|RS Components |

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|PunchOut™ Customer Information & Technical Assessment Pack |

|Author |Validated |

|Organisation |Name |Organisation |Name |

|Electrocomponents plc |S.Sim |Electrocomponents plc |S.Edwards |

| | | | |

|Document Versioning |

|Version |Change Date |Author |Change Details |

|V1.0 |02/12/2006 |S.Sim |Created |

|V1.1 |09/02/2007 |S Porter |Added New UOMs |

|V1.2 |27/02/2007 |S Porter |Removed duplicate UOMs |

|V1.3 |28/10/2008 |M. Reilly |Update UOM’s and UNSPSC codes. |

|V1.5 |14/05/2009 |J. Davies |Changed TA UOM description |

|V1.6 |07/09/2009 |M. Reilly |Added OCI Shopping Cart Mapping. |

|V1.7 |16/11/2009 |M. Reilly |Removed INSPECT mode for OCI. |

|V1.8 |03/12/209 |M. Reilly |Added Additional Eclass / UNPSC Codes |

|V1.9 |21/05/2010 |M. Reilly |Added Customer Name. |

|V2.0 |17/12/2010 |M. Reilly |Added Decimal Places. |

1). PunchOut – How it works

PunchOut™ (also sometimes known as RoundTrip™) is the ability for an RS customer to connect to the RS Web Site from within their corporate eProcurement system, search for and select products and then return them electronically into their own system to produce a requisition.


PunchOut has many advantages over a traditional static content based buying application:-

• Far richer product information is available than is possible with static content based systems.

• Navigate well structured hierarchies tailored to our product range, which aids product selection.

• Access to accurate stock availability information

• Integration with your company's ePurchasing package provides control.

• Dynamic pricing means that any changes are immediately visible to the buyer.

• Eliminates the need to perform periodic updates of static content catalogues.

PunchOut can be combined with other components in the RS eProcurement offering such as XML based eOrdering and eInvoicing to improve efficiency and reduce purchasing costs.

2). PunchOut - Frequently Asked Questions

What PunchOut formats are supported by RS?

Around 95% of PunchOut connections to RS worldwide utilise one of two major open standards :-

• OCI – “Open Catalogue Interface” / “RoundTrip”, popularised by SAP / CommerceOne.

• cXML – “Commerce XML”, an open standard XML format developed by a consortium led by Ariba inc. (see )

RS fully supports both standards and strongly advises customers to adhere to the standard message mappings wherever possible to ensure compatibility with the widest array of supplier systems. If your company has some unique mapping requirements please contact us as soon as possible.

RS can also support less common standards such as Oracle OEX XML, Onventis etc. If you wish to transact using one of these or a bespoke format please contact RS to discuss your requirements.

What PunchOut “operations” or “functions” are supported?

In addition to standard PunchOut shopping basket “CREATE” operations RS currently support the following :

For OCI Based Systems:

• “DETAIL” : Allows the user to view the product details on the RS website “line level” display for a product returned to their eProcurement system by a previous PunchOut session

For cXML Based Systems:

• “INSPECT”: Allows the user to view the product details on the RS website for a requisition returned to their eProcurement system by a previous PunchOut session.

• “EDIT”: Allows the user to edit the contents of a requisition created on their eProcurement system by a previous PunchOut session by reloading it to the RS web site.

What product classifications can RS send back in my PunchOut shopping basket?

RS supports 2 of the most commonly used product classification systems used worldwide :-

|UNSPSC |United Nations Standard Product & Services Code () |

|eClass |A rival open standard, popular in Germany () |

Please see Section 3 of this document for a list of the classification code versions we currently hold for our product range. If the version your company wishes to use is not listed please contact us as their may be a suitable equivalent. RS strongly advises customers to use the most recent version of UNSPSC / eClass their system will support.

Occasionally we may not initially hold a classification code on our database for products that have been very recently introduced. In this event our system will return a “default” code for this product , i.e. “32000000” for UNSPSC, or “27000000” for eClass. If you would like to specify an alternative default code please specify in section 3.4 of this document.

How do I map the RS classification codes to my company’s commodity / material codes ?

During the setup process RS will supply you with a list of distinct 8 digit classification codes for the classification system / version of your choice which cover the entire RS product range. For most classification versions this list comprises of around 2000 to 2500 codes. RS strongly advises that you map all of the codes supplied to your internal groupings.

Please note that it is important to continue to maintain your mapping post go live of your system as otherwise suppliers may not be able to set the most appropriate code for a new item in your shopping basket as it has not been added to your mapping. RS can supply code list updates on request.

Can RS send back my company’s bespoke material group / classification codes for its range?.

No, due to the size of our product range it is not possible to support bespoke customer product classification systems.

I wish to map all RS products to a single material number / group, is this possible?

Yes, our system can return a single classification code / material number in the PunchOut shopping basket for all items it its product range.

For cXML based PunchOut systems this code should be specified during the setup process and fixed on our system. If the customer needs to subsequently change the value of this code in the future a change request must be submitted to our Support Team.

For OCI based PunchOut systems this code can either be fixed as above, or, to increase flexibility be specified by the customer on the inbound OCI login request in a FORM parameter called “NEW-ITEM_MATGROUP”. The value can then be returned in the OCI shopping basket in an OCI parameter of the customer’s choice (usually NEW-ITEM_MATGROUP).

By sending this code on the login request the customer retains control of the material number allocated to RS sourced products and can update this without any assistance from RS.

My system uses OCI PunchOut and I wish to have my companies vendor number for RS returned in the OCI shopping basket message. How can this be achieved?.

A vendor code for RS can be specified by the customer during the setup process and can be fixed on our system to be returned in an OCI parameter of your choice.

Alternatively, to increase flexibility, this value can be specified by the customer on the inbound OCI login request in a FORM parameter called “NEW-ITEM_VENDOR”. The value can then be returned in the OCI shopping basket in an OCI parameter of the customer’s choice (usually NEW-ITEM_VENDOR).

I have been informed that RS requires my system to send a “user ID” for the individual running the PunchOut in the login request message. Why is this necessary?

Unlike many suppliers the RS PunchOut website is designed to be individually customised for each of your users. For example users can create and save personal “Parts Lists” of commonly ordered items for repeat use. The site also has a feature which saves the contents of the users Requisition Form in the event of them allowing the PunchOut session to time out so that they can resume their session later. For these functions to operate correctly the RS system must be supplied a username unique to the person connecting in the login request message.

In an OCI system this should be sent in an OCI login parameter called “USERNAME” (in SAP systems this can be populated using a SAP system variable called SY-UNAME).

My company uses a bespoke set of Units Of Measure (UOM), can RS support this ?.

Yes, we can map our UOM codes to values of your company’s choice. Please specify your mapping requirements in section 3.4 of this document.


The RS Web Site uses cookies throughout. If you system displays the RS Web Site in a frame, please ensure that your system is able to handle Third Party cookies.

Can I have a custom message on the RS PunchOut website home page?

Yes, please discuss your requirements directly with you RS Account Manager.


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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