Includes: -5-30 Year Old Corporation with Outstanding Credit -Professional Corporate Kit -Articles of Incorporation -EIN Number -Bank Account, if desired -Certificate of Good Standing -We sort through hundreds of banks to connect you to motivated lenders willing to offer you as much as $300,000 in unsecured credit or loans! -You only pay us after you receive funding! You can even take our fees directly out of your funding when it arrives!

Even if you do not qualify, you can bring in a friend as a business partner to apply. Please print out and be aware of what you'll need to screen people, before you send them to us:


1. Absolutely No Derogatory Info such as Defaults, Charge Offs, Judgments, Liens, Arrests, Bankruptcies, Defaults (these can be removed with credit repair, contact us for recommendations)

2. Very Few or No Late Payments. It's OK if you have just ONE or TWO Late Payments as long as it was only 30 days late and is over 18 Months old.

3. You'll Need 4 (Four) "Revolving Accounts" TWO or More Years Old; or, in the alternative: 3 (Three) "Revolving Accounts" FIVE or More Years Old (any combination of: Credit Card, Auto Loan, Mortgage, or Personal Loan)

4. You'll Need less than FIVE Inquiries in the past six months

5. You'll need a 30% or Less Balance to Limit Ratio, and/or just be ready to pay down the Balance to reduce to this range 3-4 weeks prior to funding application

6. If you also want personal funding in addition to business funding, you'll need three months of pay stubs for your job and/or proof of income

All Fees Paid on the Back End!!!

Fill out the Form Today!


For Inner Circle UCL Members (bought SPCwu + SCC) = 15% of total funding amount + $3999 fee

Patron UCL Members (bought Either SPCwu or SCC) = 20% of total funding amount + $3999 fee

Free Member (haven't bought either package)

= 25% of total funding amount + $3999 fee

Straight Shooter Line of Credit Process

Our company now offers qualifying candidates Large Unsecured Lines of Credit, either as Credit and/or a Loan or series thereof. We screen and match your criteria with motivated lenders who will not turn you down, but are wanting to give you credit or a loan. To be the most optimistic, we can get many SIX-FIGURE CREDIT LIMITS ($100,000 or more) where others can not. The purpose of the loans can be for Business or Personal, it depends on which you get approved for.

If you get a Business loan, then you must use the money to save, start, or grow a new or existing business; or you can use the funds as a business decision, to buy or invest in someone else's business, or any other lawful business purpose. You can pay yourself a Salary as long as you are running a business. Misuse of the funds can get you into trouble if you do wind up defaulting on the loan. It is fraud to lie on a loan application about your intentions. Although rarely prosecuted criminally for unsecured loans, it still is never advisable to lie. Therefore we can coach you or provide documentation such as salary agreements, board meeting minutes, etc, so that you can document that the use of the company's funds are proper. On personal loans, you need no record-keeping and can do anything whatsoever that you like with the funds.

Fortunately, you have come to the right place because we are a No Nonsense, No B.S. company. We prefer to cut to the chase and just tell you in the beginning, Yes or No, whenever it is possible to ascertain the liklihood of success in any proposed program or arrangement. As you probably have gotten to experience, we are not engaged in Exaggerated Claims or unrealistic hopes like others commonly do. We are Straight Shooters with Integrity and only work with those who are the same. We are Entrepreneurs working to build other companies, who have figured this out ourselves and are grateful to share the results of our struggle to narrow down the formula to get it done without delays, rejections, or nonsense.

Actually, a lot of this process is next to impossible in figuring out yourself, and it's only from meeting the right people that makes this all possible. Now, you have met the right people too, as you have met us. Our funding process allows you to get larger amounts of money by 10x to 20x LARGER compared to walking down to your local bank and asking for a loan, or compared to filling out a credit card application you get in the mail.

However, stay calm and stay cool because at the time you read this, there is only 5-10% of people who will immediately fit this criteria to get funded now. Our goal is not to work with everybody, we only specialize in people with GREAT CREDIT or those who Know Someone with Great Credit**; and helping you and them, obtain SIX-FIGURE LINES OF CREDIT within 4-8 weeks time.

We can even get $500,000-$1 Million in BUSINESS CREDIT LIMITS, due to subsequent rounds of funding with the initial funding that you already had. This is only for the risky or some confident and secure business owners who know what to do with the money! The opportunity to cycle back around to get a SECOND and THIRD ROUND OF FUNDING is unlimited to those with a brilliant mind, as one can easily recruit other directors into the company, and use their credit for more funding, in exchange for consideration such as partial ownership of the company. However, we give coaching and words of advice along the process as more money has more responsibility and more liability. Due to this, we highly suggest and prefer to deal with our clients who already are Secured Party Creditors, as this limits the liability that in incurred (if your loans go into default, etc).

So, if you have large plans and visions, you can get As Many Cards and Credit Limits as possible allowing you MILLIONS in spending, business leverage, business travel, personal loans, paying salaries including your own obviously... and investment capital to secure your financial future, pay off your mortgage or other debt, or launch you dream project/business/charity ? all within 60 days from

now. To those in our Inner Circle, we can suggest and support you in how to make any Additional Rounds of Funding LARGER than even the first round, we even have high-yield investment referral networks where you can invest in our own internal projects or other assets. We can recommend things that we have already done and are already doing (This is for the Inner Circle Members).

We have partnered with true seasoned experts in the field, but only after testing dozens and dozens of companies, some of which make false claims and most of which charge large up front fees without delivering results. Others promise that they can fund "anyone" who pays them their up-front fees; or can get funding for CPN numbers, or without needing a social security number. The fact is that is generally not possible.

This program is not for everyone. We have found that only the 10% with the best criteria can apply and get approved for six-figure unsecured credit lines. However, all this means is that if you do not fit the criteria, you can recruit or partner with a friend who does fit the criteria and make them a partowner, officer, or investor of your company in exchange for utilizing their credit to get your company funded. You can consult with us separately to get ideas, documents, and tools on this or other ways you can take advantage of this program even if you can not use your own personal credit score.

Over the past 31 months, my partner and I have tirelessly incurred a personal and financial burden of investing hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars testing every company that we found and researched. We have been scammed over 15 times!! We suffered the burden of loosing all that money and wasted energy and time, FOR YOU. This is the program that works, and there are no fees unless and until it does work. It's a very exciting time to be alive and to help our friends.

And now, after blood sweat and tears, we are excited to announce that we have finally found the world's best and fairest funding sources, lenders, and brokers for Entrepreneurs or Investors who CAN AND DO DELIVER FANTASTIC RESULTS!

If you don't fit all the criteria now and would like to work towards the qualifications over a bit of time, then follow the resources we recommend in order to fix/clean up your credit, so that one day you can come back to this page and then utilize this rare opportunity! All successes take some longer-term planning!

So, once again, I just ask, that if you do not currently fit these criteria, then we can't and won't be able to get you any Credit Lines.

What About My Credit Score Number?

The Credit Score NUMBERS, i.e. 760, 720, 685, is NOT important, what is important is the above listed criteria Only !!

Fees may change based on the particular lender and particular contract that you were approved for. You do not have to agree to any funding program unless you want to.

What If I'm Not a Natural-Born Entrepreneur? Or ? Are There Any Lazy Ways to Use My Funding to Make Money such as Investments, etc?

What if you are not confident in your own personal entrepreneurial/business skills, or do not wish to be the CEO working long hours doing all the work? What if you do not wish to assume all the risk/liabilities personally? Hands down the best option for you is the Lazy Man's way to Riches - and instead be the venture capitalist for someone else ? with your line of funding, you can now directly

invest in others ideas and visions you support and believe in; and not doing any work personally but reaping your share of the rewards when that business is successful.

Millionaire Creator Mentor Club: Once you get your Credit, we also have a "Millionaire Creator Mentor Club" to share ideas, strategies, insights, and people, and where you can even purchase a business plan, idea, or entire company ? OR where you can listen to other entrepreneurs business plans, and have the chance to invest in their startup company or help take an existing company to the next level.

If you can certify that you currently fit all of the mandatory criteria, then please fill out the attached Application Sheet, submit by email/fax Today along with your Three Score Credit Score Report from the past five days exclusively from:



"We won't waste your time, you don't waste ours!"


NAME:__________________________________________ PHONE:_________________________________________ EMAIL:_________________________________________


PREREQUISITE #1: FOUR or More Revolving Accounts TWO Years Old or Longer; or, in the alternative THREE or More Revolving Accounts FIVE Years Old or Longer

(combo of Credit Card, Auto Loan, Personal Loan, or Mortgage)

A Revolving Account is any account, secured or unsecured loan payment, that you make monthly payments on ? credit card, car loan, mortgage, or any account that you have gotten a monthly statement on ? but these must be TWO YEARS (24 MONTHS OR LONGER) of Monthly Statements.

If you do NOT fit this criteria; then STOP RIGHT NOW:

This is the Most Serious Qualifier; some of the other negatives on your credit report can be fixed ? but this is impossible for us to fix for you. If you do not have Four or more revolving accounts two years old, then you do NOT qualify and Never Will Until You Do. So please do not send us this application if you do not qualify, but keep it for yourself to track your progress as you move closer with the strategy guide attached. And pass it on to a friend, family member, or potential partner/investor to see if they have this criteria instead.

Yes, I have a Minimum of FOUR Revolving Credit Accounts with a History of 2 Years each.

# of Qualified Accounts (With 2+ year history) = _____

# of Additional Accounts with Less than 2+ year history = _____

(List Accounts and Ages Below in Detail:)

Revolving Credit Account #1:

Age of Account: _________________________

[Must be 2+ years old]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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