Romeo and Juliet Final Projects

Romeo and Juliet Final ProjectsDUE DATE: Friday, May 10th We will be completing our Romeo and Juliet unit by creating a variety of individual projects. All together, you may earn up to 80 points on this assignment. However, how you earn those points is up to you. You MUST complete Part 1 (worth 40 points), but you may choose how to earn the remaining 40 points. Part 1 (40 points)Imagine you have been asked to work on a new film version of Romeo and Juliet. Your job is to bring your musical expertise to the film by creating the soundtrack. Thus, you must choose at least 5 songs to be played during film. However, you MUST justify your choices to the Directors of the film (ME). You need to turn in a list of the songs, and you must include a justification or explanation for each choice. Identify which scene the song goes with, and explain how that song accurately parallels the tone of that scene. You may choose any music you like; it can be music with or without lyrics, but the important part is your explanation of the choice. Each explanation must be a paragraph long.For Example: “Just Dance,” Lady Gaga: This song pairs well with 1.4, the scene where Mercutio is trying to persuade Romeo to go to the Capulets’ party. Like the song, Mercutio tells Romeo he needs to “just dance” (even though Romeo insists he is too depressed for such things). Mercutio is a lot like the upbeat tone of this song, for he just wants Romeo to have a good time and stop being so depressed about Rosaline and his dreams. The line “roses have thorns they say” even sounds like what Mercutio tells Romeo when he says “if love be rough with you, be rough with love.” Finally, the verses of the song (featuring Colby O’Donis) sound like what Benvolio might be chiming in, for these lyrics talk about how many hot girls are at the club, just like Benvolio tries to tell Romeo that there are plenty of other girls besides Rosaline.Part 2 (40 Points)You may choose whichever projects you like, so long as they total 40 points. For example, two ten-point projects and a twenty point project (10+20+10=40!). Choose wisely, be creative, and good luck!(10 points)Choose 2 characters and write an original poem about each one. Each poem should have at least ten lines. (10 points)Make a collage of well-known lines from a variety of Shakespearean plays. This will require a bit of research as well. Also, you need to make it visually pleasing through the use of different fonts, colors, etc. You must cite your sources!!!(10 points)Choose an alternative (modern or ancient) setting for Romeo and Juliet; include an explanation of how the play could translate to that setting. (10 points ) Draw or paint a scene from Romeo and Juliet. Do not choose this option if you are not artistically inclined!!(10 points) Read the National Geographic article titled “Teenage Brains.” Write a 1-2 page paper in which you apply the researcher’s findings to the decisions made by the teenage characters in Romeo and Juliet. Article can be found at or you may ask me for a copy.(10 points) As one of Prince Escalus’s royal staffers, you have been asked to implement a plan that will bring peace to the streets of Verona. Describe your peace plan in a document of at least one page, and include at least one of the resources your plan will require (eg. Posters, brochures, advertisements, etc.)(10 points) Imagine the school board is debating whether or not to include Romeo and Juliet in the ninth grade curriculum next year. Submit a letter to the editor detailing why the play should or should not be included in the curriculum next year.(20 points) Create a one page (front and back) newspaper (full length) or newsletter (2 pages front and back) from Verona . As a newspaper reporter, you are not biased and should have features from lots of the characters and lots of points of views. Your paper should have illustrations and different sections (i.e. news, sports, cooking, milestones, comics, political cartoons, ads, etc.)(20 points) Find 6 examples of figurative language (for example: metaphor, personification, others we have discussed) and draw cartoons that illustrate the literal interpretation. (20 points) Re-write an alternative ending to Romeo and Juliet. It must be at least two pages but it can be in prose or dialogue. (20 points for each person in the group) In a group of 2-4 students act out the performance live for the class or film it and play it for the class. This may be performed using the original language and setting, or you may modify it for another time period. GET PARENTAL APPROVAL. View John Madden’s film Shakespeare in Love (rated R). In a 1-2 page analysis, discuss how this movie stages Romeo and Juliet. Did anything surprise you? Also, discuss how the film shows art imitating life. How (according to the film) did Shakespeare’s real life influence his creation of Romeo and Juliet?GET PARENTAL APPROVAL (20 points) Publicity for the 2006 film of the Tristan and Isolde legend asserted, “Before there was Romeo and Juliet, there was Tristan and Isolde.” View Kevin Reynold’s Tristan and Isolde. Research the origins of the Tristan and Isolde legend and the Romeo and Juliet legend. Then, write a 1-2 page argument for who the ultimate romantic couple should really be. Attach OR cite your research.(20 points) Research wedding practices in Renaissance Italy, and plan an appropriate wedding for Romeo and Juliet. You can present this as a powerpoint, wedding book, or a typed document. Attach OR cite your research. (20 points) Find and read a Shakespearean sonnet. Annotate the sonnet. Then write a 1-2 page analysis which explains the sonnet’s meaning and any literary devices used. Turn in both the sonnet with your annotations and your analysis. (20 points) View clips from some of the famous ballets based on Romeo and Juliet on YouTube. Choreograph a dance for a musical version of Romeo and Juliet. Include a film of the dance, choreography notes, and a 1 page reflection of how your dance reflects the themes of Romeo and Juliet.(20 points) Theater students take entire classes on stage combat in college. Research how Shakespearean theater companies stage the fight scenes in Romeo and Juliet. Then plan your own sequence of stage combat for a fight in the play. Include your plan, a film of your plan in action, and a 1 page reflection on how your plan incorporates what you learned from your research. Another project of your design. Please talk to me as early as possible if you have an alternative idea for a project. If your idea is approved, we will set a point value and the expectations. I am VERY open to new, creative ideas, so if your particular strengths are not highlighted with these project choices, come up with a project!!!Final Guidelines: If you have questions about any part of this project, come see me BEFORE the due date! You need to have an idea of how you will complete these projects before the deadline so that you can see me for help if you need it—I am happy to provide it!!! ................

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