Tredyffrin/Easttown School District

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Extreme U.S.A.: Level S

Here are this weeks Vocabulary Words

|altitude | |

|opportunities | |

|elevation | |

|causeway | |

|dangerous | |

|skyscraper | |

|extreme | |

|temperature | |

Other words:

___________, _____________________________________

___________, _____________________________________

___________, _____________________________________

___________, _____________________________________

___________, _____________________________________

|Monday | |Tuesday |

| |Meet With Mr. O | | |Meet with Mr. O |

| |Begin Extreme U.S.A | | |Cont. Extreme U.S.A |

|/8 |Complete vocabulary (pg. 2) | |/20 |SW: Prefixes (pg.3) |

| |Independent Reading | |/15 |HW: Prefixes (pg.4) |

|Wednesday | |Thursday |

| |Meet with Mr. O | | |Meet with Mr. O |

| |Cont. Extreme U.S.A | | |Cont. Extreme U.S.A |

|/20 |SW: Text Features (p.5-7) | |/13 |SW: Compare/Contrast (p.11-13) |

|/20 |HW: Text Features (p.8-10) | |/13 |HW: Compare/Contrast (p.14-16) |

| |Independent Reading | | |Independent Reading |

|Friday |

|Finish Agenda, Weekly quizzes |Literal /16 Inferential /16 |

|Please Note: Early finishers: Once you have completed you may begin Independent Reading. |

Extreme U.S.A.: Level S

Vocabulary Words ___/ 8

|temperature |skyscraper |causeway |opportunities |

|extreme |dangerous |elevation |altitude |

Solve the puzzle. The sentence below contains five of your words. Each of the words is scrambled. They must fit into the columns they appear under. You must unscramble each column!


The skyscraper is so extreme in height, that thetemperature gets colder as you go higher in elevation or altitude.

CC.1.2.4.J Acquire and use accurately grade appropriate conversational, general academic, and domain‐specific words and phrases, including those that signal precise actions, emotions, or states of being and that are basic to a particular topic. E04.B‐V.4.1.1 E04.B‐V.4.1.2.

Extreme U.S.A.: Level S /20

Seatwork Prefixes non, in, and dis

A Prefix is a group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. For ex, in the word noncreative, you know the root word, creative. Since non means not, this means the word must mean “not creative”.

The Prefix non can mean not: reverse of: absence of

The Prefix dis can mean not: opposite of: contrary of: absence of

The Prefix in can mean: in: on: or not.

Match the correct words with prefixes to its definition.

_____ disconnect 1) to fail to understand correctly

_____ misjudge 2) to pass out of sight

_____ disappear 3) to print incorrectly

_____ mislaid 4) to judge wrongly or unfairly

_____ disagree 5) to lead in the wrong direction

_____ mislead 6) to fail to agree

_____ discover 7) to place or put down incorrectly

_____ misprint 8) to fail to satisfy the hopes or expectations of

_____ disloyal 9) to break or undo the connection of

_____ mismatch 10) not loyal or faithful

_____ displace 11) bad luck

_____ misspell 12) to move from its usual or proper place

_____ disgrace 13) to pronounce badly or incorrectly

_____ mistreat 14) to treat wrongly or badly

_____ distrust 15) to match badly or unsuitably

_____ misfortune 16) a lack of trust or confidence

_____ disappoint 17) loss of honor respect or reputation shame

_____ mispronounce 18) to be the first to find learn of or observe

_____ dishonest 19) not honest

_____ misunderstand 20) to spell incorrectly

CC.1.4.4.F Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. E04.D.1.1.1 E04.D.1.1.2 E04.D.1.1.3 E04.D.1.1.4 E04.D.1.1.5 E04.D.1.1.6 E04.D.1.1.7 E04.D.1.1.8 E04.D.1.2.1 E04.D.1.2.2 E04.D.1.2.3

Extreme U.S.A.: Level S /15

Homework Prefixes non, in, and dis

A Prefix is a group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. For ex, in the word noncreative, you know the root word, creative. Since non means not, this means the word must mean “not creative”.

The Prefix non can mean not: reverse of: absence of

The Prefix dis can mean not: opposite of: contrary of: absence of

The Prefix in can mean: in: on: or not.

Divide the following words into its prefix and root word. The first one has been done for you. (It’s on the house!)

Prefix Root Word

1. disallow ______dis__________ _______allow_______

2. insane __________________ __________________

3. noncritical __________________ __________________

4. discolor __________________ __________________

5. independent __________________ __________________

6. disqualify __________________ __________________

7. nonabrasive __________________ __________________

8. dishonest __________________ __________________

9. disapprove __________________ __________________

10. invalid __________________ __________________

Replace the underlined words with a word from the exercise above.

11. It’s not critical that we take a spelling test every Friday ________________

12. It is not honest to cheat in a game. ________________

13. Dad will not approve if Vick throws another interception. ________________

14. They not qualify you if you get poor grades. ________________

15. The adult was not allowed participation in the pee wee game. ________________

CC.1.4.4.F Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. E04.D.1.1.1 E04.D.1.1.2 E04.D.1.1.3 E04.D.1.1.4 E04.D.1.1.5 E04.D.1.1.6 E04.D.1.1.7 E04.D.1.1.8 E04.D.1.2.1 E04.D.1.2.2 E04.D.1.2.3

Extreme U.S.A.: Level S

Seatwork Text Features

Non fiction text features help readers understand the information. Items such as heading, chapter names, maps, visuals, as well as time lines can be included in the text. Read the following two entries. Then answer the questions that follow.


Extreme U.S.A.: Level S

Seatwork Text Features


Extreme U.S.A.: Level S

Seatwork Text Features ___/20

We have discussed several important text features. Look back on “Summer of the Shark” and list at least three features. (4 pts)





List several important text features found in Western Roundup? (4 pts)





What is the purpose of the visual aid at the bottom of “Summer of the Shark”? (4 pts)





What is the purpose of the map at the bottom of “Western Roundup”? (4 pts)





What article is easier to understand? Why do you think so? (4 pts)





CC.1.2.4.G Interpret various presentations of information within a text or digital source and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of text in which it appears. E04.B‐C.3.1.3

Extreme U.S.A.: Level S

Homework Text Features

Non fiction text features help readers understand the information. Items such as heading, chapter names, maps, visuals, as well as time lines can be included in the text. Read the following two entries. Then answer the questions that follow.



Extreme U.S.A.: Level S

Homework Text Features ___/14

We have discussed several important text features. Look back on “Hard Day at Work” and list at least three features. (4 pts)





There is a sidebar story called “Child Labor in the USA”. Why did the author include this story? (4 pts)





There is another sidebar visual called “Slim Pickings”. Why did the author include this information? (4 pts)





What is the purpose of the pictures in “Hard at Work”? (4 pts)





The article includes two maps. Why might this be important to the story? (4 ps)





CC.1.2.4.G Interpret various presentations of information within a text or digital source and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of text in which it appears. E04.B‐C.3.1.3

Extreme U.S.A.: Level S

Seatwork Compare and Contrast

Alien Cover-Up?

A rancher heard a loud crash. The air force came to investigate. And people accused the government of hiding the facts about the crash that put Roswell, New Mexico, on the UFO map.

Ever since that night of July 2, 1947, Roswell has been associated with aliens. And the town seems okay with that. It is crawling with UFO stuff. There is the International UFO Museum and Research Center. Every July, Roswell hosts the annual UFO Festival, which includes choosing the Miss UFO Festival beauty queen. You can eat at the Crashdown Café, where a fake UFO is sticking out of the side of the building.

The United States Air Force was said to have first announced that their men had found debris from an alien spacecraft at the crash site. Then the story changed—it was not a spaceship but simply a high-altitude weather balloon gone astray.

People also believed that the government had captured aliens and was holding them in captivity.

Government officials denied that claim. Any potential “aliens,” they explained, were probably parachute test dummies.

People who were there the night of the crash said that the government bribed them to hush up about what they knew. The official position of the U.S. Air Force is that there never was any cover-up.

But on the morning of July 8, 1947, The Roswell Daily Record headline said, “Air Force Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region.” And things have never been the same in Roswell. ■


Headline for July 2, 1947

Extreme U.S.A.: Level S

Seatwork Compare and Contrast (continued)

Seeing Aliens

Late on a September night in 1961, Betty and Barney Hill were returning to their home in southern New Hampshire after a short vacation in Canada. The stars were plentiful in the dark sky of the White Mountains. But one was brighter than the rest. And closer. And it was following them! Was it an unidentified flying object, a UFO?

The next thing the Hills knew they were passing through a town thirty miles farther south than they were last conscious of being. And the time was two hours later. What had happened during those two hours they would eventually reveal under hypnosis. Some people believed them. Some didn’t. Do you?

The Hills said that after seeing the bright light, they came upon nine “beings” standing in the road. They described them as “bald-headed alien beings, about five foot tall, with grayish skin, pear-shaped heads, and slanting catlike eyes.” The aliens took the Hills into their spaceship!

The Hills later explained, each in separate interviews, that inside the spaceship the aliens did simple medical experiments on them. Betty and Barney both described them as friendly and nonthreatening. The aliens showed Betty a “star map,” which she recreated while under hypnosis.

At first Barney didn’t want to tell anyone about their experience, but the next day Betty insisted on calling the local air force base to report the sighting. They then pretended it never happened. Almost two years later, when they had had enough of the inaccurate reporting they were reading in the papers and hearing on the news, Betty and Barney began to speak out about their experience with the UFO. A movie about it called The UFO Incident became popular and brought them even more attention.

The Hills’ lives were never the same. They began to do lectures about UFOs. They claimed that over the years a bright light often followed them, but the aliens never made contact with them again. After Barney died in 1969, Betty began doing hundreds of lectures a year. Betty died in 2004, at the age of eighty-five. ■


Betty and Barney Hill

Extreme U.S.A.: Level S

Seatwork Compare and Contrast ___/13

Comparing information can help you to understand how two articles are alike. Contrasting this information will allow you to understand how they are different. Seeing how articles are alike and different helps to better understand both articles.

Alien Cover Up Both Seeing Aliens

(please find at least three items for each part of the diagram)

[pic]What was the oddest, unique part of both articles? What was a unique part that they both have in common?






CC.1.2.4.D Compare and contrast an event or topic told from two different points of view. E04.B‐C.2.1.1

Extreme U.S.A.: Level S

Homework Compare and Contrast

Read the story below and complete the summarizing activity that follows.

Naming Hurricanes

Agnes. Floyd. Connie. Hugo. These names have gone down in history. Weather history, that is.

They are all names of powerful hurricanes.

The names of hurricanes on the Atlantic coast have been chosen by the National Hurricane Center since 1953. Hurricanes used to be given women’s names only. Starting in 1979, hurricanes have been named after both men and women.

Hurricane names are rotated every six years. So in 2010, names from 2004 will start around again. That is, unless they have already been used for a storm that hit hard. Then the country affected by the storm can ask the World Meteorological Organization to retire the name for ten years. Just like they retire ballplayers’ numbers! Why would they want to do that? Cleanup from these big storms takes a long time. Lawsuits and insurance claims need time to be processed; this way the storm that caused them won’t be mixed up with another storm of the same name.

Short names are easier and quicker to write and say when information needs to be passed along fast. The name Fran was retired in 1996 after Hurricane Fran slammed into North Carolina with deadly force. However, Hurricane Frances showed up on the 2004 hurricane list in the Atlantic. When weather professionals talked about Frances, they shortened it to Fran. That hurricane also turned out to be a big one, so now two powerful Atlantic coast hurricanes known as Fran arein the history books! ■


Extreme U.S.A.: Level S

Homework Compare and Contrast

Hurricane Hunters

Imagine being on a roller coaster. First you go way, way, way up. Then you fly straight down. Now imagine doing that without tracks to guide the rollercoaster car. That’s what can happen when you fly an airplane into a hurricane. Who would do such a crazy thing? Hurricane Hunters!

Hurricanes are violent storms with high winds, heavy rain, and sometimes hail. To prepare for a hurricane, people board up the windows in their houses. They bring inside everything that is loose. And then they head for a strong shelter.

But when hurricanes form, pilots from NOAA (the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association) and the Air Force head for their airplanes, nicknamed Hurricane Hunters. Their job is to fly right into the hurricanes.

The purpose of these missions is to radio data back to NOAA to be analyzed so the people there can learn how to predict hurricanes better. The information gathered from hurricane flights has already helped the National Weather Service be able to warn people further in advance of a coming hurricane and tell them how strong it is, its intensity. This information helps save people’s property and their lives.

The high winds and heavy rain of a hurricane swirl around from right to left, or counterclockwise, creating a calm spot in the very center called the eye of the storm. The Hurricane Hunters fly into the hurricane, through turbulent air in what is called the eye wall, and then into the eye. The roller-coaster part comes when air pockets create downdrafts and updrafts, sometimes causing the plane to lurch hundreds of feet!

Each mission lasts for around ten hours. Even though their job is a pretty daring one, Hurricane Hunter pilots are very cautious. They take lots of safety precautions, and they always plan an escape route out of the hurricane.

Colonel Joseph Duckworth was the first person to fly into a hurricane, in 1943. Even though it sounds like a really dangerous thing to do, only one Hurricane Hunter plane has been lost

in an Atlantic Coast hurricane in over sixty years. ■


A typical NOAA “Hurricane Hunter” airplane

Extreme U.S.A.: Level S

Homework Compare and Contrast ___/13

Comparing information can help you to understand how two articles are alike. Contrasting this information will allow you to understand how they are different. Seeing how articles are alike and different helps to better understand both articles. After reading both articles you should find that there are common points made in both articles and different points that that each article focuses on.

Naming Hurricanes Both Hurricane Hunters

(please find at least three items for each part of the diagram)

[pic]How are Hurricane Hunters and Naming Hurricanes similar? How are they different?






CC.1.2.4.D Compare and contrast an event or topic told from two different points of view. E04.B‐C.2.1.1

Extreme U.S.A.: Level S

Comprehension Questions /16 literal /16 inferential

Each question is worth 4 points.

1. Which city is nicknamed the “Mile High City”?

___/4 lit


2. About how many inches of snow does Blue Canyon, California receive each year? ___/4 lit


3. What are some extreme things found in the cities you read about in Chapter 1? ___/4 lit


4. About how far can you see from the Sears (Willis) Tower on a clear day?

___/4 lit


CC.1.2.4.C Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text. E04.B‐K.1.1.3

5. Why do you think old mining camps are called ghost towns? ___/4 inf


6. Why do you think the author says that Flagstaff might surprise you? ___/4 inf


7. Why do you think New York is nicknamed the “city that never sleeps”? ___/4 inf


8. Why do you think the author asks if you are dizzy? ___/4 inf


CC.1.3.4.B Cite relevant details from text to support what the text says explicitly and make inferences. E04.A‐K.1.1.1


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