October 2013 Memorandum DSIB Item 1 Attachment 2 ...

|School |Aspire Vanguard College Preparatory Academy |

| |Empire, CA 95319 |

| |CDS 50-76638-0120212 |

| |Charter Number: 1125 |

|Charter Term |July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2014 |

|Approved Grade Span |Grades Served |6-12 |6-12 |

|Enrollment Cap |500 |

|Numerically Significant Subgroups |Hispanic or Latino, White, Socioeconomically Disadvantaged |

|Title I Funded/ PI Status |Yes/ Year 3 PI for 2013–14 |

|School Data and Demographics |

| |2010–11 |2011–12 |2012–13 |

|Percent Free and Reduced Lunch |48 |48 |49 |

|Percent English Learner |3 |4 |3 |

|Percent Student with Disabilities |9 |14 |10 |

|Fall Enrollment |256 |314 |329 |

|Number of Suspensions |-- |37 |31 |

|Number of Expulsions |-- |0 |0 |

|Growth API |847 |837 |875 |

|Growth from Prior Year |-10 |-10 |39 |

|Grade 10 CAHSEE ELA Pass Rate |100 |92 |100 |

|Grade 10 CAHSEE MATH Pass Rate |75 |88 |88 |

|Statewide Rank |8 |7 |NA |

|Similar Schools Rank |10 |7 |NA |

|Cohort Drop Out Rate (High School Only) |-- |-- |NA |

|Cohort Graduation Rate (High School Only) |-- |-- |NA |

Data suppressed by CDE or not provided by school is indicated by a ‘--‘

Data that is not currently available at this time is indicated by ‘NA’

Data that is not applicable is indicated by ’na’

A school that did not have a valid 2012 Base API and will not have any growth or target information is indicated by ‘B’

2012–13 SBE Actions and Official Correspondence

Aspire Vanguard College Preparatory Academy was required to submit a student achievement plan (SAP) based on not meeting AYP and failing to meet the target proficiency level in mathematics.

2012–13 Key Actions by the Governing Board (as reported in SBE-Authorized Charter School - General Information Form)

Aspire Vanguard College Preparatory Academy is an independent charter school governed by the Aspire Board of Directors. Aspire is governed by the Aspire Public Schools Board of Directors in accordance with California’s Charter Schools Act and the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law. The School will be governed pursuant to the bylaws adopted by the incorporators, as subsequently amended pursuant to the amendment process specified in the bylaws. The Board of Directors is responsible for establishing broad policies that affect all Aspire schools. The school reported the following key board actions for the 2012–13 school year:

• Approved 2013–14 budget

• Approved Aspire’s Organizational Annual Plan (Strategies and Priorities)

• Approved updates to Organization-wide Policies, including suspension and expulsion policies and uniform complaint policy

Fiscal Management

Based on the April SBE Authorized Schools Fiscal Memo, VCPA demonstrates an ability to operate with a balanced budget, maintain stable enrollment and attendance ratios, manage cash liquidity and maintain low debt levels, maintain positive fund balances, and the school has met the recommended reserve levels specified in the MOU. The CDE continues to monitor VCPA as they report during the fiscal year.

September 2013 SBE-Authorized Charter School Self-Reporting Update on the 2012–13 Measureable Pupil Outcomes

Name of School: Aspire Vanguard College Preparatory Academy

Target Population (including outreach efforts made this year): Grades 6-12: 344 students enrolled in 2012–13.

|Measurable Pupil Outcome |Outcome Met |List of Evidence or Narrative on Progress Made Towards Meeting Outcome) |

|(PREPOPULATED BY CSD |(Yes/No) |(To Be Completed by Charter School) |


|Basic Skills: Students will master |Yes |CST |

|at least grade level competency in | |(Percentage of Proficient/Advanced) |

|the four core subjects: mathematics,| |2011–2012 |

|science, history-social science, and| |2012–2013 |

|English-language arts. | | |

| | |  |

| | |ELA |

| | |  |

| | |71 |

| | |78 |

| | | |

| | |  |

| | |Math |

| | |  |

| | |62 |

| | |63 |

| | | |

| | |  |

| | |Science |

| | |  |

| | |68 |

| | |92 |

| | | |

| | |  |

| | |Social Science |

| | |55 |

| | |56 |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Vanguard’s students improved on the California Standards Tests in 2012–13 in all four major|

| | |subject areas. |

|Thinking Skills: Students will apply|Yes |Vanguard designs Exhibitions, examinations of final grade level projects, to reflect a deep|

|classroom learning to real world | |exploration of a key grade level standard - for example a Physics standard, character |

|experiences or problems in a | |analysis, media literacy - which includes independent research, preparation of a |

|relevant and valuable way, using | |presentation, and delivery of that presentation to an audience of external evaluators. |

|higher-order thinking skills (such | | |

|as critical thinking, creativity, | |For 2012–13, the Exhibition topics were as follows: |

|decision-making, problem-solving, | |6th – Interview and Biography of a famous person |

|reasoning, and knowing how to | |7th – Build a scale model of a historical building |

|learn). | |8th – Rights of Passage Experiences |

| | |9th – Social Justice assignment relating to: To Kill A Mockingbird |

| | |10th – Math-related prospectus on historical theories |

| | |11th – Science-related prospectus on historical theories |

| | |12th – Senior Portfolio reflection |

| | | |

| | |100 percent of students passed their exhibitions in 2012–13. |

|Life Skills: Students will |Yes |The most basic measure of personal responsibility is evident in the initiative students take|

|develop personal qualities of | |to attend school on a daily basis. In 2012–13, Vanguard’s attendance rate was 95.75 percent.|

|individual responsibility, | |It also takes a great degree of self-management in order to graduate from high school and |

|intellectual curiosity, | |pursue higher education. Vanguard is happy to report that in 2012–13, it graduated its first|

|sociability, self-management, | |senior class of six students, and 100 percent of them were admitted to four-year colleges. |

|confidence, and integrity. | | |

Additional Areas of Student Success:

In the space below, describe any additional ways students are excelling and/or showing improvement. These areas should be unique to the charter school and go beyond standardized test results.

| |

|In June, 2013, Aspire Vanguard College Preparatory Academy graduated its first class of seniors. This fall, they will be attending Willamette |

|University in Oregon, CSU Stanislaus in Turlock, National Hispanic University in San Jose, and UC Davis. Two of the graduates will be the |

|first in their families to go to college. One of the graduates has been with Aspire for 13 years, since attending Aspire Summit Academy as a |

|kindergartener. |

Content submitted by school, formatted by the California Department of Education, Charter Schools Division

October 2013.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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