Sample ESL Lesson Plan Format

Sample ESL Lesson Plan Format Submitted by: Dearborn Adult Ed.

Performance Objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to make statements using present continuous Strand(s): Speaking 3.2.2_________________Level:_High-Beginning

|Segment |What and How? Describe Activities |Materials |Multiple |Time |

| | | |Intelligence | |

|1. Warm up and /or review |Show pictures of people performing |Pictures |Visual |5 min. |

|An activity that a) uses previously learned content to|tasks. Model the present continuous | | | |

|begin a new lesson, b (lasts 5-10 minutes) and uses | | | | |

|materials students are familiar with from previous | | | | |

|lessons. | | | | |

|2. Introduction |Pass out sentence strips using the |Sentence strips | |5 min. |

|Focusing student attention on the lesson-asking |present continuous. One per student. | | | |

|questions, using visual. Stating the objective, | | | | |

|relating the objective to previous learning. | | | | |

|3. Presentation |The teachers will act out a sentence. | |Verbal |20 min. |

|Introduction of new information by a variety of |Students act out their sentence strips| |Kinesthetic | |

|strategies; visuals, realia, descriptions, |while teacher asks the class “what is | | | |

|explanation, or written text. Instructor checks for |he doing?” | | | |

|student comprehension through new vocabulary- grammar | | | | |

|structure- life skill-pronunciation. | | | | |

|4. Practice |Students practice writing sentences on| |tactile |10 min |

|Opportunities to practice the new knowledge are |the board and in their workbook. | | | |

|provided. Practice is guided through materials and | | | | |

|may be whole group, small group, pairs, or | | | | |

|individuals. Instructor models each activity, | | | | |

|monitors progress and provides feed back. | | | | |

|5. Evaluation |The teacher will check the workbook | |tactile | |

|Evaluation of each student on attainment of lesson |page. | | | |

|objectives. Evaluation can be oral, written or | | | | |

|demonstrated performance (projects). | | | | |

|6. Application/Closure |Conduct a classroom discussion on what| |verbal |5 min. |

|An activity that requires students to apply new |they are “doing now”. | | | |

|knowledge to their own lives or a new situation. | | | | |

Format adapted from California Department of Education, Staff Development Institute


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