University of Western Australia

Application to the Higher Degree by Research programContact the Pre-Candidature Office < > before completing this application. Arts, Business, Law and Education- Architecture - Arts - Business - Classics - Design - Education -- History - Humanities - Law - Linguistics - Media - Music - - Philosophy - Political Science - Social Sciences - Writing Engineering and Mathematical Sciences- Civil, Environmental & Mining - Computer Science & Software -- Electrical, Electronic & Computer - Mathematics & Statistics - - Mechanical & Chemical - Physics & AstrophysicsHealth and Medical Sciences- Dentistry - Medicine & Pharmacology - Paediatrics - - Pathology - Population - Primary, Aboriginal & Rural - - Psychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences - Surgery - WomenScience- Agricultural & Resource Economics - Animal & Plant Biology - - Anatomy, Physiology & Human Biology - Earth & Environment - - Molecular - Psychology - Sport, Exercise & Health Section 1Applicant DetailsTitle FORMTEXT ????? (Ms, Miss, Mrs, Mr, Dr, etc.) Family name FORMTEXT ?????Given names FORMTEXT ?????Preferred name FORMTEXT ?????Gender FORMCHECKBOX F FORMCHECKBOX M FORMCHECKBOX otherDate of birth FORMTEXT ????? (dd/mmm/yyyy)Country of birth FORMTEXT ?????Email FORMTEXT ?????Year of arrival (if born overseas) FORMTEXT ?????Skype ID FORMTEXT ?????Contact address:Street FORMTEXT ?????City/Town FORMTEXT ?????State/Province FORMTEXT ?????Postcode FORMTEXT ?????Country FORMTEXT ?????Telephone FORMTEXT ?????Home address: (if different)Street FORMTEXT ?????City/Town FORMTEXT ?????State/Province FORMTEXT ?????Postcode FORMTEXT ?????Country FORMTEXT ?????Telephone FORMTEXT ?????Do you have any disabilities or chronic illnesses which will require special consideration to assist you while studying at UWA? FORMCHECKBOX YES FORMCHECKBOX NOMain language other than English FORMTEXT ?????Would you be available for an interview (eg: via skype, phone, in person)? FORMCHECKBOX YES FORMCHECKBOX NOHave you previously applied to, or been allocated a student number by UWA?Student No. FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX YES FORMCHECKBOX NOSection 2Enrolment InformationProposed degree of study FORMTEXT ?????Course code FORMTEXT ?????Refer to for detailsStart date (dd/mm/yyyy)December and January are usually not permittedMode of study FORMCHECKBOX Full-time Student visa holders must enrol full-time FORMCHECKBOX Part-timeCampus (location) FORMCHECKBOX Crawley (Perth) FORMCHECKBOX Albany (regional) FORMCHECKBOX External FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Geraldton (regional)External enrolment must be endorsed by the supervisors and school and approved by the Graduate Research School. Students who wish to apply for external enrolment should discuss with their supervisors how the supervision will be managed and submit a Supervision Plan with their application.Section 3Citizenship or Residency StatusDomestic applicantsInternational applicants FORMCHECKBOX Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander originCitizenship FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Australian citizen FORMCHECKBOX Australian student visa (subclass 500) FORMCHECKBOX Australian permanent resident FORMCHECKBOX Other temporary visa FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX New Zealand citizenVisa expiry date FORMTEXT ????? (dd/mm/yyyy) FORMCHECKBOX Australian humanitarian visa FORMCHECKBOX will apply for a visa after receiving offer FORMCHECKBOX other Australian permanent visaSection 4Financial SupportInternational applicants only: FORMCHECKBOX I am a private student supported by myself/family. FORMCHECKBOX I have applied or will apply for a UWA scholarship. (specify scholarship name and closing date) FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX I have applied or will apply for an external (non-UWA) scholarship. (specify scholarship name and closing date) FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX I am fully sponsored by my employer, home government or home university. FORMTEXT ?????Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is insurance to assist international students meet the cost of medical and hospital care that may be needed in Australia. Limited pharmaceutical and emergency ambulance service may be covered by OSHC. All international students are required to have OSHC from arrival in Australia for the duration of their student visa. It is the responsibility of the student to make the appropriate arrangements. What level of Health Cover would you need to obtain? FORMCHECKBOX Single FORMCHECKBOX Couple / Dual-family FORMCHECKBOX Family / Multi-familyIf you have applied through an international agent, please ask the agent to attach a completed Agent Nomination Form and provide the following:Agent name FORMTEXT ?????Agent email FORMTEXT ?????Section 5Qualifications and Education HistoryPrevious tertiary or university level educationProvide a true and complete record of all academic results achieved at each and every university and tertiary educational institution attended, including all attempted and completed courses. Additional courses should be included on your resume. Degree program 1:Institution & country: FORMTEXT ?????Degree name (eg BSc Biology): FORMTEXT ?????Start year: FORMTEXT ?????End year: FORMTEXT ?????Level*: FORMTEXT ?????Status%: FORMTEXT ?????Student ID: FORMTEXT ?????Degree program 2:Institution & country: FORMTEXT ?????Degree name (eg BSc Biology): FORMTEXT ?????Start year: FORMTEXT ?????End year: FORMTEXT ?????Level*: FORMTEXT ?????Status%: FORMTEXT ?????Student ID: FORMTEXT ?????* LevelDD = Doctoral DegreeMD = Master Degree GD = Graduate DiplomaD = DiplomaGC = Graduate CertificateBHD = Bachelor Honours DegreeBD = Bachelor DegreeAD = Associate Degree% Status1 = Offered but not started2 = Started but not completed3 = CompletedProfessional qualifications and membershipYearQualification or MembershipProfessional Body and Country FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Section 6Declaration of previous or current enrolmentIMPORTANT: Failure to disclose your true and complete tertiary academic record, the provision of incorrect information or the withholding of relevant information, may result in the cancellation of your enrolment or application at any stage, and that this action may be recorded on your student file. Is this application to transfer a HDR candidature from another university? If you intend to continue working on the same project, you must provide a Research Proposal as per the UWA Guidelines for preparing Research Proposals, including a Research Proposal Coversheet for approval by the Board of the Graduate Research School. See the Applying with a partially completed program web-page. FORMCHECKBOX YES FORMCHECKBOX NOAre you currently enrolled in a tertiary education degree?A release letter from your current institution will be required prior to enrolment. FORMCHECKBOX YES FORMCHECKBOX NOHave you ever been enrolled in a Master of Philosophy (MPhil), Masters by Research, or similar Masters level Higher Degree by Research program at any university outside Australia? FORMCHECKBOX YES FORMCHECKBOX NOHave you ever been enrolled in Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctoral Degree, Higher Doctoral Degree or similar Higher Degree by Research program or employed as a researcher that could lead to the award of this degree at any university outside Australia? FORMCHECKBOX YES FORMCHECKBOX NOHave you ever enrolled in a HDR program such as the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Masters Degree (Research), Master of Philosophy (MPhil), Doctoral Degree or Higher Doctoral Degree at any university within Australia as a domestic student as part of the Research Training Program/Scheme?If yes, did you complete all the requirements of that course & qualify for the award?Number of Equivalent Full-Time Study Load (EFTSL) consumed __________ FORMCHECKBOX YES FORMCHECKBOX NO FORMCHECKBOX YES FORMCHECKBOX NOHave you ever enrolled in a HDR program such as the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Masters Degree (Research), Master of Philosophy (MPhil), Doctoral Degree or Higher Doctoral Degree at any university within Australia as an international student either paying full fees, receiving a scholarship or under sponsorship?If yes, did you complete all the requirements of that course & qualify for the award?Number of Equivalent Full-Time Study Load (EFTSL) consumed __________ FORMCHECKBOX YES FORMCHECKBOX NO FORMCHECKBOX YES FORMCHECKBOX NOIf you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, and you do not intend to complete the degree, you must attach a detailed statement of circumstances on why you have withdrawn or are withdrawing and transferring to UWA.Section 7English Language CompetencyAll applicants for a research higher degree, including Australian applicants, must satisfy the requirements for English language competence set down by the Board of the Graduate Research School. All English test results must normally have been obtained within the past two years. Higher scores are required for applicants in Business, Dentistry, Education, and Law. See Postgraduate research language requirements.Qualification attained FORMCHECKBOX Western Australian Certificate of Education, Tertiary Entrance Exam or other Australian equivalent FORMCHECKBOX IELTS (academic) FORMCHECKBOX IBT TOEFL (internet-based) FORMCHECKBOX TOEFL (paper-based) FORMCHECKBOX Other FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX GCE Ordinary Level English FORMCHECKBOX Pearson Test of English (academic) FORMCHECKBOX Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English or Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English FORMCHECKBOX CELT Bridging CourseDo you wish to apply for a packaged program of English language training through theUWA Centre for English Language Teaching (CELT) before starting this HDR program? FORMCHECKBOX YES FORMCHECKBOX NOSection 8Proposed ResearchTitle of your proposed research FORMTEXT ?????Attach a summary of your proposed research (2 to 3 pages). You may include some or all of the following information: (a) background to the topic, (b) aims of the research, (c) significance of the research, (d) methodology you will use, and (e) a brief reference list.If you propose to include a major creative component in your research degree, such as creative writing, musical performance, or composition, ensure that you provide details of your planned creative and research work.Name of prospective supervisor/s:School/s:1. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? 2. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????3. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Have you applied, or received significant research grants or scholarships relevant to your proposed research? FORMCHECKBOX YES FORMCHECKBOX NOIf yes, provide details FORMTEXT ?????Have you attained research experience, through employment or internship, relevant to your proposed research? FORMCHECKBOX YES FORMCHECKBOX NOIf yes, provide details FORMTEXT ?????Have you achieved prestigious national or international awards or prizes for academic research, including patents or plant breeders’ rights, relevant to your proposed research? FORMCHECKBOX YES FORMCHECKBOX NOIf yes, provide details FORMTEXT ?????Section 9DeclarationAuthority to access academic transcriptsI hereby AUTHORISE The University of Western Australia to make enquiries of, and to obtain official records from, any university and tertiary educational institution concerning my current or previous attendance which, in its absolute discretion, it believes are necessary to be made or obtained and, if necessary, seek academic information or transcripts. I understand that The University of Western Australia is not responsible if any educational body/institution does not supply these records. I understand that the result of the search will be made available to me on request and that an audit of this authority may also be undertaken.General declarationI agree to obey the statutes, regulations and rules of The University of Western Australia as far as they may apply to me. I declare that the information I have submitted with this application is a true and complete record of all academic results I have achieved at each and every university and tertiary educational institution which I have attended and I acknowledge that my failure to disclose my true and complete tertiary academic record, the provision of incorrect information or the withholding of relevant information, may result in the cancellation of my enrolment at any stage, and that this action may be recorded on my student file. I authorise The University of Western Australia to submit my written work to a plagiarism detection or text matching service at its discretion. I will inform The University of Western Australia immediately of any change to my contact details.Applicant’s SignatureAgree to the Declaration by inserting your electronic signature here (or pasting an image of your signature or printing and physically signing). Where unable to physically or electronically sign, insert your name indicated to the right. When emailed from the email address listed in the application, this will be construed as agreeing to the declaration.Applicant’s Name FORMTEXT ?????(type your name above)Date FORMTEXT ?????Documents to be attached to this applicationYour application is incomplete without colour scanned copies of original documents, and certified English translations if applicable.Section 1 Applicant Details FORMCHECKBOX Evidence of name change, if applicable FORMCHECKBOX Curriculum vitae FORMCHECKBOX Special consideration for disability or chronic illnessSection 2 Enrolment Information FORMCHECKBOX Supervision Plan if applying for external enrolmentSection 3 Citizenship or Residency Status FORMCHECKBOX Passport bio (photo) page FORMCHECKBOX Australian permanent or temporary visa, if applicable FORMCHECKBOX Australian Citizenship Certificate, if applicableDocuments must be scanned to the requirement outlined on the UWA admissions web page.Section 4 Financial Support FORMCHECKBOX Evidence of sponsorship by employer, home government, or home universitySection 5 Qualifications and Education History FORMCHECKBOX Colour scanned copies of academic certificates and transcripts for every university or tertiary course attempted FORMCHECKBOX Electronic copies of previous research dissertation or thesis, academic publications, or published research reports FORMCHECKBOX Certified English translated copies of non- English documentsDocuments must be scanned to the requirement outlined on the UWA admissions web page.Section 6 Previous or Current HDR Candidature FORMCHECKBOX If transferring, a statement of circumstances explaining why you intend to withdraw and transfer to UWA FORMCHECKBOX If re-enrolling to continue research or to submit your thesis, a statement of circumstances explaining why you withdrew and how are the circumstance different now. This can be in the form of a covering letter and needs to include a completion plan detailing tasks remaining until thesis submission. FORMCHECKBOX If transferring, a Research Proposal, including a Research Proposal Coversheet FORMCHECKBOX If transferring, a completion plan detailing tasks remaining until thesis submissionSection 7 English Language Competency FORMCHECKBOX English language qualification FORMCHECKBOX If you wish to apply for a packaged program of English language training, your most recent IELTS or TOEFL resultSection 8 Proposed Research FORMCHECKBOX Summary of proposed research (2 to 3 pages) FORMCHECKBOX Evidence of prospective supervisor’s agreement to supervise Additional Documents Required for Specific Degrees FORMCHECKBOX Master of Advanced Social Work - evidence of work experience FORMCHECKBOX Doctor/Master of Architecture (Design) - evidence of architectural design experience FORMCHECKBOX Master of Arts (Creative Writing) - evidence of published work and 2000-3000 word critical essay FORMCHECKBOX Master of Fine Arts - folio of work FORMCHECKBOX Master of Music - evidence of successful audition or portfolio review and interview FORMCHECKBOX Doctor of Musical Arts - folio of original compositions, evidence of successful audition and interview FORMCHECKBOX PhD and Master of Clinical Audiology - current National Police Certificate FORMCHECKBOX PhD and Master of Clinical Neuropsychology / Psychology / Organisational Psychology - evidence of eligibility for provisional registration as a psychologist with the Psychology Board of Australia, 2 academic reference reports using the Referee Request System FORMCHECKBOX Doctor of Education, Master of Education, or Master of Educational Leadership - evidence of professional experience FORMCHECKBOX PhD in Law - a detailed statement (>1500 words) that addresses the proposed structure (chapter development) of the thesis, and a bibliographyIt is the applicant's responsibility to find out specific degree admission requirements and course rules via InformationApplication submissionSubmit your completed application to an authorized UWA overseas representative or directly your application is received, an acknowledgement email will be sent to your representative and/or to your personal email address. The assessment process is thorough and your application may take up to eight weeks to process. Incomplete applications and those requiring further clarification will take longer. To ensure the fastest response, follow application instructions carefully.Offer letterIf you meet all admission requirements, and the University is in a position to offer you a place, you will be issued with an unconditional offer and an Acceptance of Offer contract. A conditional offer may be issued to applicants who:have not yet met the English language requirements;must provide further academic information; ormust provide other documentation for enrolment.Accepting the offerFollow the acceptance instructions on the offer letter carefully. Read the terms of the offer and any conditions thoroughly. To accept the offer, sign each page of the Acceptance Contract and return to the email address indicated on the offer letter.International applicants onlyFee paymentWhen returning the signed Acceptance Contract, you must also attach payment or proof of payment of the first semester's tuition fee and visa length Overseas Student Health Cover.Electronic confirmation of enrolmentOnce payment is receipted, an Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) will be sent to you or your representative. This is required to be included in your application for a student visa. ................

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