
Table of ContentsContact Information, & Conference Dates p. 1Teaching Philosophy p. 2Classroom Community & Positive Character Traits p. 3Homework Policy p. 4Math p. 5Reading & Book Projects p. 6Writer’s Workshop p. 7Social Studies & Science p. 8S.T.E.A.M. p. 9Technology p. 10Notes p. 11Contact Information:Jennifer Stoddart: stoddartj@ (310) 378-5228, x 20213 Kristina Reed: reedk@ (310) 378-5228, x 20214Information for your student’s class can be found on the homeroom Edlio site.This includes assignments, upcoming events, as well as links to resources: Cards & ConferencesTrimester 1: August 28- November 22Trimester 2: December 2 - March 6Trimester 3: March 9 - June 1Parent/Teacher Conferences:December 3rd, 4th, and 5th (scheduled with all parents)March 12th (only upon Teacher or Parent request)SBAC TestingSchedule to be announced in the spring once it is released by the state.80962510350500center12700Our Teaching Philosophy00Our Teaching PhilosophyClassroom managementIn order to reinforce positive behavior and provide a supportive learning environment for all of our students, tickets may be earned throughout the week. These tickets can be used in the Student Store which will be open on a regularly scheduled day.Additional classroom incentives are provided throughout the day to promote collaboration, organization, and community throughout the school day.Second Step:We are excited to be using the Second Step program consisting of a series of direct lessons and practice activities that develop empathy, emotion management, and problem solving. These lessons are focused on providing the foundation for helpful and socially responsible behavior that supports social-emotional and academic success, as well as promotes a positive school community.38100013906500Homework policyThe homework assigned in fourth grade is reinforcement of skills taught during the school day. Assignments fall into three categories:1. Daily: This homework is review or independent practice of a skill/concept recently taught and practiced in class. This homework is especially important to complete and turn in as assigned because we build upon these concepts daily. 2. Short-term projects: These projects span 2-7 days and typically involve time in class, as well as home. 3. Long-term projects: These projects may be assigned 2-4 weeks in advance. Deadlines along the way are given to provide students with milestones and to keep them on track. It is our goal to reinforce the importance of organization, planning and time management. Skills that your student will need throughout their academic careers. Parent Communication Related to HomeworkOur expectation is that students will turn in their homework by the assigned due date. However, in the event that a student is unable to complete their assigned homework, we encourage that the first line of communication come from the student. We have found that this fosters a sense of responsibility and ownership. Parent communication slips will be used to notify you of missing/incomplete homework assignments as a means of school to home communication. We ask that this slip be returned with your signatures once the assignment is complete.Math: CURRICULUM: Math?In?Focus:?A systematic approach to Common Core Standards teaching students to build solid conceptual understanding through a focus on problem solving.?Students learn the “why” and the ‘how” through instruction, hands on activities, and problem solving.??Organized into 6 mathematical content strands?Operations and Computations?Numeration?Patterns, Functions & Algebra?Data and Chance?Measurement & Reference Frames?Geometry??TYPICAL DAY IN MATH CLASS:?Warm up: Daily Word Problem & Mental Math Reflexes?Review Homework?Daily lesson instruction?Small group work or independent practice on skills taught?Interactive Smartboard lessons & Review games?Centers??ENRICHMENT TO THE CURRICUM:?Differentiation within instruction?Interactive Math Notebook?Supplements which seek to bridge the gap between elementary school math and middle school math series with more traditional approach??HOMEWORK, TESTS?AND?PROJECTS:?Homework:?Math Workbook and/or?Edlio?assignments.??Chapter pretests?Chapter Tests and Study Guides?Lesson quizzes?Reflex Math- an online?game based?approach to gaining fact fluency?Khan Academy- web based assignmentsLesson quizzes??Projects: Number Story Booklets, Theme Park Design, Fraction Wanted Posters, Research Projects, Art projects incorporating mathematics?Reading: Students in fourth grade develop successful reading habits though a Read, Think, Write instructional model. This model fosters engagement, builds autonomy, and supports critical thinking skills. All reading strategies will be reinforced in every subject matter.Core Novels: Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell *Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz RyanBy the Great Horn Spoon! by Sid Fleischman **There will be an option to purchase these two titles through the school (around $5) for your student to have a copy in which they can highlight, take notes, etc. This is optional and all students will be provided a copy to borrow and use sticky notes to mark. 4276725825500Book Projects: ?October/November: Mystery and Suspense?January/February: Historical Fiction?March/April: Fantasy?*Specific due date will be given to students and posted on?Edlio?as they are assigned.?Writer’s Workshop:Writer’s Workshop is a structured program during which students learn and apply specific writing strategies for a variety of audiences and purposes. Most importantly, they grow to see themselves as WRITERS and learn to apply these strategies throughout the curriculum.The principals we reinforce through Writer’s Workshop include:Writing about what is meaningful to the writerUsing a consistent writing process Working in authentic ways to develop independence as writers Fostering skills as lifelong writersHelping Your Student Writer at Home:Please refer to the handout, Writing Strategies to Use at Home with Your Child for suggestions on how to support your student’s growth in writing across the curriculum. right3048000Social Studies:-314325257175Project-based Learning: Regions of California PresentationsCalifornia State Park BrochuresCalifornia History Timeline22nd California Mission…Please do not run out and purchase a Mission Kit! Walk through California: Spring, 2020Fieldtrips:Irvine Park Railroad (TBD) Vicente Interpretive Center (TBD)00Project-based Learning: Regions of California PresentationsCalifornia State Park BrochuresCalifornia History Timeline22nd California Mission…Please do not run out and purchase a Mission Kit! Walk through California: Spring, 2020Fieldtrips:Irvine Park Railroad (TBD) Vicente Interpretive Center (TBD)Science: Scientific MethodEarth Science: Rocks and Minerals, Slow Changes on Earth, Fast Changes on EarthLife Sciences: Plants and Sunlight, Food Chains/Webs, Microorganisms, Ecosystems, and AdaptationsPhysical Science: Electricity and MagnetismResources: McGraw-Hill text, Mystery Science, STEMscopes, and Amplify* Our Science Lab will be used during each unit to conduct related hands-on investigations and experiments. Writing will take place in the students’ Interactive Science Notebooks as they work through the Scientific Process.S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math)Unit 1, Energy Collisions: Students explore the properties of mechanisms and how they change energy by transferring direction, speed, type of movement, and force. Students discover a variety of ways potential energy can be stored and released as kinetic energy. They explain the relationship between the speed of an object and the energy of that object, as well as predict the transfer of energy as a result of a collision between two objects As students solve the problem for this module, they apply their knowledge and skills to develop a vehicle restraint system.Unit 2, Energy Conversion: Students identify the conversion of energy between forms and the energy transfer required to move energy from place to place. They also identify and explain how energy can be converted to meet a human need or want.* Our Science Night/Invention Convention is scheduled for March 11th. More information to come! 17240251397000Technology: Students will be using technology throughout the year to support their learning through homework, research, and skills practice. The district has set up a secure portal through which each student may log on and have access to approved online programs. Each student has been assigned their own sign-on information which we use regularly at school. They may use the address below to access the single sign-on portal.: (student id @)Password: (previously set by student)Resources that your student will be expected to access through the portal include:Office365Think Central (math program)Reflex MathKhan In addition, students are expected to check their teacher’s Edlio classroom site for information, updates, and resources.Notes:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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