Adoption Agency Bethesda, MD | Barker Adoption Foundation

90 Day Contact Case NoteClient Name: Flora and Egbert SmithProgram: KoreaSocial Worker Name: Emily MarshallDate of Last Contact: January 24, 2018 (HS visit)Date of Current Contact: March 21, 2018Note:Please write the following in narrative form:How was the call scheduled? Who was on the call?Have there been any significant family changes (move, job change, family illness or death, etc.)What has the family been up to in the last three months? Have they traveled, had large projects at work, etc.How has the family been managing the wait? What emotions or stressors are they feeling around this? What support do they need from the Barker team, if any? Include any connections they have made to other adoptive familiesTRAINING: Including education they have engaged in (books, trainings, documentaries, movies, etc.). 4 hours of adoption related training is required each calendar year. Please revisit this policy with families & ensure they are cognizant. Waiting Parent Meetings count toward these hours.If the family is waiting domestically, have they connected with an out of area agency? If so, how has their communication been with that agency and what stressors if any are they feeling surrounding this?If the family is international, are they receiving the international newsletter, which is sent out monthly? If not, please note this so that we may add them to the distribution list.Remind families of upcoming waiting parent meetings. Dates and topics are always included in the Home Study Social Worker newsletter, or you may reach out to Barker staff regarding dates.If the family has accepted a match, what adoption related/travel related/placement related topics did you review with them? Are there any topics they could use more support or information on? What resources did you suggest if so? ................

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