Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Concerning Application to the

Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program,

Vanderbilt University


I'd like to know more about graduate programs and research opportunities in the BME Department at Vanderbilt.More information can be obtained at the following sites:

Graduate Programs: VUBME Graduate Programs

Faculty Research: VUBME Research

Download VUBME Information Technology F.A.Q

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What are the entry requirements for the BME program?

Applicants for study in biomedical engineering should have a bachelor's degree in engineering, or the natural sciences, with the following minimum preparation:

Biology - two semesters of molecular-based biology

Mathematics - calculus, differential equations, and statistics; one semester of programming highly recommended.

Physics - two semesters, modern physics recommended

Chemistry - two semesters; biochemistry or organic chemistry recommended

Engineering - one course in basic electrical engineering, and introductory courses in two of the following three areas: materials science or biomaterials, mechanics or fluid mechanics, transport or heat and/or mass transfer. Courses in instrumentation and systems physiology are highly recommended.

Research or design experience is highly recommended.

Special plans may be made on an individual basis for students who are highly prepared in one area, but underprepared in another.

Does the Department have minimum standards for GPA and GRE?

Students are expected to have maintained a B to B+ average in their undergraduate work.  The department expects a minimum performance on the GRE exam as follows: Verbal - 500, Quantitative - 700, Analytical Writing - 4.5.  Attainment of these minimum standards will not ensure admission to the program.  Average scores for all of graduate students in the program and for those admitted in 2005 are provided in the section entitled "INFORMATION ABOUT VANDERBILT BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING".

 I don't satisfy all of the entry requirements above.  Can I apply anyway?

Yes, but you should explain how you intend to make up any deficiency.  This should be stated explicitly in the application on the "Statement of Purpose" page.  We strongly recommend that course deficiencies be made up at an accredited institution during the summer before the student enters Vanderbilt.  Tuition for prerequisite courses taken at Vanderbilt will not be covered by financial aid awards.  If your grades or GRE scores do not reflect your ability, this should be explained in the "Statement of Purpose."



 When is the application deadline?

Fall Semester: January 15th.

Spring Semester: November 1st.

How can I apply?

All applications are submitted online.  Go to the following URL

for information on how to apply:


Is there an application fee?

            Application fees have been waived for all online applications.

Aside from submitting my online application,

   what other information do I need to provide?

Have an official copy of your transcript sent to the Graduate School.  Letters of recommendation can now be submitted online and we would prefer that method over letters received by mail. You need to take the General Graduate Record Examination and enter the results on your application form (M. Eng. students are not required to take the GRE examination).  The official GRE scores will eventually be delivered to us, but you should also enter them on your application form.  International applicants should also take the TOEFL exam and enter their results on the application form.   

Can you please pre-review my application?

We do not pre-review applications.  We cannot review your application until after you officially submit your application and all supplemental material is received.  Most applications cannot be reviewed until after the application deadline. 

Can I send additional information as an email attachment?

Because of the potential of computer viruses, it is our policy not to open documents attached to an email. 

What is the "department code" requested on GRE applications?

            The code for BME is 1603 

Who should I ask to write letters of recommendation?

You should ask professors you have had in class who are familiar with your academic performance and research mentors who can provide information about your research abilities.  Do not ask a TA to write a letter. One letter can be from an employer or former employer.  We are primarily interested in letters that address your potential for success in both the academic and research phases of our program.



How do I apply for financial aid?

Simply check the box on the application form requesting that you be considered for financial aid.  Your application to graduate school is also your application for financial aid.

What kinds of financial aid are available?

The BME Department and the School of Engineering offer tuition scholarships (partial and full) and teaching assistant positions.  Some students are supported on training grants supported by NSF or NIH.  Students who are awarded individual fellowships, such as an NSF fellowship, will also receive an award of $1500 from the Dean of the School of Engineering.  The top 6-8 applicants will be considered for special topping-up fellowships supplied by IBM or the Vanderbilt Graduate School.  Individual professors in BME and affiliated departments may have support via a research assistantship for students with appropriate expertise.



 How many new graduate students enter the program each year?


How many students apply to the program each year?

            about 200. 

How many graduate students are in the BME program?


How many students are in each degree program?

|Ph.D.: |60 |

|M.D./Ph.D.: |2 |

|M.S.: |3 |

|M. Eng.: |4 |

What are the average academic credentials for current BME graduate students in the MS and PhD programs?

|  |All Grad Students |Entering Fall 2005 |

|GPA |3.5(BS), 3.8 (MS) |3.6 (BS), 3.7 (MS) |

|GRE verbal: |590 |617 |

|GRE quantitative: |757 |754 |

|GRE analytical: |726 |--- |

|GRE Analytical Writing: |5.0 |4.7 |

|TOEFL:  |  |627/263 |


How are students supported in your department?

|Teaching Assistantships: |16 |

|Research Assistantships: |37 |

|Training Grants: |7 |

|Individual Fellowships: |7 |

|Other: |2 |

Do you admit international students?  How many?  How are they supported?  Where are they from?

Yes.  We currently have fourteen international students from Romania, Korea, Thailand, Nigeria, India, Ghana, and China.  Nine are supported as research assistants, one as a VIIBRE scholar, and four are teaching assistants.



How do I apply for the MD/PhD program?

            Information can be found at:


How do I apply for the MD/MS in BME program?

You must apply separately to the BME MS program and to Vanderbilt Medical School.  Please mention that you are applying to this program in your "Statement of Purpose."

How do I apply for the MSN/PhD in BME program?

You must apply separately to the BME PhD program and to the Vanderbilt MSN program in the Nursing School.  Please mention that you are applying to this program in your "Statement of Purpose." Financial support for the MSN portion of this program is generally not available.


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