HFMA CRCR Exam Proctor Preparation

HFMA CRCR Exam Proctor Preparation

Table of Contents

Preparing Proctors for HFMA’s CRCR Exam Day 1

Purpose of the CRCR Exam 1

Overview for Proctors 1

Who Can be a Proctor? 1

Preparing for Proctoring for the CRCR Exam 1

As a Proctor, What Should I know about the CRCR Exam? 1

Pre-CRCR Exam Day Responsibilities 2

CRCR Exam Day Responsibilities 3

What Should I Bring to CRCR Exam Day? 3

What Should I Do Before the Learners Arrive for the CRCR Exam? 3

What Should I Do When the Learners Arrive for the CRCR Exam? 3

What Should I Do as Learners Start the CRCR Exam? 4

What Should I Do During the CRCR Exam? 4

What Should I Do When Learners Complete the CRCR Exam? 4

What Should I Do When All Learners Leave the Exam Room? 5

Unlock a CRCR Exam 6

Steps to Unlock an Exam 6

FAQ’s for Proctors 9

Preparing Proctors for HFMA’s CRCR Exam Day

Note: The Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) defines the roles and rules for the Credentialed Revenue Cycle Representative (CRCR) Exam. MC Strategies supports the HFMA’s CRCR exam. See the document written by HFMA named “New Customer Orientation Guide” available with other Help documents on the Admin side of the LMS.

Purpose of the CRCR Exam

This product provides HFMA credentialing. The CRCR Program validates a national level of achievement for a body of knowledge within the Healthcare Revenue Cycle area. Upon the successful completion of the exam, learners earn the designation CRCR. This program is designed for junior- to mid-level staff that have at least 1-2 years of healthcare experience prior to the CRCR exam.

Overview for Proctors

An Admin and Proctor are not the same thing. A Proctor does not have to be an Admin and an Admin does not have to be a Proctor. The role of the Proctor is to supervise the learners and uphold the exam’s integrity; as well as, setup the training room and unlock the exam. HFMA suggests one (1) Proctor for each group of twelve (12) learners.

Who Can be a Proctor?

Proctors are chosen from manager-level or above and at least one level above the highest-level learner taking the exam. HFMA prefers HFMA members as proctors. As a Proctor, you support the Organizational Administrator (OA). Most of your responsibilities are carried out the day of the exam; however, there is some pre-test work and follow-up.

Note: You must wait three (3) months from your last proctoring session before you may take the CRCR exam.

Preparing for Proctoring for the CRCR Exam

Besides reading this Help document, you might also want to read, the learner’s Help document “Preparing Learners for HFMA’s CRCR Exam Day” before proctoring an exam. For more information talk to your OA and read the document named “New Customer Orientation Guide” “written by the HFMA available with the Help documents on the Admin side of the LMS.

As a Proctor, What Should I know about the CRCR Exam?

• The exam is three (3) hours.

• There are 150 multiple-choice questions. There is a bank of 250 questions so the learners do not receive the same exam.

• Real-time scoring. When the exam closes, the learner receives his/her score and if they passed or failed.

• The learner receives credentialing if he/she answers 113 questions correctly (75%).

• The learner receives credentialing with “distinction,” if he/she answers 135 questions or more correctly (90%).

• There is a timer in the upper right of the screen. When the timer reaches three (3) hours, if any questions remain unanswered, they will be marked incorrect.

• The learner logs in with his/her own user ID and password for the LMS.

• At the end of the exam, the learner is asked to complete the online survey.

Pre-CRCR Exam Day Responsibilities

Before you Proctor the exam ensure you understand the rules for learners while they take the exam so you can maintain the integrity of the CRCR exam. Also, make sure you understand what to do if a computer problem arises.

• Read this document and the “Learners CRCR” Help document (located on the learner side of the LMS).

• Administer the rules for ‘Learner Exam Testing’ from the section later in this document named “Learners Arrive for the CRCR Exam.”

• Make arrangements with your OA regarding your availability to administer the test(s).

• Notify your OA immediately if a scheduling conflict arises after a CRCR exam date and time are confirmed.

• Confirm the CRCR exam location and time of the exam with your OA.

• Read the “Proctor Affidavit.”

• Find out from your OA if you or the OA will be responsible for e-mailing learners a reminder of the exam’s location and time. If a learner needs to cancel, see your OA for a possible replacement. In the email, notify all confirmed learners of the need to bring a valid photo ID (employee badge or driver’s license), a calculator (cannot be on a cell phone), and writing utensil. Also, mention that cell phones and/or other recording devices are not permitted in the exam room.

• Bring the contact information for your IT Representative (see below) and your MC Strategies Client Service Representative (CSR). Your OA should be able to provide this information to you in advance.

Note: The Admin is responsible for teaming with the CSR to make him/her aware of the exam date.

• Manage IT CRCR Pre-Exam Responsibilities with the IT Rep. The IT Rep should check the following:

o Stress test a number of terminals - 1 week prior. Terminals will be running at same time so they need to check response time. (Contact MC Strategies with problems.)

o Check all hard line data connections (morning of test) to ensure cleaning crew did not bump line out of jack night before.

o Verify there are not any software pushes or upgrades scheduled for the night before the exam, which may affect terminals.

o Verify the exam room computers have the latest Internet Browser and the Java scripts are updated.

CRCR Exam Day Responsibilities

What Should I Bring to CRCR Exam Day?

• List of learners (for check-in) you are scheduled to Proctor that day.

• Writing utensils

• Pad of 8 ½ x11 paper (2 pieces for each learners’ scratch paper).

• Your LMS User ID and password – On the day of the exam, you need to log-on to “unlock” the exam links for the learners.

• Bring the contact information for your OA, IT Representative, and MC Strategies CSR. Your OA should be able to provide this information to you in advance.

• Key to computer room (if needed)

What Should I Do Before the Learners Arrive for the CRCR Exam?

• Arrive at the exam testing location at least 20-30 minutes in advance of exam start time.

• Open the computer lab and start computers if not turned on. Navigate to the LMS login page and bookmark it on each desktop, if possible. Ask your IT Rep for assistance if needed. Make note of any problems and report them to your OA or IT Rep promptly.

• Start up the required number of computers in addition to one for yourself. Make sure all computers are working and open the LMS logon page at each terminal. It helps to have a few additional computers ready, should a learner have issues with his/her terminal.)

• Have your list of learners out on your desk.

• Login to the LMS using your User ID and password at one of the available computer terminals,.

What Should I Do When the Learners Arrive for the CRCR Exam?

• Check in each learner as s/he arrives by verifying his/her identity against a valid photo ID (employee badge or driver’s license). Check his/her name against your list of learners you have scheduled for the exam that day.

• Remind learners that cell phones and/or other recording devices are not permitted in the testing room.

• Distribute 2 pages of 8 ½ x11 scratch paper to each learner at check-in. Instruct learners to write their names at the top of each page. Notify learners of the need to return both pages of scratch paper back to you upon completing the exam and prior to leaving the testing room.

• Unlock the exam. See the directions later in this document “Unlocking the Exam.”

Note: If you have accidentally unlocked an exam for a Learner(s) not present, please contact your MC Strategies CSR to correct this issue once all learners’ exams are underway.

• Log-out of the LMS when finished.

• Use this time to go over the rules with the learners as well as what to expect during the exam.

o If you are having a computer problem, raise your hand to signal me.

o If you need to leave to use the restroom, turn in your badge/ID to me until you return. (Optional) Your absence may be timed.

o Once you begin to take the exam, I cannot answer a question or clarify a question for you on the exam.

o Do not “Engage in any unauthorized communication during the examination that jeopardizes the integrity of the exam or any learner’s score.”

o Once you complete the exam and prior to leaving the testing room, you must submit both pages of scratch paper with your name on them.

o Once you complete the exam, you receive your grade for the exam online. You will then be asked to complete a survey about the exam. If you did not pass the exam, you must complete the survey, and then you are returned to your Personal page. Log off the computer. If you passed the exam, complete the survey, then you will see your congratulatory letter. Log off the computer at this time if you do not have access to print. The congratulatory letter is not available again for printing if you move past this screen. You can print the congratulatory letter and certificate once outside the exam room.

What Should I Do as Learners Start the CRCR Exam?

• Instruct each Learner to logn to the LMS with his/her User ID and password. After the Learners reach their “Personal Page,” the Learners should click on the “My E-learning Lessons” tab at the top of the page. Ensure all Learners can see the following link “HFMA Credentialed Revenue Cycle Representative Exam” and the link does not say “locked.” If any Learner’s’ links still say “locked,” follow the instructions for unlocking the exam. When you reach the list of Learners, verify that each Learner has an “unlock” symbol next to his/her name. If you have any problems, contact your MC Strategies CSR. If locks are removed from all exams, have all the Learners click the exam link.

• Explain and walk the Learners through the following:

0. Agree to the “Student Affidavit.”

0. Review the “Student Instructions.”

0. Have learners STOP at the Student Instructions before continuing.

What Should I Do During the CRCR Exam?

• Watch learners for CRCR exam integrity.

• Once the learners start the exam, you must remain in the room for the entire three (3) hours. If you need to leave, it must be for a short time only (e.g., bathroom) and while you are gone a ‘substitute Proctor’ must be in the room. The substitute Proctor must be at least one level above the learners. If no such person is available, it is suggested the substitute proctor be from a different department to avoid a conflict of interest.

• You may assist learners with computer problems (e.g., loss of Internet connection, screen locking up). If the problem is with the computer, contact the facility’s IT Representative that your OA should have arranged for someone to be present or “on-call”. If the problem is with the exam site, contact your MC Strategies’ CSR directly. If this person is unavailable, any of the representatives should be able to help you.

• If you have computer problems, call your MC Strategies’ Client Service Representative. (The Admin is responsible for teaming with CSR to make him/her aware of the exam date.)

What Should I Do When Learners Complete the CRCR Exam?

After a Learner completes the CRCR exam, you must:

• Collect both pages of scratch paper and make sure the learner’s name is on both.

What Should I Do When All Learners Leave the Exam Room?

After all the Learners have left the exam room:

• Take all scratch paper with you (2 pieces from each learner).

• Walk around the room to ensure all learners have logged out and turned off computer terminals (if applicable).

• Return the computer testing room to the way you found it.

• When you leave, lock the door (if applicable) and return the key (if applicable).

• Shred all scratch paper when you return to your desk/home. If you are not able to destroy the scratch paper immediately, please lock them in a secure location until you are ready to shred.

• Call your OA with any name corrections for the formal HFMA certificates.

Unlock a CRCR Exam

Proctor status means you have access to unlock exams for the learners scheduled that day for the exam. At this time you must call your CSR to relock an unlocked CRCR exam (e.g., accidentally unlock).

|Steps to Unlock an Exam |

|Steps |Display |

|From the Personal page, click [View] to the right of |[pic] |

|Exam Proctor Utilities. | |

| A ‘Proctor Affadavit’ displays. |

|[pic] |

|As a Proctor, check off this affadavit each time you give the exam. |

|Read the ‘Proctor Affidavit’ and scroll to the bottom of the page. |

|[pic] |

|Click the checkbox, and click [Accept]. |

| The Proctor only sees the learners scheduled that day for the exam. |

|[pic] |

|Select a checkbox for each appropriate learner name. |

|Click Unlock Selected Exams button at the bottom of the page.. (See example below of the unlocked graphic icon for an individual learner.)|

| |

| When the learner’s exam is unlocked, the unlocked graphic icon displays next to the learner’s name, as shown in the example below. |

|[pic] |

|Stay signed on until all learners have started the questions on the exam. Sign-off once all learners have started answering the questions |

|on the exam. |

FAQ’s for Proctors

• Question: Where can I learn more about the Proctor duties for the HFMA CRCR Program?

Answer: Read the “New Customer Orientation Guide” published by HFMA: Section 3, as well as the Help document from the LMS Admin Help named “Preparing Learners for HFMA’s CRCR Exam Day” for a better understanding of the role of the learner.

• Question: How much time should I plan for proctoring the exam?

Answer: The exam is 3 hours and you should arrive 30 minutes before the exam, so at least 3-½ hours and maybe a little longer for clean up.

• Question: What should I do if a learner cannot take the exam on a specific date?

Answer: An Admin can reset the Complete by date.

• Question: What should I do if a learner has technical difficulties and runs out of time?

Answer: The Proctor should call his/her CS rep. The CSR will create a ticket for Product Support. If the learner is currently taking the exam, please walk the request over.

• Question: What should I do if a learner wants to re-take the exam?

Answer: The Proctor needs to call his/her CS rep. The CSR creates a ticket. Product support will archive this in the database and then the CSR will need to have the Admin reassign the exam.

• Question: Can the exam be unlocked early?

Answer: The Proctor can only unlock the exam on the day of the exam.

• Question: How many learners can take the test at the same time?

Answer: HFMA suggests one (1) Proctor for each group of twelve (12) learners (maximum).

• Question: What should I do if at the last minute I cannot Proctor the exam?

Answer: A Proctor should have an emergency backup for emergency substitution. The substitute Proctor must be at least one level above the learners.

• Question: What should I do if there is a computer problem?

Answer: As a Proctor, you may assist the learners with computer problems. If the problem is with the computer, contact the facility’s IT Representative. The Proctor’s OA should have arranged for s






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