Games and Activities - Various Levelsprintable page Collected by Shaney Crawford, Former Participant of the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme (Fukushima) These games and activities have been collected from various sources: past issues of the Fukushima JET newsletter, games books, various CLAIR and AJET teaching resource guides, and stuff left over from my predecessor. I apologize for not quoting sources, but I collected them in such a hurry when I first got here that I can't find the original sources in most cases. It is safe to assume that I did not come up with all of these games, so please do not give me credit for doing so. You can, however, assume that all mistakes are mine. 1. 'A' and 'AN' Draw a large 'a' and a large 'an' on separate pieces of paper. It is best if these words are written inside amusing animal shapes. Divide the class into two teams. The first child from each team puts their hands on their heads. Show the children a vocabulary flashcard. They both touch (or slam) the 'a' or 'an'. The one to touch the correct paper first gets a point for her team, provided that she says, "It's a ..." or "It's an ..." correctly. If she makes a mistake, the other child is offered a chance to make the correct sentence. After the class gets the idea, one of the children can hold up the cards instead of the teacher. 2. A-B PAIRWORK Student A is given half of the information and Student B is given the other half. Students have to work together and ask each other questions to fill in the missing information on each of their sheets. 3. ADJECTIVES 1 Write down three adjectives and ask pairs of students to write down as many things they can think of that all three adjectives apply to. For example, "big, cold, beautiful" might apply to snowman, mountain, Alaska... Get students to come up with their own adjectives. See who can get the most number of words. 4. ADJECTIVES 2 Choose some advertisements with big print and not too much writing on them. Number them clearly. Black out two adjectives from each and make a list of the missing words. Before the lesson, post the ads on the walls of the classroom somewhere. Dictate the list of adjectives and tell the students that these are the words that have been blacked out on the walls. The object is to match the adjectives with their ads. Students write the number of the ad that they think that adjective appeared in. 5. ALPHABET 1 Use big cards. Go through the alphabet once in order then mix them up. Introduce the pronunciation of B and V, M and N, and L and R carefully. 6. ALPHABET 2 Use chalk as a baton. Arrange teams behind a line before the blackboard. The first student writes A in her/her team's designated space, then passes the chalk to the next student. The fastest team wins. The Japanese teacher monitors the kids to keep them behind the line. Friends can call out from behind the line to help. Give points for speed and neatness. When the students are confident with A to Z, get them to try Z to A. If some students can write the whole alphabet, pit them against each other. Instead of running to the board, you can try having wheelbarrow races or hopping races. The movement and the competition are important in an elementary school. 7. ALPHABET 3 Use sets of alphabet cards. Make groups of 5 students. In the classroom, clear the desks to the side. The students must make an alphabet line, card to card, from A to Z. Can use to check recognition of capitals and small letters. 8. ALPHABET 4 Make two sets of alphabet cards, each letter about half the size of B4. Divide the class into two. Distribute the two sets of cards amongst the students. Some of the students may get two cards. The teacher selects a word for spelling. Each team has to spell the word by its members rushing to the front and holding up their cards in correct sequence. The fastest team wins. 9. ALT'S APARTMENT Draw an empty apartment on the board. Have students try to guess the contents. Draw them in as they name them. For example, the students could ask, "Is there a chair?". 10. ANAGRAMS (WORD SCRAMBLES) 1 Mix up vocabulary words and get the students to unscramble them. Can be played in teams, in pairs, or with the whole class. The team who can unscramble the word (i.e. say it in English) and give its meaning in Japanese gets a point. The team with the most points wins. You can also get the students to spell the words correctly for points. 11. ANIMAL GAME Give each student the name of an animal. After practising the different animal sounds, the students make the sound in order to find the other students who are the same animal. Japanese animal cries (nakigoe) are different from their English counterparts. Explain the sounds using pictures. The kids find the differences amusing. They tend to know 'dog' and 'mouse' (after you mention Mickey). I also used 'kangaroo' with a 'tch, tch' sound. Have a card for each student, but make sure they don't show it to anyone else. After finding their partners, they can show their cards to each other, then the JTE and ALT. Presentation is important as without the preparation of cards and the explanation (i.e. "you can't show your card to anyone else"), this game can be a flop. It took some fine tuning before it succeeded. 12. ANYTHING GOES Students try to come up with as many different answers to one question as they can. The teacher asks something like, "How many fingers do you have?". The first student will probably say, "I have ten fingers.". The next student can say, "I have more than nine fingers." The next, "I don't have sixteen fingers.". The next, "I am an alien, so I have sixty fingers.", etc. Try to get them to use any grammar point that they have ever covered. 13. BACK TO BACK Teams of two stand back to back and hook their arms around each other's arms. Race to a marker and then back to the starting line giving both the chance to run forward and backwards once. 14. BACK WRITING 1 After reading a text, each student selects about 5 new, difficult or unusual words. In pairs, they write the words one at a time (with their fingers) on their partners' backs. The partner guesses the word. Variation: the partner must use the word in a sentence. Books closed makes it a memory game. Books open makes it a scanning activity. 15. BACK WRITING 2 Each row is a team. The last person in each row comes up to the teacher's desk and looks at a flash card. When all students have returned to their seats, the teacher says "Start!" and the game begins. The students at the end of the row write the word (with their fingers) on the back of the person in front of them. When that person seems to understand the word, they write it on the back of the person in front of them. The person in the front of the row writes the word on the board, then goes to the teacher's desk to look at a different card. Once he has remembered the card, he goes to the back and writes it on the back of the person who used to be at the end of the row. (All the students should move forward one seat while the person at the front of the row is looking at the new card.) The winning team is the one that can write the most (correctly spelled) words on the board. 16. BASEBALL 1 The class is divided into two teams. Four chairs are placed in the shape of a baseball diamond. The AET/JTE proceeds to ask each team member a question which must be answered in a complete sentence. If the correct answer is given, the player moves to first base. If the answer is wrong, the player is "out". When the team has three "outs" the other team comes up to bat. 17. BASEBALL 2 Draw a baseball diamond and a score board on the board. Students, in turn, are "at bat" and choose how difficult a question to attempt: a single, double, triple, or homerun. If a student answers correctly, s/he moves ahead the appropriate number of bases. The students who are already on base advance the appropriate number of bases. Players who advance to homeplate score a point for their team. If a player answers incorrectly, s/he is out. Once a team makes three outs, the other team is up. This works well with spelling practice because it is fairly easy to compile lists of easy to difficult words. Note from Steve MendozaI teach at a Japanese high school, and I have some additional ideas for the game "Baseball 2". It may be a good idea to use playing cards, i.e. ace = single, 2 = double etc. Also the joker card can be an automatic walk, and king can be an automatic strikeout. The cards are put face down and the students pick one randomly. This adds a more random element to the game. In Japan, most students would just pick single each time, if given the choice. 18. BASEBALL 3 Draw a baseball diamond on a piece of paper and place a pile of flashcards in the middle of it. Divide the children into two teams and give each team some counters. The team takes turns at bat. The first child on the batting team puts her counter on home plate and draws a card from the top of the pile. Either the rest of the team or the pitching team ask her one or more questions about the card (e.g. What is it? What colour is it?). If she answers the questions successfully, she moves her counter to first base. There are various ways of proceeding from here. (1) The same child can draw more cards. If she gets three more correct, she gets a home run. If she makes a mistake, the turn passes to the other team. (2) The next child on her team draws a card. If four different children make correct answers consecutively, their team gets a home run. (3) She can choose not to go to first base, but to try for a two-base hit. If she makes another correct answer, she can choose to move to second base or try for a three-base hit, etc. Each team is allowed three outs before the turn passes to the other team. 19. BATTLESHIP Students get into pairs facing one another. Each student gets a game sheet. The game sheet includes two grids. One grid is for the students to place his battleships on. The other grid is for the student to record his guesses on. On the student's own grid, he places various "ships". For example, one battleship (taking up 4 connecting squares), two cruisers (3 squares) and one submarine (1 square). Ships can be placed anywhere on the grid (horizontally, vertically, but not diagonally). Students must not show their game sheets to other students. To make the game sheet, put beginning parts of sentences in the squares of the first column (for example "I am", "You are", "He is"). Then put the endings of those sentences in the squares of the first row (for example "Japanese" "a good baseball player" "a high school student"). Students then say these sentences to indicate which square on the grid that they are going to guess. For example, "He is Japanese", might indicate the square that is in the first row, third column. If the partner has placed a ship in that square, he says "hit" and marks that square with a big "X". If the partner has not placed a ship there, he says "miss". Then the other student makes his own guess. Students record their own guesses on the grid made for that purpose. Students try to "sink" each other's battleships in this way. The student who sinks their partner's entire fleet wins. 20. BINGO The game board can be any size as long as it is square (3X3, 4X4, etc.). If you are teaching elementary school children the alphabet, use a 5 x 5 grid, which allows the children to fill in almost every letter of the alphabet. Students are given the bingo grid and a bunch of words that they are supposed to fill the Bingo grid with -- have more words than spaces -- once they have finished, start calling out words or sentences that contain the words. Can also be played with vocabulary words. Call out words and the students write them on the bingo grid wherever they like. Then call out the vocabulary words one by one until someone gets bingo. Vary the ways to win. Sometimes make it one row, sometimes make it two rows or a special design (e.g. "T" or "X") 21. BINGO WITH NAMES Prepare a bingo grid with a question and YES/NO written in each square. For example, "Do you like to swim?", "Are you a good baseball player?", or whatever target sentence you are currently studying. Students interview each other by asking the questions on the grid. For example, Kenji asks Kanako "Do you like to swim?" Kanako says "Yes, I do". So Kenji circles "Yes" underneath the question and Kanako signs her name at the bottom of the square. Students cannot ask the same person more than one question. Give the students about 10 minutes to fill their grids with names. Then, students sit down and the teacher calls out the students' names. Keep playing until someone gets Bingo. This can also be played with students racing around to make Bingo with the students names themselves. Students who answer "yes" sign their names on the sheets, students who answer "no" don't sign anything. A straight row of students who answered "yes" makes Bingo. After a few students call out Bingo, get all of the students to sit down and check the answers of the winning students. Ask the students who signed their names if they really answered yes to the question. If they answer "no", you know that the students haven't been playing correctly. 22. BLINDFOLD One of the children is blindfolded and counts to ten. While she is counting, the other children can move around the room. The blindfolded child can also move. (If the room is large or the game is played outside, it may be necessary to restrict the area). On the count of ten, the children have to stop moving immediately. The blindfolded child then asks the children where they are by saying, "Emi, where are you?". The children answer, "I'm near/in/on/under ...". After any answer, the blindfolded child can move and try to catch any of the children. As soon as she moves, all the other children can move too. If she catches a child, she must guess who she has caught. If her guess is correct, that child is the next to be blindfolded. 23. BOARD GAMES Make up a board game for any grammar point. Model the game after a well-known game, such as Snakes (chutes) and Ladders, or make your own. Have squares for missing a turn, getting an extra turn, rolling again, etc. You can use true/false questions, questions and answers (i.e. trivia), or scrambled words or sentences. 24. BOGGLE 4X4 grid with letters. Students try to make words out of the connecting letters in any direction (as long as the letters are in fact touching one another). 25. BOP, BOPPITY, BOP Students sit in a circle. One student goes in the middle. The person in the middle must approach one of the people in the centre and say either "bop" or "bop, bippity, bop, bop, bop". If the person in the middle just says "bop", then the person in the circle must say nothing. If the person in the middle says "bop, bippity, bop, bop, bop", the person in the circle must say "bop" before the middle person has finished saying "bop, bippity, bop, bop, bop". This continues until someone slips and says "bop" when they are not supposed to, or doesn't say anything when they are supposed to say "bop". The person who makes the mistake must go into the middle. If everyone has caught on to this, let the middle person say some different things. She can say "Aliens, 1, 2, 3". The person in the circle who this is said to must react by contorting his face to look like an alien. The people on either side of the "alien" must hold their hands up to their faces and scream. Or, she can say "Hula, hula dancers, 1, 2, 3". The person in the circle must jump into the middle and do a hula dance and the people on either side of the victim must wave their hands from side to side, hula-like. Or, she can say "Viking ships, 1, 2, 3." The person in the circle must put two fingers pointing outwards by his forehead to resemble a Viking ship and the two people on either side must do a rowing action with their arms. Play this game as quickly as possible. 26. BROKEN TELEPHONE Someone whispers something to a student. Message must travel through the class. Last person says what s/he hears. 27. BULLRUSH (BRITISH BULLDOG) The students stand at one end of the gym. There are one or two students in the middle of the gym. A student in the middle calls out the name of one of the students at the end. That student has to run from one end of the gym to the other without being tagged. If tagged, he joins the students in the middle. If not tagged, he can call "Bullrush" which means that all the students have to run from one end of the gym to the other at the same time. 28. CARD GAMES Adapt any card games you know to a grammar point. E.g. Old Maid, Go Fish, Crazy Eights, Speed, etc. Also, these games can be taught to an English club. 29. CAR RACE Place some flashcards end to end to resemble a race track. Include two or three brightly coloured blank cards in the track and place a starting and finishing line at a convenient part of the track. Each child chooses a car (or counter) and places his/her car on the starting line. Decide the number of laps. The first child draws a number or throws a dies, says what the number is, and moves her car around the track that number of flashcards. When s/he stops on a card, she must say what it is, make a sentence about it, or answer a question about it. If she makes a mistake, s/he returns the car to its original position. If a child's piece lands on a brightly coloured card, s/he has another turn. Either make a "crash" flashcard, or say that throwing a "6" on the die will make you crash. The student must move his/her marker to the side of the track and wait out one turn. 30. CHARADES It's usually best to introduce this game after playing Pictionary a few times. This game works well for verbs. Students pick out a verb card then they act out the verb. The other students try to figure out what the verb is. Can be played in two teams. For advanced students, ask for a full sentence response. For example, "He is running." instead of "run". Can also be done with nouns and adjectives. Another way to play is to get the whole team to act out a word so that one of their members can figure out what the word is. The team has one minute to figure out what their team-mate is trying to act out. If they guess properly, the team gets a point. If at the end of one minute the team still hasn't guessed, the other gets to try to steal the point. Yet another way to play is to give one team a limited amount of time to go through as many cards as they can (e.g. give them 90 seconds to do as many cards as they can). 31. CHUNK READING Good for all levels, but first years in particular really get into it. The AET reads the text at a certain pace. At various stages, the JTE raises his/her hand and the students mark with a pencil the part of the text where they think the AET was reading when the JTE's hand went up. You can also use brief pauses and get them to try to guess where they occurred. 32. CIRCLE MIME The children sit in a circle. One child stands in the centre and mimes an occupation/animal, etc. The other children try to guess what she is miming by asking, "Are you...?" The rules of the game are as follows. (1) Any child can ask the question. If her guess is incorrect, she loses one point. If she is correct, both she and the child who is miming get a point and they change places. (2) If three children's guesses are incorrect, the whole class asks "What are you?" and the child who is miming answers, "I'm...". Nobody gets any points. Another child (possibly the one who is sitting to the left of where the child in the centre was originally sitting) changes place with the child who was miming. (3) The child in the centre cannot mime something that has already been mimed. (4) It is probably a good idea for a child who wants to guess to put her hand up first. When this happens, the child in the centre has to stop miming immediately. If more than one child put their hands up, the teacher (or a child) decides who should ask the question (usually the fastest, but this can be a good chance to cheat a little and let some of the quieter children ask the questions). Or, the children can janken to see who gets to ask first. 33. CLOZE Make two copies of a passage, each with (different) words missing. Blanks identify the missing words. The students read the passage aloud together to fill in the missing parts. Alternately, the students can ask each other questions about the missing parts after reading the passage silently. For example, a student might ask, "What is the mother's name?". 34. COLLECTION Collect one thing from every student and put it into a bag. Get students to close their eyes and take things out of the bag one by one. Students go one by one and ask each other "Is this your...?" They have three chances. Then they must go in front of the class and ask "Whose ... is this?" 35. COLOURS Draw up an alphabet chart. Each letter is a different colour, but stick with about 5 colours. Review these colours, then say the alphabet. Then, tell them from now on, they must clap on the colour orange instead of saying the letter. If they get good at doing that, get them to do something else for another colour. 36. COMMANDOES Make up even teams. The first student falls down and then says go and then the next student straddles the first student and falls down and says go. This is repeated until the team has reached the end of the gym. 37. CONCENTRATION 1 Chant "Concentration, concentration now begins!". Select a category. Students must say a member of that category within a time limit (usually within four handclaps). 38. CONCENTRATION 2 Magnetic cards are put on the board with blank backs. The cards are arranged in pairs so that English words match Japanese words. Students must turn over the cards until they find a match. If they find a match, they can go again. Team or student with the most cards wins. For beginners, get the students to leave the cards overturned. Then, if a student turns over a card that has a matching card already showing, they have made a match. For advanced students, get them to tell you which cards to turn over. E.g. Go up three and left two. Also, you can ask students about the cards. E.g. What is it? What colour is it? Do you like it? If the student answers incorrectly, they don't get to keep the cards. 39. COUNTING CARDS Use about 20 flashcards. Have a student say a number between one and twenty. Then start reading the flashcards. If the number is "7" for example, stop and do something special on the seventh card -- and on any multiple of seven. The special thing can be shouting, or not saying the card, etc. Do this in a group at first, but later go through the class one by one. Any student who does the wrong thing on the special number is out. 40. CROWS AND CRANES The students make two straight lines. One line is called "crows" and the other "cranes". The teacher calls out "crows". The crows try to catch the cranes before they reach the wall. If a crane is caught, they become a crow and join the crow team (and vice versa). 41. DICE GAME Make dice (saikoro) about 10cm x 10cm or larger. Go through the numbers with the students. I explain eleven (7-11) and twelve (difficult) for 5th and 6th graders. I play boys vs. girls in a line. The first girl and boy come forward. They roll the dice, then the teacher calls out a number between 1 and 6. The students must add the dice number with the number the teacher says. The quickest gets a point and the next two students come forward. No hints from team-mates allowed - instant penalty. The Japanese teacher keeps score. 42. DICTIONARY ADVICE Using one or more English dictionaries, present some common problems, such as: not enough money, relating to a difficult person, the future, etc. After the class picks a problem, you open the dictionary at random and pick a word from that page and read it aloud. The word must be used to give advice on the problem. For example, if the problem is "not enough money" and the random word is "macaroni", then a sample solution might be: "You are so poor that you must eat macaroni everyday." 43. DRAW THE MONSTER The teacher instructs the students to draw a monster according to his oral directions. The teacher says things like, "My monster has three heads. It has one long green arm and a short blue arm. It has a pointy nose...etc." Compare notes at the end. 44. DROP THE HANKY Make a circle and sit down. One person is IT and has the hanky (handkerchief). She walks around the outside of the circle and drops the handkerchief behind someone. As soon as that person realizes that the hanky has been dropped behind him, he gets up and runs around the circle twice, trying to tag IT. If IT manages (after two runs around) to get to the vacated place in the circle, IT is safe and the other person is IT. If IT drops the hanky and the person doesn't realize it, and IT walks around the circle once and tags that person on the shoulder, that person becomes IT. 45. DUCK, DUCK, GOOSE Make a circle and sit down. One person is IT. She walks around the outside of the circle and taps people on the head and says "duck". She can repeat this as many times as she wants, but at some point, she will tap someone one the head and say "goose". The goose and IT run opposite ways around the circle and the first person to get back to the vacated spot is safe. The other is IT. 46. ERASE A DIALOGUE Model the dialogue or key sentence. Write it on the board. Read it line-by-line and have the students repeat it. Practise then erase a part of it. Have the students repeat replacing the erased bit. Keep erasing until the students can recite the entire sentence from memory. Good for "Let's Read". 47. ERASE A SENTENCE Write a target sentence on the board. Read the sentence and ask the students to repeat it. Have all of the students stand up. Erase one word from the sentence. Have a student from the first row try to say the sentence including the first word. If the student says it right, her row may sit down. If she says it incorrectly, her row remains standing and a student from the next row tries. 48. EXPLANARY Show the students several flashcards that they are familiar with. Tell them to try to remember the cards. Then, shuffle the cards and start describing the top card without showing it to the students. For example, if the top card is "apple", you could say "It's red. You eat it." That might be enough to let them guess the word if the cards are "apple, sun, jet, frog, milk", however, you might need to be more specific if the cards are "apple, banana, strawberry, orange, tomato, cherry". The first student to guess correctly gets to keep the card. The student (or row) with the most cards at the end wins. 49. FAMILY TREES This activity can be used to introduce members of the family (Mike is my brother), review possessive adjectives (shoyuukaku), and the possessive 's'. Draw your own family tree and explain its history. Better still, include photos. Explain and practise new vocabulary words. You could use flashcards. Get the students to draw their own family trees and explain them to a partner (pair practice). Check the students' understanding by listening to them during pair work and ask a few students to tell the whole class about their family, or introduce their partner's. You could make it an assignment and have them include photos. Good for building up essential vocabulary. 50. FILL IN THE GRID Draw a grid with the names of countries down one side and verbs across the top -- e.g. Canada, Italy, Japan, India, UK and play, speak, eat, study, use. Then fill in the middle with appropriate answers (i.e. in Canada, we play hockey). Mairi used this for passive voice -- i.e. Hockey is played in Canada. Students are given an empty grid with the names of the countries and verbs already on it. They must fill the chart with the words that you give them, then write sentences or read them out to teachers. 51. FIND THE MISTAKES Working in pairs, one student has a copy of a passage and the other student has a copy with factual errors. These copies are identifies as correct or not. The student with the correct version reads the copy aloud. The other student listens and identifies the errors on his/her sheet. This game can also be played with both readers reading their passages silently and then discussing the content and trying to find the mistakes. 52. FIND YOUR GROUP Every student is given a card with some information on it. Students have to ask each other questions to find out who belongs in the same group as they do. For example, if a card says, "high school student, Japan, volleyball", then student must ask others, "Are you a high school student?" or "Are you from Japan?" or "Are you a member of the volleyball team?" Students who answer "yes" to all three of these questions belong to the same group. When all the members of the group have gathered, they must sit down. The first group to get the prescribed number of members (perhaps five), wins. 53. FIND YOUR MATCH Divide the class into two teams. Give one team Vocabulary cards and the other team Japanese Meaning cards so that one card goes to each student. When the teacher says "start" students from one team try to find the card that corresponds to theirs in the other team. To control the chaos, you may want one team to stay sitting while the other team stands and walks around. The students in the team that is walking around collects the cards from the students in the team that is sitting. After a few minutes, the teacher says "stop" and all of the students sit down. Each student holding a matching set of cards scores one point for his team. Play again with the opposite teams sitting and standing. The team with the most points wins. 54. FIND YOUR PARTNER Prepare a set of cards with different names, occupations, friends' names, and likes and dislikes. For example, one card might say "My name is Yumi. My friend is Chikako. I work at a university. I like pickles and yakisoba." This student would have to find her friend Chikako and find other people who like and dislike the same things as her. In the end, the student could write down the answers. For example, an answer might be "My name is ______. My friend is _____. I work at a _____. _____ also works there. ______ also likes ______." etc... 55. FIND SOMEONE WHO Make a list of qualities or actions, etc. Students must "find someone who" fits those qualities -- i.e. Find someone who likes natto. 56. FISH Give each student 3 or 4 cards and put the remaining cards on the teacher's desk. The object of the game is to get as many pairs as possible. Students janken, and the winner asks, "Do you have a ~~?" The other student replies, "Yes, I do. Here it is." or "No, I don't. Go fish!" If the student gets the card they asked for, they keep the pair, then ask the same student again. If the student is told to "go fish", they must take a card from the "fish pond" on the teacher's desk. Then the students ask other students in the class (jankening first to see who will ask who). Set a time limit, or make play end when the fish pond runs dry. The student with the most pairs wins. Can be used for vocabulary review, or review of target sentence (Do you have..., I want a..., I'm looking for..., Please give me..."). 57. FIZZ BUZZ The first student in a row starts counting with "one", the next student says "two", the next "three", etc. The number "seven" is unlucky, so no one is allowed to say it. Whenever "seven" should be said, students must say "fizz". This includes "seventeen, twenty-seven", etc. The pattern should sound like, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, fizz, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, fizz, 18, 19, etc". If the students get very good at that, try adding another forbidden number. That number is "buzz". For example, if 3 is "buzz", then 37 is "buzzfizz". If they can still manage that with ease, make is so that multiples of "fizz" and "buzz" are also unlucky. That would result in something like, "1, 2, buzz, 4, 5, buzz, fizz, 8, buzz, 10, 11, buzz, buzz, fizz, buzz, 16, fizz, buzz, etc". 58. FLAP THE FISH 1 Cut some fish from paper, drawing on gills, fins, and colours. Then get a few uchiwa (Japanese fan with a handle). Move the desks to one side of the room (if you're in a classroom) and divide the students into two teams. The idea is to wave the fan next to the fish and make it move without touching it. It's a race and the first to cross a finishing line (use a skipping rope) wins. You can play this in a relay, or one on one, or boys vs. girls. This game is perfectly suited to Japan because in the UK we used to use newspapers. Uchiwa are much better. I have used this game with my 1st and 2nd years with great success by pitting the girls against the boys, one by one, with 2 points for a win. Explain the technique of bending your knees. Although this has nothing to do with learning English, it's important to mix in an international type game and get the students moving about. 59. FLAP THE FISH 2 Make a starting and finishing line on the floor. Each child draws and cuts out a paper fish and places it on the starting line. Each child also has a magazine (or uchiwa). One child, or the teacher) stands at the finish line, holds up flash cards one by one and asks questions about them (e.g. What is it? What colour is it? What does she do?). The children who are taking part in the race either answer individually directed questions in turn or try to answer the same question first (in this case there should be a judge). If a child answers correctly, she hits the floor behind her fish with her magazine (or uchiwa), making the fish move toward the finishing line. The first child to make her fish cross the finishing line is the winner. If there are more children than can race at the same time, there could be a knockout tournament (the winner of each race goes through to the next round) or the game can be played in teams (each winner gets a point for her team, or team-mates take turns answering and flapping). 60. FORTUNE TELLER (in progress) Instructions:(make the origami fortune teller, then use it for whatever in class) 61. FRUIT BASKET Make a big circle with chairs. Write 4 or 5 fruits on the blackboard. Practise pronunciation then give each student the name of a fruit. The teacher calls out a name (e.g. apple). All the apples must switch chairs. Have one less chair than students so there is always one student left standing. This student calls out the next fruit. This game can be played with any vocabulary category or grammatical pattern (I like..., I play...). You need visual aids with small kids to get their attention and monitor their understanding. You can also cross-reference the game by using the colours of the fruit. If a student is in the middle three times, think of some suitable punishment. For third years, the person in the middle can call out sentences like "I play volleyball" and those students who play volleyball must trade seats. 62. FUKUWARAI (PIN THE TAIL ON THE DONKEY) Use the traditional Japanese New Years' game 'fukuwarai' and turn it into an easy English game. We made eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. First, teach the students the parts of the face in English, and last the words "up, down, left, right, stop". Then, blindfold a student. The other students tell him/her where to place the parts of the face. This can also be played with a drawing of a face without a nose and a magnetized picture of a nose. Students give the blindfolded students instructions on where to place the magnet. Also, you can put circles (like an archery target) around the nose and give more points to children who put the nose exactly on target. 63. GIVE ME... Like "show me". Students must give you the objects that you ask for. Can be played as row race or by the whole class at once. 64. GO TO SLEEP Divide the class into groups. Let students decide their order within the group (1 to 6). The students in each group put their heads down except for the number ones. Think of a sentence and write one word of the sentence for the number ones to memorize. Then tell them to go to sleep and wake up the number twos. Give the number twos a word to memorize, and so on. When all of the students have seen one word, get them to consult with the other members of the group to put the sentence together. 65. GRAMMAR GAMBLE 1 Make a list of sentence pairs. The sentences can be either correct or incorrect (grammatically). Students get into teams. Give each team voting cards. XX means both sentences are wrong. OO means both sentences are right. XO means one is wrong and one is right. Give each group $500. Read the two sentences then ask the students for their bets. Then get the students to hold up their voting cards. Teams that are wrong lose their bets. Teams that are right win the amount that they bet. Teams can bet for bonus money if the think they can correct the sentences. The team with the most money wins. Can be played with betting minimums and maximums. 66. GRAMMAR GAMBLE 2 The teacher writes a sentence on the board. Students, in teams, decide whether the sentence is Correct (C) or Incorrect (I) and hold up the appropriate letter on a pre-made card. The teams who raised the "I" card must write the correct sentence on a piece of paper and hand it in to the teacher. If the sentence is correct, the team scores a point. If the sentence is still incorrect, no points are given. If the sentence was correct, the teams who raised the "C" card get points. 67. GUESS THE COLUMN Students play in pairs. Each student has a sheet of paper with a grid on it. The columns are labelled A, B, C, D, etc. The row contain various possibilities and some repetitions. For example, one row will have various times (1:00, 1:15, 1:00, 1:15, 2:00), the next row will have various names (John, Paul, Mary, John, Mary), and the next row will have various clubs (basketball, baseball, tennis, baseball, basketball), etc. Students circle one of the letters at the top of the columns. Then, they work in pairs to figure out which one their partners circled. Student 1 asks Student 2 questions. For example, "Did you finish lunch at 1:00?", or "Are you John?", or "Are you a basketball player?" When Student 1 has figured out which letter Student 2 circles, she says "Are you 'D'?" Then Student 2 asks Student 1 the questions. The winner is the student who needed to ask the least number of questions to find out their partner's choice. 68. HANDS DOWN This game can be played on the ground, on a table, anywhere that is flat and big enough to fit all of your buddies. Everyone intertwines their hands, palms facing downwards and you are all in a circle. Introduce the game by explaining the hand motions. A palm-down slap on the table = a move in the clockwise direction, one hand. A palm-down slap done twice = skip the hand next to your hand. A palm on its side = reverse direction. Play this really fast. Anyone who makes a mistake must take their hands out of the game. The last surviving person is the hands down champion! 69. HALF AND HALF Students are given half of a sentence and have to find the person with the other half. Can be used with boring dialogues. Students must go to front of class and arrange themselves in order. Then they have to read their part of the dialogue in turn. 70. HANG HIM Variation on the normal game where the sole purpose is to hang a heinous suspect. The blanks __ __ __ represent words instead of letters. Target a key sentence/grammar point practised in class. Usually played at the end or beginning of a class. If hung, draw a beard on the stick man, or better still, have a magnetised cut out of the hidoi boy himself. Recommended for 3 year junior high and older. 71. HANGMAN 1 Variation on the normal game. Students compete against each other in rows. One hangman's platform is drawn on the board for each row of students. Hanged man is already drawn. Use chalkboard eraser to erase the parts of the person when someone in the row makes a mistake. Good for practising spelling and new vocabulary. You can also get the students to tell you which part of the man to erase if you want to practise the words for body parts and left/right. 72. HANGMAN 2 Involve competition. Each row is a team. The first student of each row says a letter, then the next student in the row, etc. For every correct letter, award 1 point. Any student can guess the word. The first hand up, if correct, gets 3 points to that row. If incorrect, minus 2 points. After you've done a few words, get a student to think of a word and take your role. 73. HIDDEN CARDS Hide vocabulary flash cards around the room (the game can also be played outside), making sure that they are all clearly in, on, or under something. Tell the children how many cards have been hidden. The children move around he room with notepads, writing sentences about each card (e.g. "The shark is under the desk."). The first child to write sentences for all of the cards is the winner. Children can be disqualified for making too many mistakes or writing too untidily. 74. HOW MANY THINGS Students have to write down as many things as they can that fit the description you give. For example, "How many things can you think of that are bigger than you?" Other categories: are round, are long and thin, make a noise, work on electricity, are made of wood/paper/glass, you can use to sit, people enjoy looking at, have handles, etc. 75. HOW TO Take the instructions for doing something simple (making toast, doing the dishes, etc.). Cut the instructions up. Students have to put the instructions in the right order. Don't forget to include words like "first", "next", "then", and "finally". 76. INDIANA JONES GAME Draw 2 cliffs, and a river with two crocodiles. Name the crocodiles after the teachers. Draw Team A on one cliff and Team B on the other. They want to cross the river. It's too far to jump (show unlucky athlete falling to his doom). Draw a bridge and demonstrate that it's shaky. Get the JTE to be A and you are B. Pretend to be crossing the bridge and meet in the middle. Get ready to FIGHT IT OUT (the kids crease up laughing when they realize it's only janken). The loser of the fight has to return, while the winner can continue along the bridge. Set up the classroom. Two middle rows of desks are needed. Get the students to push them together to make two bridges. Six desks and chairs squashed together make bridge. Use 2 bridges, one for each crocodile/teacher. Divide the class into 4 teams: A, B, C, D (two teams for each bridge). Prepare about 20 questions on slips of paper. (e.g. First year: Are you a banana?, Second year: past tense practice). Put about 4 questions face down on each bridge. To cross the bridge, team members have to read the question out loud and answer correctly. Mistakes (e.g. "Yes, I'm not" or "No, I do" are penalized by one point (crocodiles keep a look out!). Eventually, team members will meet on the bridge and janken. The winner continues, the loser returns to the back of his/her team. There are always 2 students trying to cross the bridge. Students who make it across get 5 points, and they can keep score. Keep changing the slips of paper so the students can't just memorize the questions. Remember, one teacher per bridge. You can try having team tournaments. This game works well to get the students familiar with responding -- great pattern practice. One good point is that the students seem to help each other, giving hints for reading and answering questions. Very exciting if you have the energy. 77. INSTRUCTIONS One person stands at the blackboard with their back to the class. The other students can see a picture. The other students give instructions to the person at the blackboard. Compare the picture with the blackboard. 78. INTERRUPTIONS Give the students instructions like "Clap when you hear a word that starts with S. Snap your fingers when you hear the EEE sound. Stand up when you hear the end of sentence." Then read through a passage and get them to follow your instructions while you read. 79. INTERVIEW 1 Can be used with any grammar point. Make up a list of questions that the students must ask each other. Leave a blank space after each question so the students can insert the name of the person who they asked, and that person's answer. It's best if the students can write down a longer answer, i.e. "No, Akihiko doesn't know how to climb mountains" rather than, "No, he doesn't". Can also be made competitive by giving one point for asking a student of the same sex, two points for asking the opposite sex, and three points for asking a teacher. 80. INTERVIEW 2 JTE and ALT dress up and act out a TV interview. Students must listen and take notes. Quiz at the end. 81. INTERVIEW 3 Write the names of famous people or the names of countries on the backs of a set of cards. Shuffle these interview cards and place them on a pile face down on the table or floor. Each child takes turns to pick up a card and answer questions asked by the other children. The child with the card takes the role of the person whose name is on the card or the role of the country and answers questions as if she were that person or that country. The children should first be encouraged to ask questions like "What do you do?" or "Where are you?", etc. The other children must guess who the person or what the country is. This can also be played in reverse where the class knows who the person at the front is, but the person at the front doesn't. Then, the child at the front asks "What do I do?", etc. 82. JANKEN QUESTION GAME Give each student five playing cards. Each playing card is a grid with five names down the side and five actions on the top (e.g. James, Hannah, Gail, Peter, Sanjit and wash the dishes, clear the table, mow the lawn, clean the house, walk the dog). The grid is filled in with X's and O's -- X means no and O means yes. All playing cards are identical. Students circle one name on every card and then move around the room looking for an opponent. The students janken to see who asks first. The winner (A) asks B a question like "Do you wash the dishes?" B looks at the card and decides whether their person washes the dishes. An X in the spot means that the person doesn't wash the dishes, an O that they do. B must answer truthfully. Next A can guess who B is. If A guesses correctly, A can take B's card. If A guesses incorrectly, both players keep their cards. In either case, students janken again and the winner asks another question. After this round, the students must change partners. The student with the most cards at the end of a time limit wins. Colour coding the cards for points makes ties less likely. 83. JANKEN SHOULDER RACE Students get into pairs and stand up. When the teacher says "start", each pair jankens. The loser must say something in English or ask a question. Then, the loser must hold onto the winner's shoulder. The pair then find another pair and do the same thing. The game ends when all of the students are in one row. The winner is the student at the front of the row. 84. KARUTA (SNAP) 1 Most Japanese children already know this game. It's a great way to introduce new vocabulary, in that it only requires recognition -- or even partial recognition -- of the new material. First spread out whatever cards you are using face up in front of you. Between 10 and 20 cards is usually best, but more or less can often work better. Gather the students around the cards, then say the name of each card as you touch it. Have the students repeat after you. The game is played by slapping whatever card is called with either hand (or a fly swatter). Demonstrate this once or twice by calling out a card and hitting it yourself. Then choose two students to begin. Call the first card. If neither student responds correctly in a reasonable length of time, say "stop" and touch the card yourself. Then call the next card. Once a student hits the correct card, give it to him/her and pass the turn onto the next student. Play continues in this manner until all of the cards have been correctly identified. Once students are comfortable with the basic game, you can add the rule that an incorrect response loses a turn. This allows you to make false calls (e.g. of cards that have been removed, or cards from a previous game), and is especially useful with only a few cards remain in play. After the last card is won, have the students count their cards and ask them how many they have. Then, either have each student say the name of the card as they give it back to you, or ask for each card in order. For reviewing vocabulary, or if one student is much better than the others, have the winner of the first round be the caller for the next round. Take over or help if they get stuck. Stop to review when students are stuck. Can be used with any vocabulary (e.g. numbers, colours, time words). A good idea for a phonics lesson is to use letter-cards and call out words (or use picture cards) -- students have to slap the first letter. For advanced students, you can play a guessing game (e.g. It's a number. It's bigger than four. It's smaller than six. It's an animal. It's green. It likes to jump.). 85. KARUTA 2 Spread some flashcards on the table or floor. The children put their hands on their heads. When you call out a card, they try to touch or slap their hands on it. The successful child says what the card is or makes a sentence using the word or picture on the card (preferably repeated by the whole class). The successful child calls out another card, and the other children try to slap their hands down on it. 86. KATAKANA READING Read a passage pronouncing some of the words as if they were written in katakana. Give students a copy of the passage and ask them to circle words that were pronounced incorrectly. Assign points for each correct answer. Can also be done as a listening exercise without a passage. Use word pairs such as "park" and "parku" and get the students to circle what they hear. 87. KENDO Review the names of the parts of the body. Get a student to draw pictures of people with all of the parts studied. Using wrapping paper rolls, students must hit the drawing on the spot that you call out. Pit teams against each other. 88. KIMBERLY'S GAME Spread out a number of flashcards or real objects. Have students repeat after you as you name each one. Then, cover all the cards or objects. The students must write down what they saw. Or, take one object or flashcard away and get the students to guess which one is missing. Can also be played in pairs. One partner looks at the flashcards or objects and tries to memorize them. The other partner "goes to sleep" during this time. After a few minutes of memorization time, the first student returns to the sleeping partner and tells him what he remembers. The partner writes down what the other student saw. Can also be played with competition. Make the list too long for everyone to remember every word. Present the list and get the students to try to remember as many as they can. Then erase the list. Students write down the words they can remember. Give them around 10 minutes. When the time is up, ask the students for suggestions of what they remembered. Write the words on the board as the students suggest them. When a word is suggested, find out how many students remembered that word. If more than ten students remembered, that word is worth 1 point. If less than ten remembered, it is worth 2 points. If only one person remembers a word, it is worth 5 points. Student with the most points wins. (Can be played in teams with the same rules.) 89. KOCHO-SENSEI'S MONKEY 1 Have a handout with a picture of a monkey. On the top write, "Kocho-sensei's monkey is..." then list the alphabet beneath. Students have to find one adjective for every letter in the alphabet. 90. KOCHO-SENSEI'S MONKEY 2 The children sit in a circle or around a table. Start a chant, "Kocho-sensei's monkey is a clever monkey.". Then gesture to the child on your left and help her make the same sentence with a different adjective (e.g. K-S's monkey is a good monkey.) Continue around the circle until they get the idea. Get a rhythm going by snapping your fingers with your left hand and then with your right hand. Encourage the children to do this with you. Start the chant by referring to a different teacher or student (e.g. Kyoto-sensei's monkey ...) and keep the chant going in time to the rhythm. In the strict version of the game, a child is out if she cannot think of an adjective, or does so too slowly. It is not always appropriate to make the chant competitive, though. 91. LADDER Students get in two lines facing each other. Both lines must contain the same number of people. The students then sit down, pairing up with the person who is in the same position in the other line. They sit with their legs extended and the soles of their feet touching each other. Then, each pair is given a number. When the teacher calls a number, the pair must get up, run around everyone to one end of the line, and then run "up" the ladder (made by everyone's legs), past their spot, then around everyone to get back to their original spot. The person who makes it back first scores a point for their team. 92. LEARNING TO DANCE You need a large tarp or a large sheet of plastic, a tarp that you'd take camping works best, and you'd always have it for the day when there's 15 minutes left of the class and your teacher says "OK, what do we do now?" Divide the tarp (using duct tape) into 6x6 squares. Then, design a similar pattern in a notebook, and mark off a path from one side to the other. This activity is best played with 5 to 12 people. The object of the activity is that the sensei has the pattern (the correct squares marked off that are safe to walk on) and the group is given 10 minutes to devise a system to get everyone over to the other side of the tarp in 20 minutes without talking. Gestures are one way to create a system of communication for the group as talking is outlawed. This game promotes group and individual leadership, co-operation, and creativity. Once the ten minutes of group planning is up, one explorer is set forth to brave the tarp and discover the pattern hidden in it. The person starts by stepping on a square of their choice. If the square is correct (i.e. it matches the sensei's pattern), then they are free to continue to the next step. If their step is incorrect, the sensei uses a signal (a whistle, harmonica, boooo sound) to announce the wrong step. The other students are using what they discussed as their communication device or are memorizing the correct and incorrect squares or are gesturing the right square to step on or avoid. Remember, one student on the tarp at a time and no talking. If a mistake is made, the person must backtrack through the pattern the same way that he came. New explorers are encouraged to try their skill at the pattern until one person makes it through to the other side. Then it becomes very easy for the remainder of students to all get through the pattern one at a time. Emphasize that there is no talking. Make sure to encourage all students. Steps must be made within the square and must be clearly placed so the sensei and other participants can see where they've stepped. Go through the pattern slowly. If a mistake has been made, the student has to retrace the whole pattern again. Remember to time the amount of time that is needed to get the entire group across. 93. LEG WRESTLING Two children of similar size lie on the floor on their backs, side by side, hips touching, but in opposite directions. Their heads should be next to the feet of their partner. Together, they count to three. On each count, they kick their inside leg straight up into the air, parallel to their partner's leg. On three, the legs are hooked with each other. Using only their leg, they try to force their opponent's leg over to the side. The child who is able to do this is the winner. 94. MADLIBS This is a cloze activity where students must fill in the blanks of a storyline. The crazier the better. An example of this activity could be: "This morning, I saw a _____________. It was __________. It had many ____________ and ___________. It said ___________. Then I said ___________. Then it ____________. Then I ______________. Extra points for creativity. 95. MEMORY GAME 1 Divide the class into 6 groups. Give each group a pattern to practise and get them to fill in their own answers. For example. Group 1 might have to practise and memorize "I get up at..." Each member of the group picks a different time to memorize. So, Megumi will say, "I get up at 7.", but Takehiro will say "I get up at 6:30.". All of the groups have different patterns (e.g. I eat breakfast at..., My father works for..., My mother's name is..., My sister often watches... on TV, My mother goes to work by..., My brother/sister goes to ... school). After all the students have had time to practise and memorize their sentences, the game begins. One group rolls a die. The groups are numbered from 1 to 6. If a group rolls a three, then Group 3 must recite their sentences. The group who rolled the die have to try to memorize Group 3's information. For example, the students would have to say, "Megumi gets up at 7. Takehiro gets up at 6:30...". The group who rolled the die get a point for each correct sentence. If the group rolls its own number, the students in the group just have to say their own sentences. They can't get any points. 96. MEMORY GAME 2 Each row is a team. Select a grammar point to practise. The first student in each row must make a sentence using this grammar point and a topic (e.g. "I like..." and "food"). The first student might say, "I like sushi." The second student would say, "I like sushi and tempura." The third student would say, "I like sushi and tempura and yakisoba." This continues down the row until either a student forgets what his team-mates like, or everyone is finished. Give a point per correct person. Good combinations are study/subject, play/sport, can cook/food, sing/pop group's song. If you really want to spice it up, use 'like' and the first names of the girls/boys in the class. 97. MIDNIGHT The students stand in a circle and number off from 1 to 5. The teacher calls out a number. The students who are that number run around the circle and into the middle to touch something. The first student to touch becomes "midnight". After all the numbers have been called, the teacher calls "midnight" and all the winners run. The winner of that set is the champion. (Can be used with times -- number the students from one o'clock to twelve o'clock.) 98. MULTIPLE CHOICE Make up a test with multiple choice answers. Test their understanding of the grammatical structure that you are working on. Offer several incorrect English sentences as options. 99. MUSIC FROM AROUND THE WORLD Prepare a tape with bits of songs from near and far. Get students to guess where the music is from, or what language a song is being sung in. Can be made into a quiz or team competition. Also, can be used to liven up row race quizzes. 100. NUMBER GROUPS The students walk around a designated area. The teacher calls out a number and students have to make a group according to the number called out. If a student cannot get into a group, then they stand on the side. The game continues until there are only two students left. ................

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