Minutes of MicNOVA - bivio

Model Investment Club of Northern Virginia (MicNova)DC Chapter of Better Investing Minutes for the December 15, 2020 ONLINE meetingMembers Present: Baskar Arumugam, Kent Billmyer, Gladys Henrikson, Arvind Krishna, Sheryl Patterson, Jo Murphy, Pat Onufrak, Ty Hughes, Paul O’Mara, Kathy Emmons, Jonathan Timmes, Amy Laing Members Absent: Wilbert Nixon. Maskey KrishnaraoProxies for Members: Arvid for MaskeyBI (& other) Visitors Present: Lee Outlaw, Carol Cuddihy, Anne Bradley, Richard Aronson, Ravi Sunkare, Cathy Duthie. Veronika Krejci, VenkatKent Billmyer was the presiding officer. He welcomed new and returning visitors; explained the club’s purpose, reviewed announcements of upcoming events listed on the Agenda, and conducted the meeting. Secretary Minutes. November minutes were posted in Bivio folder (Public/Minutes/2020). There were no corrections. The minutes were approved as filed. Education: How to Use Stock Screening in the SSG Tool – Baskar ArumugamBaskar presented an online demonstration of how to use the Better Investing Website and SSG tool for stock screening. On the BI Website, Baskar pointed out the following: Under the “Find Great Stocks” tab, “Stock Ideas” and “BetterInvesting Weekly Stock Screen”; under the main screen are “First Cut,” reports; under “Learning Center”, one can find Stock Up and Ticker Talk presentations, and in the SSG Tool, “My Studies” one can click on the magnifying glass, one of the tabs on the left of My Studies Table. The magnifying glass brings up a “Search for a Company” screen where one can enter one’s one criteria or search on a pre-defined criteria. New Stock Presentation: Maximus MMSby Josephine MurphyJo presented Maximus (MMS), a medium-size government contracting company/ service provider, founded in 1975 and headquartered in Reston, VA. Maximus administers US federal, state and local government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, and more. It is also a leading service provider in the United Kingdom and Australia. Jo’s analysis, filed in Bivio, shows a strong backlog, financials, and a potential return of 1218%, if purchased under the stock buy zone of $73 share. The Club voted to put Maximus on its Watch List. Stock Watcher Reports – See full stock watcher reports filed in Bivio:ANCUF (Pat Onufrak) – Hold; BRK.B (Gladys Henrikson) – Hold or Challenge; ESSNT (Jo Murphy) – Hold; LGIH (Paul O’Mara) – Buy more if stock price comes down; MNST (Kent Billmyer) – Hold; NVEE (Sheryl Patterson) – Hold; TROW (Arvind Krishna) – Hold; Visa (Jonathan Timmes) – Hold.Review of MicNova Portolio and Watchlist by Ty Hughes Treasurer’s Report – by Kent Billmyer – Kent provided the Treasurer’s report and displayed the Club’s portfolio valuation, from Bivio, which included about $6,500 in cash for new acquisitions. The Club voted unanimously to accept the report.New Buys/Sells: NoneNEXT ACTIONS:New: Question and Answer feature each meeting. Baskar asked members to email Amy Laing, in advance of each meeting, any investing questions they’d like answered. Amy will forward the questions to Baskar to include on the agenda.2020 Club Financial Audit and Tax Preparation. Kent and Gladys are to attend Bivio Audit Party online (Sat, Jan 9, 2021, 1-2p ) and set up an audit of MicNova 2020 financials, to prepare for submission of Club tax return.Education Topics. All Members are to email Baskar their suggestions for Education Topics they’d like to present his Year.Portfolio PERT review. Sheryl requested members to share with her (through BI’s SSG Plus) their stock watcher’s latest SSG, so she can present a MicNova PERT review.Next MicNova Planning Meeting, online: 2nd Thursday January 14, 2021 from 8:00 – 9:00 PM.Next MicNova Business Meeting, online: 3rd Tuesday January 19, 2021 from 7:00 - 9:00 PMStock Watcher Reports due for January 2021: None..Next New Stock Presentation – Ty Hughes; Ty will also lead the January meetingSchedule for New Stock Presentations and Conducting MicNova Meetings*?NameNew Stock Presentation Date DrawnConduct MicNova Meeting DateConduct MicNova Planning GTM date1Patterson, Shervl4/20/2021N/AN/A2Billmver, Kent, Treas11/17/202012/15/2020N/A3Hughes, James A.1/19/20211/19/21N/A4Krishnarao, Maskev, Sec.TBD5/18/2021N/A5Krishna, Arvind K10/20/20208/17/2021TBD6Arumugam, Baskaran2/16/20212/16/20212/11/20217Henrikson, Gladys3/16/2021 TBDN/A8Murphy, Josephine C12/15/2020N/AN/A9Emmons, Elinor 9/15/20209/21/2021 N/A10Laing, Amy Gay5/18/20214/20/21N/A11Nixon, Wilbert6/15/20217/20/20216/10/202112Onufrak, Patricia7/20/2021 3/16/21 3/11/2113O'Mara, W. Paul8/17/202111/17/202010/15/202014Timmes, Jonathan9/21/20216/15/2021TBDMicNOVA Portfolio Updated with prices as of 12/31/2020Ticker StockWatcherBought PriceDateBoughtPrice onDec 31, 2020% ofportfolioSharesEarningsdateQuarterStock WatcherReports DueABBVAmy98.0507/09/20107.152.3%2205-FEB-21Q4May, Aug, Dec, FebANCUFPat 61.9208/15/1934.24.2%12801-SEP-20Q1May, Aug, Dec, FebGOOGTY797.0812/16/161,751.8810.1%601-FEB-21Q3May, Aug, Dec, FebAAPLKathy48.7106/21/11132.6914.8%11601-FEB-21Q4Feb, May, Nov, FebBRK.BGladys125.3301/16/14231.875.6%2502-Nov-20Q3May, Aug, Dec, FebCBOETBD87.4511/18/2093.124.8%5409-FEB-21Q4May, Aug, Dec, FebCSGPBaskar580.9211/18/19924.288.9%1001-MAR-21Q4Jun, Sep, Nov, MarESSNTJo38.3509/16/2043.24.9%9210-Nov-20Q3May, Aug, Dec, FebGNTXWilbert14.8006/19/1433.936.2%19001-FEB-20Q4May, Aug, Nov, FebLGIHPaul112.6509/16/20105.853.1%3109-nov-20Q3May, Aug, Dec, FebMSFTMaskey25.4409/17/09222.4210.7%5001-FEB-20Q2Nov, Feb May, AugMNSTKent59.8003/13/202092.484.4%5009-Nov-20Q3May, Aug, Dec, FebNVEESheryl53.8401/10/2078.783.0%4011-NOV-21Q4Apr, Jun, Sep, DecTROWArvind70.6909/19/13151.3910.9%7526-Oct-20Q3May, Aug, Nov, Feb VJo/ Jonathan63.5109/18/14218.736.3%3026-Oct-20Q4Feb, May, Aug, NovTy will maintain Portfolio Review; Wilbert will maintain Watch List.Morningstar updates financial reports within 2-3 days of earnings date. and finance list the earnings dates. E.G., see: . Or . Or Adjourned.Respectfully submitted: Maskey/Arvind/Gladys ................

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