Student IT - University of Kansas

Student IT


Staff Handbook


Staff Policy/Rules…………………………………………………………………………………………………..1-8

Frequent Problems/FAQs…………………………………………………………………………………...…9-22

FAQ Index………………………………………………………………………………………..….……..9

Lab/Library Specific…………………………………………………………………………….…….11-23


Remedy Guide……………………………………………………………………………………………….………26 -

1. Conduct in the office and on the clock

This section contains basic rules for staff conduct while in the office, at the service desks in the labs and libraries, or while out on appointments, meaning any time you are considered at work and on the clock.

First and foremost, you are required to wear a photo identification nametag at all times. It doesn’t matter if you are simply in the office and only answering phones. People walk up to the window and may ask questions, and you need to be identified. Same with being in the labs or libraries: while you are walking through the areas, you need to be identifiable to anyone who may need assistance. For those who will be working in the field (out of the office on campus) or attending to matters by appointment in the residence halls, you should definitely be identified as an official representative of IT before anyone allows you access into their office or room.

There are several other situations or items that IT student staff must abide by while they are at work. These include not doing the following:

• Playing games, either on staff machines or on personal laptops

• Watching movies/internet video/DVD’s/TV

• Wearing headphones, either in one ear or both ears

• Listening to music

• Talking on cell phones when not on a designated break

• Talking with friends at work/doing academic work with friends

• Having friends in a designated staff area

All of the above situations directly impact a persons’ ability to be aware of their surroundings, and creating a professional atmosphere for those who seek assistance. In some areas, you share the surroundings with many other people. Some of these above items can be distracting at the very least; other items can be an annoyance to anyone in the surrounding area. Regardless if everyone agrees that these are not a problem to them, as IT staff, you are expected to be attentive and aware at all times, no matter the location.

2. Attendance, Scheduling and time-clock

Scheduling will be handled by an appointed IT student. Ideally one student will be responsible for the IT staff. Once the schedule for the week is sent out via email, it becomes official When a new schedule is emailed out it is the responsibility of those working to print it out and put it up for the next week’s reference. These jobs can be pushed through the system, and this process is documented in the common questions section of the handbook. All changes need to be made through the appointed student(s). You as a staff member are responsible for your own shifts. If for some reason you cannot attend work, it is your responsibility to find someone to work for you. On the rare occasion that you cannot find someone, we may be able to move people around the locations to cover, but you should not rely on this. If you cannot find someone to cover for you, and you do not arrive to work on-time, you will be penalized . Any large changes, such as time-off requests, will need to be made two weeks in advance, submitted to the appointed scheduler. Availability for the start of the semesters, and all breaks, will be asked for weeks in advance. If you do not provide accurate information regarding these requests, you will not be guaranteed hours. Likewise, we do not ask what you would prefer to work. We will ask for your availability, and schedule from that information.

Attendance is mandatory. You are required to be on-time for a scheduled shift, and required to stay until you are scheduled to leave. Deviation from this will appear on the time-clock system, which will be viewed on a regular basis, and appear in your staff file. If you are not scheduled to work, you are not expected to be clocked in, without prior approval from a supervisor. Supervisors are capable of fixing problems with the timeclock system, however, this is your responsibility to clock-in on time. Continual ‘forgetting to clock in’ will result in notice on your staff file.

3. Reprimands and penalties

The time period for these infractions is one academic semester. At the end of a semester, anything again you will be reset to zero. Fall semester will count from the first day of classes to the beginning of spring classes. Spring will begin the first day of classes in the spring, and end the first day of classes in the summer. Summer session will run from the first day of summer classes, until the first day of fall classes. All infractions will be discussed at your annual evaluation regardless of when they happened.

Being late

• First Occurrence

o A written warning to the staff member, usually by email, with acknowledgement. It will also be reported in the individuals’ document of performance. Staff member will have an opportunity to discuss the matter with supervisor.

• Second Occurrence

o Another written warning, and a verbal warning. It will again be reported in the individuals’ document of performance. This will be the final warning.

• Third Occurrence

o Termination

Missing work (no call, no show)

• First Occurrence

o A written warning, verbal warning, and reported to individual’s document of performance. Staff member will have an opportunity to discuss with supervisor. This is the only warning you will receive.

• Second occurrence

o Termination

A combination of the two previous items will result in written warning and terminations. For example, if you are late one day, you will receive a warning. If you miss (no call, no show) a second day, you will be warned. The next occurrence, either late or missing, will result in termination.


• First occurrence

o Written and verbal warning

• Second occurrence

o Termination

Downloading copyrighted material

• First offense

o A written and verbal warning, report in staff document, and completion of Network Responsibility Form. This may also include a visit with Vice Provost’s Office, KU Legal or other members of upper-level IT management.

• Second offense

o Termination, as well as whatever penalty the University deems necessary.

Failure to comply with staff rules, policies and procedures

This is in regards to any of the above situations and items discussed in the first section regarding conduct while at work, as well as your specific job responsibilities. Will also cover any incidents of customer service.

• First occurrence

o There will be a written warning, as well as a discussion on conduct at work. A note will be placed in the staff file regarding the incident.

• Second occurrence

o Again, there will be a written warning, as well as a discussion on conduct at work. An additional note will be placed in the staff file.

• Third occurrence

o At and after the third occurrence, termination can result. It is up to the discretion of the supervisor to determine if actions warrant termination, or if attitudes and performance could change.

4. Office and staff area organization

Since you are sharing this desk with multiple people, it is extremely important that these areas and desks remain organized and clean. There are three types of areas in Public Computing: the individual desk (where you and other IT staff will work at different times, yet share a desk), the library service desk (where you share a staff area with Library staff, both students and full-time) and the IT service desk (where you share staff area with various other IT services). Maintaining a clean and organized area will increase the services we provide. The only items that should be found at staff areas (aside from your personal belongings) should be work related. All other items should be removed, trash thrown away, empty containers recycled. Dry erase boards should be clear of anything not work related. Bulletin boards should not have anything posted that is not work related. Wires and cables should be neatly managed, especially in the Burge Office, where assorted cables may be needed for troubleshooting. Cables should immediately be packed away when not in use. Library rules apply for those people working at the service desks in the libraries. For example, the libraries do not allow any food at their service desks, drinks must be hidden. At all of the service desks, food breaks should be taken away from the staff area whenever possible.

5. Where to draw the line

This section is in regards to those who approach the Burge Customer Service Desk with issues on their computer which in turn may create a situation where you may be asked to go well beyond the services IT provides. Below are several situations and at which point you can no longer offer a different solution.

• ResNet customer, who has possibly been removed from the ResNet network due to security violations, such as a virus. As a ResNet technician, you can run an updated anti-virus application, and possibly some smaller applications to remove spyware. If the virus is too embedded in the operating system, to where the anti-virus cannot remove the problem, before they are to be re-connected to the network, they will need their OS rebuilt. There is one additional step a technician can take, and that is to check for a removal tool from the anti-virus website, and attempt to remove the virus this way. If it cannot be removed, the only further option is to rebuild. We do not provide this service. Inform the customer that they need to have the OS rebuilt before they are to be let back on to the network. As IT staff employed by the University, we cannot endorse a specific vendor to complete this work. A simple suggestion of looking in the phone book under ‘Computer Repair’ will solve the issue.

• ResNet customer, who has possibly been removed from the ResNet network due to copyright violations. A student may ask that you help remove the applications or the illegal files from their computer. To be completely safe and not held accountable, you can inform a student on how to remove an application (for example, using the uninstall application or Add/Remove Programs through the Control Panel). However, it is their responsibility for removing the application. Likewise, you will have no idea on the legality of the files and documents on a personal machine, so you are not authorized to removed any files from a personal machine.

• Student, Faculty or staff, who is having trouble installing Sophos Anti-virus. The installation of Sophos is one of the aspects of IT staff working at Burge, for both ResNet and the general population. If there are difficulties with installation, updating or running of Sophos, there are a limited number of troubleshooting steps and tools provided to us. If these steps are exhausted, it should be passed to ITSO for work.

In short, no IT student should work on a personal machine when there is a possibility of any files being changed or deleted, or if there is a possibility of the machine itself becoming corrupt or in need of reformatting. We do not want to be held liable for any damage that may occur.

6. Procedures and responsibilities (by location)

There are several types of procedures concerning work environments as IT staff. Listed below are these procedures, followed by the procedure itself, depending on location. These include daily operating procedures, as well as emergency and opening/closing procedures.

• Anschutz and Watson Libraries

• Budig

• Burge

• Harris (Kansas Union) and Fraser

• Inclement Weather

• Fire

• Tornado

Anschutz (Desk supervisors: Robert Szabo, Mark Lasnier), Watson (Jeromy Horkman, Jill Becker)

Staff coming to desk in the morning (First person to desk), are responsible for these opening procedures, to be done in order:

• Immediately check the reservation calendars for the CIC (Watson) and AIC (Anschutz). On the dry erase boards near the entrances to the training labs, write today’s date at the top, followed by the time and title of every reservation for that day. Contact library desk supervisor to open the doors to these labs (see list at bottom for supervisors). There may be occasion when the labs will not open in the morning (For example, if there is a reservation for 8:30. Library supervisor will make that decision).

• Check the printers, make sure they are full of paper. In Watson, make sure you check the printer on the 4th floor as well. Clean up any paper that is lying around the area and recycle. If you need paper or toner, contact library staff.

• Walk through the computer areas of the library, make sure all computers are turned on, check for any ‘Out of Order’ signs. Cross-reference any out of order machines in Remedy (see if they have already been reported). If they have not been reported, troubleshoot the computer, see what is wrong with it, and then report it in Remedy.

• Log into the staff machine, check the CAstaff website, and log into the Spark chat client.

For the staff coming into work during the day (not opening), you should check the printers immediately upon arrival.

Other responsibilities:

• During the day, library staff will report any down equipment or incidents to the tech staff. It will be your responsibility to troubleshoot, fix and report any incidents regarding these machines.

• If a patron asks a question regarding the microfilm machines on the 4th floor, you should refer them to the library staff.

• If a patron asks a question regarding the copiers, help the person to the best of your abilities. No one specific group is responsible for helping with the copiers, if the patron comes to you, do not send them on to another person. Additionally, the libraries do not ‘own’ the copiers, they are leased through an outside vendor. If there is a hardware problem with the copiers, report this to the library staff. Likewise, if there is a hardware problem with the microfilm machines, please report to the library staff.

• The library requires that all of their students wear name tags to identify that they are staff. Wear the name tag provided to you at all times when you are working in the libraries. Reason: if you get called to the 4th floor to help someone, they will identify you by the name tag you wear. At some point in the near future, the labs will also require you wear identification tags.

• When there are incidents in the library when full-time IT staff (Tom) needs to be contacted, the library staff will contact the tech student first. Your responsibility is to find out what the problem is, try any troubleshooting, and if IT staff still needs to be contacted, you will call them.

• Computer cleaning in the libraries will happen twice a year, on a schedule created by Public Computing and the Libraries. Schedule has yet to be decided.

• If you are requested to provide assistance to library staff computers at the library desk, staff should be referred to LSS at 4-0400. LSS is responsible for all library staff machines, excluding the Tech Staff, who is maintained by Public Computing.


Staff opening

• Unlock wooden and glass doors. Be certain to check the glass doors to the outside of the building, and the back wooden doors to the lab and Instruction Lab.

• Write reservation schedule on dry erase board near the BIL, and any important information on second board near entrance.

• Walk through lab, wake up all computers. If a computer does not wake up, troubleshoot the problem, write up ticket if needed. Place sign on machines that are not operating correctly.

• Sunday: Post weekly schedules near door of the three areas (BIL, Mac and CLE if there are reservations)

• Wednesday: Clean off bulletin boards of all non-KU related materials.

Start of every shift

• Every hour, walk through the lab checking for computer errors, machines that are logged in, trash, and printed pages lying around. Push in chairs, straighten keyboards

• Check the staff website for announcements. Read IT emails and view the IT website for known issues and problems.

• Check printers


• Clean up the staff desk area

• Do final walk-through of the lab, cleaning up and straightening, log off any machines.

• Make sure phone has been replaced on the charger.

• Lock all of the doors to the lab, and glass doors on the outside of building.

Keys for Budig

It is important to check the schedule to know when you are working, especially if you are opening Budig. This requires checking out one of the sets of keys (there are two sets) in advance. Feel free to email/call the co-worker opening with you (if applicable) to see if they already have the keys, or you could call the lab to see if that person had already checked them out. Either way, make sure one of you has the keys. Communication will solve the hassle of needing to go to the Computer Center. But if the person with the keys doesn’t show up for their shift, or you both show up and neither has the keys, follow these instructions:

1. Go to the Computer Center, and find the loading area on the south side of the building.

2. There is a phone at the top of the stairs in the loading area. Call the number listed on the phone for ‘Operations.’

3. Tell them who you are and what you need.

4. Someone should bring the keys to you. They will ask for you to show your nametag with your photo, for security purposes. You will need to immediately go up to the lab, unlock, and bring those keys back to the Computer Center, in the same way you got them.

5. Contact supervisor if there are problems.


• In the morning, make sure that the screen is removed from the Help Desk window, and that the glass doors are propped open

• Every hour, walk through the lab checking for computer errors, machines that are logged in, trash, and printed pages lying around. Push in chairs, straighten keyboards

• Check the staff website for announcements. Read IT emails and view the IT website for known issues and problems.

• Check printers


• Clean up the staff desk area

• Do final walk-through of the lab, cleaning up and straightening, log off any machines.

• Close the Window shutter at the Help Desk, and make sure the glass doors are closed.


Staff opening/Daily procedure

• Retrieve lab keys from the Hawk Shop. If for some reason the Hawk Shop does not have the keys (they are frequently misplaced, or the staff from the previous night does not drop them off), find custodial staff. Easiest way to do this is to go to the Administration Office on the 4th floor.

• Walk through lab, wake up all computers. If a computer does not wake up, troubleshoot the problem, write up ticket if needed. Place sign on machines that are not operating correctly.

• Check the bulletin board in the hallway, to the left of the door. Opening staff should remove any non-computer lab related materials.

• Wednesday: Clear off bulletin boards of all non-KU related material.

• Every afternoon: someone should walk over to Fraser to check on the lab. Take a ream of paper with you, wake up the computers. On Friday, staff should take a printed schedule for the door. Check the reservation calendar before going over, as you do not want to interrupt a class.

Every shift

• Every hour, walk through the lab checking for computer errors, machines that are logged in, trash, and printed pages lying around. Push in chairs, straighten keyboards

• Check the staff website for announcements. Read IT emails and view the IT website for known issues and problems.

• Check printers


• Clean up the staff desk area

• Do final walk-through of the lab, cleaning up and straightening, log off any machines.

• Make sure phone has been replaced on the charger.

• Lock the lab door, and return the keys to the Hawk Shop. If you are running short on time, you may lock the door but keep the lab open, return the keys, and go back to the lab to complete the closing procedure.

Common Issues: A Walkthrough/FAQ

In the event that you should need to remove a disruptive user from a workstation due to complaints from other users, this is the lab policy you may reference either online, or from this page specifically:

11. Lab Policy ()

These policies are designed to keep the computer labs running efficiently and in a safe environment. Please follow these policies while in the computer labs.

1. Do not save important information on these computers. All information is erased when the computer is rebooted. Please save data to a disk or memory device.

2. Please be careful with any liquids and foods near the computers.

3. Please be courteous with cell phones. Turn off the ringer or set your phone to vibrate while working in the lab. It is also polite to leave the area to speak on the phone as to not disturb the people around you. Staff members may ask you to leave the area if you are too loud or disturbing others.

4. Downloading of copyrighted material is prohibited, including games, music and movies. Installation of file sharing, or peer-to-peer (P2P) applications is prohibited. Staff members will ask you to leave if they are aware of network abuse.

5. Viewing of sexually explicit material is prohibited, and you will be asked to leave the computer lab.

6. Please do not play games online or install games at any time. Staff will ask you to stop playing.

7. During certain busy times during the day, we ask that you limit your computer use if you are not working on academic material. If there are people waiting to use the computers, please be courteous to those who need to work on school related things.

8. Personal files are your responsibility. The staff cannot be held accountable for files that do not open or print, or for disks or memory sticks that do not work. If you seek assistance from a staff member to open or work with a file, that staff member assumes no responsibility for that disk or file. You should back-up your work regularly in multiple places. Instead of saving files on a floppy disk, use a USB Memory Stick, your personal space in the Student Portal, or the 20 MB space that is included with your Online ID. For assistance saving files in any of these locations, please ask a staff member. Staff members will not write letters or notes to professors if your files do not work.

12. How and when to print reservation calendars – Budig ONLY

Lab reservation calendars, as instructed by the daily checklist, are to be printed every Sunday. The Collaborative Learning Environment, the Budig Instruction Lab (BIL), and the Mac labs are all reservable. Please check schedules for each space, and print them if there is anything scheduled for the week. If there is nothing reserved in that lab for the week (i.e. the Mac lab), it is not necessary to print a schedule.

1. Go to the CA Staff page ()

a. If patrons/professors ask about how to reserve a lab, send them to , then click on “Reservation Calendars” on the left hand side under Lab Info. They can then filter by labs in the same way you will in the following steps 3-5.

2. Click the “Reservation Calendar” link on the left side of the page.

3. Select the upcoming week by clicking Week View on the left-hand side

4. Go to the “All Locations” drop-down box above the calendar. Select “Budig Instruction Lab (Reservable)” or “Budig Collaborate Learning Environment (Reservable)” as necessary.

5. Skip the “All Departments” drop-down menu and click “Filter”

6. You should now only see that specific lab’s schedule. Go to File, then Print.

7. You may push through this print job (see section 6).

13. How to find out what ACS Workshops are available

Academic Computing Services offers a variety of workshops throughout both Fall and Spring semesters as well as over the summer. It is to your advantage to take these workshops for personal enhancement. Many times you will be asked questions about specific applications, and these workshops can help better prepare you to answer those questions. With that being the case, you are required to attend at least 2 workshops per academic year (this includes using the summer classes available as well) for your employee evaluation which will be completed annually. You may attend any workshops that interest you. Because of the many and varied classes offered at a variety of times, this should not be difficult to complete. To find available workshops:

1. Go to

2. Use the current page to search for a workshop, or

a. Click the “Workshop Calendar” link at the top of the page to see a calendar of workshops.

3. You can now browse around to see what is offered in what labs for the semester.

After having completed a workshop, please e-mail a supervisor (Tom Roderick, ) so this information is put into your staff file.

14. What is CS Print Client?

CS Print Client is a program which allows users’ KU card accounts to talk to our printing servers. Students get $8.00 (100 pages) worth of free printing per enrolled semester and $4.00 per enrolled summer. As you know, printing is $.08 per page. This is the system that deducts it from the users’ available printing balances.

15. Installing printers manually

Sometimes machines will not automatically have the correct printers installed. If a patron asks about a print job not printing, this is something you should check to ensure their print job has not ended up at another location. To install printers for each lab specifically:

1. Go to Start, then Run

2. Type \\ and hit enter

3. Double click the correct printer

The printers may take a little bit to install. You can check to see if installation is complete by going to Start, Printers and Faxes. The correct printers will pop up as they are installed.

16. What is the VNC and when may I use it?

On the desktop there is an icon that says VNCviewer.exe

This is a system that allows you to access the server the print jobs are being sent to. As mentioned in item #1, step 7, you are allowed to “push” a print job through in specific circumstances. THE ONLY TIME THIS IS ACCEPTABLE IS FOR LAB-RELATED ITEMS ONLY (such as your work schedule). (There may be special exceptions made for individual users, but this must first be cleared through a supervisor or through Tom.) You may not push through personal print jobs. Any abuse of this system is well-documented. Please use this option responsibly. However, if it is a lab-related item that has been approved to go through, these are the steps you take. Keep in mind that you start the printing process in the same way, but when the 2nd Diebold window comes up, do not click Print. Instead:

1. Double-click the VNC icon

2. Click OK on the next box that comes up. The VNC server address should be defaulted to:

3. The next box will ask you for the session password. This can be obtained from Tom or a student supervisor.

• As a side note, what you are doing is called remote-controlling a machine. The little dot you see is where you want the mouse to go. The actual pointer icon is where the computer has followed your point to. As you’ll notice there is a time lag in moving the mouse around. Go slowly, and it should give the server machine time to catch up with your movements.

• Any other lab staff or Tom have access to this system as well, so if you log in, and see that the mouse is already moving around, wait until the person has completed their action on the server.

4. Find the job you need. Your user name should be in parentheses by the job. Highlight the job by clicking on it.

5. Use the scroll bars to get to the bottom of the window. Then select “Print…” from the bottom of the screen. The job should then go through.

6. If you are sending a print job through for a student (for whatever reason), a Remedy ticket MUST BE CREATED to document the transaction. The student printing the document should be listed as the requestor.

17. Printer is printing many pages of symbols

This problem has been an issue with the new Dell printers. It typically only happens when the user prints a PDF document directly from a web browser. It has also been known to happen if a word document has too many formatting changes. If this happens with a PDF:

1. Shut the printer off or manually cancel the job immediately.

2. Have the user download the document to the desktop or U Drive.

3. Open the document directly from the computer.

4. Click print and remain present until you can confirm that the document is printing correctly.

a. Note: if the user contacts you immediately you may decide whether or not to push the job through. If they do not contact you until a massive amount of paper has been printed on you will not push the job through. This is your decision.

b. If the job is pushed through see the VNC note above.

18. How to change a KU Password

1. Go to

2. Click ‘Accounts’

3. Click ‘Manage Passwords’

4. Login

a. If the user doesn’t know current password, click forgot password and follow the steps as they present themselves.

b. Have the user call the Help Desk if this process does not work.

19. Calling the Help Desk (4-8080)

The Help Desk is a resource only to be rarely used and users rarely referred to. It is useful if a user has forgotten both their password and user name, or if a user has a question while they are at home. If the user in our labs, we will most likely be able to assist them.

20. Reporting down equipment and supplies needed

Remedy is the system by which we report down equipment and supplies. For further instructions on how to work through creating a ticket in Remedy, see the Remedy hand-out on the CAStaff page.

When requesting a restock of supplies:

Subject line: supply request - _____ (location)

• Paper: the person who opens the last box should report they have done so. If there are only 2 reams left, that means that this was not done when it should’ve been and should be reported through Remedy immediately.

• Toner: Report when you have opened the 2nd to last box and there is 1 box left unopened.

• Office Supplies (paper clips, staples, tape, etc): Report when you fill the supplies and there are no reserves left.

• Cleaning Supplies: Report when you’ve used the last of the paper towels, bottles

21. How to Recharge a KU Card

As mentioned in item #5, students get $8.00 (100 pages) worth of free printing per enrolled semester and $4.00 per enrolled summer. If these funds have run out, and they have not added any funds of their own, the user will see “Transaction denied” when the attempt to print. There are 2 main options for adding funds to a KU Card to be able to print. Cash to card machines are located in:

• 4th floor of the Union (outside the card center)

• Main floor (3rd) of Watson

• Main floor (3rd) of Anschutz

Alternatively, users can electronically add funds to their card (especially useful if they do not have their ID with them). To do so:

1. Go to Enroll & Pay

2. Click on “Campus Finances”

3. Click on “Acct Inquiry/Payment/KU Card”

4. Click on the green “Make a Payment/Recharge KU Card” link

5. Click on the “Recharge KU Card” link on the left hand menu.

6. Click on “Add Funds”

22. Services elsewhere – Faxing/Copying

• Kinko’s on the 3rd floor of the Union offers faxing and copying services

• If a patron is not affiliated with KU but still wants to use computer services they may do so at a public log-in station at either Watson or Anschutz. Watson and Anschutz both have laser printers that are available to the public as well

i. A ream of paper is not to be left out by the public printers. If the printer is out you may (but do not have to) refill it, if you deem it necessary.

• Anschutz & Watson have copy machines

i. You are not required to learn how to use them. However, you can’t send questions involving the copy machines to the Library Staff. Because the university doesn’t own the machines, no one has been trained on them. Answer the questions to the best of your ability.

23. On-Campus/Local Calling

If users ask about using a phone, do not let them use the cordless lines. Direct them to the black phones. (To the right of printers 1 & 2 in Harris, and to the east of the main entrance wooden doors to Budig).

• If a user wants to reach an 864 on-campus number, they need only dial 4+the last 4 digits of the number

• If a user wants to reach an 812 dorm number, they need only dial 2+the last 4 digits of the number

• If a user wants to make a local call, they should dial 8 to get out, then the regular 7 digit number

• Students cannot call long-distance without a calling card from the labs.

• Please enforce the 2 minute time limit.

**In order to dial out long distance (staff use for emergencies, etc.) 002412240**

24. How to Scan (Budig/Anschutz/Watson-PCs)


To scan a picture:

1. Go to All Programs, Hewlett-Packard, Scanjet Scanner 3970 series, Photo & Imaging Director

2. Click “Scan Picture” from the available options

3. The next window that pops up should default to scanning an original from the glass.

4. The scanner will then show a preview scan. If the user is happy with this, they should click Accept. If they are unsatisfied with the scan, they should re-position their picture accordingly.

To scan a document:

• These scanners have OCR software which means that documents can be scanned to a Rich Text Format (.rtf) file type for editing. (This means that someone could scan a typed document that could then be edited in Word).

1. Go to All Programs, Hewlett-Packard, Scanjet Scanner 3970 series, Photo & Imaging Director

2. Click “Scan Document” from the available options

3. The next window that pops up should default to scanning for editable text.

4. The scanner will then show a preview scan. If the user is happy with this, they should click Accept. If they are unsatisfied with the scan, they should re-position their document accordingly.

Alternatively, if you open Photoshop, it can capture the scan for you. To use this method:

1. Open Photoshop

2. Click on “File” and select “Import”

3. Select “HP Scanjet 3910 TWAIN” from the side pop out menu

4. After the scan is satisfactorily completed, the image will immediately appear in the Photoshop work area.

Mac Lab

1. Double click on the “Macintosh” hard drive icon on the desktop

2. Find and select the “Applications” folder

3. Find and select the “Image Capture” application

4. Upon opening, the scanner will attempt to capture the scan.

5. Select the portion of the scanned area you wish to save as a jpeg. Do so by clicking the upper left of the scan and dragging a box around the specific area to save.

6. You will notice the option to “Scan” is now available. Select it.

7. Currently, the pre-formed Mac folder “Pictures” is where these scans go. You can access by double clicking on the Mac hard drive icon in the desktop, and selecting “Pictures” from the list on the left-hand side of the menu at the bottom.

Watson and Anschutz

1. Go to Start/Programs/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CS2

2. Go to File/Import/CanonScan LiDE

3. Click "Preview" to preview how the image will scan

4. If the scan looks satisfactory, click "Scan" right below preview, and the image

will be scanned into Photoshop.

25. What to do if you don’t know an answer

If you’re not sure about something, follow these steps:

1. Consult this info sheet

2. Consult the FAQ Staff section, which is updated frequently with new topics and solutions. If you can’t find what you’re looking for there, request the addition to the FAQ section from Tom.

3. Chat your coworker

4. Chat with Tom

5. As a last effort, check Tom’s status on Chat, and call him

(Tom is usually around, or at least reachable, whereas the supervisors might be in class or otherwise unreachable. He’s always happy to answer questions or clear up confusion. He’d rather you be informed than in the dark.)

26. How to open Works and WordPerfect documents in Word

This process will usually work. There have been instances where it hasn’t, but for the most part, these steps should be all you need to open a document composed in WordPerfect (.wpd) or Works (.wps).

1. Open Word first.

2. Go to File, Open

3. At the bottom of the “Open” window, you may select file types for Word to open. Use the down arrow next to this box and scroll down to WordPerfect or Works as needed. If you’re not sure which version (i.e. Works 6.*) try them all. This should convert the program to a .doc which can be read by any Word version.

27. How to upload files to user space on the KYou Portal

The Kyou Portal is on the main KU webpage () on the top left-hand side of the page above the “About KU” link. Each student is allotted 20MB of space on our servers for personal use (a website, storage space, etc.). Many students do not realize that this is a valuable resource for saving papers, other online documents, etc. Having online storage space lessens the need for portable media (such as a flash drive, CD, or floppy disk) because it is accessible anywhere the student can access the internet. Use this space and teach users how to use it as well. It’s as easy as e-mailing an attachment.

1. User should log-in to the Kyou portal

2. Upon logging in the user should see “My KU” by default. (If that is not the default, have the user click the “My KU” tab).

3. “Filespace” is the 3rd area down. To add a file, the user clicks on “add file” which is the center link above the list of files uploaded (or blank space if nothing has yet been uploaded).

4. On the next page, the user should click “Browse” to locate the file on the computer. They may add a description to the file in the box below.

5. Click “Upload File”

6. They can access this file by accessing the My KU tab on the Kyou portal anywhere they can access the internet.

28. Floppy Drive Protocol

No machines in Budig have floppy drives installed, and we are slowly removing them from the Libraries. This does not mean that users cannot use floppy disks however. As a general rule, we discourage the use of floppies and refer users to the webspace that is available to them through the portal, USB drives, and e-mailing data to themselves. But if a floppy must be used, staff will:

(Windows instructions)

1. Get a floppy drive from the check out drawer in the file cabinet (this includes the green external drive as well as the internal laptop drives that are now being used as externals)

2. Accompany the user to his or her station.

3. Insert disk first, then attach drive to the USB port (if you don’t insert the disk before attaching the drive to the computer it may not always recognize the hardware)

4. Copy all the user’s data onto the desktop. The user may now work with whatever data they need.

5. Right-click on the small green arrow in the system tray, and click “Safely remove hardware.” This will ensure that the computer is not attempting to read from the floppy when you pull it out and that user data will not be lost or damaged.



6. Unplug the drive, and return the disk to the user

7. When the user is finished and ready to re-save the work, have them contact you, and repeat the same process, copying all the data back onto the disk, and uninstalling the drive correctly.

(Mac instructions)

1. Same instructions as above. Except when uninstalling the drive, right click on it on the disk drive icon on the desktop and select “Eject”

29. How to burn a CD

Anschutz & Watson

1. Go to Start/All Programs/Roxio Creator DE/Projects

a. Select the type of project you are creating

2. Click project sub-type

a. Example: If you want to burn an audio CD, in the audio project section click “Create audio CD for Car…”

3. Follow on screen instructions for the project


1. Go to Start/All Programs/Sonic/DigitalMedia Project/…

2. Select project type

3. Click project sub-type

a. Example: If you want to burn an audio CD, in the audio project section click “Create audio CD for Car…”

4. Follow on screen instructions for the project

Other options for all computers

1. Insert blank CD/DVD into appropriate drive.

2. Open My Computer

3. Click and drag desired files over CD drive icon

4. Once all desired files have been copied, right click on the drive and (click burn?)

30. How to print in the Mac lab

As opposed to the rest of the printing systems on campus, user must have their physical ID with them to print from the Mac lab (unless they have the 16-digit # on the front memorized…which seems unlikely.) There is a sign just like these instructions in the Mac lab for users. They should be able to complete these steps (you shouldn’t have to do it for them).

1. Select print from the application you’re trying to print from

2. Go to the PC to the left of the printer (if it is not logged in, you should log the server machine in as User: paystation Password: *Call a supervisor. Select the correct print job (whichever one has the user’s log-in ID in parentheses by it)

3. Click “Print…” at the bottom left of the screen.

4. A window will appear and ask for the 16 digit ISO number on the front of the KU ID card. Enter it.

5. Click OK and the document should print.

31. How to check out keys – Budig

It is important to check the schedule to know when you are working, especially if you are opening Budig. This requires checking out one of the sets of keys (there are 2 sets) in advance. Feel free to e-mail/call the co-worker opening with you to see if they already have the keys, or you could call the lab to see if that person had already checked them out. Either way, always make sure one of you has the keys. Communication will solve the hassle of needing to go the computer center. But if the person with the keys doesn’t show up for their shift, or you both show up and neither of you have the keys:

1. Go to the Computer Center (across from the Dole Center on Sunnyside Ave. (NOT the Dole Institute out by the Lied Center!)

2. Go to the south entrance of the building

3. At the loading dock, there is a door with a phone and a list of #s. Call the # for Operations.

4. Tell them who you are and what you need (lab keys for Budig).

5. Someone should bring them to you. You’ll need to come unlock the lab, and then return the keys immediately to the Computer Center. (same procedure)

6. Contact Tom if there are problems.

32. Where to get keys – Harris

The Hawk Shop (convenience store on the 4th floor) should have the keys to the computer lab. Sometimes, the Union janitors leave the computer lab unlocked, so do not be alarmed if it’s unlocked when you arrive there to open.

33. Where to get keys – Fraser

Fraser’s lab is almost always unlocked. However, if an instructor notifies someone in the Union lab that the lab is locked, contact Tom (4-0470) to get the keys. Additionally, janitors in Fraser also have the keys for each classroom.

34. Fire/inclement weather procedures


Just like any fire alarm, the building must be completely evacuated, even if it’s just a false alarm. You are responsible to make sure everyone exits whatever lab you’re in. If the situation seems to be a false alarm, users may be allowed to save their work and leave their belongings before they leave the building. Do a check of the lab (the BIL and the Mac lab as well in Budig), and exit the lab yourself. Locking the door in either Harris or Budig is not necessary.

Inclement weather

Tornadic weather: If you hear tornado sirens, move all lab patrons to the hallway in Harris, and in the hallway behind the lab in Budig. Be sure to take the cordless phone with you into the hallway, or take your cell phone. Call Tom if there are any problems.

Icy/Winter weather: Tom will determine if the labs should be opened late or closed early. Until you receive a phone call from Tom specifically, you should come into work. Do not call in beforehand to find out, just go. Tom won’t let you get to work just to tell you to turn around and go home. If you cannot make it to your shift because you are snowed in, etc. you must call the lab or Tom to let someone know you cannot be there. It is also equally important that you not take it upon yourself to close the lab early if you think the weather is getting bad. Tom will be aware of weather conditions and will let you know if you may close the lab early. Please carefully adhere to this policy.

35. How to handle rude patrons

Sometimes people get cranky or short on patience. You are in control of the labs, and therefore, you have the ability in most cases to escalate the mood of a confrontation or to diffuse it. (We prefer you attempt to diffuse it!) The best way to handle people who are coming across as demanding or impatient is to keep your cool and do everything you possibly can (within reason and authorization) to assist the user. If people can see you really care about the problem they are having, they’ll be much more inclined to be patient with you. However, even after providing the best customer service, individuals sometimes insist on acting inappropriately or making threats of some kind. Usually those users will have some kind of complaint they would like a “supervisor” to address. These individuals can be referred to Tom’s e-mail/office number. He’s happy to deal with issues from users if they have a complaint they want addressed directly.


• Users not authorized to use the labs who do not want to go to the public use stations at the library

• People who protest paying $.08 to print

• General complaints about the lab

If you ever feel as if a situation is escalating beyond your control or you feel threatened by a user, don’t hesitate to call the KUPD. This is fortunately a very very rare occurrence and even the longest-employed staff members here could count those incidents on one hand.

36. What is DeepFreeze?

In short, DeepFreeze is a kind of software that makes sure our lab computers keep the original software and settings no matter who is using the computer. It prevents spyware and other unauthorized downloads from residing on the computers between users. After 60 minutes of no activity on the computer, it reboots and resets the original settings. This means that if users have saved anything on the C: drive, it will be gone, usually as soon as they logout. If users must save to a hard drive, they should save to what is called a “thawed space”, the U: drive. The U: drive will keep data after the computer has rebooted. However, it is not indefinitely kept there. If a computer is re-imaged (which happens every 3 months or so, sometimes more often), everything on the U: drive will be wiped off as well. You should encourage users to save to their space on the Kyou Portal or a flash/jump drive.

37. Lost & Found

The lost and found protocol is listed on the left-hand side of the CAStaff page. Please adhere to it, and remember to perform the weekly check it asks.

ResNet Issues

Internet Set-Up: Handout Instructions Below

• Templin, Lewis, or Ellsworth Halls – Use the bottom ports in each room, and the bottom ports in the living room as well for quads.

• Hashinger Hall – There are two ports in each room.

• McCollum Hall – Use only the bottom ports in each room.

• Jayhawker Towers, GSP/Corbin, Margaret & K.K. Amini, or Dennis E. Reiger Halls – You will need a Switch or a Hub to allow for more than one internet user in the room.  ResNet sells these, or you can get them at any electronic store.  There is only one active port in each dwelling.  Active ports are usually marked by a green tab.

• All other scholarship halls – You will need a special Ethernet cord called a KU PDS cable. Please see or call us about obtaining one. You will also need a Switch or a Hub in these rooms if more than one resident wants to register with ResNet.

Setup & Registration

1. Set up your desktop or laptop computer, and plug in the Ethernet Cable to the wall then start your computer.


2. Open your web-browser and type in and you will see a page like the one below.  Press the “Register Online” link on the left-hand side, and then log in on the next page.


3. On the resulting page, you will then see a fairly large button under “Data Network Registration” heading that reads, “Use This Computer on the ResNet Network”.  Click this to continue.


4. On the resulting screen, you must agree to the terms of the Networking and Telecommunications Agreement before you can continue with the registration process.  Once you have read the terms and agreed to them, click “I agree” to continue.


5. Following will be a short quiz about responsible ResNet use.  Follow the directions on the screen to complete the quiz, and then click the “Submit Quiz” button.


6. Then a security screen will appear asking you if you want to run the application.  Click Run or Trust to continue.


7. On the resulting page, click the large “Launch The RINGS Lite Security Analyzer” button near the bottom of the page to continue.




8. When the RINGS program comes on the screen, click on the Start button to run the scan for security checks on your computer.


9. On the resulting screen, you will see a screen with options to “Install Sophos”, “Virus Free Check”, “Enable Firewall”, etc. There will be a button to the right of all these, just click them in order from top to bottom to complete all the steps.


NOTE TO MAC 10.4 USERS: You will need to enable the firewall yourself if the “Enable Firewall” option comes up. To do this, simple click the apple on the top left. Go to System Preferences. Click the Sharing icon. Click the Firewall tab. Click Start.


NOTE TO MAC 10.5 USERS: The above instructions are still valid, only you must go into the Security icon, rather than Sharing.

10. Once you have gone through all the options, you will get a “Security Analysis Successful” screen with a button stating “Launch Selected Service”, this should take you back to the ResNet site at the next step.


11. On the following screen, you will then need to enter your Room Number and a Phone Number at which you can be reached.  Click “Next” to continue. 


12. The next screen will display the information you have provided.  Check to make sure that everything is correct, and then click “Yes” to confirm your information.


13. Next you will see a screen saying “Congratulations” or you will get an error screen.  If you obtain an error screen, do not worry!  You still have successfully been registered.  Wait about 20-30 minutes and restart your computer and your connection to the Internet should work.  While the computer restarts, we recommend unplugging the Ethernet Cable from the wall and immediately plugging it back in. 

How to: SP services

Internet –


1. If the user hasn’t requested the service yet, emulate their OID and request the service for them.

2. You must process the service and activate billing before the user can register their computer in their apartment.

3. Give the user a modem that has been checked in the equipment manager to make sure that it has been de-allocated from any other user. (They will be given an error during registration if it is already allocated to someone else.) Also give them a power cable and 1-foot phone cable.

4. The SP user will register in a similar manner to any other user, except that they will have to enter in the serial number for the modem during the process. This is when RINGS allocates the modem to a specific user.


1. Have the user bring the modem, power cable, and phone cable to the office.

2. Then check to make sure they have requested the service to be deactivated from their account. This can be done by simply emulating the user to see the request. If the request has not been entered, do so yourself.

3. Then process the request while entering in the serial number of the modem in the prompt. This should de-allocate it from them, but sometimes it doesn’t, so manually check it yourself to make sure it has been done.

Phone –

      Activation or De-activation:

1. Make sure the user has put the request in RINGS to activate the phone, if not, do so for them

2. Jenny Weinberg of Network support handles all the voice activations and deactivations, and should be checking them often. This is not always the case, so if it hasn’t been done, you can either contact her directly and request it, or send her a remedy ticket requesting the activation or de-activation.

Cable –

      Activation or De-activation:

1. Go to the user’s apartment and take off the faceplate of the coax cable outlet. For activations, remove the security sleeve, and hookup the live connection to the outlet. For Deactivations, do the opposite, remove the live connection and put on a security sleeve.

2. Process the request for de/activation on the Monthly Service Work Request page in RINGS.

Troubleshooting Set-Up

Internet Set-Up

The first thing when troubleshooting any problem is isolating the issue.  First, check the computer for an IP address.  What IP address the computer has will be a strong indication as to what the problem is.

129 IP --> A good chance their internet works fine.  If pulling up a browser doesn't work (if using IE try Mozilla) it could be a DNS issue.

192 IP --> They are using a computer that is either unregistered or hooked up through a router.

169 IP --> Computer is not getting DHCP.  Try winsockfix (on Vista insure that network setting is private not public). IP --> Computer is not getting DHCP.  Cycle cables and try restarting.

Media state disc --> Use a combination of different cables/ports to narrow down what aspect of the connection is not working.

Cable Issues

99.99% of the time the user has their TV set on AIR/ANT.  It needs to be set to cable and it will magically work.  Every TV is different but it is generally under the setup portion of their menu.

Stouffer Place is different.  If they are receiving the signal but ALL channels are fuzzy (not just ones over 13..that's another antennae issue) then make a ticket and send it to network maintenance.

Checkout Process

Activating and deactivating services in SP is through rings. 

Lab Staff Guide to Remedy 

The following are brief instructions on how to enter information into the Remedy Ticket System.  Follow these guidelines when completing tickets.  These will be broken down into broad categories by situation. 


1. Click Preferences

2. Create Request Action: Open Help Desk Module

3. Search For Request Action: Open Help Desk Module

4. Default Console View: Group



When you come across a computer that is not working correctly, follow these steps to report. This covers broken computers, printers and overhead projectors, or anything that would be considered hardware. 

1. Create Request

2. Complete the following fields:

a. Summary: Computer Name, location, problem

b. Description: Repeat Summary, any additional information

c. Category: Computer & Server Maintenance

d. Type: Lab Management

e. Item: Select appropriate Item

f. Case Type: Incident

g. Status: New

h. Group: Public Computing Services

i. Individual: (Leave this empty)

j. Login: unknown-KU

k. Source: In Person

l. Impact: Low

m. Save


At this point a ticket will be created.  Tom (or another technician) will see the ticket and arrange for the equipment to by fixed.  However, in the even that you have fixed the problem, do the following:

a. Status: Resolved

b. Activity Tab: Complete the Work Log with an update on the machine

c. Solutions Tab: Write up the solution to the incident

d. Save



When you help a student/faculty/staff with a software problem, follow these steps to report.  This covers all software applications, and access to websites 

1. Create Request

2. Complete the following fields:

a. Summary: Software (or website), problem

b. Description: Repeat Summary, any additional information

c. Category: Computer & Server Maintenance

d. Type: Lab Management

e. Item: Software

f. Case Type: Incident

g. Status: New

h. Group: Public Computing Services

i. Individual: (Select your name if you resolve the issue, leave blank if you do not solve it)

j. Login: unknown-KU

k. Source: In Person

l. Impact: Low

m. Save


Most likely you will be solving the problem directly at the desk.  In this case again: 

a. Status: Resolved

b. Activity Tab: Complete the Work Log with an update on the machine

c. Solutions Tab: Write up the solution to the incident

d. Save



This may be the most frequent issues, concerning two problems: Adding a printer, or a Transaction Denied: 

1. Create Request – Adding a Printer

2. Complete the following fields:

a. Summary: Computer Name, location, Adding printer

b. Description: Repeat Summary, any additional information

c. Category: Computer & Server Maintenance

d. Type: Lab Management

e. Item: CS Print

f. Case Type: Incident

g. Status: New (Resolved if this is fixed immediately)

h. Group: Public Computing Services

i. Individual: Select your name

j. Login: unknown-KU

k. Source: In Person

l. Impact: Low

m. Activity Tab: Complete the Work Log with an update on the machine

n. Solution: Added printer by…(doing what)

o. Save


1. Create Request – Transaction Denied

2. Complete the following fields:

a. Summary: Transaction Denied

b. Description: Repeat Summary, any additional information

c. Category: Computer & Server Maintenance

d. Type: Lab Management

e. Item: CS Print

f. Case: New

g. Status: New (Resolved if this is fixed immediately)

h. Group: Public Computing Services

i. Individual: (Select your name if Resolved, leave blank if not resolved)

j. Login: Enter the Online ID of the person you are helping

k. Source: In Person

l. Impact: Low

m. Save


This will create the ticket.  If you solve the problem (example, determine the student has no money on their card), Resolve the ticket with the correct Solution.  However, if you cannot determine what the problem is, leave the ticket open, so that Tom can read the problem, and contact the person directly, or hand it over to the Help Desk. 


Create tickets for any supplies following these steps (toner, paper, other necessary items): 

1. Create Request

2. Complete the following fields:

a. Summary: Location, supply needed

b. Description: Repeat Summary, any additional information

c. Category: Computer & Server Maintenance

d. Type: Lab Management

e. Item: Facilities

f. Case Type: Request

g. Status: New

h. Group: Public Computing Services

i. Individual: Leave blank

j. Source: In Person

k. Impact: Low

l. Urgency: Low

m. Login: Enter your login

n. Save.


This will open a ticket for Tom to see.  Remember: report when you have opened the last box of paper, or when there is only one toner remaining. 


Use these steps when working on the following problems: changing or synching passwords, managing Online ID’s, Online Services, or Authentication issues on KYou Portal, E & P, or logging into computers. 

1. Create Request

2. Complete the following fields:

a. Summary: What you are doing (see above), or system you cannot log into

b. Description: Repeat Summary, any additional information

c. Category: Computer & Server Maintenance

d. Type: Lab Management

e. Item: Other

f. Case Type: Incident

g. Status: New

h. Group: Public Computing Services

i. Individual: Select your name

j. Login: Enter the students Online ID

k. Source: In Person

l. Impact: Low

m. Save.


If this is something you can fix, such as changing a password, or setting up an Online ID, Resolve the ticket with the appropriate solution.  However if the problem is not solved, leave the ticket open, so that Tom can route the Ticket to the appropriate area for solution.  IMPORTANT: if the ticket is not resolved, YOU MUST complete the Requestor information with email AND phone number. 


There are two distinct areas of networking that you usually see in the labs: Wireless problems, and HOME domain not available.  Use these steps: 

1. Create Ticket – HOME Domain

2. Complete the following fields:

a. Summary: Computer Name, location, problem

b. Description: Repeat Summary, any additional information

c. Category: Computer & Server Maintenance

d. Type: Lab Management

e. Item: Other

f. Case Type: Incident

g. Status: New

h. Group: Public Computing Services

i. Individual: Leave blank

j. Login: unknown-KU

k. Source: In Person

l. Impact: Low

m. Save.


Tom will get this ticket and fix the problem. 

1. Create Ticket – Wireless

2. Complete the following fields:

a. Summary: Location, whose laptop, problem

b. Description: Repeat Summary, any additional information

c. Category: Computer & Server Maintenance

d. Type: Lab Management

e. Item: Other

f. Case Type: Incident

g. Status: New

h. Group: Public Computing Services

i. Individual: (Select Your name if resolved, leave blank if not)

j. Login: Roderick

k. Source: In Person

l. Impact: Low

m. Save.


If you fix the problem, Resolve the ticket with the appropriate Solution.  


• When working with an account issue (for example: not being able to login to computers, or changing passwords), remember to enter the students’ name for the Requestor.  In addition to that, when the form auto-populates their information in the boxes, make sure that a phone number and email are listed.  If they are not listed, ask the student for that information, and enter it in.  In one case this week, a student could not log in.  The staff correctly put this student as the Requestor, however there was no information that populated the form, so we could not contact this student to help them.

• Using the VNC to print: any time that you push a print job through the VNC system, it means there was a problem, and it should have been written up in Remedy.  I’ve seen the VNC come on many times, however there are no tickets saying there was a printing problem.  When a print job is pushed through, the students’ name should be in the Requestor information, so that I can cross reference with the print log file.

• Look at the main Remedy page for information on previous tickets.  For example, this week I received two tickets saying the Union was almost out of paper.  The second person should have looked in the list of incidents on the main page, and saw that there was already one ticket created.  Any time that you submit for a broken computer, or something that would not be fixed immediately, please check the list.  If you want, you can amend these tickets.  For example, if the printer in Budig is down, and you see another ticket already created, you can open that ticket and write in the Work Log on the Activity tab that a second request by yourself is being made for this machine. 

• Do not create a ticket for refilling the paper trays on the printers, or printing off schedules for the labs.  Your daily responsibilities do not need tickets.


I’ve also been asked to clarify why we are now doing this.  Here are the answers written out for you.

• Evaluations – I will check before your evaluation to see what types of situations you have handled in the labs, and how you handled them.  We’ll discuss some of these situations at that time.  It also shows me the amount of work, and the type of work you are doing in the labs.  I understand that you may only get one question early in the morning on the weekends, but if I find in a whole year, you’ve only entered 50 tickets… that will be suspicious, because in the past, according to the data we kept, there were anywhere from 20 to 100+ questions per day.

• Work flow – These tickets give me an idea of the problems in the labs, and if they need to be sent up the line because of a larger problem.  Remedy is what the entire IT Department uses for work, so it is much easier for me to send tickets to other departments once you create them, instead of me tracking you down to get information.  And since the system was already in place, we adopted it.

• Data gathering – When someone comes to me and asks, ‘What does your staff do?’ or ‘How often do you see this problem in the labs?’ I now have concrete data that I can share with anyone who asks.  This could be the libraries, it could the Vice Provost.  Remedy gives us specific information for data gathering, rather than in the past with just numbers of questions asked in broad categories.

Websites to Know

CA Staff –

Stromberg (Time Clock) –

Computer Labs –

Information Technology –

Libraries –

Contact Info

Tom – Student Technology Coordinator


• Office: 864-0470

• Cell (if very urgent i.e. the lab is on fire): 550-4546 (NEVER give this # to the public)

• Yahoo ID: scottishspades

Scheduling Staff

KUPD – 864-5900

Help Desk – 864-8080

To get ahold of other staff members, use the call lists located at the staff desks. There are also other important numbers listed on the call list as well.

Please send suggestions for this handbook to




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