

Basic format to reference journal articles

A basic reference list entry for a journal article in APA must include:

• Author or authors. The surname is followed by first initials.

• Year of publication of the article (in round brackets).

• Article title.

• Journal title (in italics).

• Volume of journal (in italics).

• Issue number of journal in round brackets (no italics).

• Page range of article.

• DOI.

• The first line of each citation is left adjusted. Every subsequent line is indented 5-7 spaces.

Example: Ruxton, C. (2016). Tea: Hydration and other health benefits. Primary Health Care, 26(8), 34-42.    



Referencing journals articles: Examples

|Material Type |In-Text Example |Reference List Example |

|Journal Article: Single author |"... black tea is the second most consumed beverage |Ruxton, C. (2016). Tea: Hydration and other health benefits. Primary Health Care, 26(8), |

| |in the world after water” (Ruxton, 2016, p. 34). |34-42. doi:10.7748/phc.2016.e1162 |

| |OR |Where a DOI is available it must be included at the end of the citation. The database name,|

| |Ruxton (2016, p. 40) suggests "…unsweetened tea can |URL and date of retrieval are not required. |

| |be part of a recommended diet.” | |

| |Include page numbers for direct quotes.  | |

|Journal Article: 2 authors |... connection and optimism (Aspy & Proeve, 2017), |Aspy, D. J., & Proeve, M. (2017). Mindfulness and loving-kindness meditation: Effects on |

| |but others contend ... |connectedness to humanity and to the natural world. Psychological Reports, 120(1), 102-117.|

| |OR |doi:10.1177/0033294116685867 |

| |Aspy and Proeve (2017) have found ... | |

| |Cite both authors each time the reference occurs. | |

|Journal Article: 3, 4, or 5 authors |... nurses must care as well as be competent |Geraghty, S., Lauva, M., & Oliver, K. (2016). Reconstructing compassion: Should it be |

| |(Geraghty, Lauva & Oliver, 2016).  |taught as part of the curriculum? British Journal of Nursing, 25(15), 836-839. |

| |OR |doi:10.12968/bjon.2016.25.15.836 |

| |Geraghty, Lauva and Oliver (2016) suggest ... |Provide the names of all authors in the reference list. |

| |Cite all of the authors the first time the reference | |

| |occurs. In subsequent citations, include only the | |

| |surname of the first author followed by et al. and | |

| |the year. | |

| |... can teach compassion (Geraghty et al., 2016). | |

| |OR | |

| |Geraghty et al. (2016) have shown ... | |

|Journal Article: 6 or more authors |Fitness levels are impacted by “... proximity to |Eime, R. M., Harvey, J., Charity, M. J., Casey, M., Westerbeek, H., & Payne, W. R. (2017). |

| |parks, playgrounds and sports facilities” (Eime et |The relationship of sport participation to provision of sports facilities and socioeconomic|

| |al., 2017, p. 248).  |status: A geographical analysis. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public |

| |OR |Health, 41(3), 248-255. doi:10.1111/1753-6405.12647 |

| |Eime et al. (2017, p. 254) found “the level of sport |Provide the names of all authors in the reference list. |

| |participation is…” | |

| |Cite only the surname of the first author followed by| |

| |et al. and the year. For direct quotes, include the | |

| |page number after the year. | |

|Journal Article: 8 or more authors |​Newton et al. (2015) have found ...  |​Newton, J. D., Klein, R., Bauman, A., Newton, F. J., Mahal, A., Gilbert, K., . . . Smith, |

| |OR |B. J. (2015). The MOVE study: A study protocol for a randomised controlled trial assessing |

| |... health protections afforded by physical exercise |interventions to maximise attendance at physical activity facilities. BMC Public |

| |(Newton et al., 2015). |Health, 15(403), 1-9. doi:10.1186/s12889-015-1735-0 |

| |Cite only the surname of the first author followed by|  |

| |et al. and the year, for the first and subsequent |Include the first six authors' names, followed by three dots, then add the last author's |

| |citations. |name. |

|Online Journal Article: No DOI assigned |... guidelines designed to promote health (Craig, |​Craig, P. (2012). Contemporary nutrition issues. Journal of the Home Economics Institute of|

| |2012). |Australia, 19(2), 12-21. Retrieved from  |

| |OR |  |

| |As Craig (2012) observes ... |If a DOI is not available, provide the home page URL of the journal publisher. |

| | |The retrieval date is not required. |

|Print Journal Article: No DOI assigned |… Aussie Rules is the people’s game (Duncan, 2016)… |​Duncan, S. (2016). Voices from the grandstands: The attitudes of Australian football fans |

| |OR |towards the concept of creating, developing and binding communities. Sporting |

| |Duncan (2016) states that a sense of belonging… |Traditions, 33(2), 19-40. |

|Journal article:  No author |... as was the case for most students ("The Pain of |The pain of being a caffeine freak. (2001, October 6). New Scientist, 172(2311), 27. |

| |Being a Caffeine Freak," 2001).  |For magazines, newsletters, and newspapers, give the year and the exact date of the |

| |OR |publication (month or month and day), separated by a comma. |

| |... as in "The Pain of Being a Caffeine Freak" (2001)| |

| |which reveals ... | |

| |When a work has no identitfied author, cite in-text | |

| |the first few words of the reference entry (usually | |

| |the title) and the year. Use double quotation marks | |

| |if you are referring to the title of an article, | |

| |chapter or web page. | |

| |Italicize the title if you are referring to the title| |

| |of a periodical, book, brochure or a report, see | |

| |Book: No Author | |

|Online Journal Article: No page numbers | ... in all outcomes (Williams, 2008). |Williams, J. (2008). The victims of crime. Sociology Review, 17(4). Retrieved from |

| |OR | |

| |Williams (2008) remarks ... |Magazines/Sociology-Review.aspx |

| |For direct quotations of online material without | |

| |pagination, name the sections and paragraph number. | |

| |One of the author’s main points is that “people don’t| |

| |rise from nothing” (Williams, 2008, Section 2, para. | |

| |5). | |

|Secondary Sources: When you are referring to the |“…global movement toward a more naturalistic approach|​Sullivan, D. H., & McGuiness, C. (2015). Natural labor pain management. International |

|ideas or words of an author who has been cited in|for childbirth” (Goldbas as cited in Sullivan & |Journal of Childbirth Education, 30(2), 20-25. Retrieved from |

|another work. Also called 'secondary citation'. |McGuiness, 2015, p. 20). |  |

| |OR |Provide the full reference for the journal article that you actually read. |

| |Goldbas’s overview (as cited in Sullivan & McGuiness,| |

| |2015) indicates… | |

| |Provide names of both authors. | |

In-text referencing

APA is an 'author/date' system, so your in-text reference for all formats (book, journal article, web document) consists of the author(s) surname and year of publication.

The basics of an in-text reference in APA:

• Include author or authors and year of publication.

• Use round brackets.

Example: (Smith & Bruce, 2018)


If you quote directly from an author you need to include the page or paragraph number of the quote in your in-text reference. See the 'Quotes' section below for more advice on adding quotes into your work.

• Include author or authors, year of publication and page or paragraph number of your quote.

• Use round brackets.

Example: (Smith & Bruce, 2018, pp. 25-26)


The Reference List

All in-text references should be listed in the reference list at the end of your document. The purpose of the reference list entry is to contain all the information that a reader of your work needs to follow-up on your sources. An important principle in referencing is to be consistent.

When compiling your APA Reference List, you should:

• List references on a new page with a centred heading titled: References.

• Include all your references, regardless of format, e.g. books, journal articles, online sources, in one alphabetical listing from A - Z.

• Order entries alphabetically by surname of author(s).

• List works with no author under the first significant word of the title.

• Indent second and subsequent lines of each entry (5-7 spaces).

• Use double spacing.

• Note that all references in APA end with a full stop except when the reference ends with a URL or a doi.

Journal article

A basic reference list entry for a journal article in APA must include:

• Author or authors. The surname is followed by first initials.

• Year of publication of the article (in round brackets).

• Article title.

• Journal title (in italics).

• Volume of journal (in italics).

• Issue of journal (no italics).

• Page range of article.

• DOI.

• The first line of each citation is left adjusted. Every subsequent line is indented 5-7 spaces.

Example: Ruxton, C. (2016). Tea: Hydration and other health benefits. Primary Health Care, 26(8),

                       34-42. doi:10.7748/phc.2016.e1162



A basic reference list entry for a book (print version) in APA must include:

• Author or authors. The surname is followed by first initials.

• Year of publication of the book (in round brackets).

• Book title (in italics).

• Edition (in round brackets), if other than first edition.

• Place of publication.

• Publisher.

• The first line of each citation is left adjusted. Every subsequent line is indented 5-7 spaces.

Example: Arnott, G. D. (2017). The disability support worker (2nd ed.). South Melbourne, VIC: Cengage Learning.


Quotes in APA

For direct quotes of less than 40 words, incorporate them into the text and enclose the quote with double quotation marks, e.g.

Webber (2018, p. 82) concludes that “addressing the issue of school dropout not only affects the education system, but may also serve as a prevention effort for the welfare, mental health, and corrections systems”.

For direct quotes of 40 or more words start a new paragraph that is indented from the left. The entire quote should be double-spaced. Quotation marks are not required e.g.:

     Others have contradicted this view, suggesting:

These overload issues can reach across the lifespan and affect individuals in many ways. As related issues continue to emerge, counselors will need to be aware of potential mental health problems stemming from technology overload and continue to research and develop the skills needed for effective interventions. In the digital age, these capabilities will be crucial in helping clients regain and maintain a healthy balance of life, work, and technology. (Scott, Valley & Simecka, 2017, p. 605)

Note: Use paragraph numbers if no page numbers are available. 

Citing tables and figures

• Tables are numerical values or text displayed in rows and columns.

• Figures include graphs, charts, maps, drawings and photographs.

When including tables or figures in your work, please note:

• All tables and figures must be referred to in the main body of the text.

• Number all tables and figures in the order they first appear in the text.

• Refer to them in the text by their number. For example:

As shown in Table 2...


As illustrated in Figure 3...

• Each table or figure should be accompanied by a concise description of the contents, presented directly below the figure.

• When reproducing a table or figure from another source you must also include a citation with the caption, as well as in the Reference list. You may need to obtain written permission from the copyright holder. The copyright permission statement should be included at the end of the caption.

• Note that you should use the wording "Reprinted [or Adapted] with permission" only when permission has been sought and granted.


1. If you reproduce a figure, credit the original source in full at the bottom of the reproduction. Cite the source in full in your reference list:

Figure 1. A credibility judgment is arrived at within the larger context of one's background, prior knowledge, assumptions and biases, as one performs a series of iterative assessments based on one's defined need, specific attributes of the source and rules of thumb that have worked successfully in the past. From "Evaluation techniques," by D. Cunningham, 2008, Annals of Psychiatry, 36, p. 35. Copyright 2008 by David Cunningham. Reprinted with permission.

Reference List

Cunningham, D. (2008). Evaluation techniques. Annals of Psychiatry, 36(2), 24-45.

2. If you adapt a figure, credit the original source in full at the bottom of the figure but add the words 'Adapted from' to indicate it has been changed by you, and cite the source in full in your reference list:

Figure 1. A credibility judgment is arrived at within the larger context of one's background, prior knowledge, assumptions and biases, as one makes interim decisions based on one's defined need, specific attributes of the source and rules of thumb that have worked successfully in the past. Adapted from "Evaluation techniques," by D. Cunningham, 2008, Annals of Psychiatry 36, p. 35. Copyright 2008 by David Cunningham. Adapted with permission.

Reference List

Cunningham, D. (2008). Evaluation techniques. Annals of Psychiatry, 36(2), 24-45.

3. Follow a discussion of a figure viewed in another source (but not reproduced) with an in-text citation for the published source. Include the figure number as it appears in the published source. Cite the source in full in your reference list:

... evaluating the credibility of a source is shown as the interaction between one's defined need, specific attributes of the source, and rules of thumb which have worked previously when evaluating sources (Cunningham, 2008, p. 35, fig. 3).

Reference List

Cunningham, D. (2008). Evaluation techniques. Annals of Psychiatry, 36(2), 24-45.

Secondary sources

APA discourages the use of secondary sources unless the original work is unavailable. If you read an article or book which references some information that you also want to reference and you have been unable to locate the original source, cite the source you have read in the Reference list; in text, name the original work and give the citation for the source where you found the information. For example:

Sue reads an article by Chris Brown in the Journal of Library Administration in which he cites or refers to statements made by Ulrich Boser in his book ‘Learn better’. Sue wants to refer to Boser’s statement in her assignment.

Sue would acknowledge Boser in her text but her reference is to the source where she saw the information. Sue might write as her in-text reference:

... (Boser as cited in Brown, 2018)


Boser (as cited in Brown, 2018) states ...

In her reference list Sue would write a reference for Brown's article because that's where she sourced the information. The entry in her References would be:

Brown, C. (2018). Creating better learners through learning science: A sample of methods. Journal of Library Administration, 58(4), 375-

381. doi:10.1080/01930826.2018.1448652

In-text referencing

APA is na ‘author/date’ system, so your in-text reference for all formats (book, journal article, web document) consists of the author(s) surname and year of publication.

The basics of na in-text reference in APA:

• Include author or authors and year of publication.

• Use round brackets.

Example: (Smith & Bruce, 2018)


If you quote directly from na author you need to include the page or paragraph number of the quote in your in-text reference. See the ‘Quotes’ section below for more advice on adding quotes into your work.

• Include author or authors, year of publication and page or paragraph number of your quote.

• Use round brackets.

Example: (Smith & Bruce, 2018, pp. 25-26)


The Reference List

All in-text references should be listed in the reference list at the end of your document. The purpose of the reference list entry is to contain all the information that a reader of your work needs to follow-up on your sources. An important principle in referencing is to be consistent.

When compiling your APA Reference List, you should:

• List references on a new page with a centred heading titled: References.

• Include all your references, regardless of format, e.g. books, journal articles, online sources, in one alphabetical listing from A - Z.

• Order entries alphabetically by surname of author(s).

• List works with no author under the first significant word of the title.

• Indent second and subsequent lines of each entry (5-7 spaces).

• Use double spacing.

• Note that all references in APA end with a full stop except when the reference ends with a URL or a doi.

Journal article

A basic reference list entry for a journal article in APA must include:

• Author or authors. The surname is followed by first initials.

• Year of publication of the article (in round brackets).

• Article title.

• Journal title (in italics).

• Volume of journal (in italics).

• Issue of journal (no italics).

• Page range of article.

• DOI.

• The first line of each citation is left adjusted. Every subsequent line is indented 5-7 spaces.

Example: Ruxton, C. (2016). Tea: Hydration and other health benefits. Primary Health Care, 26(8),

                       34-42. doi:10.7748/phc.2016.e1162



A basic reference list entry for a book (print version) in APA must include:

• Author or authors. The surname is followed by first initials.

• Year of publication of the book (in round brackets).

• Book title (in italics).

• Edition (in round brackets), if other than first edition.

• Place of publication.

• Publisher.

• The first line of each citation is left adjusted. Every subsequent line is indented 5-7 spaces.

Example: Arnott, G. D. (2017). The disability support worker (2nd ed.). South Melbourne, VIC: Cengage Learning.


Quotes in APA

For direct quotes of less than 40 words, incorporate them into the text and enclose the quote with double quotation marks, e.g.

Webber (2018, p. 82) concludes that “addressing the issue of school dropout not only affects the education system, but may also serve as a prevention effort for the welfare, mental health, and corrections systems”.

For direct quotes of 40 or more words start a new paragraph that is indented from the left. The entire quote should be double-spaced. Quotation marks are not required e.g.:

     Others have contradicted this view, suggesting:

These overload issues can reach across the lifespan and affect individuals in many ways. As related issues continue to emerge, counselors will need to be aware of potential mental health problems stemming from technology overload and continue to research and develop the skills needed for effective interventions. In the digital age, these capabilities will be crucial in helping clients regain and maintain a healthy balance of life, work, and technology. (Scott, Valley & Simecka, 2017, p. 605)

Note: Use paragraph numbers if no page numbers are available. 

Citing tables and figures

• Tables are numerical values or text displayed in rows and columns.

• Figures include graphs, charts, maps, drawings and photographs.

When including tables or figures in your work, please note:

• All tables and figures must be referred to in the main body of the text.

• Number all tables and figures in the order they first appear in the text.

• Refer to them in the text by their number. For example:

As shown in Table 2...


As illustrated in Figure 3...

• Each table or figure should be accompanied by a concise description of the contents, presented directly below the figure.

• When reproducing a table or figure from another source you must also include a citation with the caption, as well as in the Reference list. You may need to obtain written permission from the copyright holder. The copyright permission statement should be included at the end of the caption.

• Note that you should use the wording "Reprinted [or Adapted] with permission" only when permission has been sought and granted.


1. If you reproduce a figure, credit the original source in full at the bottom of the reproduction. Cite the source in full in your reference list:

Figure 1. A credibility judgment is arrived at within the larger context of one's background, prior knowledge, assumptions and biases, as one performs a series of iterative assessments based on one's defined need, specific attributes of the source and rules of thumb that have worked successfully in the past. From "Evaluation techniques," by D. Cunningham, 2008, Annals of Psychiatry, 36, p. 35. Copyright 2008 by David Cunningham. Reprinted with permission.

Reference List

Cunningham, D. (2008). Evaluation techniques. Annals of Psychiatry, 36(2), 24-45.

2. If you adapt a figure, credit the original source in full at the bottom of the figure but add the words 'Adapted from' to indicate it has been changed by you, and cite the source in full in your reference list:

Figure 1. A credibility judgment is arrived at within the larger context of one's background, prior knowledge, assumptions and biases, as one makes interim decisions based on one's defined need, specific attributes of the source and rules of thumb that have worked successfully in the past. Adapted from "Evaluation techniques," by D. Cunningham, 2008, Annals of Psychiatry 36, p. 35. Copyright 2008 by David Cunningham. Adapted with permission.

Reference List

Cunningham, D. (2008). Evaluation techniques. Annals of Psychiatry, 36(2), 24-45.

3. Follow a discussion of a figure viewed in another source (but not reproduced) with an in-text citation for the published source. Include the figure number as it appears in the published source. Cite the source in full in your reference list:

... evaluating the credibility of a source is shown as the interaction between one's defined need, specific attributes of the source, and rules of thumb which have worked previously when evaluating sources (Cunningham, 2008, p. 35, fig. 3).

Reference List

Cunningham, D. (2008). Evaluation techniques. Annals of Psychiatry, 36(2), 24-45.

Secondary sources

APA discourages the use of secondary sources unless the original work is unavailable. If you read an article or book which references some information that you also want to reference and you have been unable to locate the original source, cite the source you have read in the Reference list; in text, name the original work and give the citation for the source where you found the information. For example:

Sue reads an article by Chris Brown in the Journal of Library Administration in which he cites or refers to statements made by Ulrich Boser in his book ‘Learn better’. Sue wants to refer to Boser’s statement in her assignment.

Sue would acknowledge Boser in her text but her reference is to the source where she saw the information. Sue might write as her in-text reference:

... (Boser as cited in Brown, 2018)


Boser (as cited in Brown, 2018) states ...

In her reference list Sue would write a reference for Brown's article because that's where she sourced the information. The entry in her References would be:

Brown, C. (2018). Creating better learners through learning science: A sample of methods. Journal of Library Administration, 58(4), 375-

381. doi:10.1080/01930826.2018.1448652

Referencing a book: Examples

|Material Type |In-Text Example |Reference List Example |

|Book: Single Author |“Experience is the only perceived indicator of capability” (Fletcher, 2018,|Fletcher, D. P. (2018). Disrupters: Success |

|  |p. 107). |strategies from women who break the mold. Irvine, CA: Entrepreneur |

| |OR |Press. |

| |Fletcher (2018, p. 107) notes that “experience is the only perceived |  |

| |indicator of capability”. |For location use the U.S. state (postal) abbreviation. This is also|

| |Add page numbers for direct quotes. |acceptable for Australian states and territories. For all other |

| | |countries, spell out the country name in full. |

|Book: 2 Authors and Edition |According to Moran and Toner (2017)… |Moran, A., & Toner, J. (2017). A critical introduction to sport |

|  |OR |psychology (3rd ed.). Milton Park, England: Routledge. |

| |… this is evident (Moran & Toner, 2017). |The edition number is included after the title of the work (not |

| |Cite both authors each time the reference occurs. |necessary for first editions). |

|Book: 3, 4 or 5 Authors |The “challenge for destinations is to become robust" (Innerhofer, Fontanari|Innerhofer, E., Fontanari, M., & Pechlaner, H. (2018). Destination |

|  |& Pechlaner, 2018, p. 67). |resilience: Challenges and opportunities for destination management|

|  |OR |and governance. Milton Park, England: Routledge. |

| |Innerhofer, Fontanari, and Pechlaner (2018, p. 67) suggest that the |Provide the names of all authors in the reference list. |

| |“challenge for destinations is to become robust”. |  |

| |Cite all of the authors the first time the reference occurs. In subsequent | |

| |citations include only the surname of the first author followed by et al., | |

| |and the year (as well as page numbers for a direct quote), e.g. | |

| |Innerhofer et al. (2018) note that coping strategies differ… | |

| |OR | |

| |…disturbance may exceed absorptive coping (Innerhofer et al., 2018). | |

|  |Wiggins et al. (2016) note that ethics protects both the researcher and the|Wiggins, M. W., Stevens, C., Chidester, T. R., Hayward, B. J., |

|Book: 6 or 7 Authors |participants. |Johnston, N., & Dismukes, R. K. (2016). Aviation social science: |

|  |OR |Research methods in practice. Abingdon, England: Routledge. |

| |…research practiced within the broader society (Wiggins et al., 2016). |Provide the names of all authors in the reference list up to and |

| |Cite only the surname of the first author followed by et al., and the year,|including seven authors. |

| |for the first and subsequent citations. | |

|Book: 8 or more Authors |Moniz-Cook et al. (2016, p. 113) highlight the “importance of playfulness, |Moniz-Cook, E., Woods, B., Killick, J., Nolan, M., Ryan, T., Quinn,|

| |laughter, joking and amusement”. |C., Wolverson, E. (2016). Positive psychology approaches to |

| |OR |dementia. London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. |

| |“…playfulness, laughter, joking and amusement” (Moniz-Cook et al., 2016, p.|Include the first six authors' names, followed by three dots |

| |113). |(ellipsis), then add the last author's name. |

| |Cite only the surname of the first author followed by et al., and the year,| |

| |for the first and subsequent citations. | |

|Book: No Author |As defined in the Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers (2002) |Style manual for authors, editors and printers. (2002). (6th ed.). |

| |reference lists should be double-spaced. |Canberra, ACT: AGPS.  |

| | |If no author or editor, the title is used as the first element of |

| |... should be double-spaced (Style Manual for Authors, Editors and |the reference. |

| |Printers, 2002). | |

| | | |

| |Capitalise the major words in titles of books and articles when used within| |

| |the body of your essay. | |

|Book: Editor(s) |  |Perry, S. M. (Ed.). (2018). Maximizing social science research |

| |… open access data is of great value to researchers (Perry, 2018). |through publicly accessible data sets. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. |

| |OR |  |

| |Perry (2018) promotes the use of... |With more than one editor use multiple author format as above and |

| |  |use (Eds.). |

| |First Use |Lauro, N. C., Amaturo, E., Grassia, M. G., Aragona, B., & Marino, |

| |Big data is giving insight into collective human behaviour (Lauro, Amaturo,|M. (Eds.). (2017). Data science and social research: Epistemology, |

| |Grassia, Aragona, & Marino, 2017).  |methods, technology and applications. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. |

| |  | |

| |Subsequent Uses | |

| |According to Lauro et al. (2017)… | |

|Book: With Author and Editor |"A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of" (Austen, | Austen, J. (1814/2005). Mansfield Park (J. Wiltshire, Ed.). |

| |1814/2005, p. 195) |Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. |

| |Include the original publication date in the citation. |  |

|Chapter or part of a Book to which a number of |Shah (2018, p. 38) advocates “the use of analytics to make informed |Shah, T. H. (2018). Big data analytics in higher education. In S. |

|authors have contributed  |decisions at the executive leadership level”. |M. Perry (Ed.), Maximizing social science research through publicly|

| |OR |accessible data sets (pp. 38-61). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. |

| |There is value in “the use of analytics to make informed decisions at the |Note that the editor's name appears with |

| |executive leadership level” (Shah, 2018, p. 38). |initials first and surname following. |

| |In the in-text reference name the author of the chapter. |  |

| Book: With volume numbers |... as this complex theory is dealt with in detail by Russell (2003, vol. |Russell, B. (2003). The autobiography of Bertrand Russell (Vols. |

| |2, p. 23; vol. 3, pp. 17-36).  |1-3). London, England: Allen & Unwin. |

| |If more than one volume is given, separate with a semi-colon. |  |

| | |  |

|Book: Translator & Author |(Marklund, 2011) |Marklund, L. (2011). Exposed (N. Smith, Trans.).  Montreal, Canada:|

| | |Random House. |

|Book: Organisation as Author |  |Print Book |

|Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) |…population growth (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2016). |Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2016). Census of population and |

| |  |housing: Census dictionary, 2016 (No. 2901.0). Canberra, ACT: |

| |  |Author. |

| |According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2017) … |Online Book |

| |  |Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2017). Childhood education and |

| |  |care (No. 4402.0). Canberra, ACT: Author. Retrieved from |

| | | |

| | |Add the ABS report's Catalogue Number after the title. 'Author' is |

| | |used in place of the publisher name if they are the same body. |

|Book: Organisation as Author |  |Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2018). Family, |

|Use of abbreviations |…laws relating to children (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare |domestic and sexual violence in Australia 2018. Canberra, ACT: |

| |[AIHW], 2018). |Author. |

| |If you want to cite from the report more than once, in the first citation |Provide the full name of the organisation in the reference list. |

| |provide the full name of the organisation, as above. In subsequent | |

| |citations use the abbreviated organisational title. e.g. | |

| |…administered by the States and Territories (AIHW, 2018). | |

|E-book: No DOI assigned |Lecomte-Tilouine (2017, p. 88) notes a “post-modern fancy for shamanism”. |Lecomte-Tilouine, M. (2017). Nature, culture and religion at the |

|(More information about DOIs) |OR |crossroads of Asia. London: Routledge. Retrieved from |

| |“…due to the post-modern fancy for shamanism” (Lecomte-Tilouine, 2017, p. | |

| |88). |If a DOI is not available, provide the home page URL of the book |

| | |publisher. No retrieval date is required. |

|E-book: With DOI assigned |“…children with ADHD are likely to have negative experiences more |Young, S. & Smith, J. (2017). Helping children with ADHD: A CBT |

|(More information about DOIs) |frequently” (Young & Smith, 2017, p. 248). |guide for practitioners, parents and teachers. Hoboken, NJ: John |

| |OR |Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/9781118903155 |

| |Young and Smith (2017, p. 248) note that “children with ADHD are likely to |If a DOI is available include it at the end of the citation. The |

| |have negative experiences more frequently.” |database name, URL or date of retrieval are not required. |

|Book: Anonymous author |(Anonymous, 2000) |Anonymous. (2000). Maximum Security (3rd ed.). Indianapolis, IN: |

| |When a work's author is designated as Anonymous include the word |Prentice Hall. |

| |'Anonymous' followed by a comma and year. |In your reference list, include such titles in your alphabetical |

| |  |listing as if 'Anonymous' were a true name. |

|Book on a Kindle |... in all outcomes (Gladwell, 2008). |Gladwell, M. (2008). Outliers: The story of success [Kindle DX |

| |OR |version]. Retrieved from |

| |Gladwell (2008) remarks ... |Include the type of e-book version you read e.g. Kindle DX version.|

| |For direct quotations of online material without pagination, name the major|In lieu of publisher information, include the book’s DOI or where |

| |sections, chapter, section, and paragraph number e.g. |you downloaded the e-book from if there is no DOI. |

| | |(More information about DOIs) |

| |One of the author’s main points is that “people don’t rise from nothing” |  |

| |(Gladwell, 2008, Chapter 1, Section 2, para. 5). | |

|Book: Multiple works same author |Perceptions of an event have more impact than the event itself, so accurate|Fujishin, R. (2016). Natural bridges: A guide to interpersonal |

| |perceptions are key (Fujishin, 2016, 2018). |communication. Abbingdon, England: Routledge. |

| |OR |Fujishin, R. (2018). The natural speaker (9th ed.). New York, NY: |

| |Fujishin (2016, 2018) tells us gesture is critical to creating genuine |Routledge. |

| |interpersonal connections. |Order multiple works by the same authors by year of publication, |

| | |earliest first. |

|Book: Multiple works in the same citation |…complementary therapies and the complexities of critical care (Lindquist, |​Lindquist, R., Tracy, M. F., & Snyder, M. (2018). Complementary and|

| |Tracy & Snyder, 2018; Morton & Fontaine, 2018). |alternative therapies in nursing (8th ed.). New York, NY: Springer.|

| |OR |Morton, P. G., & Fontaine, D. K. (2018). Critical care nursing: A |

| | Lindquist, Tracy and Snyder (2018) offer an alternative view to Morton and|holistic approach (11th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer |

| |Fontaine (2018)… |Health. |

|Book: Classical or Religious text |(Aristotle, trans. 1911, p. 34-35) |You do not need to include an entry in the reference list. |

|  |OR | |

| |(Aristotle, 1934 version, p. 178) | |

| |1 Cor. 13:1 (Revised Standard Version) | |

| |(Qur'an 5:3-4) | |

| |Where the parts of classic or religious texts are numbered | |

| |consistently across all editions, use these numbers rather than page | |

| |numbers. | |

|Secondary sources: When you are referring to the |Intuition is defined as ”knowledge or knowledge structures that predispose |Hernández-Romero, L. (2017). Re-evaluating creativity: The |

|ideas or words of an author who has been cited in |individuals to think and act in particular ways without much conscious |individual, society, and education. New York, NY: Palgrave |

|another author's work. Also called 'secondary |reflection” (Torff & Sternberg as cited in Hernandez-Romero, 2017, p. 134).|Macmillan. |

|citation'.  |OR |Provide the full reference for the book that you actually read. |

|Only recommended where the original work cannot be |Torff and Sternberg (as cited in Hernandez-Romero, 2017, p.134) define |  |

|obtained. |intuition as “knowledge or knowledge structures…”. |  |


Basic format to reference journal articles

A basic reference list entry for a journal article in APA must include:

• Author or authors. The surname is followed by first initials.

• Year of publication of the article (in round brackets).

• Article title.

• Journal title (in italics).

• Volume of journal (in italics).

• Issue number of journal in round brackets (no italics).

• Page range of article.

• DOI.

• The first line of each citation is left adjusted. Every subsequent line is indented 5-7 spaces.

Example: Ruxton, C. (2016). Tea: Hydration and other health benefits. Primary Health Care, 26(8), 34-42.    



Referencing journals articles: Examples

|Material Type |In-Text Example |Reference List Example |

|Journal Article: Single author |"... black tea is the second most consumed beverage |Ruxton, C. (2016). Tea: Hydration and other health benefits. Primary Health Care, 26(8), |

| |in the world after water” (Ruxton, 2016, p. 34). |34-42. doi:10.7748/phc.2016.e1162 |

| |OR |Where a DOI is available it must be included at the end of the citation. The database |

| |Ruxton (2016, p. 40) suggests "…unsweetened tea can |name, URL and date of retrieval are not required. |

| |be part of a recommended diet.” | |

| |Include page numbers for direct quotes.  | |

|Journal Article: 2 authors |... connection and optimism (Aspy & Proeve, 2017), |Aspy, D. J., & Proeve, M. (2017). Mindfulness and loving-kindness meditation: Effects on |

| |but others contend ... |connectedness to humanity and to the natural world. Psychological Reports, 120(1), |

| |OR |102-117. doi:10.1177/0033294116685867 |

| |Aspy and Proeve (2017) have found ... | |

| |Cite both authors each time the reference occurs. | |

|Journal Article: 3, 4, or 5 authors |... nurses must care as well as be competent |Geraghty, S., Lauva, M., & Oliver, K. (2016). Reconstructing compassion: Should it be |

| |(Geraghty, Lauva & Oliver, 2016).  |taught as part of the curriculum? British Journal of Nursing, 25(15), 836-839. |

| |OR |doi:10.12968/bjon.2016.25.15.836 |

| |Geraghty, Lauva and Oliver (2016) suggest ... |Provide the names of all authors in the reference list. |

| |Cite all of the authors the first time the reference | |

| |occurs. In subsequent citations, include only the | |

| |surname of the first author followed by et al. and | |

| |the year. | |

| |... can teach compassion (Geraghty et al., 2016). | |

| |OR | |

| |Geraghty et al. (2016) have shown ... | |

|Journal Article: 6 or more authors |Fitness levels are impacted by “... proximity to |Eime, R. M., Harvey, J., Charity, M. J., Casey, M., Westerbeek, H., & Payne, W. R. |

| |parks, playgrounds and sports facilities” (Eime et |(2017). The relationship of sport participation to provision of sports facilities and |

| |al., 2017, p. 248).  |socioeconomic status: A geographical analysis. Australian and New Zealand Journal of |

| |OR |Public Health, 41(3), 248-255. doi:10.1111/1753-6405.12647 |

| |Eime et al. (2017, p. 254) found “the level of sport |Provide the names of all authors in the reference list. |

| |participation is…” | |

| |Cite only the surname of the first author followed by| |

| |et al. and the year. For direct quotes, include the | |

| |page number after the year. | |

|Journal Article: 8 or more authors |​Newton et al. (2015) have found ...  |​Newton, J. D., Klein, R., Bauman, A., Newton, F. J., Mahal, A., Gilbert, K., . . . Smith,|

| |OR |B. J. (2015). The MOVE study: A study protocol for a randomised controlled trial |

| |... health protections afforded by physical exercise |assessing interventions to maximise attendance at physical activity facilities. BMC |

| |(Newton et al., 2015). |Public Health, 15(403), 1-9. doi:10.1186/s12889-015-1735-0 |

| |Cite only the surname of the first author followed by|  |

| |et al. and the year, for the first and subsequent |Include the first six authors' names, followed by three dots, then add the last author's |

| |citations. |name. |

|Online Journal Article: No DOI assigned |... guidelines designed to promote health (Craig, |​Craig, P. (2012). Contemporary nutrition issues. Journal of the Home Economics Institute |

| |2012). |of Australia, 19(2), 12-21. Retrieved from  |

| |OR |  |

| |As Craig (2012) observes ... |If a DOI is not available, provide the home page URL of the journal publisher. |

| | |The retrieval date is not required. |

|Print Journal Article: No DOI assigned |… Aussie Rules is the people’s game (Duncan, 2016)… |​Duncan, S. (2016). Voices from the grandstands: The attitudes of Australian football fans|

| |OR |towards the concept of creating, developing and binding communities. Sporting |

| |Duncan (2016) states that a sense of belonging… |Traditions, 33(2), 19-40. |

|Journal article:  No author |... as was the case for most students ("The Pain of |The pain of being a caffeine freak. (2001, October 6). New Scientist, 172(2311), 27. |

| |Being a Caffeine Freak," 2001).  |For magazines, newsletters, and newspapers, give the year and the exact date of the |

| |OR |publication (month or month and day), separated by a comma. |

| |... as in "The Pain of Being a Caffeine Freak" (2001)| |

| |which reveals ... | |

| |When a work has no identitfied author, cite in-text | |

| |the first few words of the reference entry (usually | |

| |the title) and the year. Use double quotation marks | |

| |if you are referring to the title of an article, | |

| |chapter or web page. | |

| |Italicize the title if you are referring to the title| |

| |of a periodical, book, brochure or a report, see | |

| |Book: No Author | |

|Online Journal Article: No page numbers | ... in all outcomes (Williams, 2008). |Williams, J. (2008). The victims of crime. Sociology Review, 17(4). Retrieved from |

| |OR | |

| |Williams (2008) remarks ... |Magazines/Sociology-Review.aspx |

| |For direct quotations of online material without | |

| |pagination, name the sections and paragraph number. | |

| |One of the author’s main points is that “people don’t| |

| |rise from nothing” (Williams, 2008, Section 2, para. | |

| |5). | |

|Secondary Sources: When you are referring to the |“…global movement toward a more naturalistic approach|​Sullivan, D. H., & McGuiness, C. (2015). Natural labor pain management. International |

|ideas or words of an author who has been cited in|for childbirth” (Goldbas as cited in Sullivan & |Journal of Childbirth Education, 30(2), 20-25. Retrieved from |

|another work. Also called 'secondary citation'. |McGuiness, 2015, p. 20). |  |

| |OR |Provide the full reference for the journal article that you actually read. |

| |Goldbas’s overview (as cited in Sullivan & McGuiness,| |

| |2015) indicates… | |

| |Provide names of both authors. | |

Basic format to reference journal articles

A basic reference list entry for a journal article in APA must include:

• Author or authors. The surname is followed by first initials.

• Year of publication of the article (in round brackets).

• Article title.

• Journal title (in italics).

• Volume of journal (in italics).

• Issue number of journal in round brackets (no italics).

• Page range of article.

• DOI.

• The first line of each citation is left adjusted. Every subsequent line is indented 5-7 spaces.

Example: Ruxton, C. (2016). Tea: Hydration and other health benefits. Primary Health Care, 26(8), 34-42.    



Referencing journals articles: Examples

|Material Type |In-Text Example |Reference List Example |

|Journal Article: Single author |"... black tea is the second most consumed beverage |Ruxton, C. (2016). Tea: Hydration and other health benefits. Primary Health Care, 26(8), |

| |in the world after water” (Ruxton, 2016, p. 34). |34-42. doi:10.7748/phc.2016.e1162 |

| |OR |Where a DOI is available it must be included at the end of the citation. The database name,|

| |Ruxton (2016, p. 40) suggests "…unsweetened tea can |URL and date of retrieval are not required. |

| |be part of a recommended diet.” | |

| |Include page numbers for direct quotes.  | |

|Journal Article: 2 authors |... connection and optimism (Aspy & Proeve, 2017), |Aspy, D. J., & Proeve, M. (2017). Mindfulness and loving-kindness meditation: Effects on |

| |but others contend ... |connectedness to humanity and to the natural world. Psychological Reports, 120(1), 102-117.|

| |OR |doi:10.1177/0033294116685867 |

| |Aspy and Proeve (2017) have found ... | |

| |Cite both authors each time the reference occurs. | |

|Journal Article: 3, 4, or 5 authors |... nurses must care as well as be competent |Geraghty, S., Lauva, M., & Oliver, K. (2016). Reconstructing compassion: Should it be |

| |(Geraghty, Lauva & Oliver, 2016).  |taught as part of the curriculum? British Journal of Nursing, 25(15), 836-839. |

| |OR |doi:10.12968/bjon.2016.25.15.836 |

| |Geraghty, Lauva and Oliver (2016) suggest ... |Provide the names of all authors in the reference list. |

| |Cite all of the authors the first time the reference | |

| |occurs. In subsequent citations, include only the | |

| |surname of the first author followed by et al. and | |

| |the year. | |

| |... can teach compassion (Geraghty et al., 2016). | |

| |OR | |

| |Geraghty et al. (2016) have shown ... | |

|Journal Article: 6 or more authors |Fitness levels are impacted by “... proximity to |Eime, R. M., Harvey, J., Charity, M. J., Casey, M., Westerbeek, H., & Payne, W. R. (2017). |

| |parks, playgrounds and sports facilities” (Eime et |The relationship of sport participation to provision of sports facilities and socioeconomic|

| |al., 2017, p. 248).  |status: A geographical analysis. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public |

| |OR |Health, 41(3), 248-255. doi:10.1111/1753-6405.12647 |

| |Eime et al. (2017, p. 254) found “the level of sport |Provide the names of all authors in the reference list. |

| |participation is…” | |

| |Cite only the surname of the first author followed by| |

| |et al. and the year. For direct quotes, include the | |

| |page number after the year. | |

|Journal Article: 8 or more authors |​Newton et al. (2015) have found ...  |​Newton, J. D., Klein, R., Bauman, A., Newton, F. J., Mahal, A., Gilbert, K., . . . Smith, |

| |OR |B. J. (2015). The MOVE study: A study protocol for a randomised controlled trial assessing |

| |... health protections afforded by physical exercise |interventions to maximise attendance at physical activity facilities. BMC Public |

| |(Newton et al., 2015). |Health, 15(403), 1-9. doi:10.1186/s12889-015-1735-0 |

| |Cite only the surname of the first author followed by|  |

| |et al. and the year, for the first and subsequent |Include the first six authors' names, followed by three dots, then add the last author's |

| |citations. |name. |

|Online Journal Article: No DOI assigned |... guidelines designed to promote health (Craig, |​Craig, P. (2012). Contemporary nutrition issues. Journal of the Home Economics Institute of|

| |2012). |Australia, 19(2), 12-21. Retrieved from  |

| |OR |  |

| |As Craig (2012) observes ... |If a DOI is not available, provide the home page URL of the journal publisher. |

| | |The retrieval date is not required. |

|Print Journal Article: No DOI assigned |… Aussie Rules is the people’s game (Duncan, 2016)… |​Duncan, S. (2016). Voices from the grandstands: The attitudes of Australian football fans |

| |OR |towards the concept of creating, developing and binding communities. Sporting |

| |Duncan (2016) states that a sense of belonging… |Traditions, 33(2), 19-40. |

|Journal article:  No author |... as was the case for most students ("The Pain of |The pain of being a caffeine freak. (2001, October 6). New Scientist, 172(2311), 27. |

| |Being a Caffeine Freak," 2001).  |For magazines, newsletters, and newspapers, give the year and the exact date of the |

| |OR |publication (month or month and day), separated by a comma. |

| |... as in "The Pain of Being a Caffeine Freak" (2001)| |

| |which reveals ... | |

| |When a work has no identitfied author, cite in-text | |

| |the first few words of the reference entry (usually | |

| |the title) and the year. Use double quotation marks | |

| |if you are referring to the title of an article, | |

| |chapter or web page. | |

| |Italicize the title if you are referring to the title| |

| |of a periodical, book, brochure or a report, see | |

| |Book: No Author | |

|Online Journal Article: No page numbers | ... in all outcomes (Williams, 2008). |Williams, J. (2008). The victims of crime. Sociology Review, 17(4). Retrieved from |

| |OR | |

| |Williams (2008) remarks ... |Magazines/Sociology-Review.aspx |

| |For direct quotations of online material without | |

| |pagination, name the sections and paragraph number. | |

| |One of the author’s main points is that “people don’t| |

| |rise from nothing” (Williams, 2008, Section 2, para. | |

| |5). | |

|Secondary Sources: When you are referring to the |“…global movement toward a more naturalistic approach|​Sullivan, D. H., & McGuiness, C. (2015). Natural labor pain management. International |

|ideas or words of an author who has been cited in|for childbirth” (Goldbas as cited in Sullivan & |Journal of Childbirth Education, 30(2), 20-25. Retrieved from |

|another work. Also called 'secondary citation'. |McGuiness, 2015, p. 20). |  |

| |OR |Provide the full reference for the journal article that you actually read. |

| |Goldbas’s overview (as cited in Sullivan & McGuiness,| |

| |2015) indicates… | |

| |Provide names of both authors. | |

Basic format to reference material from the web

The basics of a reference list entry for a Web page or Web document:

• Author or authors. The surname is followed by first initials.

• Year (in round brackets).

• Title.

• Web address.

• The first line of each citation is left adjusted. Every subsequent line is indented 5-7 spaces.

Example: American Psychological Association. (2018). What you need to know about willpower: The psychological science of self-control.

                        Retrieved from helpcenter/willpower.aspx


Please note:

• Include author(s) surname for web page/ web document references where possible. An author may be a corporate body or organization responsible for creating, producing or publishing a web page or website.

• Where there is no identifiable author or authoring body, use the title of the web page or website.

• Check the web page for the date of the last update. Advice on this can be found in the videos at the bottom of this page.

Referencing material from the web: Examples

|Material Type |In-Text Example |Reference List Example |

|Web Document |…family experience with psychosis (Johnson, 2018). |Johnson, A. (2018). “It doesn’t need to be this way”: The promise of specialised early |

| |OR |intervention in psychosis services. Retrieved from |

| |Ava Johnson (2018) reflects on her own experiences… |

| | |-early-intervention-in-psychosis-services/ |

| | |Where the web page is part of a larger whole, do not italicise the title. Capitalize only|

| | |the first word of the title (and subtitle, if relevant). |

| | |Where a title already contains punctuation, such as the double quotes in the above |

| | |example, retain these in your reference. |

|Web Document: No date |Of course, massage is also effective for many musculoskeletal disorders |Association of Massage Therapists. (n.d.). Benefits of massage. Retrieved from |

| |(Association of Massage Therapists, n.d.). | |

| | |Use the abbreviation n.d. (no date) in place of the year of publication. |

|Web Document: No Author |…may not predict outcomes in later life (“Researchers Replicate Famous,” 2018).|Researchers replicate famous marshmallow test, make new observations. (2018). Retrieved |

| |OR |from |

| |A recent article, “Researchers Replicate Famous” (2018), revisited earlier |

| |findings… |utm_medium=link&utm _campaign=story-tabs |

| |When a work has no identitfied author, cite in-text the first few words of the | |

| |reference entry (usually the title) and the year. Use double quotation marks if| |

| |you are referring to the title of an article, chapter or web page, using | |

| |Headline Case.  | |

| | | |

| |Just italicize the title if you are referring to the title of a periodical, | |

| |book, brochure or a report, see Book: No Author | |

|Web Document: (Online |Plavix, generic name Clopidogrel has been effective in treating... ("Plavix", |Plavix. (2017). In MIMS Online. Retrieved from |

|reference work, no author|2017). |  |

|or editor) |In place of the author cite the first few words of the reference entry (usually|Publication date: Use revision date as listed in Full PI. |

|MIMS Online |the title) and the year. Include double quotation marks as the entry is part of| |

| |a larger work. | |

|Web Document: Government |  |Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. (2017). Understanding the needs of |

|Department as Author |…listen to women and girls from these communities (Department of Prime Minister|Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls: A joint project with the |

| |and Cabinet [PM&C], 2017).  |Australian Human Rights Commission. Retrieved from |

| |If you want to cite from the report more than once; in the first citation |

| |provide the full name of the organisation, as above. In subsequent citations |-girls.pdf |

| |use the abbreviated organisational title e.g.: |Titles of reports are in italics. Capitalize the first word of the title and subtitle and|

| |According to the PM&C (2017) report…  |any proper nouns. |

|Web Document: ABS |(Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2017) |Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2017). Childhood education and care (No. 4402.0). |

| | |Retrieved from |

| | |Add the ABS report's Catalogue Number after the title. |

|Web Document: |Exercise may be the last thing you feel like doing, but it can help (Black Dog |Black Dog Institute. (2017). Managing depression with exercise. Retrieved from |

|Organisation as author |Institute, 2017). |

| | |hexercise.pdf?sfvrsn=16 |

|Website |Kidspsych is a wonderful interactive website for young children |When referring to a website in general, but not specific information on a web page or web|

| |(). |document, it is sufficient to give the address of the site in your text. No Reference |

| | |List entry is required. |

|Blog Post |  |Stafford, T. (2018, January 3). The backfire effect is elusive [Web log post]. Retrieved |

| |…attempts to dissuade inadvertently entrench a mistaken belief (Stafford, |from |

| |2018). |  |

| |  |A blog comment where the author uses an alias would be referenced as follows: |

| |  |  |

| |  |markps2. (2017, May 31). Re: What triggers that feeling of being watched? [Web log |

| |…withdrawal from antipsychotic medications (markps2, 2017). |comment]. Retrieved from |

| |Note that the author's alias does not have any capitals, so we retain it | |

| |exactly as found, both in-text and in the Reference list (see right). | |

|Video Blog Post (YouTube)|…competing stresses of being a nursing student doing placements (Rojek, 2018). |Rojek, H. (2018, February 19). Stress and anxiety in nursing school: How to be in |

| | |control [Video file]. Retrieved from |

|Podcast: Web |…..plants sense without a brain (Krulwich, 2018). |Kulich, R. (Presenter), & McEwan, A. (Producer). (2018). Smarty plants [Audio podcast]. |

| | |Retrieved from |

|Podcast: Radio show |…(Rheinberger & Hogan, 2018). |Rhein Berger, J. (Script Writer), & Hogan, A. (Director). (2018, April 19). Episode 109 |

| | |[Podcast radio programme]. In C. Thompson (Producer), Nerdzilla. Hobart, TAS: ABC Local |

| | |Radio. Retrieved from |

| | |For an episode from a radio series, use the same format as for a chapter in a book, but |

| | |list the script writer and director in the author position and the producer in the editor|

| | |position. |

| | |Generally the homepage URL would be given.  However, if this makes the specific resource |

| | |difficult to locate, use the more direct URL. |

|TV Show: Online Streaming|(Mosley, Overton, Pringle, & Hatherley, 2018) |Mosley, M. (Presenter), Overton, P. (Executive Producer), Pringle, K. (Producer), & |

| | |Hatherley, E. (Producer). (2018, July 17). The truth about getting fit [Television |

| | |programme]. Retrieved from |

| | |For an episode from a television series, use the same format as for a chapter in a book, |

| | |but list the script writer and director in the author position and the producer in the |

| | |editor position. |

|Computer Software |(Schoonjans, 2008) |Schoonjans, F. (2008). MedCalc Statistical Software (Version [Computer |

| | |software]. Palo Alto, CA: . Retrieved from |

| | | |

| | |Reference list entries are not necessary for standard off-the-shelf software. Provide |

| | |entries for specialised software. Add the version number after the name of the software. |

Basic format to reference an unpublished thesis

The basics of a reference list entry for an unpublished thesis:

• Author. The surname is followed by first initials.

• Year (in round brackets).

• Title.

• Level of Thesis (in round brackets).

• University.

• City.

• Country.

• The first line of each citation is left adjusted. Every subsequent line is indented 5-7 spaces.


Zarei, R. (2017). Developing enhanced classification methods for ECG and EEG signals (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.


Please note:

• A thesis can come in a number of formats, i.e. they can be published, unpublished or retrieved from a database.

• The principles when referencing a thesis are similar to those employed when referencing a book. 

• The example above is for an unpublished thesis, examples for an online or a published thesis can be found below.

Referencing a thesis: Examples

|Material Type |In-Text Example |Reference List Example |

|Thesis: Unpublished |…”outperforms the other six recently |  |

| |reported methods” (Zarei, 2017, p. |Zarei, R. (2017). Developing enhanced classification methods for ECG and EEG signals (Unpublished doctoral |

| |141). |dissertation). Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia. |

| |When giving a direct quote, include the|  |

| |page number. |Uduwerella, G. (2017). A novel strategy for minimizing acid whey generation |

| |  |during Greek Yoghurt production (Unpublished master’s thesis). Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia. |

| |…environmental issues caused by |Don't repeat the city of location if it is part of the University's name. |

| |improper lactic acid disposal | |

| |(Uduwerella, 2017). | |

|Thesis: Published |…fast enough to impede a batter’s |Callaghan, S. J. (2018). The mechanics of front leg loading during cricket fast bowling: Delivery variations, spell |

| |decision making (Callaghan, 2018). |demands, and the effects of strength training (Doctoral dissertation). Perth, WA: Edith Cowan University. |

|Thesis: Institutional |According to Mosek (2017, p. 6) “flow |Mosek, E. (2017). Team flow: The missing piece in performance (Doctoral dissertation, Victoria University, |

|Repository  |was considered a highly functional |Melbourne, Australia). Retrieved from |

| |state”. | Include the university and location for a non-U.S. online thesis. |

|Thesis: Commercial |… research is required to fill in gaps |Smith, G. (2018). Examining the impact of mindset and personality on athletes’ attitudes towards sports psychology |

|database |in our knowledge (Smith, 2018). |consultants (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses A&I database. (UMI No. |

| | |2019735374) |

|Thesis: from the Web |Tsao (2016) compared populations in |Tsao, S.-F. (2016). Associations between consumption of fruits and vegetables among older consumers and farmers |

| |Kentucky and Taiwan. |market shopping (Master’s thesis, University of Kentucky). Retrieved from |

| | | |

| | |Location of the university is not included for a U.S. thesis. |

| | |If an author's first name is hyphenated, as in Shu-Feng Tsao above, retain the hyphen and include a full stop after |

| | |each initial. |



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