Los Angeles Community College District

Technology Policy and Planning Committee (TPPC)


Thursday, February 21, 2013

2:00 – 4:00 PM Meeting Time

| |Notes |Action-Item |

|Convene regular meeting |Wendy Bass – Pierce | |

| |Adriana Barrera - ESC | |

| |Jorge Mata – ESC | |

| |Deborah Harrington - ESC | |

| |Amy Sirott - Pierce College | |

| |Carolyn McGee – SW | |

| |Suzanne Floyd – West | |

| |Mark Henderson - Pierce College | |

| |Jackie Hamms – Valley | |

| |Linda Delzeit – Trade | |

| |Joe Perret - Pierce | |

| | | |

| |Guest: Subodh | |

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|Final implementation Plan |Mark Henderson asked about the importance of aligning goals of the individual|We did not have enough members for a |

| |campuses with district plan. Dr. Barrera responded that the district |quorum. Will send it electronically |

| |strategic plan is broad so that the colleges could then align their specific |and give until next Wednesday for vote|

| |plans to the relevant parts of the district plan. |for adoption – 2/27/13 |

|Update of Measure J Technology |Jorge Mata went over Measure J updates (see attached pp) | |

|Program |Andy Duran is the project manager on the Plant Maintenance/Work order/CMMS | |

| |Mission will be trained right before spring break | |

| |Academic email | |

| |Students live after Spring Break 2013 | |

| |Faculty ready Spring Break 2013 (all faculty) | |

| |LACCD have already exceeded over 600,000 emails – we make up 20% of emails | |

| |for MS | |

| |No elimination of any college administrative email accounts – faculty will | |

| |keep their college email accounts. Faculty can forward to their college | |

| |email. | |

| |Students/faculty can request a read receipt | |

| |District wide email upgrade | |

| |All colleges being upgraded to Exchange 2010 Enterprise email system | |

| |Needed to link to new academic email (student email) | |

| |All colleges will be on same platform | |

| |Connect LACCD – Fiber Optic | |

| |Draft MOU being reviewed at LACCD to be sent to MTA | |

| |Data replication begun between ESC and Valley – the student info main | |

| |database, human resource and financial database – in process of being | |

| |replicated at Valley | |

| |The goal is for each college to be identified with 12 strands of fiber. | |

| |Targeted completion date end of 2016 | |

| |Physical Security (one card system) | |

| |Single card used at all colleges for access (see attached) | |

| |RFP for SAP upgrade – need to support asset management, plant maintenance, | |

| |CMMS, mobile SAP and institutional effectiveness (IES) system. Will reduce | |

| |cost of programming because on such old system. | |

| |Master Agreements | |

| |Hardware | |

| |Smart classroom components | |

| |Controls | |

| |Technology Training for projects being procured – train the specialist at | |

| |each college so they can operate and design. | |

| |AV Lecture Capture still in evaluation | |

|SIS |Fit gap sessions are in process – newsletter going out once a month. | |

| |Successfully negotiated a technology training with Oracle – and have all docs| |

| |in place for contract | |

| |Have paid one invoice – | |

| |Implementation team is now here | |

|DTC Update |Going to put legal disclaimer on outlook web – so congruent with accessing | |

| |all district systems. Same policy rules and authorizations apply. | |

| |Working on a published policy with persons having one email account in the | |

| |district – which is established email. | |

| | | |

| |Mass notification – which is system of record? District solution? Should have| |

| |one system because on academic email it will be a global way of reaching | |

| |students with no cost to the college. Will support self-registration for | |

| |listserv | |

| |Cannot use this for emergencies | |

| | | |

| |Emergency notification – a different systems | |

| | | |

| |Mission, Pierce, SW, City – blackboard connect | |

| |Trade – using multiple systems (CISCO – school messenger) | |

| |East - ? | |

| |Harbor - ? | |

| |West -? | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Dr. Barrera said that at district they are discussing putting out a district | |

| |wide RFP for mass notification system | |

| |


|LACCD emails – adjunct and |District will create listserv based on SIS assignment date so that person | |

|students in Spring 2013 |will be put in distribution list for that college. | |

|a) Listservs? |Student will have one email account, but will be on nine distribution lists | |

|B) Notifications of faculty? |based on where taking classes. | |

|C) Support for students and | | |

|faculty? |Campus IT will be supporting faculty and staff in their district email | |

| | | |

| |Adjunct faculty have not received information about their emails moving to | |

| |district email address. | |

| |


| | | |

| | | |

| |next meeting Thursday, March 21, 2013 | |


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