2019-20 Local Control Accountability Plan Addendum ...

Local Control Accountability Plan and Annual Update (LCAP) Template

LCAP Year (select from 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20)


Addendum: General instructions & regulatory requirements. Appendix A: Priorities 5 and 6 Rate Calculations Appendix B: Guiding Questions: Use as prompts (not limits) California School Dashboard: Essential data to support completion of this LCAP. Please analyze the LEA's full data set; specific links to the rubrics are also provided within the template.

LEA Name New Designs Charter School

Contact Name and Title Paul Okaiteye, CEO

Email and Phone paul.okaiteye@ (213) 765-0130

2017-20 Plan Summary

The Story

Describe the students and community and how the LEA serves them.

New Designs Charter School was founded in 2003 with the goal of developing an exemplary school offering high-quality, college-preparatory education to prepare students to succeed in a global, diverse, and technology-rich society. The school prepares students for post-secondary academic and career opportunities through excellent professional development for teachers; by encouraging the use of evidence-based teaching strategies in the classrooms; and by providing a curriculum that has enrichment and intervention programs for all students. Both middle and high school students are exposed to a wide-ranging curriculum. In high school, students choose among four career pathways in the areas of medicine, law, technology, finance and engineering. The school is also cementing a data driven culture that seeks to respond, and address felt needs in the school community in all areas covering academic, social-emotional, cultural and safety concerns.

New Designs serves a diverse community located in the University Park area in South Los Angeles. This is a historically underserved area with a median household income significantly below the state average, a poverty rate of 19% with 89% of the population living in rental residencies. Over the years, the school's enrollment has consistently mimicked the demographic changes taking place in the community served. Currently our student demographics include: 88% Hispanic, 11% African-American, 9% Students with Disabilities (SWD), 15% English Learners, 0.2% Foster Youth; 0.2% Homeless Youth, and 84% who qualify for free/reduced lunch.


The school serves 6th to 12th grade students drawn from surrounding elementary, middle and high schools. In the era of the API score the school consistently improved upon its score, which improvement trend has continued in the CAASPP era where the school has improved on its previous year's achievement performance. Notably, New Designs has, consistently since its inception, had 100% of its graduating seniors meet or exceed the A-G requirements for admission to UC/CSU.

LCAP Highlights

Identify and briefly summarize the key features of this year's LCAP. New Designs Charter School is deeply committed to continue with the same goals, but hold everyone at the school accountable for analyzing student data and using the data to drive instruction. Our newly revised LCAP goals are as follows:

GOAL #1: Develop an infrastructure for ongoing collection, monitoring, disaggregation and analysis of multiple types of data (including student demographic and achievement data) in order to: inform instructional decisions; tailor research-based intervention programs; further develop SST to address the needs of all subgroups; measure program efficacy; ensure maximization of human, physical, and financial resources; that support the school's mission and goals.

GOAL #2: Provide all students with high quality instruction, a rigorous standards-aligned curriculum through student-centered/student driven learning experiences, that will prepare all students to strive/excel as critical thinkers, effective communicators, agency, and collaborators in an ever-changing Global world and ensure their college and career readiness.

GOAL #3: Improve student academic outcomes by effectively collaborating with parents, families and community partners to support student learning and achievement and provide a safe and welcoming learning environment.


Review of Performance

Based on a review of performance on the state indicators and local performance indicators included in the California School Dashboard, progress toward LCAP goals, local self-assessment tools, stakeholder input, or other information, what progress is the LEA most proud of and how does the LEA plan to maintain or build upon that success? This may include identifying any specific examples of how past increases or improvements in services for low-income students, English learners, and foster youth have led to improved performance for these students.

Greatest Progress

New Designs Charter School is proud of its "Blue" performance category for the Suspension Rate & CCI Indicator on the Fall 2018 CA Dashboard.

Referring to the California School Dashboard, identify any state indicator or local performance indicator for which overall performance was in the "Red" or "Orange" performance category or where the LEA received a "Not Met" or "Not Met for Two or More Years" rating. Additionally, identify any areas that the LEA has determined need significant improvement based on review of local performance indicators or other local indicators. What steps is the LEA planning to take to address these areas with the greatest need for improvement?

Greatest Needs

New Designs Charter School received an "Orange" Performance Category for the Chronic Absenteeism, Graduation Rate and Math State Indicator; and a Yellow" for ELA. As a result our school will implement the following: - Implement iReady ELA & Math Assessments: grades 6-8; Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) and Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICA), PowerSchool Internal Assessments, PSAT and SAT/ACT (Goal 1, Action 3). - Academic Intervention: 2 Intervention Teachers that will teach ELA and Math Intervention courses daily for 1.5 hour each for grades 6-8 (ACE Courses). Goal 1, Action 4)


- Student access to academic intervention programs: iReady, Achieve 3000, Study Island, Cyberhigh Online Credit Recovery Program. In addition, a Summer Program will be offered. After-school tutoring will be offered to middle school students who are credit deficient. Through the Extended learning Academy ? students will have access to before/after school tutoring; and Saturday Academy (Goal 1, Action 4). - All incoming 6th and 9th grade students will participate in the Summer Bridge Program where students will be assessed in reading, writing, and mathematics, and receive 4 hours of daily instruction to prepare them for the academic program in the Fall semester. Summer Bridge will provide students the opportunity to strengthen their skills gap in ELA and mathematics, provide culture building, understand schoolwide expectations, and provide our instructional staff with rich data on the types of support the students will need at the start of the school year. (Goal 1, Action 4) - The Assistant Principal of the Middle School will focus on: School Safety, truancy, chronic absenteeism, implementation of PBIS, Alternatives to Suspension, and Restorative Justice. (Goal 1, Action 5) - The High School Dean will focus on School Safety, truancy, chronic absenteeism, implementation of PBIS, Alternatives to Suspension, and Restorative Justice. The (2) Counselors (MS/HS) will provide academic, and social/emotional counseling; and implement/deliver the SEL Curricular focus for Advisory. The Advisory curriculum will be revised and all students will be enrolled in an Advisory course. (Goal 1, Action 5) - College/Career Readiness: In order to prepare all students for the careers of the 21st century, it is critical that our school provide students with access to a broad course of study in various disciplines, beyond core subjects which include: AP Examinations (fee waiver); CTE Pathway course: Law & Diplomacy, Information Technology: Finance Academy; Medical Science & Engineering; Partnership with LA Trade Tech to provide Medical Technology course; SAT/ACT Workshops; Naviance Career Planning; and CAASPP Test Prep Academy. (Goal 1, Action 6) - Professional Development ? SEL Curriculum adoption; Math Coach from LACOE; SPED training; and Principal Coaching from LACOE. (Goal 2, Action 1) - The ELD Coordinator will coach teachers on ELD standards, teach Designated ELD, and provide small group instruction for EL (push-in, pull out). The EL Coordinator Assistant will administer the ELPAC assessment and provide targeted support and intervention. Teachers will use Springboard ELD Curriculum. (Goal 2, Action 2) - Technology ? implementation of 1:1 Student to device ratio. (Goal 2, Action 4)

Referring to the California School Dashboard, identify any state indicator for which performance for any student group was two or more performance levels below the "all student" performance. What steps is the LEA planning to take to address these performance gaps?

Performance Gaps

While no student group was 2+ performance level below the "all student" the Chronic Absenteeism, Graduation, ELA and Math state indicators received Orange/Red performance levels, similar to the "all student." Therefore the following actions/services will be implemented:


- Implement iReady ELA & Math Assessments: grades 6-8; Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) and Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICA), PowerSchool Internal Assessments, PSAT and SAT/ACT (Goal 1, Action 3). - Academic Intervention: 2 Intervention Teachers that will teach ELA and Math Intervention courses daily for 1.5 hour each for grades 6-8 (ACE Courses). Goal 1, Action 4) - Student access to academic intervention programs: iReady, Achieve 3000, Study Island, Cyberhigh Online Credit Recovery Program. In addition, a Summer Program will be offered. After-school tutoring will be offered to middle school students who are credit deficient. Through the Extended learning Academy ? students will have access to before/after school tutoring; and Saturday Academy (Goal 1, Action 4). - All incoming 6th and 9th grade students will participate in the Summer Bridge Program where students will be assessed in reading, writing, and mathematics, and receive 4 hours of daily instruction to prepare them for the academic program in the Fall semester. Summer Bridge will provide students the opportunity to strengthen their skills gap in ELA and mathematics, provide culture building, understand schoolwide expectations, and provide our instructional staff with rich data on the types of support the students will need at the start of the school year. (Goal 1, Action 4) - The Assistant Principal of the Middle School will focus on: School Safety, truancy, chronic absenteeism, implementation of PBIS, Alternatives to Suspension, and Restorative Justice. (Goal 1, Action 5) - The High School Dean will focus on School Safety, truancy, chronic absenteeism, implementation of PBIS, Alternatives to Suspension, and Restorative Justice. The (2) Counselors (MS/HS) will provide academic, and social/emotional counseling; and implement/deliver the SEL Curricular focus for Advisory. The Advisory curriculum will be revised and all students will be enrolled in an Advisory course. (Goal 1, Action 5) - College/Career Readiness: In order to prepare all students for the careers of the 21st century, it is critical that our school provide students with access to a broad course of study in various disciplines, beyond core subjects which include: AP Examinations (fee waiver); CTE Pathway course: Law & Diplomacy, Information Technology: Finance Academy; Medical Science & Engineering; Partnership with LA Trade Tech to provide Medical Technology course; SAT/ACT Workshops; Naviance Career Planning; and CAASPP Test Prep Academy. (Goal 1, Action 6) - Professional Development ? SEL Curriculum adoption; Math Coach from LACOE; SPED training; and Principal Coaching from LACOE. (Goal 2, Action 1) - The ELD Coordinator will coach teachers on ELD standards, teach Designated ELD, and provide small group instruction for EL (push-in, pull out). The EL Coordinator Assistant will administer the ELPAC assessment and provide targeted support and intervention. Teachers will use Springboard ELD Curriculum. (Goal 2, Action 2) - Technology ? implementation of 1:1 Student to device ratio. (Goal 2, Action 4)



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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