Between: John Sample Operation Manager

and: Anna Smith General Manager

Desired Goal:

Improve communication style to build trust and relationship with direct reports. Improve leadership style by coaching employees rather than telling them what to do.

Target Date: May 30, 2017

Performance commitments by: John Sample

Level of difficulty: EH (extremely high), VH (very high), H (high), M (moderate), and R (routine)

1. Use active listening with empathy daily (when applicable) to improve communication style and build trust with trainers, colleagues and clients

2. Delegate responsibilities to the trainers by having them set personal development goals for their role. Use a coaching style approach to build trust and to empower the trainers

3. Conduct regular scheduled coaching sessions with the trainers to follow-up on their goals. Hold them accountable for their commitments to their goals.

4. Coach Sandy on using a coaching style approach with specific trainers to have them set goals for improvement

Support commitments by: Anna Smith

1. Present John with a situation where empathy might be needed. Do a follow-up with both parties [John, an employee or client]

2. Discuss situation/topic before, advise how to go about it

3. Open door policy, available to discuss

4. Help restructure and delegate tasks and how to go about doing it

Tracking Procedure- WIN –WIN evaluation once a month.

• follow-up on both parties after there is a meeting/discussion

• ask what tasks have been delegated and see if it was applied

• weekly reports, employees’ names and results.


Acknowledge the improvement, give positive feedback. Show how his actions affected other party in a positive way.


Have a serious talk, explain the consequences of actions or non-actions. Coach again and follow-up


_________________ Petr Volek

__________________ Aveni Patel


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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