EMC Smarts Version 9.5.0 Patch 7 Readme for ESM, IP, MPLS ...

EMC? Smarts?

Version 9.5.0 Cumulative Patch Readme



302-005-089 Rev 01

Copyright ? 1996 - 2018 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Published in the USA. Published July 2018 Dell believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change without notice. The information in this publication is provided as is. Dell makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to the information in this publication, and specifically disclaims implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Use, copying, and distribution of any Dell software described in this publication requires an applicable software license. Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be the property of their respective owners. Published in the USA. For the most up-to-date regulatory document for your product line, go to EMC Online Support (). EMC Smarts Version 9.5.0 Patch 7 Readme

EMC Smarts Version 9.5.0 Patch 7 Readme


The document contains information about the EMC? Smarts? Version 9.5.0 Patch 7 release (EMC Smarts

Revision history ..................................................................................................... 5 Scope .................................................................................................................... 5 Patch description ................................................................................................... 5 Enhancements and changes .................................................................................. 7 Known problems and limitations.......................................................................... 10 Number of fixed defects and certified devices ...................................................... 11 Fixed Defects ....................................................................................................... 12 Certified devices .................................................................................................. 23 Environment and system requirements ................................................................ 41 Installation........................................................................................................... 42 Log files ............................................................................................................... 46 Reconcile user-modifiable files ............................................................................ 47 Uninstallation ...................................................................................................... 49 Troubleshooting and getting help......................................................................... 52


Patch Readme documents for a specific release are now consolidated into a single document. Patch Readme documents as well as product documentation for all releases are available as a download from EMC Online Support ().

EMC Smarts Version 9.5.0 Patch 7 Readme




EMC Smarts Version 9.5.0 Patch 7 Readme

Revision history

This section presents the revision history of this document.

Table 1. Revision history

Revision Release Date



October 2017

Release of EMC Smarts Version 9.5.0 Patch 1 Readme.


January 2018

Release of EMC Smarts Version 9.5.0 Patch 4 Readme.


April 2018

Release of EMC Smarts Version 9.5.0 Patch 6 Readme.


July 2018

Release of EMC Smarts Version 9.5.0 Patch 7 Readme.


This section presents the product scope for this patch release.

Table 2. Products released in this patch

Patch Release

EMC Smarts Version 9.5.0 Patch 7

Release date July 2018

Product (s) released in this patch IP

Patch description

A patch provides one or more fixes to an EMC Smarts product. A patch can only be applied to the specific major or minor release and Service Pack of the particular product for which it is intended; this is called the product's baseline.


All EMC Smarts 9.5.0.x products will not be released for every patch release. A patch may apply only to a subset of products, for example, the next patch release may be only for SAM and IP. Also, if the latest patch version for all products is 1 and Patch 2 is only for SAM and IP, the next patch number irrespective of which product is released will be Patch 3. In addition, Network Configuration Manager (NCM) is also part of EMC Smarts 9.5 release and impacts the patch numbering for the release. Details for this product are kept in a separate Patch Readme.

Installation directory In this document, the term BASEDIR represents the location where EMC Smarts software is installed.

? For UNIX, the default location is: /opt/InCharge/. ? For Windows, the default location is: C:\InCharge\.

EMC Smarts Version 9.5.0 Patch 7 Readme


Patch description

The represents the EMC Smarts product suite to which the product belongs.

Optionally, you can specify the root of BASEDIR to be something other than /opt/InCharge (on UNIX) or C:\InCharge (on Windows), but you cannot change the name of the that is part of the BASEDIR.

The System Administration Guide provides additional information about the directory structure of EMC Smarts software.

Installation overview A patch installs files to the BASEDIR/smarts/local directory of the product. The Installation software performs the following actions:

? Backs up all files that are being replaced or merged.

? Merges changes from your current, user-modifiable configuration files into the new versions of the files from the patch.

? Displays a list of files that were merged and files that could not be merged due to conflicts.

? Displays the location of a log file that lists the results of merging the files.

? Leaves user-modifiable files that are not updated by the patch untouched.


If the original product was installed on one computer and then was copied to another computer, the patch cannot be applied to the copied installation. You must apply the patch to the computer with the original installation, and then the results can be copied to another computer.

JRE requirement for Installation software If the patch Installation software cannot find the correct version of the JRE, it displays the message: "A suitable JVM could not be found."

If this occurs, use the is:javahome option to specify the absolute path of the JRE installed with the EMC Smarts software on one line. For example:

./setup-IP-linux-9_5_0_7-20180717-64BIT.bin -is:javahome BASEDIR/IP/_jvm

Or, if software is being installed in Wizard mode and an error message is thrown saying "Cannot find a compatible JVM. Select the java.exe file of the JVM from the /_jvm/bin directory".

Note: The term BASEDIR represents the location where EMC Smarts software is installed; for example, C:/InCharge/.

Install a new patch over an older patch Patches are cumulative; each successive patch includes all of the fixes from any previous patches. As a result, a newer patch can be installed on top of an older patch. The patch number, which increments itself for each successive patch, indicates the version. A patch with higher version number can be installed over a patch with a lower version number.


EMC Smarts Version 9.5.0 Patch 7 Readme

Enhancements and changes

The Installation software checks the version of the installed product and the version to be installed at the beginning of its process. It will not allow an older version to be installed on top of a newer version.

Upgrade after applying a patch During an upgrade, the Installation software automatically uninstalls any applied patches. Patch files, which are installed to BASEDIR/smarts/local, are removed if the files are not modified by the user. The files that are modified are not removed and are copied to /smarts/.local.bkp. directory for manual reconciliation.

Note: is the complete version number for the patch, for example,

Patch installation files Install the patch on each host where the EMC Smarts product is running. Choose the appropriate Installation software based on the operating system of the host.


? setup-IP-linux-9_5_0_7-20180717-64BIT.bin ? setup-IP-win-9_5_0_7-20180717-64BIT.exe

Enhancements and changes

This patch release contains the following enhancements and changes:

? General enhancements and changes ? Enhancements and changes in IP ? Enhancements and changes in SAM ? Enhancements and changes in VoIP ? Enhancements and changes in MPLS ? Enhancements and changes in NPM ? Enhancements and changes in ESM ? Enhancements and changes in OTM General enhancements and changes

Enhancements and changes in IP Enhancement to automate manual IP tagging via script

This patch release contains enhancement to automate manual IP tagging via script.

A new utility (via asl script) has been introduced, file name : ic-autoIPTagging.asl present under rules/utils directory that runs through all the duplicateIP present in the

EMC Smarts Version 9.5.0 Patch 7 Readme


Enhancements and changes

topology, and creates appropriate tag groups based on the device name that it is duplicatedBy.

Note: This is mainly useful for tagging purpose where RD (route distinguisher) is not populated.

The following are the modified files (all files in BASEDIR/smarts/local/):


To run the utility, execute the following command:

./sm_adapter -s -b icautoIPTagging.asl

Note: Before running the utility, please take a backup of the RPS file (in case if tagging needs to be redone).

Also, the tool is a framework for automating the manual IP tagging, and hence this tool can be customized as per user requirement.

Enhancements and changes in IP certification - Disk utilization event has been added in IP Smarts This patch release contains enhancement for the IP certification to monitor disk utilization performance.

A new event HighDiskUtilization has been added to monitor disk utilization performance related data, such as Capacity, Used, and Available memory.

Enhancements and changes in SAM This patch release does not contain any enhancement and changes.

Enhancements and changes in VoIP This patch release does not contain any enhancement and changes.

Enhancements and changes in MPLS This patch release does not contain any enhancement and changes.

Enhancements and changes in NPM This patch release does not contain any enhancement and changes.

Enhancements and changes in ESM This patch release does not contain any enhancement and changes.

Enhancements and changes in OTM This patch release does not contain any enhancement and changes.

New configuration flags This patch release does not contain any new configuration flags.


EMC Smarts Version 9.5.0 Patch 7 Readme


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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