|30. |1989 |R.A. Marsland, V. Valdivia, C.J. Madden, M.J.W. Rodwell, |Applied Physics Letters, 55(6), August |Journal Paper |

| | |and D.M. Bloom, "130 GHz GaAs Monolithic Integrated |7. | |

| | |Circuit Sampling Head." |  | |

| | |  |  | |

|31. |1990 |C.J. Madden, R.A. Marsland, D.M. Bloom, and M.J.W. |Presented at the Topical Meeting on |Conference Paper |

| | |Rodwell, "Picosecond Pulse Generation Circuits using a |Ultrafast Phenomena, Monterey, CA, May | |

| | |GaAs Nonlinear Transmission Line." |14-17. | |

| | |  |  | |

|32. |1990 |M. Case, R.Y. Yu, M. Kamegawa, M. Sundaram, M.J.W. |Device Research Conference, Santa |Conference Paper |

| | |Rodwell, and A.C. Gosssard, "Accurate 225 GHz Sampling |Barbara, CA, June 25-27. | |

| | |Circuit Implemented in a 3-Mask Process." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|33. |1990 |M. Case, M. Kamegawa, R.Y. Yu, K. Giboney, M.J.W. |1990 Device Research Conference, Santa |Conference Paper |

| | |Rodwell, J. Bowers and J. Franklin, "62.5 ps to 5.5 ps |Barbara, CA, June 25-27. | |

| | |Soliton Compression on a Monolithic Nonlinear |  | |

| | |Transmission Line." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|34. |1990 |M.J.W. Rodwell, J.F. Jensen, W.E. Stanchina, R.A Metzger,|Presented at the 1990 IEEE Bipolar |Conference Paper |

| | |D.B. Rensch, M.W. Pierce, T.V. Kargodorian, and Y.K. |Circuits and Technology Meeting, | |

| | |Allen, "33 GHz Monolithic Cascode InGaAs/InAlAs |Minneapolis, MN, Sept. 17-18. | |

| | |Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor Feedback Amplifier." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|35. |1990 |R.Y. Yu, M. Case, M. Kamegawa, M. Sundaram, M.J.W. |Electronics Letters, Vol. 26, No. 13, |Journal Paper |

| | |Rodwell, and A. Gossard, "275 GHz 3-Mask Integrated GaAs |pp. 949-951, June 21. | |

| | |Sampling Circuit." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|36. |1991 |M. Case, M. Kamegawa, R.Y. Yu, M.J.W. Rodwell, and J. |Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 58, No. 2,|Journal Paper |

| | |Franklin, "Impulse Compression Using Soliton Effects in a|pp. 173-175, January 14. | |

| | |Monolithic GaAs Circuit." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|37. |1991 |E. Carman, K. Giboney, M. Case, M. Kamegawa, R. Yu, K. |IEEE Microwave and Guided-Wave Letters, |Journal Paper |

| | |Abe, M.J.W. Rodwell, and J. Franklin, "28-39 GHz |Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 28-31, February. | |

| | |Distributed Harmonic Generation on a Soliton Nonlinear |  | |

| | |Transmission Line." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|38. |1991 |M. Case, E. Carman, M. Kamegawa, K. Giboney, R. Yu, K. |Presented at the OSA Topical Meeting on |Conference Paper |

| | |Abe, M.J.W. Rodwell, and J. Franklin, "Impulse Generation|Picosecond Electronics and | |

| | |and Frequency Multiplication Using Soliton Effects in |Optoelectronics, March 13-15, Salt Lake| |

| | |Monolithic GaAs Circuits." |City, UT. | |

| | |  |  | |

|39. |1991 |M. Rodwell, M. Kamegawa, R. Yu, M. Case, E. Carman, and |IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory |Journal Paper |

| | |K. Giboney, "GaAs Nonlinear Transmission Lines for |and Techniques, Vol. 39, No. 7, pp. | |

| | |Picosecond Pulse Generation and Millimeter-Wave |1194-1204, July. | |

| | |Sampling." |  | |

| | | | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|40. |1991 |Y.G. Wey, K. Giboney, D.L. Crawford, J.E. Bowers, M.J.W. |OSA Topical Meeting on Picosecond |Conference Paper |

| | |Rodwell, P. Silvestre, M.J. Hafich, and G.Y. Robinson, |Electronics and Optoelectronics, Salt | |

| | |"Ultrafast Graded Double Heterostructure p-i-n |Lake City, UT, March 13-15. | |

| | |Photodiode." |  | |

|41. |1991 |Y.G. Wey, M. Kamegawa, A. Mar, K.J. Williams, K. Giboney,|Postdeadline paper at the 1991 IEEE/OSA |Conference Paper |

| | |D.L. Crawford, J.E. Bowers, and M.J.W. Rodwell, "Hybrid |conference on Optical Fiber | |

| | |Integration of an InGaAs/InP Photodiode with an Ultrafast|Communication, San Diego, CA, Feb. | |

| | |Sampling Circuit." |19-22. | |

| | |  |  | |

|42. |1991 |Y.G. Wey, D.L. Crawford, K. Giboney, J.E. Bowers, M.J.W. |Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 58, No. |Journal Paper |

| | |Rodwell, P. Silvestre, M.J. Hafich, and G.Y. Robinson, |19, pp. 2156-2158, May 13. | |

| | |"Ultrafast Graded Double Heterostructure GaInAs/InP |  | |

| | |Photodiode." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|43. |1991 |M. Kamegawa, K. Giboney, J. Karin, M.Case, R. Yu, M.J.W. |IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. |Journal Paper |

| | |Rodwell, and J.E. Bowers, "Picosecond GaAs Monolithic |3, No. 6, pp. 567-569, June. | |

| | |Optoelectronic Sampling Circuit." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|44. |1991 |M. Kamegawa, K. Giboney, J. Karin, M.Case, R. Yu, M.J.W. |1991 IEEE/OSA Topical Meeting on |Conference Paper |

| | |Rodwell, and J.E. Bowers, "Picosecond GaAs Photodetector |Picosecond Electronics and | |

| | |Monolithically Integrated with a High Speed Sampling |Optoelectronics, Salt Lake City, UT, | |

| | |Circuit." |March 13-15. | |

| | |  |  | |

|45. |1991 |M. Rodwell, M. Kamegawa, M. Case, R. Yu, K. Giboney, E. |1991 Engineering Foundation Conference |Conference Paper |

| | |Carman, J. Karin, S. Allen, and J. Franklin, "Nonlinear |on High Frequency/ High Speed | |

| | |Transmission Lines and their Applications in Picosecond |Optoelectronics, Palm Beach, FL, March | |

| | |Optoelectronic and Electronic Measurements." |18-22. | |

| | |  |  | |

|46. |1991 |M. Kamegawa, Y. Konishi, M. Case, R. Yu, and M. Rodwell,|Presented at the 1991 LEOS Summer |Conference Paper |

| | |"Coherent Broadband Millimeter-Wave Spectroscopy Using |Topical Meeting on Optical | |

| | |Monolithic GaAs Circuits." |Millimeter-Wave Interactions, Newport | |

| | |  |Beach, CA, July 24-26. | |

| | | |  | |

|47. |1991 |R. Yu, M. Kamegawa, M. Case, M.J.W. Rodwell, and J. |Presented at the 1991 IEEE/Cornell |Conference Paper |

| | |Franklin, "A 100 GHz |Conference, Antibes, France, June 8-12. | |

| | |Signal Sources" |  | |

| | |  | | |

|58. |1992 |R.Y. Yu, J. Pusl, Y. Konishi, M. Case, M. Kamegawa, and |IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, |Journal Paper |

| | |M. Rodwell, "A Time-Domain Millimeter-Wave Vector Network|Vol. 2, No. 8, pp. 319-321, August. | |

| | |Analyzer." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|59. |1992 |M.J.W. Rodwell, "GaAs Nonlinear Transmission Lines for |Presented at the IEEE Second |Conference Paper |

| | |Picosecond and mm-Wave Applications." |International Workshop on Integrated | |

| | |  |Nonlinear Microwave and Millimeterwave | |

| | | |Circuits, Duisburg, Germany, October | |

| | | |7-9. (Invited Paper) | |

| | | |  | |

|60. |1992 |R.Y. Yu, J. Pusl, Y. Konishi, M. Case, M. Kamegawa, and |Presented at 1992 IEEE GaAs IC |Conference Paper |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell, "8-96 GHz On-Wafer Network Analysis." |symposium, Miami, FL, October 5-7. | |

| | |  |  | |

|61. |1992 |K.S. Giboney, M.J.W. Rodwell, and J.E. Bowers, |Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 4, |Journal Paper |

| | |"Travelling-Wave Photodetectors." |No. 12, pp. 1363-1365, December. | |

| | |  |  | |

|62. |1992 |Y. Konishi, M. Kamegawa, M. Case, R. Yu, and M.J.W. |Presented at the 17th International |Conference Paper |

| | |Rodwell, "An Accurate, High Resolution 30-250 GHz |Conference on Infrared and Millimeter | |

| | |Free-Space Vector Transmission Measurement System Using |Waves, Pasadena, CA, December 14-18. | |

| | |Monolithic GaAs Ics." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|63. |1993 |Y. Konishi, M. Kamegawa, M. Case, R. Yu, and M.J.W. |1993 IEEE/OSA Conference on Ultrafast |Conference Paper |

| | |Rodwell, "An NLTL-Based System for mm-Wave and |Electronics and Optoelectronics, San | |

| | |Sub-mm-Wave Electromagnetic Measurements." |Francisco, CA, January 25-27. | |

| | |  |Proceedings published by the OSA. | |

| | | |  | |

|64. |1992 |Y. Konishi, S.T. Allen, M. Reddy, M.J.W. Rodwell, R.P. |1992 Engineering Foundation Workshop on |Conference Paper |

| | |Smith and J. Liu, "AlAs/GaAs Schottky-Collector |Advanced Heterostructure Transistors, | |

| | |Resonant-Tunnel-Diodes." |Kona, HI, November. | |

| | |  |  | |

|65. |1993 |R. Yu, M. Reddy, J. Pusl, S. Allen, M. Case, and M.J.W. |1993 IEEE Conference on Microwave Theory|Conference Paper |

| | |Rodwell, "Full Two-Port On-Wafer Vector Network Analysis |and Techniques, Atlanta, GA, June. | |

| | |to 120 GHz Using Active Probes." | | |

| | |  | | |

|66. |1993 |Y. Konishi, S.T. Allen, M. Reddy, R. Yu, M.J.W. Rodwell, |Postdeadline paper presented at the 1993|Conference Paper |

| | |R.P. Smith, and J. Liu, "AlAs/GaAs Schottky-Collector |IEEE/OSA Conference on Ultrafast | |

| | |Resonant-Tunnel-Diodes and Travelling-Wave Pulse |Electronics and Optoelectronics, San | |

| | |Generators." |Francisco, CA, January 25-27. | |

| | |  |Proceedings to be published by the OSA. | |

| | | |  | |

|67. |1993 |Y.-G. Wey, K.S. Giboney, J.E. Bowers, and M.J.W. Rodwell,|Postdeadline paper presented at the 1993|Conference Paper |

| | |"110 GHz Double Heterostructure GaInAs/InP p-i-n |IEEE/OSA conference on Ultrafast | |

| | |Photodiode." |Electronics and Optoelectronics, San | |

| | |  |Francisco, CA, January 25-27. | |

| | | |Proceedings to be published by the OSA. | |

| | | |  | |

|68. |1993 |K.S. Giboney, Y.-G. Wey, J.E. Bowers, and M.J.W. Rodwell,|Postdeadline paper presented at the 1993|Conference Paper |

| | |"High-Speed GaInAs/InP |International Conference on InP and | |

| | |p-i-n Photodetectors with Integrated Bias Tees." |Related Materials, Paris, France, April | |

| | |  |18-22. | |

| | | |  | |

|69. |1993 |M.J.W. Rodwell, M. Case, R. Yu, S. Allen, |Invited presentation during the 1993 |Conference Paper |

| | |M. Reddy, U. Bhattacharya, and K. Giboney, "Ultrashort |IEEE International Microwave Symposium,| |

| | |Pulse Generation Using Nonlinear Microwave Transmission |Workshop on Picosecond and Femtosecond | |

| | |Lines." |Electromagnetic Pulses: Analysis and | |

| | |  |Applications, Atlanta, GA, June. | |

| | | |  | |

|70. |1993 |M.J.W. Rodwell, R. Yu, M. Reddy, S. Allen, M. Case, and |Invited Presentation at the 14th |Conference Paper, |

| | |U. Bhattacharya,"mm-Wave Network Analysis Using Nonlinear|Biennial IEEE/Cornell University |Plenary Session |

| | |Transmission Lines." |Conference on Advanced Concepts in High | |

| | |  |Speed Semiconductor Devices and | |

| | | |Circuits, Cornell, August 2-4. | |

| | | |  | |

|71. |1993 |Y. Konishi , S.T. Allen, M. Reddy, M.J.W. Rodwell, R.P. |Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 36, No. |Journal Paper |

| | |Smith and J. Liu, "AlAs/GaAs Schottky-Collector |12, pp. 1673-1676. | |

| | |Resonant-Tunnel-Diodes." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|72. |1993 |M.J.W. Rodwell, S. Allen, M. Case, R. Yu, M. Reddy, U. |Proc. of 1993 European Microwave |Conference Paper |

| | |Bhattacharya, and K. Giboney, "GaAs Nonlinear |Convention, Madrid, Spain, September | |

| | |Transmission Lines for Picosecond and Millimeter-Wave |8-10, pp. ??-??. (Invited Paper) | |

| | |Applications." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|73. |1993 |Y. Konishi, M. Kamegawa , M. Case, R. Yu, S.T. Allen, and|IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol. 42, No. 7, pp. |Journal Paper |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell, "A Broadband Free-Space Millimeter-Wave |1131-1139, July. | |

| | |Vector Transmission Measurement System." | | |

| | |  | | |

|74. |1993 |S.T. Allen, U. Bhattacharya, and M.J.W. Rodwell, "4 THz |Proc. of 1993 IEEE GaAs IC Symposium, |Conference Paper |

| | |Sidewall-Etched Varactors for Sub-mm-Wave Sampling |San Jose, CA, October, pp. ??-??. | |

| | |Circuits." | | |

| | |  | | |

|75. |1993 |S.T. Allen, M. Reddy, M.J.W. Rodwell, R.P. Smith, J. Liu,|Proc. of 1993 International Electron |Conference Paper |

| | |S.C. Martin, R.E. Muller, "Submicron Schottky-Collector |Device Meeting, Washington DC, December.| |

| | |AlAs/GaAs Resonant Tunnel Diodes." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|76. |1993 |Y.G. Wey, K.S. Giboney, J.E. Bowers, M.J.W. Rodwell, P. |Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 5, |Journal Paper |

| | |Silvestre, P. Thiagarajan, and G.Y. Robinson, "110 GHz |No. 11, November. | |

| | |GaInAs/InP p-i-n Photodiodes with Integrated Bias Tees | | |

| | |and Matched Resistors." | | |

| | |  | | |

|77. |1993 |S.T. Allen, U. Bhattacharya, and M.J.W. Rodwell, "4 THz |Electronics Letters, Vol. 29, No. 25, |Journal Paper |

| | |Sidewall-Etched Varactors and Their Application in |December 9. | |

| | |Sub-mm-Wave Sampling Circuits." | | |

| | |  | | |

|78. |1994 |R.Y. Yu, Y. Konishi, S.T. Allen, M. Reddy, and M.J.W. |IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, |Journal Paper |

| | |Rodwell, "A Travelling-Wave Resonant Tunnel Diode Pulse |Vol. 4, No. 7, July. | |

| | |Generator." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|79. |1994 |K.S. Giboney, S.T. Allen, M.J.W. Rodwell, and J.E. |Proc. of 1994 IEEE/OSA Conference on |Conference Paper |

| | |Bowers, "1.5 ps Fall-Time Measurements By Free-Running |Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO). | |

| | |Electro-Optic Sampling." | | |

| | |  | | |

|80. |1994 |R.Y. Yu, M. Reddy, J. Pusl, S.T. Allen, M.G. Case, and |IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol. 43, No. 4, April |Journal Paper |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell, "Millimeter-Wave On-Wafer Waveform and |1994. | |

| | |Network Measurements Using Active Probes." | | |

| | |  | | |

|81. |1994 |M.J.W. Rodwell, R. Yu, S. Allen, U. Bhattacharya, and M. |Proc. of Conference on Ultra-Wideband |Conference Paper |

| | |Reddy, "Nonlinear Wave Propagation Devices for Ultrafast |Short-Pulse Electromagnetics, Weber | |

| | |Electronics." |Research Institute, Polytechnic | |

| | |  |University, Brooklyn, NY. (Invited | |

| | | |Paper) | |

| | | |  | |

|82. |1994 |M.J.W. Rodwell, S.T. Allen, R.Y. Yu, M.G. Case, M. Reddy,|IEEE Proceedings, Vol. 82, No. 7, pp. |Journal Paper |

| | |E. Carman, J. Pusl, M. Kamegawa, Y. Konishi, and R. |1037-1058, July. (Invited Paper) | |

| | |Pullela, "Active and Nonlinear Wave Propagation Devices | | |

| | |in Ultrafast Electronics and Optoelectronics." | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|83. |1994 |R.P. Smith, S.T. Allen, M. Reddy, S.C. Martin, J. Liu, |IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 15, |Journal Paper |

| | |R.E. Muller, and M.J.W. Rodwell, "0.1 µm |No. 8, August. | |

| | |Schottky-Collector AlAs/GaAs Resonant Tunneling Diodes." | | |

| | |  | | |

|84. |1994 |R.Y. Yu, M. Reddy, J. Pusl, S.T. Allen, M.G. Case, and |Proc. of NASA/IEEE 5th International |Conference Paper |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell, "Millimeter-Wave On-Wafer Waveform and |Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology,| |

| | |Network Measurements Using Active Probes." |Ann Arbor, MI, May. | |

| | |  |  | |

|85. |1994 |M. Schlectweg, W. Reinhert, A. Bangert, J. Braunstein, |Proc. of 1994 IEEE Microwave and |Conference Paper |

| | |P.J. Tasker, R. Bosch, W.H. Haydl, W. Bronner, A. |Millimeter-Wave Monolithic Circuits | |

| | |Hulsmann, K. Kohler, J. Seibel, R. Yu, and M.J.W. |Symposium, San Diego, CA, May 22-25. | |

| | |Rodwell, "High Performance MMICs in Coplanar-Waveguide | | |

| | |Technology for Commercial V-Band and W-Band | | |

| | |Applications." | | |

| | |  | | |

|86. |1994 |M.J.W. Rodwell, R. Yu, M. Reddy, S. Allen, and U. |Proc. of IEEE Conference on Precision |Conference Paper |

| | |Bhattacharya, "Active Probes For On-Wafer Millimeter-Wave|Electromagnetic Measurements, Boulder, | |

| | |Network Analysis." |CO, June. (Invited Paper) | |

| | |  |  | |

|87. |1993 |R.H. Walden, W.E. Stanchina, R.A. Metzger, R.Y. Loo, J. |Proc. of 1994 IEEE/OSA Conference on |Conference Paper |

| | |Schaffner, M.W. Pierce, Y.K. Brown, F. Williams, V. |Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), | |

| | |Jones, J. Pikulski, M.J.W. Rodwell, K. Giboney, R.A. |Anaheim, CA, February 22. | |

| | |Muller, and J.F. Jensen, "Broadband Optoelectronic | | |

| | |Integrated Receiver Front-Ends Comprising InP-Based | | |

| | |Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors and Base-Collector | | |

| | |Photodiodes." | | |

| | |  | | |

|88. |1994 |R.E. Muller, S.C. Martin, R.P. Smith, S.T. Allen, M. |Proc. of 38th International Symposium on|Conference Paper |

| | |Reddy, and M.J.W. Rodwell, "Electron Beam Lithography for|Electron, Ion, and Photon Beams. | |

| | |the Fabrication of Air-Bridged, Submicron Schottky | | |

| | |Collectors." | | |

| | |  | | |

|89. |1994 |R.E. Muller, S.C. Martin, R.P. Smith, S.T. Allen, M. |Journal of Vacuum Science and |Journal Paper |

| | |Reddy, U. Bhattacharya, and M.J.W. Rodwell, |Technology, Nov./Dec. | |

| | |"Electron-Beam Lithography for the Fabrication of | | |

| | |Air-Bridged, Submicron Schottky Collectors." | | |

| | |  | | |

|90. |1994 |K. Giboney, R. Nagarajan, T. Reynolds, S. Allen, R. |Proc. of 52nd annual IEEE Device |Postdeadline Conference Paper |

| | |Mirin, M.J.W. Rodwell and J. Bowers, "172 GHz, 42% |Research Conference, Boulder, CO, June. | |

| | |Quantum Efficiency p-i-n Travelling-Wave Photodetector." |Proc. of Engineering Foundation | |

| | |  |Conference on High Speed Optoelectronic | |

| | | |Devices for Communications and | |

| | | |Interconnects, San Luis Obispo, CA, Aug.| |

| | | |14-18. | |

| | | |  | |

|91. |1994 |S.T. Allen, U. Bhattacharya, and M.J.W. Rodwell, "725 GHz|Proc. of 52nd Annual IEEE Device |Conference Paper |

| | |Sampling Circuits Integrated with Nonlinear Transmission |Research Conference, Boulder, CO, June. | |

| | |Lines." |  | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|92. |1994 |K.S. Giboney, S.T. Allen, M.J.W. Rodwell, and J.E. |IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. |Journal Paper |

| | |Bowers, "Picosecond Measurements by Free-Running |6, No. 11, pp. 1353-1355, November. | |

| | |Electro-Optic Sampling." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|93. |1994 |R.H. Walden, W.E. Stanchina, R.A. Metzger, R.Y. Loo, J. |Proc. of Engineering Foundation |Conference Paper |

| | |Schaffner, M.W. Pierce, Y.K. Brown, F. Williams, V. |Conference on High Speed Optoelectronic | |

| | |Jones, J. Pikulski, M.J.W. Rodwell, K. Giboney, R.A. |Devices for Communications and | |

| | |Muller, and J.F. Jensen, "Broadband Optoelectronic |Interconnects, San Luis Obispo, CA, Aug.| |

| | |Integrated Receiver Front-Ends Comprising InP-Based |14-18. | |

| | |Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors and Base-Collector | | |

| | |Photodiodes." | | |

| | |  | | |

|94. |1994 |S.J. Allen, B.J. Keay, J.P. Kaminski, K.L. Campman, A.C. |Proc. of 19th International Conference |Conference Paper |

| | |Gossard, U. Bhattacharya, M.J.W. Rodwell, and J. Galan, |on Infrared and Millimeter-waves, | |

| | |"Transport in Semiconductor Nanostructures in the |October 17-21. (Invited Plenary Talk) | |

| | |Presence of Intense Terahertz Electric Fields." | | |

| | |  | | |

|95. |1994 |U. Bhattacharya, S.T. Allen, and M.J.W. Rodwell, "DC-725 |IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, |Journal Paper |

| | |GHz Sampling Circuits and Subpicosecond Nonlinear |Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 50-52, February,. | |

| | |Transmission Lines Using Elevated Coplanar Waveguide." | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|96. |1994 |K.S. Giboney, R. Nagarajan, T.E. Reynolds, S.T. Allen, |IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. |Journal Paper |

| | |R.P. Mirin, M.J.W. Rodwell, and J.E. Bowers, |7, No. 4, pp. 412-414. | |

| | |"Travelling-Wave Photodetectors with 172-GHz Bandwidth | | |

| | |and 76-GHz Bandwidth-Efficiency Product." | | |

| | |  | | |

|97. |1994 |M. Reddy, M.J. Mondry, M.J.W. Rodwell, S.C. Martin, R.E. |Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 77, No. |Journal Paper |

| | |Muller, R.P. Smith, D.H. Chow, and J.N. Schulman, |9, pp. 4819-4821, May 1. | |

| | |"Fabrication and DC, Microwave Characteristics of | | |

| | |Submicron Schottky-Collector AlAs/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP | | |

| | |Resonant Tunneling Diodes." | | |

| | |  | | |

|98. |1994 |B.J. Keay, S.J. Allen, Jr., J.P. Kaminski, K.L. Campman, |Proc. of ICPS-22. |Conference Paper |

| | |A.C. Gossard, U. Bhattacharya, M.J.W. Rodwell, and J. | | |

| | |Galan, "Sequential Resonant Tunneling via Photon Virtual | | |

| | |States in Semiconductor Superlattices." | | |

| | |  | | |

|99. |1995 |J. Pusl, B. Agarwal, R. Pullela, L.D. Nguyen, M.V. Lee, |Proc. of 1995 IEEE MTT-S International |Conference Paper |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell, L. Larson, J.F. Jensen, R.Y. Yu, and M.G.|Microwave Symposium, Orlando, FL, May | |

| | |Case, "Capacitive Division Travelling-Wave Amplifier with|15-19. | |

| | |340 GHz Gain-Bandwidth Product." |  | |

| | | | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|100. |1995 |M. Reddy, M.J. Mondry, S.C. Martin, R.E. Muller, R.P. |Proc. of 1995 OSA Conference on |Conference Paper |

| | |Smith, M.J.W. Rodwell, D.H. Chow, and J.N. Schulman, |Ultrafast Electronics and | |

| | |"Submicron Schottky-Collector AlAs/InGaAs/InP Resonant |Optoelectronics, Dana Pt., CA, March. | |

| | |Tunnel Diodes." | | |

| | |  | | |

|101. |1995 |R. Pullela, U. Bhattacharya, S.T. Allen , and M.J.W. |Proc. of 1995 OSA Conference on |Conference Paper |

| | |Rodwell, "Diode Multiplexer/ Demultiplexer IC's for 100 |Ultrafast Electronics and | |

| | |GB/s Fiber-Optic Transmission." |Optoelectronics, Dana Pt., CA, March. | |

| | |  |(Invited Paper) | |

| | | |  | |

|102. |1995 |U. Bhattacharya, M.J. Mondry, G. Hurtz, I. Tan, R. |Proc. of 1995 OSA Conference on |Conference Paper |

| | |Pullela, M. Reddy, J. Guthrie, M.J.W. Rodwell, J.E. |Ultrafast Electronics and | |

| | |Bowers, "Schottky-Collector Heterojunction Bipolar |Optoelectronics, Dana Pt., CA, March. | |

| | |Transistors: Device Scaling Laws for fmax beyond 500 | | |

| | |GHz." | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|103. |1995 |K.S. Giboney, M.J.W. Rodwell, and J.E. Bowers, |Proc. of 1995 IEEE/OSA Conference on |Conference Paper |

| | |"Field-Screening Effects in Travelling-Wave and |Lasers and Electro-Optics. | |

| | |Vertically Illuminated p-i-n Photodetectors." | | |

| | |  | | |

|104. |1995 |M.J.W. Rodwell, J.E. Bowers, R. Pullela, K. Giboney, J. |Proc. of 1995 LEOS Summer Topical |Conference Paper |

| | |Pusl, B. Agarwal, and L.D. Nguyen, "Electronic & |Meeting on RF Optoelectronics, Keystone,| |

| | |Optoelectronic Components for Fiber Transmission at |Bolder, CO, August. (Invited Paper) | |

| | |Bandwidths Approaching 100 GHz." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|105. |1995 |M. Reddy, R.Y. Yu, H. Kroemer, M.J.W. Rodwell, S.C. |IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, |Journal Paper |

| | |Martin, R.E. Muller, and R.P. Smith, "Bias Stabilization |Vol. 5, No. 7, pp. 219-221, July. | |

| | |for Resonant Tunnel Diode Oscillators." | | |

| | |  | | |

|106. |1995 |J. Bowers, K. Giboney, and M.J.W. Rodwell, |Proc. of 1995 IEEE MTT-S International |Conference Paper |

| | |"Travelling-Wave Photodetectors." |Microwave Symposium, Orlando, FL, May | |

| | |  |15-19. (Invited Paper) | |

| | | |  | |

|107. |1995 |U. Bhattacharya, M.J. Mondry, G. Hurtz, I. Tan, R. |IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol 16, |Journal Paper |

| | |Pullela, M. Reddy, J. Guthrie, M..J.W. Rodwell, and J.E. |No. 8, pp. 357-359, August. | |

| | |Bowers, "Transferred-Substrate Schottky-Collector | | |

| | |Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors: First Results and | | |

| | |Scaling Laws for High fmax." | | |

| | |  | | |

|108. |1995 |A.K. Peterson, T. Reynolds, R. Nagarajan, Y.-G. Wey, J.E.|Proc. of 1995 Conference on Optical |Conference Paper |

| | |Bowers and M.J.W. Rodwell, "3-MHz-30-GHz Travelling-Wave |Fiber Communications. | |

| | |Optical Front-End Receiver." | | |

| | |  | | |

|109. |1995 |R. Pullela, U. Bhattachraya, S.T. Allen, and M.J.W. |IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuit, |Journal Paper |

| | |Rodwell, "Multiplexer/ Demultiplexer IC for 100 Gb/s |March. | |

| | |Fiber-Optic Transmission." | | |

| | |  | | |

|110. |1995 |J.J. Brown, W.E. Stanchina, M. Hafizi, R.H. Walden, H.C. |Proc. of GaAs Mantech Conference, April |Conference Paper |

| | |Sun, and M. Rodwell, "InP Based Mixed Signal / Mixed |28-May 2, 1996, San Diego, pp. 160-163. | |

| | |Device Technology." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|111. |1995 |J. Bowers, A.K. Petersen, M. Rodwell, N. Dagli, M. |Proc. of Topical Meeting on Photonics in|Conference Paper |

| | |Melliar-Smith, A. Shakouri, K. Runge, S. Beccue, and K.C.|Switching, Sendia, Japan, April 21-25. | |

| | |Wang, "High Speed TDM Systems." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|112. |1996 |U. Bhattachraya, L. Samoska, R. Pullela, J. Guthrie, Q. |Electronics Letters, Vol. 32, No. 15, |Journal Paper |

| | |Lee, B. Agarwal, D. Mensa, and M.J.W. Rodwell, "170 GHz |pp. 1405-1406, 18th July, 1996. | |

| | |Transferred-Substrate Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor."| | |

| | |  | | |

|113. |1996 |U. Bhattacharya, L. Samoska, R. Pullela, J. Guthrie, Q. |Proc. of 1996 IEEE Conference on InP and|Conference Paper |

| | |Lee, B. Agarwal, D. Mensa, M.J. Mondry, G. Hurtz, and |Related Materials, Schwabisch Gmund, | |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell "100 GHz Transferred-Substrate |Germany, May, pp. 145-148. | |

| | |Schottky-Collector Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor." |  | |

| | |  | | |

|114. |1996 |M. Reddy, M.J. Mondry, A.C. Molnar, U. Bhattacharya, |Proc. of 1996 IEEE Device Research |Postdeadline Conference Paper |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell, S.C. Martin, R.E. Muller, and R.P. Smith,|Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, June. | |

| | |"Monolithic RTD Array Oscillators at 100 and 200 GHz with| | |

| | |On-Wafer Bias Stabilization.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|115. |1996 |S. Zeuner, B.J. Keay, S.J. Allen, K.D. Maranowski, A.C. |Proc. of Int’l Conference on Quantum |Conference Paper |

| | |Gossard, U. Bhattacharya, and M.J.W. Rodwell, “Transition|Devices and Circuits, Alexandria, Egypt,| |

| | |from Classical to Quantum Dynamics in Superlattices in |June, pp. 124-129. | |

| | |Intense THZ Electrical Fields.” | | |

| | |  | | |

|116. |1996 |M.J.W. Rodwell, "Electronic Components for High Speed |Proc. of Engineering Foundation |Conference Paper |

| |  |Fiber Transmission." |Conference on High Speed Optoelectronics| |

| | |  |for Communications, Snowbird, Utah, Aug.| |

| | |Digest |11-15. | |

| | |  |  | |

|117. |1996 |K.S. Giboney, M.J.W. Rodwell, J.E. Bowers, |IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in |Journal Paper |

| | |"Traveling-Wave Photodetector Design and Measurements." |Quantum Electronics, Vol. 2 , No. 3, | |

| | |  |September, pp. 622-629. | |

| | | |  | |

|118. |1996 |A.C. Molnar, M. Reddy, M.J. Mondry, M.J.W. Rodwell, and |Proc. of 1996 IEEE Electron Device |Postdeadline Conference Paper |

| | |S. J. Allen, Jr., "Submm-wave Monolithic RTD Oscillator |Meeting, San Francisco, December. | |

| | |Arrays to 650 GHz." | | |

| | |  | | |

|119. |1997 |M. Reddy, S.C. Martin, A.C. Molnar, R.E. Muller, R.P. |IEEE Electron Device Letters, Volume 18,|Journal Paper |

| | |Smith, P.H. Siegel, M.J. Mondry, M.J.W. Rodwell, and S.J.|No. 5, May 1997, pp. 218-221. | |

| | |Allen, Jr., "Monolithic Schottky-Collector Resonant | | |

| | |Tunnel Diode Oscillator Arrays to 650 | | |

| | |GHz." | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|120. |1997 |B. Agarwal, D. Mensa, R. Pullela, Q. Lee, U. |IEEE Electron Device Letters, Volume 18,|Journal Paper |

| | |Bhattacharya, L. Samoska, J. Guthrie, and M. J. W. |No. 5, May 1997, pp. 228-231. |  |

| | |Rodwell, "A 277 GHz [pic] Transferred-Substrate |  |  |

| | |Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor." |Proc. of 1997 IEEE Conference on InP and|  |

| | |  |Related Materials, May, Hyannis, MA, pp.|Conference Paper |

| | |  |633-636. |  |

| | |Digest |  |best student paper award |

| | |  | |  |

|121. |1997 |M. Rodwell, et al, "Submicron Lateral Scaling of |Proc. of OSA Topical Meeting on |Invited Conference Paper |

| | |Vertical-Transport Devices: Transferred-Substrate Bipolar|Ultrafast Electronics and | |

| | |Transistors and Schottky Collector Tunnel Diodes." |Optoelectronics, March, Incline Village,| |

| | |  |NV, pp. 192-193. | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|122. |1997 |R. Pullela, Q. Lee, B. Agarwal, D. Mensa, J. Guthrie, L. |Proc. of 1997 IEEE Device Research |Conference Paper |

| | |Samoska, M. Rodwell, " A > 400 GHz fmax Transferred |Conference, June, Fort Collins, CO. |  |

| | |Substrate Heterojunction Bipolar Transister IC |  |  |

| | |Technology.” |IEEE Electron Device Letters, March |  |

| | |  |1998, Vol. 19, Number 3, p.77 | |

| | |Digest |  | |

| | |  |  | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|123. |1997 |M. Reddy, S.C. Martin, A.C. Molnar, R.E. Muller, R.P. |Proc. of 8th international Symposium on |Conference Paper |

| | |Smith, P.H. Siegel, M.J. Mondry, M.J.W. Rodwell, and S.J.|Space Terahertz Technology. | |

| | |Allen, Jr., "Monolthic Schottky-Collector Resonant Tunnel| | |

| | |Diode Oscillator Arrays to 650 GHz." | | |

| | |  | | |

|124. |1997 |K.S. Giboney, M.J.W. Rodwell, J.E. Bowers, |IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory |Journal Paper |

| | |"Traveling-Wave Photodetector Theory." |and Techniques, Vol. 45, No. 8, August | |

| | |  |1997, pp. 1310-1319. | |

| | | |  | |

|125. |1997 |M.J.W. Rodwell, "500 GHz Ultra High Speed Devices." |Proc. of IEEE Cornell Conference on |Conference Paper |

| | |  |Advanced Concepts in High Speed |(Invited) |

| | | |Semicondcutor Devices and Circuits. | |

| | | |  | |

|126. |1997 |Q. Lee, B. Agarwal, R. Pullela, D. Mensa, |IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol 19,|Journal Paper |

| | |J. Guthrie, L. Samoska, and M.J.W. Rodwell, |No. 3, |  |

| | |"A > 400 GHz fmax Transferred-Substrate Heterojunction Bipolar|pp. 77-79, March. | |

| | |Transistor IC Technology.” |  | |

| | |  | | |

|127. |1997 |B. Agarwal, D. Mensa, Q. Lee, R. Pullela, |Proc. of 1997 IEEE International |Conference Paper |

| | |J. Guthrie, L. Samoska and M. J. W. Rodwell, "A 50 GHz |Electron Device Meeting, | |

| | |Feedback Amplifier with AlInAs/GaInAs Transferred-substrate |pp. 743-746. | |

| | |HBT." |  | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|128. |1998 |M. Yung, J. Jensen, G. Raghavan, |Proc. of 1998 GaAs IC Symposium, |Conference Paper |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell, M. Hafizi, R. Walden, |Anaheim, CA, October 12-15. | |

| | |K. Elliott, M. Kardos, Y. Brown, M. Montes, H. Sun, and W. | | |

| | |Stanchina, "An InP Low Power Receiver IC Integrating AGC | | |

| | |Amplifier, Clock Recovery Circuit and Demultiplexer." | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|129 |1998 |M.J.W. Rodwell, B. Agarwal, R. Pullela, |Proc. of 1998 IEEE/OSA Conference on |Conference Paper |

| | |D. Mensa, Q. Lee, J. Guthrie, and L. Samoska, "Ultrafast |Optical Fiber Communication, OFC |(Invited) |

| | |Transferred-Substrate Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor ICs |Technical Digest. | |

| | |for |  | |

| | |High Speed Fiber-Optic Transmission." | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|130 |1998 |B. Agarwal, R. Pullela, U. Bhattacharya, |International Journal of High Speed |Journal Paper |

| | |D. Mensa, Q. Lee, L. Samoska, J. Guthrie, and M. J.W. Rodwell,|Electronics and Systems, Vol. 9, No. |(Invited) |

| | |"Ultrahigh Fmax AlInAs/GaInAs Transferred-Substrate |2, |  |

| | |Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors for Integrated Circuits |pp. 643-670. |  |

| | |Applications." |  |  |

| | |  |"High-speed Circuits for Lightwave |Book chapter |

| | |Publication |Communications" edited by K C Wang, | |

| | | |in Selected Topics in Electronics and| |

| | | |Systems, Vol. 13, edited by P. | |

| | | |K.Tien, World Scientific Publishing, | |

| | | |Singapore, | |

| | | |pp. 331-358. | |

| | | |  | |

|131. |1998 |B. Agarwal, A.E. Schmitz, J.J. Brown, | IEEE Transactions on Microwave |Journal Paper |

| | |M. Matloubian, M. Case, M. Le, M. Liu, and M.J.W. Rodwell, |Theory and Techniques, Vol. 46, | |

| | |"112-GHz, 157- GHz and 180-GHz InP HEMT Traveling-Wave |No. 12, pp. 2553-2559, December. | |

| | |Amplifiers." |  | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|132. |1998 |K. Kiziloglu, M. Yung, H. Sun, S. Thomas, |1998 Conference on InP and Related |Conference Paper |

| | |M. Kardos, R. Walden, J. Brown, |Materials, Tsukuba, Japan, May, pp. | |

| | |W. Stanchina, V. Kaman, M.J.W. Rodwell, "InP-Based High |443-446. | |

| | |Sensitivity pin/HEMT/HBT Monolithic Integrated Optoelectronic | | |

| | |Receiver." | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|133. |1998 |R. Pullela, D. Mensa, B. Agarwal, Q. Lee, |Conference on InP and Related |Conference Paper |

| | |J. Guthrie, and M.J.W. Rodwell, "48 GHz Static Frequency |Materials, Tsukuba, Japan, May, pp. | |

| | |Divider in Ultrafast Transferred-Substrate Heterojunction |68-71. | |

| | |Bipolar Transistor Technology." | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|134. |1998 |B. Agarwal, R. Pullela, Q. Lee, D. Mensa, |1998 IEEE MTT-S Microwave Symposium, |Conference Paper |

| | |J. Guthrie, and M.J.W. Rodwell, "80 GHz Distributed Amplifiers|Baltimore, MD, | |

| | |with Transferred-Substrate Heterojunction Bipolar |pp. 1843-1846, June. | |

| | |Transistors." | | |

| | |  | | |

|135. |1998 |J. Guthrie, D. Mensa, B. Agarwal, Q.Lee, |IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 34, No.|Journal Paper |

| | |R. Pullela, and M.J.W. Rodwell, "HBT IC Process with a Copper |5, | |

| | |Substrate." |pp. 467-468, March 5. | |

| | |  | | |

|136. |1998 |L. Samoska, R. Pullela, B. Agarwal, D. Mensa, Q. Lee, V. |1998 IEEE MTT-S Microwave Symposium, |Conference Paper |

| | |Kaman, J. Guthrie, and |Baltimore, MD, | |

| | |M. J. W. Rodwell, "InP Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor |pp. 1843-1846, June. | |

| | |Decision Circuits." | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|137. |1998 |B. Agarwal, Q. Lee, R. Pullela, D. Mensa, |Tenth International Conference on |Conference Paper |

| | |J. Guthrie, and M. J. W. Rodwell, "A 50 GHz Broadband |Indium Phosphide and Related |(Post Deadline) |

| | |Differential Amplifier with Transferred-Substrate HBTs.” |Materials (IPRM’98), University of |  |

| | |  |Tsukuba, University Hall, Tsukuba, | |

| | |Digest |Ibaraki, Japan, pp. 3-4, May 11-15. | |

| | |  | | |

|138. |1998 |Q. Lee, S.C. Martin, D. Mensa, R. Pullela, R.P.Smith, B. |1998 Device Research Conference, |Conference Paper |

| | |Agarwal, J. Guthrie, and M.J.W. Rodwell, "Deep Submicron |Charlottesville, VA, pp. 26-27, June | |

| | |Transferred-Substrate Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors." |22-24. | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|139. |1998 |B. Agarwal, Q. Lee, R. Pullela, D. Mensa, |IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave |Journal Paper |

| | |J. Guthrie, and M. J.W. Rodwell, "A Transferred-Substrate HBT |Letters, | |

| | |Wide-Band Differential Amplifier to 50 GHz.” |Vol. 8, No. 7, pp. 263-265, July. | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|140. |1998 |B. Agarwal, Q. Lee, R. Pullela, D. Mensa, | IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 34, |Journal Paper |

| | |J. Guthrie, and M. J.W. Rodwell, "Broadband Feedback |No. 13, | |

| | |Amplifiers with AlInAs/GaInAs Transferred-Substrate HBT.” |pp. 1357-1358, June 25. | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|141. |1998 |M.J.W. Rodwell, Q. Lee, D. Mensa, J. Guthrie, S.C. Martin, |Topical Workshop on Heterostructure |Conference Paper |

| | |R.P. Smith, R. Pullela, |Microelectronics for Information |(Invited) |

| | |B. Agarwal, S. Jaganathan, T. Mathew, and |Systems Applications, Shonan Village | |

| | |S. Long, "Transferred-Substrate HBT Integrated Circuits.” |Center, Japan, August 30, pp. 1-5. | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|142. |1998 |Q. Lee, D. Mensa, R. Pullela, J. Guthrie, |GaAs IC Symposium, Atlanta, GA, |Conference Paper |

| | |S.C. Martin, R.P. Smith, S. Jaganathan, |November 1-4, |(Invited) |

| | |T. Mathew, B. Agarwal, S. Long, and |pp. 113-116. |  |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell, "48 GHz Digital ICs Using | | |

| | |Transferred-Substrate HBTs." | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|143. |1998 |D. Mensa, Q. Lee, J. Guthrie, S. Jaganathan, and M.J.W. |IEEE; GaAs IC Symposium, Atlanta, GA,|Conference Paper |

| | |Rodwell, "Baseband Amplifiers in Transferred-Substrate HBT |pp. 33-36, November 1-4. | |

| | |Technology." | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|144. |1998 |O. Wohlgemuth, B. Agarwal, R. Pullela, |European Microwave Convention. |Conference Paper |

| | |D. Mensa, Q. Lee, J. Guthrie, | |  |

| | |M. J. W. Rodwell, R. Reuter, J. Braunstein, M. Schlechtweg | |Conference |

| | |and K. Köhler "An NLTL-Based Integrated Circuit for a 70-200 | |Best Paper Award (not |

| | |GHz VNA System." | |student-only) |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|145. |1998 |Wohlgemuth, B. Agarwal, R. Pullela, |The Sixth IEEE International |Conference Paper |

| | |D. Mensa, Q. Lee, J. Guthrie, T. Krems, |Conference on Terahertz Electronics, | |

| | |M. J. W. Rodwell, R. Reuter, J. Braunstein, M. Schlechtweg, |Weetwood Hall, The University of | |

| | |and K. Köhler, "An Integrated Circuit for Network Analysis |Leeds, United Kingdom, pp. 113-116, | |

| | |Within 50-200 GHz." |September 3-4. | |

| | |  |  | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|146. |1998 |R. Pullela, D. Mensa, Q. Lee, B. Agarwal, |IEE Electronics Letters, Vol 34, No. |Journal paper |

| | |J. Guthrie, S. Jaganathan, and M.J.W. Rodwell, "48 GHz Static |16, | |

| | |Frequency Dividers in the Transferred-Substrate HBT |pp. 1580-81, August 6. | |

| | |Technology." | | |

| | |  | | |

|147. |1998 |B. Agarwal, A.E. Schmitz, J.J. Brown, M. Le, M. Liu, and |1998 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated |Conference Paper |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell, "A 1-157 GHz InP HEMT Traveling-Wave |Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, Baltimore,|  |

| | |Amplifier." |MD, pp. 21-23, June 7-9. |Student Best Paper Award |

| | |  | |Second Prize (tie) |

| | |Digest | |  |

| | |  | | |

|148. |1998 |B. Agarwal, R. Pullela, Q. Lee, D. Mensa, |IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory|Journal Paper |

| | |J. Guthrie, and M. J.W. Rodwell, "80-GHz Distributed |and Techniques, Vol. 46, | |

| | |Amplifiers with Transferred-Substrate Heterojunction Bipolar |No. 12, pp. 2302-2307, December. | |

| | |Transistors." |  | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|149. |1998 |B. Agarwal, Q. Lee, D. Mensa, R. Pullela, |IEE Electronic Letters, Vol. 34, No. |Journal Paper |

| | |J. Guthrie and M.J.W. Rodwell, “Broadband Feedback Amplifiers |13, pp. 1357-1358, June 25. | |

| | |with AllnAs/GainAs Transferred-Substrate HBT.” | | |

| | |  | | |

|150. |1998 |D. Mensa, Q. Lee, J. Guthrie, S. Jaganathan, and M.J.W. |International Electron Devices |Conference Paper |

| | |Rodwell, “Transferred-Substrate HBTs with 250 GHz Current-Gain|Meeting IEDM Digest, San Francisco, | |

| | |Cutoff Frequency.” |CA pp. 657-660, December. | |

| | |  |  | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |  | | |

|151. |1999 |Q. Lee, D. Mensa, J. Guthrie, |Conference on Ultrafast Electronics |Conference |

| | |M. J. W. Rodwell, S. Long, S. C. Martin, |and Optoelectronics, Aspen, CO, pp. |Paper |

| | |R. P. Smith. Y. Betser, S. Jaganathan, |1-4, April. |(Invited) |

| | |T. Mathew, P. Krishnan, and C. Serhan “Ultra High Frequency |also: Topics in “Ultrafast |  |

| | |HBT Integrated Circuits.” |Electronics and Optoelectronics,” |  |

| | |  |TOPS Vol. 28. |Book Chapter |

| | |Support: |  |  |

| | |N00014-98-1-0068, N00014-99-10041 | |  |

| | |  | |  |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |  | | |

|152. |1999 |M. J. W. Rodwell, U. Mishra, L. McCarthy, and P. Kozodoy, |ONR Workshop on Wide Bandgap Bipolar |Conference Paper |

| | |“Prospects for Wide Bandwidth Transferred Substrate Power |Devices, Meeting Program & Abstract | |

| | |HBTs.” |Book, Panama City Beach, FL, | |

| | |  |January 25-28. | |

| | |Digest |  | |

| | |  | | |

|153. |1999 |M.J.W. Rodwell, Q. Lee, D. Mensa, J. Guthrie, Y. Betser, S.C. | IEEE International Symposium on |Conference |

| | |Martin, R.P. Smith, |Circuits and Systems, Orlando, FL, |Paper |

| | |S. Jaganathan, T. Mathew, P. Krinshan, |pp. 1-4, June. |(Invited) |

| | |C. Serhan, and S. Long, “Ultra High Frequency Integrated | | |

| | |Circuits Using Transferred- Substrate Heterojunction Bipolar | | |

| | |Transistors.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-98-1-0068, N00014-99-10041 | | |

| | |F4962096-1-0019 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|154. |1999 |O. Wohlgemuth, M.J.W. Rodwell, R. Reuter, |IEEE MTT-S International Microwave |Conference Paper |

| | |J. Braunstein, and M. Schlechtweg, “Active Probes for 2-port |Symposium Digest, Vol. 4 of 4, |  |

| | |Network Analysis Within 70-230 GHZ.” |Anaheim, CA, | |

| | |  |pp. 1635-1638, June 13-19. | |

| | |Digest |  | |

| | |  | | |

|155. |1999 |M. Yung, J. Jensen, R. Walden, |IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,|Journal Paper |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell, G. Raghavan, K. Elliott and |Vol. 34, No. 2, | |

| | |W. Stanchina, “Highly Integrated InP HBT Optical Receivers.” |pp. 219-227, February. | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|156. |1999 |K. Krishnamurthy, S.I. Long, and |IEEE MTT-S International Microwave |Conference Paper |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell, “Cascode-Delay-Matched Distributed Amplifiers |Symposium Digest, Vol. 2 of 4, |2nd Prize in Student Paper |

| | |for Efficient Broadband Microwave Power Amplification.” |Anaheim, CA, pp. 819-822, June 13-19.|Award |

| | |  |  | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|157. |1999 |Q. Lee, D. Mensa, J. Guthrie, S. Jaganathan, |IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated |Conference Paper |

| | |T. Mathew, Y. Betser, S. Krishnan, S. Ceran, and M.J.W. |Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, Anaheim, |3rd Prize in Student Paper |

| | |Rodwell, “66 GHz Static Frequency Divider in |CA, pp. 87-90, June 13-15. |Award |

| | |Transferred-Substrate HBT Technology.” |  |  |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-98-1-0068, N00014-99-1-0041 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|158. |1999 |C.-H. Chen, K. Krishnamurthy, S. Keller, |IEE Electronics Letter, Vol. 35, No. |Journal Paper |

| | |G. Parish, M.J.W. Rodwell, U.K, Mishra, and Y.-F. Wu, |11, pp. 933-934, May 27. | |

| | |“AlGaN/GaN Dual-gate Modulation-doped Field-Effect | | |

| | |Transistors.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N0014-98-1-0750 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|159. |1999 |J.R. Guthrie, D. Mensa, T. Mathew, Q. Lee, |Eleventh International Conference on |Conference Paper |

| | |S. Krishnan, S. Jaganathan, S. Ceran, |Indium Phosphide and Related | |

| | |Y. Betser, and M.J.W. Rodwell, “A 50mm Copper/Polymer |Materials, Davos, Switzerland, May | |

| | |Substrate HBT IC Technology for >100GHz MMICs.” |16-20. | |

| | |  |  | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |DAAH04-98-1-0001, F49620-96-1-0019 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|160. |1999 |Q.Lee, S.C. Martin, D. Mensa, R.P. Smith, |Proc. Eleventh International |Conference Paper |

| | |J. Guthrie, S. Jaganathan, T. Mathew, |Conference on Indium Phosphide and |  |

| | |S. Krishnan, S. Ceran, and M.J.W. Rodwell, “Submicron |Related Materials, Davos, |Best Student Paper Award |

| | |Transferred-Substrate Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors with |Switzerland, pp. 175-178, May 16-20. |  |

| | |Greater than 800 GHz fmax.” |  | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-99-23063, N00014-98-0068 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|161. |1999 |M.J.W. Rodwell, Q. Lee, D. Mensa, J. Guthrie, Y. Betser, S.C. |Eleventh International Conference on |Conference Paper |

| | |Martin, R.P. Smith, |Indium Phosphide and Related |(Invited) |

| | |S. Jaganathan, T. Mathew, P. Krishnan, |Materials, Davos, Switzerland, pp. | |

| | |C. Serhan, and S. Long, “Transferred-Substrate Heterojunction |1-6, | |

| | |Bipolar Transistor Integrated Circuit Technology.” |May 16-20. | |

| | |  |  | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-98-1-0068, N00014-99-10041 | | |

| | |N00014-98-1-0830, F4962096-1-0019 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|162. |1999 |Q. Lee, S.C. Martin, D. Mensa, R.P. Smith, |57th Device Research Conference, |Conference Paper |

| | |J. Guthrie, S. Jaganathan, Y. Betser, |University of California, Santa |(Post Deadline) |

| | |T. Mathew, S. Krishnan, L. Samoska, and M.J.W. Rodwell, |Barbara, CA, June 28-30. | |

| | |“Submicron-Transferred-Substrate Heterojunction Bipolar | | |

| | |Transistors with Greater than 1 THz fmax.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-99-23063, N00014-98-0068 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|163. |1999 |M.J.W. Rodwell, “Bipolar Technologies & Optoelectronics.” |IEEE MTT-S Symposium. Workshop on |Workshop |

| | |  |Analog-Digital Conversion, Workshop |Paper |

| | |Digest |Technologies for the Next Millenium, |(Invited) |

| | | |Anaheim, CA, June 18-23. | |

| | | |. | |

|164. |1999 |M.J.W. Rodwell, “Analog-Digital Conversion Overview: |IEEE MTT-S Symposium. Workshop on |Workshop Paper |

| | |Architectures & Metrics.” |Analog-Digital Conversion, Workshop |(Invited) |

| | |  |Technologies for the Next Millenium, | |

| | |Digest |Anaheim, CA, June 18-23. | |

|165. |1999 |Q.Lee, D. Mensa, J. Guthrie, M.J.W. Rodwell, S. Long, S.C. |1999 Ultrafast Electronics and |Conference Paper |

| | |Martin, R.P. Smith, Y. Betser, |Optoelectronics Technical Digest, |(Invited) |

| | |S. Jaganathan, T. Mathew, P. Krishnan, and |Snowmass Conference Center, Snowmass | |

| | |C. Serhan, “Ultra High Frequency HBT Integrated Circuits.” |Village at Aspen, CO, Conference | |

| | |  |Edition, pp. 93-96, | |

| | |Support: |April 14-16. | |

| | |N00014-98-1-0068, N00014-99-10041 |  | |

| | |F4962096-1-0019 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|166. |1999 |D. Mensa, R. Pullela, Q. Lee, J. Guthrie, |IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,|Journal Paper |

| | |S.C. Martin, R.P. Smith, S. Jaganathan, |Vol. 34, No. 9, | |

| | |T. Mathew, B. Agarwal, S. Long, and |pp. 1196-1203, September. | |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell, “48 GHz Digital ICs and 85 GHz Baseband |  | |

| | |Amplifiers Using Transferred-Substrate HBTs.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-95-1-0688, N00014-98-1-0068 | | |

| | |F4962096-1-0019, 8 960808 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|167. |1999 |K.Krishnamurthy, R. Vetury, S. Keller, |IEEE Topical Workshop on Power |Conference Paper |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell, S.I. Long, and U. Mishra, “Broad-band |Amplifiers for Wireless |(Invited) |

| | |Microwave Power Amplifiers in GaN Technology.” |Communications, San Diego, CA, | |

| | |  |September 13-14. | |

| | |Digest |  | |

| | |  | | |

|168. |1999 |Q. Lee, S. C. Martin, D. Mensa, R. P. Smith, |IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. |Journal Paper |

| | |J. Guthrie, and M.J.W. Rodwell, “Submicron |20, No. 8. | |

| | |Transferred-Substrate Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors.” |pp. 396-398, August. | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|169. |1999 |M.J.W. Rodwell, “Device and Interconnect Technologies for 100 |IEEE Workshop on Interconnections |Conference Paper |

| | |GHz Mixed-Signal ICs.” |within High-Speed Digital Systems, |(Invited) |

| | |  |Santa Fe, NM, April. | |

| | |Digest |  | |

|170. |1999 |L.S. McCarthy, P. Kozodoy, M.J.W. Rodwell, S.P. Denbaars, and |IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. |Journal Paper |

| | |U.K. Misrha, “A1GaN/GaN Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor.” |20, No. 6, | |

| | |  |pp. 277-279, June. | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|171. |1999 |K. Krishnamurthy, M.J.W. Rodwell, and |IEEE GAAS IC Symposium, Monterey, CA,|Conference Paper |

| | |S.I. Long, “A > 25% PAE 0.2-6 GHz Lumped Power Amplifier in a |October 17-20, pp. 1-4. | |

| | |18 GHz MESFET Technology.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|172. |1999 |D. Mensa, Q. Lee, J. Guthrie, S. Jaganathan, and M.J.W. |IEE Electronics Letters, |Journal Paper |

| | |Rodwell, “Transferred-Substrate HBTs with 254 GHz f.” |Vol. 35, No. 7, pp. 605-607, April 1.| |

| | |  |  | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-98-1-0068 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|173. |1999 |O. Wohlgemuth, T. Krems, R. Reuter, |IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave |Journal Paper |

|  |  |M.J.W. Rodwell, W. Haydl and |Letters, |  |

|  |  |M. Schlechtweg, “Integrated Directional Coupler for 90 and 180|Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 308-310, | |

| |  |GHz.” |August. | |

| | |  |  | |

| | |Publication |  | |

| | |  | | |

|174. |1999 |O. Wohlgemuth, M.J.W. Rodwell, R. Reuter, |IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory|Journal Paper |

| | |J. Braunstein, and M. Schlechtweg, “Active Probes for Network |and Techniques, Vol. 47, No. 12, | |

| | |Analysis within 70-230 GHz.” |December. | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|175. |1999 |Peter D. Capofreddi, Cynthia D. Baringer, Joseph F. Jensen, |Proc. of the Third International |Conference Paper |

| | |Mark J. W. Rodwell*, William P. Posey**, Michael W. Yung and |Workshop on Design of Mixed-Mode | |

| | |Yi-Ming Xie, “A Clock and Data Recovery IC for Communications |Integrated Circuits and Application, | |

| | |and Radar Applications.” |Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, July, pp. | |

| | |  |88-90. | |

| | |Digest |  | |

|176. |2000 |S. Krishnan, D. Mensa, J. Guthrie, S. Jaganathan, T. Mathew, |IEE Electronics Letters, pp.466-7, |Journal Paper |

| | |R. Girish, Y. Wei and M.J.W. Rodwell, “Broadband lumped HBT |Vol. 36, No. 5. | |

| | |amplifiers.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-98-1-0068 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|177. |1998 |L. McCarthy, P. Kozodoy, M.J.W. Rodwell, |Proceedings of the 25th International |Conference Paper |

| | |S. DenBaars and U.K. Mishra, “First Demonstration of an |Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, | |

| | |A1GaN/GaN Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor.” |Inst. Phys Conference Ser. No. 162, | |

| | |  |Chapter 6, Nara, Japan, October 12-16, | |

| | |Support: |pp. 279-284 | |

| | |N00014-98-1-0061, 98-0563-01 |  | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |  | | |

|178. |1998 |L. McCarthy, P. Kozodoy, M.J.W. Rodwell, |Compound Semiconductor Fall II, Vol. 4, |Journal Paper |

| | |S. DenBaars and U.K. Mishra, “A First Look at A1GaN/GaN |No. 8, November 16-18. | |

| | |HBTs.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|179. |2001 |L. McCarthy, I. Smorchkova, H. Xing, |IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, |Journal Paper |

| | |P. Kozodoy, P. Fini, J. Limb, D. Pulfrey, J. Speck M.J.W. |Vol.48, (no.3), IEEE, pp. 543-51, March.| |

| | |Rodwell, S.P. Denbaars, U.K. Mishra, “GaN HBT: Towards an | | |

| | |RF device.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|180. |2000 |S. Jaganathan, D. Mensa, T. Mathew, |22nd Annual IEEE GaAS IC Symposium 2000,|Conference Paper |

| | |Y. Betser, S. Krishnan. Y. Wei. D. Scott, |Seattle, WA, November 5-8. | |

| | |M. Urteaga, M. Rodwell, “A 18 GHz Continuous Time ( - ( | | |

| | |Modulator Implemented in InP Transferred Substrate HBT | | |

| | |Technology.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-98-1-0830 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|181. | 2000 |J.R. Guthrie, M. Urteaga, D. Scott, D. Mensa, T. Mathew, Q.|2000 International Conference on Indium |Conference Paper |

|  | |Lee, S. Krishnan, S. Jaganathan, Y. Betser and M.J.W. |Phosphide and Related Materials, |  |

| | |Rodwell, “HBT MMIC 75GHz Power Amplifiers.” |Williamsburg, VA, 14-18 May. | |

| | |  |  | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |DAAH04-98-1-0001, F49620-96-1-0019 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|182. |1999 |L. McCarthy, P. Kozodoy, M.J.W. Rodwell, |IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 20, |Journal Paper |

| | |S. DenBaars and U.K. Mishra, “A1GaN/GaN Heterojunction |No.6, pp. 277-279, June. | |

| | |Bipolar Transistor.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|183. |2001 |T. Mathew, S. Jaganathan, D. Scott, S. Krishnan, Y. Wei, M. |IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 37, No.|Journal Paper |

|  | |Urteaga, M.J.W. Rodwell, and S. Long, “2 Bit Adder: Carry and |19, pp. 1156-1157, September 13. | |

|  | |Sum Logic Circuits at 19 Ghz Clock Frequency in InA1As/InGaAs | | |

| | |HBT Technology.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-98-1-0068 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|184. | 2000 |Karthikeyan Krishnamurthy, Ramakrishna Vetury, Stacia Keller, |IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits,|Journal Paper |

| | |Umesh Mishra, Mark J. W. Rodwell and Stephen I. Long, “ |Vol. 35, No. 9, pp. 1285-1292, |  |

| | |Broadband GaAs MESFET and GaN HEMT Resistive Feedback Power |September. | |

| | |Amplifiers.” |  | |

| | |  |  | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-96-1-1215 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|185. | 2000 |K. Krishnamurthy, Stacia Keller, Ching-Hui Chen, Robert |IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. |Journal Paper |

| | |Coffie, Mark Rodwell, Umesh K. Mishra, “Dual-gate A1GaN/GaN |21, No. 12, December. |  |

| | |Modulation-doped Field-effect Transistors with Cut-Off |  | |

| | |Frequencies ƒT>60 GHz” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N0014-98-1-0750 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|186 | 2000 |S. Krishnan, D. Mensa. S. Jaganathan, |IEEE/Cornell Conference on Advanced |Conference Paper |

| | |T. Mathew, Y. Wei and M.J.W. Rodwell, “Broadband HBT |Concepts in High Speed Semiconductor |  |

| | |Amplifiers.” |Devices and Circuits, Cornell, NY, | |

| | |  |August | |

| | |Support: |  | |

| | |N00014-99-23063, N00014-98-0068 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|187. |1999 |Y. Betser, Q. Lee, S.C. Martin, D. Mensa, |International Conference on Infrared |Conference Paper |

| | |R.P. Smith, J. Guthrie, and M.J.W. Rodwell, “Submicron |and Millimeter Waves, Monterey, CA, |(Invited) |

| | |Transferred-Substrate Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors.” |September 5-10. | |

| | |  |  | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-98-1-0068, N00014-99-10041 | | |

| | |F4962096-1-0019 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|188. |1999 |Y. Betser, S. Jaganathan, T. Mathew, Q. Lee, J. Guthrie, D.|International Conference on Infrared and|Conference Paper |

| | |Mensa, and M.J.W. Rodwell, “Low Voltage-Swing Techniques |Millimeter Waves, Monterey, CA, | |

| | |for 100 GHz Logic.” |September 5-10. | |

| | |  |  | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|189. |1999 |M.J.W. Rodwell, Q. Lee, D. Mensa, S.C. Martin, R.P. Smith, |7th IEEE THz Conference, Nara, Japan, |Conference Paper |

| | |P. Krishnan, C. Serhan, J. Guthrie, Y. Betser, S. |November 25-26. |(Invited) |

| | |Jaganathan, T. Mathew, and S. Long, “Heterojunction Bipolar| | |

| | |Transistors with Greater than 1 THz Extrapolated Power-gain| | |

| | |Cutoff Frequencies.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |DAAL01-96-K-3619 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|190. |1999 |C. Christoffersen, M. Ozkar, M. Steer, |IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory |Journal Paper |

| | |M. Case, M.J.W. Rodwell., “State Variable-based Transient |and Techniques, Vol. 47, No. 6, June. |  |

| | |Analysis Using Convolution.” |  | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-98-1-0068, N00014-99-10041 | | |

| | |N00014-98-1-0830 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|191. |2000 |Mark Rodwell, Y. Betser, S. Jaganathan, |European GaAs Conference, Paris, France,|Conference Paper (Plenary) |

| | |T. Mathew, PK Sundararajan, S.C. Martin, R.P. Smith, Y. |October 2-6. | |

| | |Wei, M. Urteaga, D. Scott, |  | |

| | |S. Long, “Submicron lateral scaling of HBTs and other | | |

| | |vertical-transport devices: towards THz bandwidths.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-98-1-0068, N00014-99-10041 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|192. |2001 |Y. Betser, D. Scott, D. Mensa, S. Jaganathan. T. Mathew and|IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 22, |Journal Paper |

| | |Mark Rodwell, “InAIAs/InGaAs HBTs with Simultaneously High |No. 2, pp. 56-58, February. | |

| | |values of F and F max for mixed analog/digital | | |

| | |applications.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N000-14-96-1-1215 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|193. |2000 |K. Krishnamurthy, S.Keller, U.K. Mishra, M.J.W. Rodwell, |22nd Annual IEEE GaAS IC Symposium 2000,|Conference Paper |

| | |S.I.Long, “Broad-band Microwave Power Amplifiers in GaN |Seattle, WA, November 5-8, pp. 33-36. | |

| | |Technology.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-01-1-0066 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

|194. |2000 |Mark Rodwell, Y. Betser, S. Jaganathan, |Keynote Speech for Advanced Program 2000|Conference Paper |

| | |S. Krishnan, T. Mathew, Y. Wei, M. Urteaga, D. Scott, S. |IEEE Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and |(Plenary) |

| | |Long, R. Smith and S. Martin, |Technology Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, | |

| | |“Bipolar Transistor ICs: 50GHz and Beyond.” |September 25-26. | |

| | |  |  | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|195. |2000 |Y. Betser, D. Mensa, M.J.Rodwell, “High F( and F max |58th Device Research Conference, |Conference Paper |

| | |InAIAs/InGaAs Transferred-Substrate HBTs.” |University of Denver, Denver, CO, June | |

| | |  |19-21. | |

| | |Digest |  | |

| | |  | | |

|196. |2001 |S. Krishnan. M. Dahlström, T. Mathew, Y. Wei, D. Scott, M. |13th International Conference on InP and|Conference Paper |

| | |Urteaga and |Related Materials, Nara, Japan, May | |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell, “InP/InGaAs/InP Double Heterojunction |14-18. | |

| | |Bipolar Transistors with 300 GHz fmax.” |  | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-01-1-0066 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|197. |2001 |T. Mathew, S. Jaganathan, D. Scott, |13th International Conference on InP and|Conference Paper |

| | |S. Krishnan, Y. Wei, M. Urteaga, |Related Materials, Nara, Japan, May | |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell and S. Long, “2 Bit Adder Carry and Sum |14-18. | |

| | |Logic Circuits Clocking at 19 GHz Clock Frequency in |  | |

| | |Transferred Substrate HBT Technology.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |ONR-97: N0014-98-1-0068 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|198. |2001 |D. Lubyshev, Y. Wu, X.-M. Fang, T. Yurasits, W.K. Liu and |13th International Conference on InP and|Conference Paper |

| | |A.B. Cornfeld, D. Mensa, |Related Materials, Nara, Japan, May | |

| | |S. Jaganathan, R. Pullela, M. Dahlström, |14-18. | |

| | |P.K. Sundararajan. T. Mathew and | | |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell, “MBE Growth of Large Diameter InP-based | | |

| | |Lattice-matched and Metamorphic HBTs.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|199. |2001 |M. Urteaga, D. Scott, T. Mathew, S. Krishnan, Y. Wei and |IEEE MTT-S 2001 International Microwave |Conference Paper |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell, “185 GHz Monolithic Amplifier in |Symposium Digest, Vol. 3 pp. 1713-1716, | |

| | |InGaAs/InA1As Transferred-Substrate HBT Technology.” |Phoenix Civic Center, Phoenix, AZ | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |F49620-99-1-0079, N0014-99-1-0041 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|200. |2001 |M. Urteaga, D. Scott, M. Dahlström, Y. Betser, S. Lee, S. | 2001 GOMAC Conference, San Antonio, |Conference Paper |

| | |Krishnan, T. Mathew. S. Jaganathan. Y. Wei, M.J.W. Rodwell,|Texas, March 5-8. |(Invited) |

| | |“Ultra High Speed Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor |  |  |

| | |Technology.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N0014-99-1-0041, N00014-01-1-0065 | | |

| | |N00014-01-1-0066, N00014-01-1-0024 | | |

| | |N00014-98-1-0750, N00014-98-1-0830 | | |

| | |F4962096-1-0019, PC249806 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|201. |2001 |S. Lee, H. J. Kim, M. Urteaga, S. Krishnan, Y. Wei, M. |GaAs IC symposium, Baltimore, Maryland, |Conference Paper |

| | |Dahlström and M. Rodwell, “Transferred-Substrate |October 21-24. | |

| | |InP/InGaAs/InP Double Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors | | |

| | |with fmax=425 GHz.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-01-1-0066 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|202. |2001 |M.J.W. Rodwell, M. Urteaga, Y. Betser, D. Scott, M. |International Journal of High Speed |Journal Paper |

| | |Dahlström, S. Lee, S. Krishnan, T. Mathew. S. Jaganathan. |Electronics and Systems, Vol. 11, No. 1,|  |

| | |Y. Wei, D. Mensa, J. Guthrie, R. Pullela, Q. Lee, B. |pp. 159-215. |  |

| | |Agarwal, U. Bhattacharya, S. Long “Scaling of InGaAs/InAIAs|  |  |

| | |HBTs for High Speed Mixed-Signal and mm-Wave ICs” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N0014-99-1-0041, N00014-01-1-0065 | | |

| | |N00014-01-1-0066, N00014-01-1-0024 | | |

| | |N00014-98-1-0750, N00014-98-1-0830 | | |

| | |F4962096-1-0019, PC249806 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|203. |2001 |M. Urteaga, D. Scott, T. Mathew, S. Krishnan, Y. Wei, M. |GaAs IC Symposium, Baltimore, Maryland, |Conference Paper |

| | |Rodwell “Single-stage G-band HBT Amplifier with 6.3 dB Gain|October 21-24. |  |

| | |at 175 GHz” |  |  |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N0014-99-1-004, F49620-99-1-0079 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|204. |2001 |M. Urteaga, D. Scott, T. Mathew, S. Krishnan, Y. Wei, M. |2001 Device Research Conference, |Conference Paper |

| | |Dahlström, M. Rodwell, “Characteristics of Submicron HBTs |University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, |  |

| | |in the 140-220 GHz Band” |IN, June 25-27. |  |

| | |  | |  |

| | |Support: | |  |

| | |N0014-99-1-0041 | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|205. |2001 |T. Mathew, H.J. Kim, D. Scott, S. Jaganathan, S. Krishnan, |IEEE Indium Phosphide and Related |Conference Paper |

| | |Y. Wei, M. Urteaga, S. Long, M. J. W. Rodwell. “75 GHz ECL |Materials (IPRM) conference, Nara, |  |

| | |Static Frequency Divider in InAlAs/InGaAs Transferred |Japan, May. |  |

| | |Substrate HBT Technology.” | |  |

| | |  | |  |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-01-1-0024 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|206. |2001 |S. Jaganathan, S. Krishnan, D. Mensa, T. Mathew, Y.Betser, |IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, |Journal Paper |

| | |Y. Wei, D. Scott, |Vol. 36, No. 9, pp. 1343-1350, |  |

| | |M. Urteaga, M. Rodwell. “An 18 GHz continuous time |September. |  |

| | |sigma-delta analog-digital converter implemented in InP | |  |

| | |transferred substrate HBT technology” | |  |

| | |  | |  |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-98-1-0830 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|207. |2001 |S. Lee, H. J. Kim, M. Urteaga, S. Krishnan, Y. Wei, M. | IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 37, No. |Journal Paper |

| | |Dahlström and M. Rodwell, “Transferred-Substrate |17, pp. 1096-1098, August 16. |  |

| | |InP/InGaAs/InP Double Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors | |  |

| | |with fmax=425 GHz” | |  |

| | |  | |  |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-01-1-0066 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|208. |2001 |M. Rodwell, S. Long, M. Urteaga, T. Mathew, D. Scott, S. |28th International Symposium on Compound|Conference Paper |

| | |Lee, Y. M. Kim, Y. Wei, N. Parthasarathy, M. Dahlström, |Semiconductors 2001 (ISCS2001), Komaba |(Invited) |

| | |H.J. Kim, Z. Griffith, “High Speed InP-Based Heterojunction|Campus, University of Tokyo, October | |

| | |Bipolar Transistors.” |1-4. | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N0014-99-1-0041, N00014-01-1-0065 | | |

| | |N00014-01-1-0066, N00014-01-1-0024 | | |

| | |N00014-98-1-0750, N00014-98-1-0830 | | |

| | |F4962096-1-0019, PC249806 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|209. |2001 |T. Mathew, H.J. Kim, S. Jaganathan, D. Scott, S. Krishnan, |IEE Electronic Letters, Vol. 37, No. 11,|Journal Paper |

| | |Y. Wei, M. Urteaga, M.J.W. Rodwell and S. Long, “75 GHz ECL|pg. 667-8, 24 May. | |

| | |Static Frequency Divider Using InAIAs/InGaAs HBTs.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-01-1-0024 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|210. |2001 |McCarthy, L.; Smorchkova, I.; Xing, H.; Fini, P.; Keller, |Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 78, No.15,|Journal Paper |

| | |S.; Speck, J.; DenBaars, S.P.; Rodwell, M.J.W.; Mishra, |AIP, p.2235-7, 9 April. | |

| | |U.K. “Effect of threading dislocations on AlGaN/GaN | | |

| | |heterojunction bipolar transistors.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|211. |2001 |McCarthy, L.S.; Smorchkova, I.P.; Huili Xing; Kozodoy, P.; |IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, |Journal Paper |

| | |Fini, P.; Limb, J.; Pulfrey, D.L.; Speck, J.S.; Rodwell, |Vol. 48, No. 3, p.543-51, March. | |

| | |M.J.W.; DenBaars, S.P.; Mishra, U.K. “GaN HBT: toward an RF| | |

| | |device.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|212. |2000 |McCarthy, L., Smorchkova, Y., Fini, P., Xing, H., Rodwell, |58th Device Research Conference, Denver,|Conference Paper |

| | |M., Speck, J., DenBaars, S., Mishra, U. “ HBT on LEO GaN.” |CO, 19-21 June. | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|213. | 2001 |Mark J.W. Rodwell, Miguel Urteaga, Thomas Mathew, Dennis |IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, |Journal Paper |

| | |Scott, Dino Mensa, Q. Lee, James Guthrie, Y. Betser, |Special Issue on the History of the |(Invited) |

| | |Suzanne C. Martin, R.P. Smith, S. Jaganathan, Sundararajan |Bipolar Junction Transistor, Vol. 48, | |

| | |Krishnan, Stephen I. Long, R. Pullela, B. Agarwal, Uddalak |No. 11, p. 2606-2624, November. | |

| | |Bhattacharya, Lorene Samoska, and Mattias Dahlström. | | |

| | |“Submicron Scaling of HBTs.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N0014-99-1-0041, N00014-01-1-0065 | | |

| | |N00014-01-1-0066, N00014-01-1-0024 | | |

| | |N00014-98-1-0750, N00014-98-1-0830 | | |

| | |F4962096-1-0019, PC249806 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|214. |2001 |Y.M. Kim, M. Dahlström, S. Lee, M.J.W. Rodwell, A.C. |2001 International Semiconductor Device |Conference Paper |

| | |Gossard. “InP/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP Double Heterojunction |Research Symposium, Washington, D.C., | |

| | |Bipolar Transistors on GaAs Substrate Using InP Metamorphic|December 5-7. | |

| | |Buffer Layer.” |Also published in: | |

| | |  |Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 46, pp. |Journal Paper |

| | |Support: |1541-1544, January 17. | |

| | |N00014-01-1-0065 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest Publication Kim_ISDRS_2003_slides.ppt | | |

| | | | | |

|215. |2001 |Y.M. Kim, M. J. W. Rodwell, A. C. Gossard, “Thermal | Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. |Journal Paper |

| | |characteristics of InP, InAlAs, and AlGaAsSb metamorphic |31, No. 3, p. 196-199, March. | |

| | |buffer layers used in In0.52Al0.48As/In0.53Ga0.47As | | |

| | |heterojunction bipolar transistors grown on GaAs | | |

| | |substrates” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-01-1-0065 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|216. |2002 |Y.M. Kim, M. Dahlström, S. Lee, M.J.W. Rodwell, A.C. |IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol.23, |Journal Paper |

| | |Gossard, |No.6, pp.297-299, June. | |

| | |“High-Performance InP/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP Double | | |

| | |Heterojunction Bipolar | | |

| | |Transistors on GaAs Substrates.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|217. |2002 |Y.M. Kim, M. Dahlström, S. Lee, Y. Wei, M.J.W. Rodwell, |Indium Phosphide and Related Materials |Conference |

| | |A.C. Gossard, “High Speed (207 GHz fτ), Low Thermal |Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, May |Paper |

| | |Resistance, High Current Density Metamorphic InP/InGaAs/InP|12-16. | |

| | |DHBTs grown on a GaAs Substrate.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | | | | |

| | |KimIPRM_2002_presentation.ppt | | |

| | |  | | |

|218. |2002 |Y.M. Kim, M. Dahlström, M.J.W. Rodwell, A.C. Gossard, |IEEE Device Research Conference, Santa |Conference |

| | |“Thermal Performance of Metamorphic Double Heterojunction |Barbara, CA, June 24-26. |Paper |

| | |Bipolar Transistors with InP and InAlP Buffer Layers.” |  | |

| | |  | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|219. |2002 |M. Dahlström, M. Urteaga, S. Krishnan, N. Parthasarathy, |Indium Phosphide and Related Materials |Conference |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell, X. M. Fang, D. Lubyshev, Y. Wu, J. M. |Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, May |Paper |

| | |Fastenau, W.K. Liu, “Ultra-Wideband DHBTs using a Graded |12-16. | |

| | |Carbon-Doped InGaAs Base” |  | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|220. |2002 |S. Krishnan, Z. Griffith, M. Urteaga, Y. Wei, D. Scott, M. |GaAs IC Symposium, Monterey, CA, October|Conference |

| | |Dahlström, N. Parthasarathy, M. J. W. Rodwell, “87 GHz |21-23. |Paper |

| | |Static Frequency Dividers in an InP-based Mesa DHBT | | |

| | |Technology.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-01-1-0024 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|221. |2002 |M. Urteaga, D. Scott, S. Krishnan, Y. Wei, M. Dahlström, Z.|GaAs IC Symposium, Monterey, CA, October|Conference |

| | |Griffith, N. Parthasarathy, M.J.W. Rodwell, “Multi-stage |21-23. |Paper |

| | |G-band (140-220 GHz) InP HBT Amplifiers.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N0014-99-1-004 | | |

| | |F49620-99-1-0079 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|222. |2002 |B. Brar, G. Nagy, J. Bergman, G. Sullivan, R. Rodwell, H.K.|Lester Eastman Conference, University of|Conference Paper |

| | |Lin, M. Dahlström, C. Kadow, M. Rodwell, “RF and DC |Delaware, August 6-8. | |

| | |characteristics of low-leakage InAs/AlSb HFETs.” |  | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|223. |2001 |Mark Rodwell, “Transistors for Fast Logic Circuits: What We|Third Workshop on the Fabrication, |Conference |

| | |Have Learned from InP-Based HBT’s.” |Characterization, and Applications of |Paper |

| | |  |6.1 | |

| | |Viewgraphs |Å III-V Semiconductors, Snowbird, Utah, | |

| | | |July 31-August 2. | |

| | | |  | |

|224. |2002 |S. Lee, M. Urteaga, Y. Wei, Y. Kim, M. Dahlström, S. |IEEE Device Research Conference, Santa |Conference Paper |

| | |Krishnan, and M. Rodwell, “Ultra High fmax InP/InGaAs/InP |Barbara, CA, June 24-26. | |

| | |Transferred Substrate DHBTs.” |  | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-01-1-0066 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|225. |2002 |Vamsi Paidi, Shouxuan Xie, Robert Coffie, Umesh Mishra, |Lester Eastman Conference, University of|Conference Paper |

| | |Stephen Long, and M.J.W. Rodwell, “Simulations of High |Delaware, Newark, Delaware, | |

| | |linearity and high efficiency of Class B Power Amplifiers |August 6-8. | |

| | |in GaN HEMT Technology.” |  | |

| | |  |  | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N00014-00-1-0653 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|226. |2002 |D. Scott, M. Urteaga, N. Parthasarathy, J.H. English, and |Lester Eastman Conference, University of|Conference Paper |

| | |M. Rodwell, “Molecular Beam Deposition of Low-Resistance |Delaware, Newark, Delaware, | |

| | |Polycrystalline InAs.” |August 6-8. | |

| | |  |  | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |N0014-99-1-0041 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|227. |2002 |D. Scott, H. Xing, S. Krishnan, M. Urteaga, N. |2002 IEEE Device Research Conference, |Conference Paper |

| | |Parthasarathy and M. Rodwell, “InAlAs/InGaAs/InP DHBTs with|Santa Barbara, CA, | |

| | |Polycrystalline InAs Extrinsic Emitter Regrowth.” |June 24-26. | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|228. |2002 |Mark Rodwell, "InP-based HBTs: |2002 IEEE/OSA Conference on Indium |Conference |

| | |Devices and GHz mixed-signal ICs." |Phosphide and Related Materials, |Short Course |

| | |  |Stockholm, Sweden, May 12-16. | |

| | |Viewgraphs |  | |

|229. |2002 |Mark Rodwell, “Beyond 40 GHz: |2002 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave |Conference Workshop |

| | |Chips to be tested, Instruments to measure them,” |Symposium, Seattle, WA, June 2-7. |Presentation |

| | |“Presentation within the workshop Ultrahigh Speed Microwave| | |

| | |and Photonic Devices and Systems: How Will They Be Tested?”| | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|230. |2002 |M. J. W. Rodwell, S. Krishnan, M. Urteaga, Z. Griffith, M. |International Union of Radio Sciences, |Conference Paper |

| | |Dahlström, Y. Wei, D. Scott, N. Parthasarathy, Y-M Kim, S. |General Assembly, Maastricht, |(Invited) |

| | |Lee, “Interconnects in 50-100 ghz integrated circuits.” |August 18-24. | |

| | |  |  | |

| | |Support: |  | |

| | |N00014-01-1-0066, N00014-01-1-0024, N00014-01-1-0065, | | |

| | |N0014-99-1-0041, N00014-98-1-0830, F49620-99-1-0079, | | |

| | |PC249806, SB010053, 00-10076 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|231. |2002 |M. J. W. Rodwell, M. Urteaga, M. Dahlström, S. Krishnan, Z.|2002 European Conference on Optical |Conference Paper |

| | |Griffith, Y. Wei, D. Scott, N. Parthasarathy, Y-M Kim, S. |Communication, Copenhagen, September |(Invited) |

| | |Lee “50-200 GHz InP HBT Integrated Circuits for Optical |9-12. | |

| | |Fiber and mm-Wave Communications.” |  | |

| | |  |  | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|232. |2002 |M.J.W. Rodwell, D. Scott, M. Urteaga, M. Dahlström, S. |2002 International Conference on Solid |Conference Paper |

| | |Krishnan, Z. Griffith, Y. Wei, N. Parthasarathy, Y.M. Kim, |State Devices and Materials, Nagoya, |(Invited) |

| | |"Sibmicron InP Bipolar Transistors: Scaling Laws, |Japan, September 17-20. | |

| | |Technology Roadmaps, Advanced Fabrication Processes." |  | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|233. |2002 |X. -M. Fang, *, Y. Wu, C. Doss, D. Lubyshev, J.M. Fastenau,|CS-MAX, San Jose, CA, |Conference Paper |

| | |and W.K. Liu, Y.M. Kim and M.J.W. Rodwell, “Metamorphic |November 11-13. | |

| | |Buffer Comparisons for M-HBT Grown by MBE.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|234. |2002 |Yun Wei, Sangmin Lee, Krishnan Sundararajan, Mattias |IEEE MTT-S International Microwave |Conference |

| | |Dahlström, Miguel Urteaga, Mark Rodwell, “W-band |Symposium, Seattle, WA, June 2-7. |Paper |

| | |InP/InGaAs/InP DHBT MMIC Power Amplifiers.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |PC249806 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|235. |2002 |Yun Wei, Sangmin Lee, P.K. Sundararajan, Mattias Dahlström,|Indium Phosphide and Related Materials |Conference |

| | |Miguel Urteaga, Mark Rodwell, “High current (100mA) |Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, May |Paper |

| | |InP/InGaAs/InP DHBTs with 330 GHz fmax.” |12-16. | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |PC249806 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|236. |2002 |Yun Wei, Krishnan Sundararajan, Miguel Urteaga, Zach |IEEE Lester Eastman Conference on High |Conference |

| | |Griffith, Dennis Scott, Vamsi Paidi, Navin Parthasarathy, |Performance Devices, Newark, Delaware, |Paper |

| | |Mark Rodwell, “40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT |August 6-8. | |

| | |Technology.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |PC249806 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|237. |2002 |Y.M. Kim, M. Urteaga, M.J.W. Rodwell, A.C. Gossard, “High |Electronics Letters, Vol. 38, No. 21, |Journal Paper |

| | |Speed, Low Leakage Current InP/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP |pp. 1288-1289, October 10. | |

| | |Metamorphic Double Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |NOO14-01-1-0065 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | | | | |

|238. |2002 |C. Kadow, H.-K. Lin, M. Dahlström, M. Rodwell, A.C. |MBE XII Conference, San Francisco, CA, |Conference Paper |

| | |Gossard, B. Brar, G. Sullivan, “Reduction of the |September 15-20. | |

| | |unintentional background electron density in AlSb/InAs/AlSb|  | |

| | |quantum wells.” |Also published in: |Journal Paper |

| | |  |Journal of Crystal Growth, | |

| | |Support: |Vol. 251, pp. 534-546. | |

| | |N66001-01-C-8032 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest Publication kadown_MBE_sept2002_slides.ppt | | |

| | |  | | |

|239. |2003 |Vamsi Paidi, Shouxuan Xie, Robert Coffie, Brendan Moran, |IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory |Journal Paper |

| | |Sten Heikman, Stacia Keller, |and Techniques, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. | |

| | |Alessandro Chini, Steven P. DenBaars, Umesh K. Mishra, |643-652, February. | |

| | |Stephen Long and Mark J.W. Rodwell, “High Linearity and | | |

| | |High Efficiency of Class B Power Amplifiers in GaN HEMT | | |

| | |Technology.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|240. |2003 |K. Krishnamurthy, R. Pullela, J. Chow, J. Xu, S. |Optical Fiber Conference, Atlanta, GA, |Conference Paper |

| | |Jaganathan, D. Mensa, Mark Rodwell, “High Gain 40 Gb/s InP |March 23-28. | |

| | |HBT Drivers for EO/ EA Modulators.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|241. |2003 |R. Vetury, I. Gontijo, Yet-zen Liu, K. Krishnamurthy, R. |Electronics Letters, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp.|Journal Paper |

| | |Pullela and M. J. Rodwell, “High sensitivity and |91-92, January 9. | |

| | |wide-dynamic-range optical receiver for 40Gbits/s optical | | |

| | |communication networks.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Publication | | |

| | |  | | |

|242. |2003 |Mark Rodwell, “Indium Phosphide Bipolar Integrated |IEEE International Solid-State Circuits |Conference Paper |

| | |Circuits: 40 GHz and beyond.” |Conference, San Francisco, CA, February | |

| | |  |9-13. | |

| | |Digest |  | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |  | | |

|243. |2003 |Yingda Dong, Dennis Scott, Yun Wei, Arthur Gossard, Mark |Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, |Conference Paper |

| | |Rodwell, “Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Low-Resistance |Santa Barbara, CA, May 12-16. | |

| | |Polycrystalline P-type GaSb.” |  | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|244. |2003 |Yun Wei, Miguel Urteaga, Zach Griffith, Dennis Scott, |IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits|Conference Paper |

| | |Shouxuan Xie, Vamsi Paidi, Navin Parthasarathy, Mark |Symposium, Technical Digest, pp. | |

| | |Rodwell, “75 GHz, 80 mW InP DHBT Power Amplifier.” |919-921. Philadelphia, PA, June 8-13. | |

| | |  |  | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |PC249806 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|245. |2003 |Y.M.Kim, M.Urteaga, M. Dahlström, M.J.W.Rodwell, |Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, |Conference Paper |

| | |A.C.Gossard, "200 GHz fmax, ft InP/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP |Santa Barbara, CA, May 12-16. | |

| | |Metamorphic Double Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors on | | |

| | |GaAs Substrates." | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

|246. |2003 |S. Krishnan, D. Scott, M. Urteaga, Z. Griffith, Y. Wei, M. |International Microwave Symposium, |Conference Paper |

| |  |Dahlström, N. Parthasarathy, M. Rodwell, “An 8-GHz |Technical Digest, pp. 1063-1065, | |

| | |Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta Analog-Digital Converter in an|Philadelphia, June 8-10. | |

| | |InP-based DHBT Technology.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|247. |2003 |K. Krishnamurthy, R. Vetury, J. Xu, A. Shou, S. Jaganathan,|IEEE International Microwave Symposium, |Conference Paper |

| | |K. Cheng, J. Chow, D. Mensa, L. Zhang, I. Gontijo, S. Vu, |Technical Digest, pp. 1189-1192, | |

| | |C. Winczewski, Y-Z. Liu, R. Pullela, M. Rodwell, “40 Gb/s |Philadelphia, PA, June 8-13. | |

| | |TDM System Using InP HBT IC Technology.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|248. |2003 |Yingda Dong, Dennis W. Scott, Arthur C. Gossard, and Mark |Electronic Materials Conference, Salt |Conference Paper |

| | |J.W. Rodwell, “Characterization of Contact Resistivity on |Lake City, Utah, June 25-27. | |

| | |InAs/GaSb Interface.” |  | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|249. |2003 |J. Bergman, G. Nagy, G. Sullivan, and B. Brar, C. Kadow, |IEEE Device Research Conference, Salt |Conference Paper |

| | |H.-K. Lin, A. Gossard, and M. Rodwell, “RF Noise |Lake City, UT, June 23-25. | |

| | |Performance of Low Power InAs/AlSb HFETs.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|250. |2003 |B. Brar, J. Bergman, R. Pierson, P. Rowell, G. Nagy, and G.|IEEE Device Research Conference, Salt |Conference Paper |

| | |Sullivan, C. Kadow, H. K. Lin, A. Gossard, and M. Rodwell, |Lake City, UT, June 23-25. | |

| | |“Low-Voltage AlGaSb/InAs/AlGaSb PnP HBTs.” |  | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|251. |2003 |H.-K. Lin*, C. Kadow, M. Dahlström, J.-U. Bae, M. Rodwell, |IEEE Device Research Conference, Salt |Conference Paper |

| | |A.C. Gossard, B. Brar, G. Sullivan, G. Nagy, J. Bergman, |Lake City, UT, June 23-25. | |

| | |“AlSb/InAs/InAsP/AlSb Composite-Channel HFETs.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|252. |2003 |J. Bergman, G. Nagy, G. Sullivan, and B. Brar, C. Kadow, |Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, |Conference Paper |

| | |H.-K. Lin, A. Gossard, and M. Rodwell, “InAs/AlSb HFETs |Technical Digest, pp. 219-222, Santa | |

| | |with fτ and fmax Above 150 GHz for Lowpower |Barbara, CA, May 12-16. | |

| | |MMICs.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

|253. |2003 |M. Dahlström, Z. Griffith, M. Urteaga, M.J.W. Rodwell, X-M.|IEEE Device Research Conference, Salt |Conference Paper |

| | |Feng, D. Lubyshev, Y. Wu, J.M. Fastenau, W.K. Liu, |Lake City, UT, June 23-25. | |

| | |“InGaAs/InP DHBT’s with > 370 GHz ft and fmax using a | | |

| | |Graded Carbon-Doped Base.” | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|254. |2002 |I.Harrison, M. Dahlström, S. Krishnan, Z. Griffith, Y.M |Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, |Conference Paper |

| | |Kim, M.J.W. Rodwell,“Thermal limitations of InP HBTs in 80 |Technical Digest, pp. 160-163, Santa | |

| | |and 160Gbit integrated circuits.” |Barbara, CA, May 12-16. | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Support: | | |

| | |SB010053, 00-10076 | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Digest | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Viewgraphs | | |

| | |  | | |

|255. |2002 |M. Urteaga, D. Scott, S. Krishnan, Y. Wei, M. Dahlström, Z.|IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuit, |Journal Paper |

| | |Griffith, N. Parthasarathy and M.J.W. Rodwell, “G-band |Volume: 38 , Issue: 9 , Sept. 2003, | |

| | |(140-220 GHz) InP-based HBT amplifiers.” |Pages:1451 - 1456. | |

| | | | | |

| | |urteaga_JSSC_sep_2003_journal.pdf | | |

| | |  | | |

|256. |2002 |Y.M.Kim, M. Dahlström, M.J.W. Rodwell, A.C.Gossard, |IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices |Journal Paper |

| | |“Thermal Properties of Metamorphic Buffer Materials for |Volume: 50 , Issue: 5 , May 2003 | |

| | |Growth of InP Double Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors on |Pages:1411 - 1413 | |

| | |GaAs Substrates” | | |

| | | | | |

| | |  Kim_TED_May2003_journal.pdf | | |

|257. |2003 |M.Urteaga, S.Krishnan, D.Scott, Y.Wei, M.Dahlström, S.Lee, | International Journal of High Speed |Journal Paper (invited) |

| | |M.J.W.Rodwell, “Submicron InP -based HBTs for Ultra-high |Electronics and Systems, | |

| | |Frequency Amplifiers.” |Vol. 13, No. 2 (June 2003) | |

| | |urteaga_IJHSES_2003_journal.pdf | | |

| | |  |Special issue on terahertz sensing | |

| | | |technology | |

| | | |Vol 1: Electronic devices & advanced | |

| | | |systems technology | |

| | | |Edited by D. L. Woolard, W. R. Loerop | |

| | | |and M. S. Shur | |

| | | |  | |

|258. |2002 |S. Xie, V. Paidi, R. Coffie, S. Keller, S. Heikman, B. |IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components |Journal Paper |

| | |Moran, A. Chini, S. DenBaars, U. Mishra, S. Long, M.J.W. |Letters | |

| | |Rodwell, “High linearity Class B Power Amplifiers in GaN |Volume: 13 , Issue: 7 , July 2003 | |

| | |HEMT Technology.” |Pages:284 - 286 | |

| | |Xie_MWGWL_July2003_journal.pdf | | |

| | |  | | |

|259. |2003 |M. Urteaga, M.J.W. Rodwell, “Power gain singularities in |IEEE Transactions on Electronic Devices |Journal Paper |

| | |transferred-substrate InA1As/InGaAs HBT’s.” |Volume: 50 , Issue: 7 , July 2003, | |

| | |urteaga_TEDJuly2003.pdf |Pages:1589 - 1598 | |

| | |  | | |

|260. |2003 |Y. Dong, D.W. Scott, Y. Wei, A.C. Gossard, and M.J.W. |Journal of Crystal Growth |Journal Paper |

| | |Rodwell, "Low-Resistance P-type Polycrystalline GaSb grown |Volume 256, Issues 3-4, Pages 223-229 | |

| | |by Molecular Beam Epitaxy." |(September 2003) | |

| | |dong_JCG_sept2004.pdf | | |

| | |  | | |

|261. |2003 |Y.M.Kim, K. Lai, M.J.W.Rodwell, A.C.Gossard, “Low Turn-On |International Symposium on Compound |Conference Paper |

| | |Voltage InP/In0.7Ga0.3As/InP Double Heterojunction Bipolar |Semiconductors, San Diego, CA, August | |

| | |Transistors.” |25-27. | |

| | |Kim_ISCS_2003_digest.pdf |Pages:203 - 204 | |

| | |  | | |

|262. |2003 |M. Dahlström, X.-M. Fang, D. Lubyshev, M. Urteaga, S. |Electron Device Letters, IEEE , Volume: |Journal Paper |

| | |Krishnan, N. Parthasarathy, Y.M. Kim Y. Wu, J.M. Fastenau,|24 , Issue: 7 , July 2003 Pages:433 - | |

| | |W.K. Liu, and |435 | |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell, “Wideband DHBTs using a Graded Carbon-Doped| | |

| | |InGaAs Base.” | | |

| | |dahlstrom_EDL_2003_journal.pdf | | |

| | |  | | |

|263. |2003 |S. Krishnan, D. Scott, Z. Griffith, M. Urteaga, |IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory |Journal Paper |

| | |Y. Wei, N. Parthasarathy, M. Rodwell, “ |and Techniques, Volume: 51 , Issue: 12 ,| |

| | |An 8 GHz continuous time ∑-∆ analog-digital Converter in an|Dec. 2003 | |

| | |InP-based HBT Technology.” |Pages:2555 - 2561 | |

| | |krishnan_TMTT_dec2003_journal.pdf | | |

| | |  | | |

|264. |2003 |M. Rodwell, D. Scott, M. Urteaga, M. Dahlström, Z. |European Gallium Arsenide and Other |Conference Paper (Invited) |

| | |Griffith, Y. Wei, N. Parthasarathy, YM Kim, R. Pierson, P. |Compound Semiconductors Application | |

| | |Rowell, B. Brar, “InP Bipolar Transistors: High Speed |Symposium, 6 - 7 October, Munich | |

| | |Circuits and Manufacturable Submicron Fabrication | | |

| | |Processes.” | | |

| | |rodwell_eugaasic_nov_2003_digest.pdf | | |

| | |rodwell_EuGaAsIC_nov_2003slides.ppt | | |

|______ |_____ |______________________________ |__________________ |_________________ |

| | | | | |

|265. |2002 |Liyang Zhang, R. Pullela, C. Winczewski, J. Chow, D. |2002 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated |Conference Paper |

| | |Mensa, S. Jaganathan, Ruai Yu, "A 37~50 GHz InP HBT VCO IC |Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, 2-4 June | |

| | |for OC-768 fiber optic communication applications" |Pages:85 - 88 | |

| | |Zhang_RFIC_2002journal.pdf | | |

|266. |2002 |Shouxuan Xie, Vamsi Paidi, Robert Coffie, Stacia Keller, |IEEE Topical Workshop on |Workshop Paper |

| | |Sten Heikman, Alessandro Chini, |Power Amplifiers for Wireless | |

| | |Umesh Mishra, Stephen Long and Mark J. W. Rodwell. "High |Communications, September 2002, San | |

| | |linearity Class B Power Amplifiers in GaN HEMT Technology" |Diego, CA | |

| | |Xie_san_diego_workshop_2002.pdf | | |

|267. |2003 |K. Krishnamurthy, J. Chow, M.J.W. Rodwell, R. Pullela, |Electronics Letters , Volume: 39 , |Journal Paper |

| | |"0.1-42 GHz InP DHBT distributed amplifiers with 35 dB gain|Issue: 22 , 30 Oct. 2003 | |

| | |and 15 dBm output" |Pages:1594 - 1595 | |

| | |Krishnamuthy_Elett_Oct2003paper.pdf | | |

|268. |2003 |K. Krishnamurthy, R. Vetury, Yet-zen Liu; M.J.W. Rodwell, |Electronics Letters , Volume: 39 , |Journal Paper |

| | |R. Pullela, "40 Gbit/s optical receiver module with high |Issue: 24 , 27 Nov. 2003 | |

| | |conversion gain and sensitivity" |Pages:1738 - 1739 | |

| | |Krishnamuthy_Elett_Nov2003paper.pdf | | |

|269. |2003 |Yingda Dong; Yun Wei; Z. Griffith, M. Urteaga, M. |International Semiconductor Device |Conference Paper |

| | |Dahlstrom, M. J.W. Rodwell, "InP heterojunction bipolar |Research Symposium, 2003 10-12 Dec. | |

| | |transistor with a selectively implanted collector pedestal"|2003 | |

| | | |Pages:348 - 349 | |

| | |dong_ISDRS_dec_2003digest.pdf | | |

|270. |2004 |H.-K. Lin, C. Kadow, M. Dahlström, J.-U. Bae, M. J. W. |Applied Physics Letters Vol 84(3) pp. |Journal Paper |

| | |Rodwell, A. C. Gossard, B. Brar, G. Sullivan, G. Nagy, and |437-439. January 19, 2004 | |

| | |J. Bergman, "InAs/InAsP composite channels for | | |

| | |antimonide-based field-effect transistors " | | |

| | |Lin_Apl_jan2004_journal.pdf *** | | |

|271. |2004 |H. Shigematsu, M. Sato, I. Hirose, F. Brewer, M. Rodwell, |2004 IEEE International Solid-State |Conference Paper |

| | |M.;"40Gb/s CMOS distributed amplifier for fiber-optic |Circuits Conference, Digest of Technical| |

| | |communication systems" |Papers. ISSCC. , 15-19 Feb. | |

| | |shigematsu_ISSCC_feb2004digest.pdf |Pages:476 - 540 Vol.1 | |

|272. |2004 |J.B. Hacker, J. Bergman, G. Nagy, G. Sullivan,. C. Kadow,|Microwave and Wireless Components |Journal Paper |

| | |Heng-Kuang Lin. A.C. Gossard, M. Rodwell, B. Brar, "An |Letters, IEEE , Volume: 14 , Issue: 4 ,| |

| | |ultra-low power InAs/AlSb HEMT Ka-band low-noise amplifier"|April 2004 Pages:156 - 158 | |

| | |hacker_MWCL_april2004.pdf | | |

| | | | | |

|273. |2004 |I Harrison, M. Dahlstrom, M. Krishnan, Z Griffith, Y.M. |IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, |Journal Paper |

| | |Kim, M.J.W. Rodwell, "Thermal limitations of InP HBTs in |Volume: 51 , Issue: 4 , April 2004 | |

| | |80- and 160-gb ICs" |Pages:529 - 534 | |

| | | | | |

| | |harrison_TED_April2004_journal.pdf | | |

|274. |2004 |Y.M. Kim, Z. Griffith, M.J.W. Rodwell, A.C. Gossard, "High |IEEE Electron Device Letters, Volume: 25|Journal Paper |

| | |bandwidth and low-leakage current InP-In0.53Ga0.47As-InP |, Issue: 4 , April 2004 | |

| | |DBHTs on GaAs substrates" |Pages:170 - 172 | |

| | |kim_EDL_april2004journal.pdf | | |

|275. |2004 |Dennis W. Scott, Christoph Kadow, Yingda Dong, Yun Wei, | Journal of Crystal Growth |Journal Paper |

| | |Arthur C. Gossard and M.J.W.Mark J. W. Rodwell |Volume 267, Issues 1-2 , 15 June 2004, | |

| | |"Low-resistance n-type polycrystalline InAs grown by |Pages 35-41 | |

| | |molecular beam epitaxy" | | |

| | |scott_JCG_june2004.pdf *** | | |

|276. |2004 |Mattias Dahlström and Mark J.W. Rodwell, "Current Density |2004 IEEE International Conference on |Conference Paper |

| | |Limits in InP DHBTs: Collector Current Spreading and |Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, | |

| | |Effective Electron Velocity" |May 31-June 4, Kagoshima, Japan. | |

| | | | | |

| | |Dahlstrom_IPRM2004_slides.ppt | | |

| | |Dahlstrom_IPRM2004_Kirkeffect_digest.pdf | | |

|277. |2004 |Mattias Dahlström, Zach Griffith, |2004 IEEE International Conference on |Conference Paper |

| | |Young-Min Kim, Mark J.W. Rodwell, "High Current Density and|Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, | |

| | |High Power Density Operation of Ultra High Speed InP DHBTs |May 31-June 4, Kagoshima, Japan. | |

| | |" | | |

| | |Dahlstrom_IPRM2004_thermal_digest.pdf | | |

| | |Dahlstrom_IPRM2004_other_slides.ppt | | |

|278. |2004 |Z. Griffith, M. Dahlström, M. Seo, and M.J.W. Rodwell, |2004 IEEE International Conference on |Conference Paper |

| | |"Ultra high frequency static dividers in a narrow mesa |Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, | |

| | |InGaAs/InP DHBT technology" |May 31-June 4, Kagoshima, Japan. | |

| | | | | |

| | |griffith_IPRM2004_slides_divider.ppt | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Griffith_IPRM2004_digest.pdf | | |

|279. |2004 |Z. Griffith, Y.M. Kim, M. Dahlström, A.C. Gossard and |2004 IEEE International Conference on |Conference Paper |

| | |M.J.W. Rodwell, "Low leakage current metamorphic InGaAs/InP|Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, | |

| | |DHBTs with [pic] and [pic]> 268 GHz grown on a GaAs |May 31-June 4, Kagoshima, Japan. | |

| | |substrate" | | |

| | |griffith_IPRM2004_slides_mhbt.ppt | | |

| | |griffith_IPRM2004_mhbt_digest.pdf | | |

|280. |2004 |M. Urteaga, R. Pierson, P. Rowell, B. Brar, Z. Griffith, M.|2004 IEEE International Conference on |Conference Paper |

| | |Dahlström, M.J.W. Rodwell, S. Lee, N. Nguyen, C. Nguyen |Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, | |

| | |"Wide Bandwidth InP DHBT Technology Utilizing Dielectric |May 31-June 4, Kagoshima, Japan. | |

| | |Sidewall Spacers" | | |

| | |urteaga_IPRM_2004_digest.pdf | | |

|281. |2004 |Dennis Scott, Yun Wei, Miguel Urteaga, and Mark J.W. |2004 IEEE International Conference on |Conference Paper |

| | |Rodwell, "RF performance and process development of InP |Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, | |

| | |DHBTs using non-selective emitter regrowth" |May 31-June 4, Kagoshima, Japan. | |

| | | | | |

| | |scott_IPRM2004_regrowth_digest.pdf | | |

|282. |2004 |J. Fastenau, D. Lubyshev, X. Fang, C. Doss, Y. Wu, A. Liu, |2004 IEEE International Conference on |Conference Paper |

| | |S. Bals, Z. Griffith, M. Rodwell"Strain Relaxation and |Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, | |

| | |Dislocation Filtering in Metamorphic HBT and HEMT |May 31-June 4, Kagoshima, Japan. | |

| | |Structures Grown on GaAs Substrates" | | |

| | | | | |

| | |fastenau_IPRM_2004_digest.pdf | | |

|283. |2004 |Z. Griffith, M. Dahlström, M. Urteaga, M.J.W. Rodwell, |IEEE Electron Device Letters, Volume: |Journal Paper |

| | |X.-M. Fang, D. Lubyshev, Y. Wu, J.M. Fastenau, W.K. Liu, |25 , Issue: 5 , May 2004 Pages:250 - 252| |

| | |"InGaAs/InP mesa DHBTs with simultaneously high f( and | | |

| | |fmax, and low Ccb/Ic ratio" | | |

| | |griffith_EDL_may_2004.pdf | | |

|284. |2004 |Yun Wei, D.W. Scott, Yingda Dong; A.C. Gossard, M. J. |IEEE Electron Device Letters , Volume: |Journal Paper |

| | |Rodwell, "A 160-GHz [pic] and 140-GHz [pic] submicrometer |25 , Issue: 5 , May 2004 Pages:232 - 234| |

| | |InP DHBT in MBE regrown-emitter technology" | | |

| | |Wei_EDL_may2004journal.pdf | | |

|285. |2004 |V. Paidi, Z. Griffith, Y. Wei, M. Dahlstrom, N. |2004 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated |Conference Paper |

| | |Parthasarathy, M. Seo, M. Urteaga, M. J. W. Rodwell, L. |Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, 6-8 June | |

| | |Samoska, A. Fung, "Common Base Amplifier with 7- dB gain |Pages:123 - 126004 | |

| | |at 176 GHz in InP mesa DHBT Technology" | | |

| | |paidi_RFIC_june_2004.pdf | | |

| | |paidi_RFIC_2004slides.ppt | | |

|286. |2004 |H. Shigematsu, T. Hirose, F. Brewer, M. Rodwell, M.;"CMOS |2004 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated |Conference Paper |

| | |circuit design for millimeter-wave applications" |Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, 6-8 June | |

| | |shigematsu_MTT_june2004digest.pdf |Pages:123 - 126 | |

|287. |2004 |Yun Wei, Dennis W. Scott, Yingda Dong, |2004 IEEE Device Research Conference , |Conference Paper |

| | |Arthur C. Gossard, Mark Rodwell "280 GHz [pic] InP DHBT |June 21-23, Notre Dame, Illinois | |

| | |with 1.2 um2 base-emitter junction area in MBE | | |

| | |Regrown-Emitter Technology" | | |

| | |wei_DRC_2004_digest.pdf | | |

| | |wei_DRC_2004slides.ppt | | |

|288. |2004 |Yingda Dong, Zach Griffith, Mattias Dahlström, and Mark |2004 IEEE Device Research Conference , |Conference Paper |

| | |J.W. Rodwell, "Cbc Reduction in InP Heterojunction Bipolar |June 21-23, Notre Dame, Illinois | |

| | |Transistor with Selectively Implanted Collector Pedestal" | | |

| | |dong_DRC2004_digest.pdf | | |

|289. |2004 |M. Urteaga, P. Rowell, R. Pierson B. Brar, M. Dahlström, Z.|2004 IEEE Device Research Conference , |Conference Paper |

| | |Griffith and M.J.W. Rodwell, S. Lee, N. Nguyen and C. |June 21-23, Notre Dame, Illinois | |

| | |Nguyen, "Deep Submicron InP DHBT Technology with | | |

| | |Electroplated Emitter and Base Contacts" | | |

| | |Urteaga_DRC_2004_digest.pdf | | |

|290. |2004 |N. Parthasarathy, Y. Dong, D. Scott, M. Urteaga and M.J.W. |2004 IEEE Device Research Conference , |Conference Paper |

| | |Rodwell "Planar Device Isolation For InP Based DHBTs" |June 21-23, Notre Dame, Illinois | |

| | |Parthasarathy_DRC_2004_digest.pdf | | |

|291. |2004 |Joshua Bergman, Gabor Nagy, Gerard Sullivan, Amal Ikhlassi,|2004 IEEE Device Research Conference , |Conference Paper |

| | |Berinder Brar, Christoph Kadow, Heng-Kuang Lin, Art |June 21-23, Notre Dame, Illinois | |

| | |Gossard, and Mark Rodwell, "Low-voltage, high-performance | | |

| | |InAs/AlSb HEMTs with power gain above 100 GHz at 100 mV | | |

| | |drain bias" | | |

| | |Bergman_DRC_2004_digest.pdf | | |

|292. |2004 |D. W. Scott, Yun Wei, Yingda Dong; A.C. Gossard, M. J. |IEEE Electron Device Letters, Volume: 25|Journal Paper |

| | |Rodwell, "A 183 GHz [pic] and 165 GHz [pic] regrown-emitter|, Issue: 6 , June 2004 Pages:360 - 362 | |

| | |DHBT with abrupt InP emitter" | | |

| | |scott_EDL_june2004journal.pdf | | |

|293. |2004 |Shouxuan Xie, Vamsi Paidi, Sten Heikman, Alessandro Chini, |IEEE Lester Eastman Conference on High |Conference Paper |

| | |Umesh Mishra, Stephen Long and Mark J. W. Rodwell. "High |Performance Devices, August 4-6, 2004, | |

| | |linearity GaN HEMT power amplifier with pre-linearization |Troy, NY | |

| | |gate diode" | | |

| | |xie_LEC2004_digest.pdf | | |

|294. |2004 |Zach Griffith, Mattias Dahlström, Mark J.W. Rodwell, |IEEE Bipolar / BiCMOS Circuits and |Conference Paper |

| | |Miguel Urteaga, Richard Pierson, Petra Rowell, Sangmin |Technology Meeting | |

| | |Lee, Nguyen Nguyen, and Chanh Nguyen, "Ultra High Frequency|Monday-Tuesday September 13th-14th, 2004| |

| | |Static Dividers > 150 GHz in a Narrow Mesa InGaAs/InP DHBT | | |

| | |Technology" | | |

| | |griffithBCTM2004_slides.ppt | | |

| | |Griffith_BCTM_2004digest.pdf | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|295. |2004 |S. L. Morton, K. Elliott, M. Rodwell, "High resolution 20|Electronics Letters , Volume: 40 , |Journal Paper |

| | |GHz wideband delay generator" |Issue: 20 , 30 Sept. 2004 | |

| | |morton_elett_sept2004.pdf |Pages:1248 - 1249 | |

| | | | | |

|296. |2004 |C. Kadow, A.C. Gossard, and M.J.W. Rodwell, |Late News Paper, 2nd North American |Conference Paper |

| | |"Regrown-Emitter InP HBTs" |Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy |& |

| | |kadowNAMBE2004_pre.pdf |October 10th-14th, 2004 |Journal Paper (?) |

| | | |Banff, Alberta, Canada | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Proceedings to be published in Journal | |

| | | |Vacuum Science and Technology, B | |

|297. |2004 |Z. Griffith, Y. Kim, M. Dahlstrom, A.C. Gossard, M.J.W. |IEEE Electron Device Letters, Volume: 25|Journal Paper |

| | |Rodwell, "InGaAs–InP Metamorphic DHBTs Grown on GaAs With |, Issue: 10 , Oct. 2004 | |

| | |Lattice-Matched Device Performance and[pic] ,[pic] > 268 |Pages:675 - 677 | |

| | |GHz" | | |

| | |griffith_EDL_Oct_2004journal.pdf | | |

|298. |2004 |M. Rodwell, V. Paidi, Z. Griffith, D. Scott, Y. Dong, M. |2004 IEEE Compound Semiconductor IC |Invited Journal Paper |

| | |Dahlström, Y. Wei, N. Parthasarathy, Lorene Samoska, Andy |Symposium, October, Monterey | |

| | |Fung , M. Urteaga, R. Pierson , P. Rowell, B. Brar, | | |

| | |"Transistor and Circuit Design for 100-200 GHz ICs" | | |

| | |rodwell_CSIC_2004_digest.ppt | | |

| | |rodwell_CSIC_2004_slides.ppt | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Work Accepted for Publication | | |

|299. |2005 |Z. Griffith, M. Dahlström, M. J.W. Rodwell, X.-M. Fang, D.|To be published |Journal Paper |

| | |Lubyshev, Y. Wu, J. M. Fastenau, and W.K. Liu, "InGaAs/InP |IEEE Electron Device Letters | |

| | |DHBTs for Increased Digital IC Bandwidth having a 391 GHz |January 2005 | |

| | |ft and 505 GHz fmax" | | |

| | |griffith_EDL_jan_2004_pre.pdf | | |

|300. |2005 |H-K. Lin, C. Kadow, A.C. Gossard, M. Rodwell, "InAs/InAlAs |To be published, Applied Physics |Journal Paper |

| | |composite-channel HFETs" |Letters, Jan. 15, 2005 | |

|301. |2005 |Vamsi K. Paidi, Zach Griffith, Yun Wei, Mattias Dahlstrom, |To be published, IEEE Trans. Microwave |Journal Paper |

| | |Miguel Urteaga, Navin Parthasarathy, Munkyo Seo, Lorene |Theory and Techniques | |

| | |Samoska, Andy Fung, Mark J. W. Rodwell,, "G-band | | |

| | |(140-220-GHz) and W-band (75-110-GHz) InP DHBT Power | | |

| | |Amplifiers" | | |

| | |paidi_MTT2005_pre.pdf | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Work Submitted for Review | | |

| | |C. Kadow, M. Dahlström, J.-U. Bae, H.-K. Lin, A.C. Gossard |Submitted to IEEE Transactions on |Journal Paper |

| | |and M.J.W. Rodwell, " n+-InAs/InAlAs recess gate technology|Electron Devices. | |

| | |for InAs-channel millimeter-wave HFETs" | | |

| | |Munkyo Seo, Mark J. W. Rodwell, Upamanyu |Submitted to IEEE Transactions on |Journal Paper |

| | |Madhow,"Comprehensive Digital Correction of Mismatch Errors|Microwave Theory and Techniques | |

| | |for a 400-Msamples/s, 14-effective-bit Time-Interleaved | | |

| | |Analog-to-Digital Converter" | | |


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