Minutes of the meeting of the Senate held at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, QQ Block, QEII Medical Centre, on Monday, 23 June 2014


Chancellor (Dr M Chaney) in the Chair, Pro Chancellor (Dr P Flett), Vice-Chancellor (Professor P Johnson), Dr S Boyd, Professor J Cordery, Mr S Dawkins, Ms M Dolin, Dr L Hayes, Mr T Henderson, Dr A Howarth, Dr S Juniper, Professor N Laing, Mr Q Ly, Professor A McKinley, Mr D Raithel, Dr J O’Shea, Ms H Silbert.

By Invitation:

Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Professor D Freshwater), the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Health and Medical Research (Professor John Challis), the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Professor Robyn Owens) for item 16, the Director of Finance and Chief Financial Officer (Mr S Logan) for Item 15.


University Secretary (Ms D de Souza)


Mr C Barnes, Mr F Cooper, Mr R Cooper, Mr J Inverarity, Registrar and Executive Director Corporate Services (Mr Peter Curtis)


No declarations were made.



that the minutes of the meeting of the Senate held on 28 April 2014 be confirmed.


In accordance with Statute 14 clause (2)(2) made under the University of Western Australia Act 1911, members noted that on 26 May 2014 the Vice-Chancellor conferred the respective degrees, graduate diplomas and graduate certificates on the graduands listed at item 3 on the agenda.


Members noted the Report to Senate dated 5 May 2014 from the Chair of the Perth International Arts Festival Board, submitted in accordance with Clause 8 of the Board’s Constitution. It was


that the Chair of the PIAF Board be requested to include in future reports to the Senate information on the financial outcome of each annual festival, be it a surplus or a deficit.


to confer their respective degrees, diplomas and certificates on the candidates listed at Item 6 of the



Members noted that a call for nominations (accompanied by the associated guidelines) for the award of Honorary Degrees and Chancellor’s Medals had been issued and that nominations should be submitted to Deirdre de Souza, Executive Officer to the Honorary Degrees Committee by 28 July 2014.


In compliance with the requirements in Statute 1, it was noted that provision had been made for Senate meetings on the following dates in 2015:

• Monday, 9 March and Tuesday, 10 March – Strategic Directions Seminar

• Monday, 20 April

• Monday, 22 June

• Monday, 24 August

• Monday, 2 November

• Monday, 7 December


1. Report of the Academic Council – Decisions by Circular 20 May 2014

Senate noted that the University has been reviewing, revising and developing its Cycle II programs since 2013 with a view to bringing new programs to market in 2015.

1. Cycle II: New Course Proposals – Refs F57286, F58481, F58912, F58913


to approve the introduction of the following new awards with effect from 2015:

• Graduate Certificate in Architectural Conservation

• Master of Applied Finance

• Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

• Master of Engineering in Oil and Gas

• Master of Child Health Research

• Graduate Certificate in Autism Diagnosis

• Graduate Certificate in Scientific and High Performance Computing

• Graduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology

• Graduate Diploma in Clinical Neuropsychology

16 Report of the Meeting of the Academic Council held on 4 June 2014

2. Cycle II: New Course Proposals – Refs F57286, F58481, F58912, F58913

3. Faculty of Arts – Introduction of New Cycle II Courses


to approve the introduction of the following new awards with effect from 2015:

i) Master of Heritage Studies

ii) Graduate Diploma in Heritage Studies

iii) Graduate Certificate in Heritage Studies

iv) Master of Strategic Communication

(iv) Graduate Certificate in Strategic Communication

4. Faculty of Law – Introduction of new Cycle II courses


to approve the introduction of the following new awards with effect from 2015:

i) Master of International Commercial Law

ii) Graduate Diploma in International Commercial Law

iii) Master of International Law

iv) Graduate Diploma in International Law

v) Master of Law, Policy and Government

vi) Graduate Diploma in Law, Policy and Government; and

vii) Graduate Diploma in Chinese Business Law

5. Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences – Introduction of new cycle II courses


to approve the introduction of the following new awards with effect from 2015:

i) Master of Clinical Pathology; and

ii) Graduate Diploma in Clinical Pathology as an exit award only

6. Faculty of Science – Introduction of new cycle II courses


to approve the introduction of the following new awards with effect from 2015:

i) Master of International Development;

ii) Graduate Diploma in International Development as an exit award only

iii) Graduate Certificate in International Development as an exit award only

iv) Master of Geographic Information Science

v) Graduate Diploma in Geographic Information Science as an exit award only

vi) Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Science as an exit award only

7. Rescission of the University Policy on Waiver of Regulations, rules and policies applying to course requirements and admission to and progression through courses – Ref F59501

The Academic Council by its R38/14 had approved a new policy on waiver of rules and policies applying to courses, with effect from 1 July 2014. The proposed new policy on waiver of rules and policies applying to courses has been formulated with a view to providing:

• a single framework for the waiving of rules and/or policies applying to courses

• for a streamlined approval process operationalized under delegated authority; and

• for administrative efficacy with regard to managing requests for waivers of rules and or policies applying to courses.


to approve

i) the rescission of the University Policy on waiver of regulations, rules and policies applying to course requirements and admission to and progression through courses; and

ii) the rescission of the university Policy on units additional to course requirements with effect from 1 July 2014.


1. Report of the meeting of the Audit and Risk Committee held on 15 May 2014 – Ref F13793

1. Membership – Ref F13795

It was noted that Dr Lynton Hayes had joined the Committee as the second member appointed by and from the Senate and in accordance with Clause 3(2) of the Committee’s Constitution had been appointed as Deputy Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee.

2. Guild of Undergraduates and UWA Sports and Recreation Association – Expenditure of Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) Income and Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 – Ref F4755

Senate noted that the Audit and Risk Committee had considered the report on expenditure of Student Services and Amenities Fee income by the UWA Sports and Recreation Association Inc and the audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 and confirmed compliance with the relevant requirements of Statute 20. It was noted that the Guild’s audited accounts for the year and report on how the Services and Amenities fee income for 2013 had been applied was not available for consideration at the May meeting. These expenditure reports and Financial Statements have also been considered by the Strategic Resources Committee at its June meeting.

3. Key Performance Indicators – Drivers and Targets – Ref F22787

The Audit and Risk Committee had considered a paper which had been prepared in light of discussions at meetings in 2012 and 2013 about better alignment of KPIs and targets in the Annual Plan with those in the OPP while still meeting the compliance requirements of the Auditor General, the measures of success in the new Strategic Plan and presented proposed KPIs and associated targets for the 2014 Annual Report.

The committee recommended approval of the proposed KPIs and associated targets for the 2014 Annual Report.


to approve the proposed set of KPIs and targets for the 2014 Annual Report.

24 Report of the External Environment Committee – Ref F11443

Members noted the Report of the meeting of the External Environment Committee held on 21 May 2014.

25 Report of the meeting of the Strategic Resources Committee held on 3 June 2014 – Ref F2586

1. Functional Review Program – Ref F57327

Senate noted that the Strategic Resources Committee had reviewed a report which provided an update on progress of Stage 1 of the Functional Reviews and that progress to Stage II would require significant investment and commitment of resources. Following a review of the report on Stage 1 by the Executive, and consideration of next steps, the Strategic Resources Committee will be provided with a business case and recommendations on the future course of action for a decision and resolution by circular.

2. Strategic Staffing

Senate noted that a paper entitled “Strategic Staffing Report” which reviewed the key achievements in 2013 and outlined initiatives to be undertaken in 2014 and 2015 had been discussed by the Committee and referred to Senate.

As per agreement at the April meeting of Senate, Operational Excellence including “Workforce Planning” is the item of strategic importance listed for discussion at its November meeting. This paper and further updates will be considered at that meeting.

3. St George’s College Refurbishment – Ref F20266

St George’s College has been progressively developing its residential accommodation to increase its student accommodation capacity as well as refurbishing its existing residential rooms to improve its students’ amenity.

St Georges has sought the advice of consultant heritage architect, who advises that the works will have ‘…no adverse impact on the cultural heritage significance of the original heritage building.’

To satisfy the requirements of section six of the University Colleges Act and on recommendation from the Strategic Resources Committee


to approve the room refurbishment plans proposed by St George’s College and supported by heritage architect consultant advice.

4. St Thomas More College National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) Accommodation Proposal – Ref F18363

On 28 April 2014 on recommendation from the Strategic Resources Committee resolved R22/14 “to approve the plans, specifications and design for the development of the St Thomas More College National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) accommodation proposal”

At its meeting on 3rd June 2014 the Strategic Resources Committee reviewed refined drawings for the St Thomas More College NRAS accommodation development, and resolved:

“For clarity and confirmation, to recommend Senate confirms approval for the St Thomas More College National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) accommodation development containing 245 student accommodation dwellings, a residence for the Chaplain and a residence for the Deputy Head of College” (SRC Resolution 13/14)

However, subsequent to the meeting, the College’s lender requested approval from Senate for the final set of drawings, as well as plans and specifications and designs. The proposal for St Thomas More College NRAS accommodation development contains 245 student accommodation dwellings, a residence for the Chaplain and a residence for the Deputy Head of College and a separate residence for the Head of College and extensions to the kitchen and dining facilities and a new car park.

Members noted the package of plans reviewed by the University’s division of Campus Management which were circulated to the Strategic Resources Committee on 17 June 2014 with assurance that the information is in greater detail than that provided previously but essentially depicts in plans, specification and design those documents shared with the Committee at the meeting on 3rd June 2014, without material difference in the overall scheme.

On the recommendation of the Strategic Resources Committee


to approve the plans and specifications and designs for the St Thomas More College National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) accommodation development containing 245 student accommodation dwellings, a residence for the Chaplain and a residence for the Deputy Head of College and a Separate residence for the Head of College and extensions to the kitchen and dining facilities and a new car park.


The Chancellor reported on the outcome of his discussion with Mr Andrew Forrest in relation to the proposed draft constitution of the Forrest Foundation which had been circulated with the agenda. He explained and Mr Forrest accepted that it had been structured in a manner similar to the constitution of the Raine Foundation which has operated very successfully for several decades, as a committee of the Senate.


to approve the Constitution of the Forrest Foundation.


Changes in personnel and titles had made the current general Power of Attorney for The University of Western Australia out of date and rendered it necessary for Senate to authorise an updated version and lodge it with Landgate.


a) that the Registrar be authorised to affix the Common Seal of the University to the Deed of Revocation of Power of Attorney M172143 granted pursuant to Senate Resolution 5 of 2012.

b) that the Registrar be authorised to affix the Common Seal of the University to the Power of Attorney attached to this Resolution and made in favour of any two persons being one of each of classes A and B specified in the Power of Attorney and to thereby permit the signing under that Power of Attorney of all documents otherwise required to be sealed.

c) Subject to paragraph (f) below, that in all cases where commercial documents are required to be executed but there is no legal requirement for execution to be under seal so that it is not therefore appropriate to execute such documents pursuant to the Power of Attorney, then any one of Paul Arthur Johnson, Vice-Chancellor; Dawn Sylvia Freshwater, Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor; Alexander John Cameron, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education); Robyn Owens, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research); Gaye Marie McMath, Chief Operating Officer; and Peter William Curtis, Registrar and Executive Director (Corporate Services), are authorised to sign on behalf of the University.

d) That where documents are executed pursuant to the Power of Attorney referred to in paragraph (b) the Registrar be required to enter in a register, details of those documents similar to the details required under Statute No. 2 Section 4 for documents executed under the University seal.

e) That in all cases documents executed on behalf of the University be copied and appropriately filed.

f) That the Vice-Chancellor may direct that certain classes of commercial documents, other than those required to be executed under seal, be only executed by particular officers taken from amongst the class of officers referred to in paragraph (c) and subject to such limitations and conditions as the Vice-Chancellor requires.


The Chair of the PIAF Board had advised that Mr David Griffiths second three year term on the Board expired on 7 June 2014. The Board with the support of the Vice-Chancellor sought approval from Senate for an exception to the requirements of Section 4 of the constitution and to re-appoint Mr David Griffiths as a Board member for a further term of one year.


that Mr David Griffith’s term of appointment on the Board be extended by one year, to June 2015.



i) that Professor Paul Norman be re- appointed to membership of the Raine and Healy Medical Research Foundations Research Committee for a three year term of office to December 2016, as representing the Professor of Surgery in accordance with Clause 3.(c)(iii) of the Raine Foundation Deed of Trust; and Clause 5.(c)(iii) of the Healy Foundation Deed of Trust;

ii) that Professor Ryan Lister be appointed to membership of the Raine and Healy Medical Research Foundations Research Committee for a three-year term of office to December 2016, as representing the Professor of Biochemistry in accordance with Clause 3.(c)(iv) of the Raine Foundation Deed of Trust; and Clause 5.(c)(iv) of the Healy Foundation Deed of Trust; and

iii) that Dr Richard Choong be appointed to membership of the Raine and Healy Medical Research Foundations Research Committee for a three year term of office to June 2017, as nominee as the General Practitioner representing the Australian Medical Association, WA Branch in accordance with Clause 3.(c)(vii) of the Raine Foundation Deed of Trust, and Clause 5.(c)(vii) of the Healy Foundation Deed of Trust.


Members had before them the report of the Vice-Chancellor dated 23 June 2014. The Vice- Chancellor took the opportunity to report on additional matters:

Government Funding of Masters Coursework places

The Vice-Chancellor reported on the strategies which resulted in receipt of a letter from Robert Grewe at 1.35 pm on 23 June 2014 clearly assigning to the University additional graduate (Masters) places – 1200 places in 2015 rising to 2000 in 2016 and 3800 in 2017.

Further growth in numbers is projected in UWA’s forward plans for 1918 onwards. Early indications are that the University may need to reduce its undergraduate funded places to achieve this growth, something that appears inconsistent with the terms of the demand driven system. The real impact is however expected to be negligible because of the half cohort.

The University has some flexibility in terms of the use of the funding. It can move funds between programs in the same degree cluster. The majority of funded places are in Law and Engineering.

Federal Budget

The Vice-Chancellor reported on budget initiatives which will impact the Higher Education Sector:

• An overall 20% reduction in funding of Commonwealth Supported Places the impact of which will be a 31% increase in the student contribution towards the cost of degrees.

• Fee de-regulation and changes in relative costs between degrees in various disciplines.

• Imposition of fees of $1800-$3000 on students otherwise publicly funded to undertake a PhD.

• Changes in the interest rate charged on student debts from the current CPI indexation to the Bond rate.

• Opening up of the higher education market to non-education providers. Subject to meeting minimum thresholds other organisations will be able to offer degree and sub degree

programs and receive Government funding.

• The University will need to take decisions about pricing but will do so when further information is available.

• Over the course of the next six to twelve months a number of papers will be presented to Senate proposing various courses of action in relation to UWA’s participation in a competitive market.

Members discussed the likely impact of these budget initiatives on the University and asked a number of questions. The Vice-Chancellor responded acknowledging that the University will need to consider its value proposition including:

- emphasis on the quality of student life

- face to face teaching

- UWA courses are challenging and standards are high.

It was recognised that there are many uncertainties and decisions may have to be made without much information. Assurance was provided that staff are capable of dealing with this.



The Vice-Chancellor’s Additional Report to Senate included data on the following:

Performance against the Operational Priorities Plan (OPP) objectives

• Strategic Risk Report as at May 2014

Financial Performance for the year to 30 April 2014 Performance against OPP Objectives

The meeting was reminded that the data relates to targets set in the previous strategic plan.

The figure reported for 2013 with respect to Graduate Outcomes (percentage Bachelor’s Degree Graduates in Desired Mode of Employment) was discussed and it was noted that results for Accounting and Science graduates have significantly impacted the overall result. There is no clear pattern and it was recognised that there may be a need for more career guidance, monitoring and advice to students in the early years of their studies.

Members attention was drawn to the data on leave liability. It was acknowledged that the target is mis-conceived but the meeting was assured that efforts are continuing to reduce leave liability.

The worrying trend in the data relating to the share of first preferences of all WA school leave applicants was noted. Additional marketing efforts will be made this year and beyond.

The reported figure for Annual Citations Generated by UWA Articles was queried and it was agreed that the number is likely to be inaccurate or needs further explanation.

Strategic Risk Report

The report as at May 2014 circulated with the agenda was taken as read.

Financial Performance to 30 April 2014

The Chief Financial Officer drew members’ attention to the positive underlying result for the first four months ended 30 April 2014 but noted that the assessment for the full year is an underlying deficit of $9.2 Million. This is accounted for in part by the Enterprise Bargaining Agreement in which some of the proposed pay increases have been brought forward from the third year to the first year of the agreement. Uncertainty remains about second semester and international student enrolments.

Attention was drawn to the likely impact of proposed strategic initiatives on the underlying result. The first of these (strategic initiative A) is the cost of an early retirement offer to staff and the second (strategic initiative B) is the likely cost of the second stage of the functional reviews. The business case for this will be presented to the Strategic Resources Committee for a decision by circular.


The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research reported that the University continues to improve its position with respect to increasing publication outputs, increasing research income and increasing research training numbers and completions.

Members were advised that the Academic Ranking of World Universities will potentially change its methodology this year, using a new list of Highly Cited Researchers. If so, the University’s best estimate is that UWA will be ranked between 101-103. The result may be a little better as UWA’s Nature/Science publications and total productivity has increased. However Senate was prepared for a result somewhere between 95 – 105. Should the University fall out of the top 100 it will need to re-think its marketing messages.

On all other rankings UWA continues to improve, so the decline in ARWU ranking will be simply the result of a change in ranking methodology.

Initiatives to Increase Health and Medical Research Funding

The Pro Vice-Chancellor, Health and Medical Research, Professor John Challis made a presentation on initiatives to increase health and medical research funding. His presentation focussed on the following:

• The NHMRC funding problem

• Coalescing the silos at UWA

• Building synergy at WA Universities

• Building recognition and profile across Australia and

• The research narrative – How do we define ourselves

The presentation prompted a request for an update on the brand review. The Vice-Chancellor advised members it is continuing now that a new Director of Marketing has commenced. He also confirmed that the search for a Deputy Vice-Chancellor Community and Engagement is underway.


Senate was advised that the External Environment Committee is currently considering its future and reviewing its role with a view to ensuring that an advisory committee does not become an advised committee. The Chair is in discussions with the Vice-Chancellor and further information and recommendations will be brought back to the Senate.

The Chair, Audit and Risk Committee reported that the Guild’s Annual Audited Financial Statements and report on expenditure of the Student Services and Amenities Fee were unavailable for the May meeting. An investigation is in progress into the reasons for this. Senate will be informed of the outcome.



Concern was expressed about a lack of acknowledgement and recognition of The University’s role as a significant financial contributor to the Perth International Arts Festival. This was done with reference to the 2014 PIAF Program brochure and the display of sponsor logos. The meeting discussed UWA’s significant role beyond that of the festival founder and


that the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor discuss Senate’s concerns with the Chair of the Perth International Arts Festival Board.

Senate members resolved to record their congratulations to Mr Frank Cooper who was awarded an AO in the Queen’s Birthday Honours and to Dr Sue Boyd, the Centenary Planning Committee, staff and students on being awarded the Grand Gold Award by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) in their Circle of Excellence, Special Events category. This award was made for the year long program of Centenary celebrations including LUMINOUSNight, the Alumni Weekend, UWA Gives Back and other events culminating in the launch of the New Century Campaign.



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