Stirling eDriver - Weebly

Stirling Solutions


Setup & Use Reference Manual

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eDriver gives your company the facility for your vehicle drivers to be able to update the status of any job that has been allocated to them for the day on a handheld device. There are several steps in setting up this up and they vary depending upon the Windows® Mobile operating system that you are running.

N.B. You need to ensure that the device can connect to the internet prior to trying to run eDriver otherwise you will only receive error messages.


Adding A Shortcut To The Start Menu 9

Auto Starting eDriver On Mobile Device Powerup 15

Copying The Relevant eDriver Files To The Mobile Device 3

Creating Shortcuts To Enable Easier Startup Of eDriver 8

eDriver Icon Does Not Appear On The Start Menu 13

Error Message - An unexpected error has occurred 26

Pallet Statuses 27

Running eDriver 18

Capturing Signatures 22

Checking / Refreshing The List Of Jobs 24

Exiting eDriver 25

Logging Into eDriver 18

Updating Job Statuses 20

Viewing Allocated Jobs 19

Viewing Collection & Delivery Details 20

Running eDriver On The Mobile Device For The First Time 5

Setting Up The Job Statues That Can Be Selected In eDriver 17

Copying The Relevant eDriver Files To The Mobile Device

Once eDriver has been set up by Stirling Solutions on your web server and the first mobile device you will need to copy the relevant files onto each mobile device. You should have been left a copy of two files by the person that completed your original training. You will need the following set up and available of the computer that you will be doing the installation from:

1. Microsoft® ActiveSync® will need to be installed on the workstation. If this is not already installed the refer to the manual and CD that came with the mobile device. (You only need to install the program once for use on all the mobile devices.)

2. A copy of both ‘eDriver’ and ‘eDriverAsync.exe’ files that have been setup specifically for your business.

3. The USB synchronisation cable that came with the mobile device.

Once you have these items you are ready to copy the files.

1. Locate the folder called eDriver and which contains the above two files.


Right click with the mouse on this folder and select copy from the list with the left mouse button.

2. Plug the USB cable into an available USB port on the computer and plug the other end into the mobile device. ActiveSync® should automatically start and display the following screen. You may be asked about setting up synchronisation with the computer, you do not want to do this so just close the screen.


3. Click on the [pic] button to explore the files on the mobile device which should display the items below.


4. Double click on the ‘My Windows Mobile-Based Device’ icon and then double click on the ‘Program Files’ icon to display the screen below.


5. Right click with the mouse in a white area of this screen and from the menu select ‘Paste’. This should copy the files from your computer onto the mobile device. You will receive a message informing you that the files may need to be converted, agree to this. You should now see the following:


6. You can now unplug the lead from the bottom of the mobile device as the rest of the installation will be done on the mobile device.

Running eDriver On The MobileDevice For The First Time

Now that the files are installed on the mobile device you can test eDriver to ensure that it operates correctly.

1. Switch on the mobile device in the normal way so that you have a screen similar to the one below:


Mobile Device Opening Screen

2. Tap the ‘Windows®’ logo in the top corner and select ‘Programs’


Selecting The Programs Option

3. On the new screen select ‘File Explorer’ by tapping on it once.


Opening File Explorer

4. The window that opens will display a selection of folders and files that vary depending upon the mobile device but tap on the top option with the drop down arrow to view the structure of the folders on the mobile device and select ‘My Device’ and then ‘Program Files’. Within Program Files you will see that there is a folder called ‘eDriver’, open this folder and then tap on ‘eDriver’ to start the program. (This may take a little while and you may get other messages whilst the connection is made to the GPRS network.) The application should start and display the login screen. (See later for how to use the ‘eDriver’ application).

If eDriver does not start up ensure that you have disconnected the synchronisation cable from the mobile device and try again.


Selecting ‘My Device’ So That You Can See All The Folders


Opening The eDriver Folder


Starting eDriver For The First Time To Test It

Creating Shortcuts To Enable Easier Startup Of eDriver

There are a couple of ways that you can make starting the eDriver application easier:

• Adding A Shortcut To The Start Menu

• Starting eDriver when the mobile device is first powered up.

Setting these up are described below

Adding A Shortcut To The Start Menu

Follow the steps above until you can see the ‘eDriver’ program file and then:

1. Tap and hold down the stylus on the ‘eDriver’ file until a menu appears and then select ‘Copy’


Copying The eDriver File

2. Tap on the ‘eDriver’ folder name at the top of the screen and from the list select ‘My Device’


Changing The View To That You Can See All The Folders

3. From the list of folders and files that are now displayed select ‘Windows’ and then ‘Start Menu’.


Selecting The ‘Start Menu’

4. On the white area of the screen tap and hold down the stylus until a menu appears. Select ‘Paste Shortcut’ from the available options and you will see a new file appears.


Pasting The Shortcut Into The Start Menu


The Shortcut Now Appears In The List Of Files

5. To rename the file that you have just copied tap and hold down with the stylus the new file until a menu appears and then select ‘Rename’ from the list. You will now see the cursor ‘blinking’ at the end of the existing file name. Tap to the left of the ‘e’ in ‘eDriver’, open the keyboard up by tapping on the keyboard icon at the bottom of the screen and then use the delete key to delete the words ‘Shortcut to’. Now tap on the ‘Return’ key to save the change. The file name should now read ‘eDriver’ and the keyboard will disappear again.


Renaming The Shortcut


Displaying And Hiding The Keyboard


The Renamed File As Part Of The List Of Files

6. To check the changes that you have just made close all the programs / screens that you currently have open by clicking on the ‘X’ in the top right hand corner and then tap on the Windows® logo. The ‘eDriver’ file should be displayed in the list. Tap on ‘eDriver’ and the application should start and display the login screen. (See later for how to use the eDriver application.)


Checking To See If eDriver Appears In The Start Menu

eDriver Icon Does Not Appear On The Start Menu

If ‘eDriver does not appear on the ‘Start’ menu when you tap the logo then you will need to disable one of the other items that currently appears on the menu, you can have a maximum of seven items only, by doing the following:

1. Tap the ‘Windows®’ icon and select ‘Settings’ from the menu.

2. Select the ‘Menus’ option from the screen. You will now see a list of all the items that are available with a ‘tick’ in the box next to the items that are currently displayed on the Start Menu. Remove the tick that is against an item that you do not want on the Start Menu and then place a tick against ‘eDriver’. Close all the open screens and check to see if the icon is now displayed on the menu.


The Menus Option With The Settings Screen


Remove The Tick From One Of The Items Not Required

On The Start Menu & Tick eDriver

Auto Starting eDriver On Mobile Device Powerup

It is possible to set the mobile device up so that when the mobile device is first powered up from being fully switched off, when the power button is pressed and held down for about 5 seconds, on start up it automatically starts eDriver. To enable this do the following:

1. Follow steps 1 & 2 as above from ‘Adding A Shortcut To The Start Menu ‘.

2. From the list of folders select ‘Windows®’ and then ‘Startup’.


Selecting The ‘StartUp’ Folder

3. On a white area of the screen tap and hold down the stylus until a menu appears. Select ‘Paste Shortcut’ from the available options and a new file will be created with a name that starts with ‘Shortcut to e….’


The New Shortcut Appears As Part Of The List Of Files

4. To test that this has worked, close all the open screens. Press and hold down the power button on the mobile device for 5 – 10 seconds and you should get a message asking if you wish to ‘Power Off’ the device and that if you do so some data may be lost, do you want to continue? Select the ‘Yes’ option and the device will switch off. Press and hold down the power button again until the device starts and when it is fully started eDriver will open to the login screen.

Setting Up The Job Statues That Can Be Selected In eDriver

eDriver allows the driver to check and/or update predefined statuses of a job as displayed in the Stirling Transport system. Which statuses can be seen in eDriver is controlled through the Status administration within Transport.

To set these statuses:

1. Log into Transport in the normal way and select from the ‘Admin’ menu ‘Job Status’.

2. Place the cursor over the join of the ‘Name’ and ‘Colour’ columns, hold the mouse button down and drag the join to the left to make the ‘Name’ column narrower.


3. Now place the cursor just to the right of the ‘Colour’ column, hold the mouse button down and drag it to the right so that a new column entitled ‘DS’ is displayed.


4. You can now select which statuses you want the driver to be able to view or update job statues to by placing a ‘tick’ in the boxes next to them.


5. Click on the ‘OK’ button to save your changes.

Running eDriver

You should now be ready to run eDriver on your device.

1. Start eDriver by one of the methods as described above. This will appear to take a little time but you will receive confirmation that something is happening at the top of the screen in the Title Bar.

2. On the login screen confirm that your company name is displayed and select the driver or vehicle from the dropdown list available below and then tap the ‘Login’ button. (The password option will be available shortly, it’s still under development!)


Selecting The Company And Driver Or Vehicle

3. The new screen will open and the list of jobs that have been allocated to the driver/ vehicle will be displayed along with the colour of the current status of the job.


List Of Jobs As Seen On Mobile Device


List Of Jobs As Seen In Transport (Filtered For Only This Driver)

4. Tap on one of the jobs and the details of the delivery address for the job will be displayed.

To change the view between the collection and delivery addresses tap on ‘Detail’ and select the option that you wish to view.

[pic] [pic]

5. When the driver has completed the collection / delivery, or any other process of the job that you would like them to change the status for, the driver can update the status on the mobile device which will in turn update the status in the Transport system by tapping on the ‘Status’ option.


List Of Jobs Statuses Available For Updating The Job

Here the driver will be able to see the current status of the job and will be presented with all the other statuses that have been made available for them to update the job to. By tapping on the desired status and then tapping ‘Update’ the new status will be transferred into the Transport system with the mobile device status being updated too.


Updated Status On The Mobile Device


Updated Status In Transport

6. You can also collect signatures on the mobile device as proof of collection / delivery by taping on the ‘Sign’ option at the bottom of the screen. This will display and area for the person signing for the goods to enter their name, when you tap into the space the keyboard will automatically be displayed, and space for them to sign. The date and time will automatically be entered by the system.


Adding The Name & Signature For The Job

Once the information has been entered then tap on the ‘Send’ option at the bottom of the screen, confirmation will be received to confirm that it as been transmitted – tap on ‘OK’ and the signature will appear as a POD document in Transport. If the person signing needs to redo the signature they can tap on the ‘Clear’ option to clear that part of the screen.


Confirmation That The Signature Has Been Submitted


Job Details Showing The Number Of Scanned Documents & Signatures


Displaying The Signature Obtained On The Mobile Device

7. To see if there are any new jobs that have been assigned to the driver / vehicle or just to see an update of the current jobs the driver can go back to viewing the list of jobs and tap on the ‘Refresh’ option.


Refreshed List Of Jobs Showing How The Statuses Have

Changed As The Jobs Have Been Updated

8. To exit eDriver tap on the ‘Exit’ option and confirm that you wish to exit by tapping on the ‘Yes’ button. To restart eDriver select it from the ‘Start’ menu.


Exiting eDriver

Error Message ‘An unexpected error has occurred……’

If you receive the error message ‘An unexpected error has occurred……’ as in the screen displayed below, this normally indicates that the device is not able to connect to the internet or to the webserver at your business premises. You will then need to check the following:

1. Ensure that the device can connect to the internet. Try and browse to a web page that you know is working like you company website or , you can check to see what should be displayed by viewing the same web page on a computer.

2. Check with the office that the webserver is running correctly.


Error Message When eDriver Cannot Connect

To Transport Correctly

Pallet Statuses

EPOD – Successful Clean Delivery

DELS – Delivered With Shortages

NSAV – No Signature Available (Driver Signed)

DELD – Delivered Damaged

UNDL – Unable to Deliver / Refused

LEFI – Left As Instructed

DREF – Refused Damaged


Tap Here To Open The eDriver Folder.

Tap Here To View The Full List Of Folders.

Tap Here To Start The eDriver Application.

Tap & Hold on eDriver and then select ‘Copy’.

Change the view so that you can see all the folders by tapping here.

Select ‘Start Menu’.

Tap & hold in the white area and then select ‘Paste Shortcut’.

A shortcut to the eDriver application will be created.

Tap & hold down on the file and then select ‘Rename’.

Tap here for the keyboard

Renamed file.

Check to see that eDriver appears on the ‘Start Menu’.

Tap on the ‘Menu’ icon.

Check or uncheck items as required.

New shortcut that has been placed in the ‘Startup’ folder.

Select the ‘Startup’ folder.

Click Here To Change The Column Width and then drag it to theleft.

Click To The Right Of The Colour Column & Drag It To The Right To Display ‘DS’.

Place a ‘tick’ in the box against all the statuses that you want the driver to be able to update.

Delivery Details

Collection Details

This list will display a list of driver or vehicles depending upon your settings.

The signatory name goes in here.

Enter the signature here.

Date and time will be automatically completed.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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