Html-pdf npm module


Html-pdf npm module

Html to pdf npm module. Not using one of the above languages? It is still easy to use Docraptor HTML to PDF API with basic HTTP calls. Make a post request to convert a document, simply send a Post to https request: //Your_api_key_here@docs with the following JSON Payload: {"Test": True, // Test documents are free, but Filigree "Document_Content": " Hello ", // Supply Content Directly // "Document_url": " , // or use a "type" URL: "pdf", // pdf or xls or xlsx // "javascript": true, // enabled javascript processing // "prince_options": {// "media": screen "Screen" // Use styles instead of print styles // "Baseurl": " " // Fake URL When you use Document_Content //}} For more information, see our complete API reference. Ricciolo Here is an example of that post request with curling: Http Ricciolo: //Your_api_key_here@docs-fail --Silent --show-Error - Header "Content-Type: Application / JSON" - -Data '{"Test": True, "Document_url": " , "Type": "pdf"}'> docraptor.pdf steps subsequent composer request docraptor / Docraptor $ docraptor = new docraptor docapi (); $ Docraptor-> getconfig () -> Situcername ("your_api_key_here"); // $ docraptor-> getconfig () -> SetDebug (True); $ Doc = new docraptor doc (); $ Doc-> Settest (True); // test documents are free, but filigree $ doc-> setdocumentcontent (" hello world "); // electrical contents directly // $ doc-> setdocumenturl (" ); // or use a $ DOC-> SetName URL ("DOCRAPTOR-PHP.PDF"); // find a document later $ doc-> setdocumenttype ("pdf"); // pdf or xls or xlsx // $ doc-> setjavascript (true); // Enable JavaScript Processing // $ prince_options = new docraptor princeoptions (); // pdf-specific options // $ doc-> setprinceoptions ($ prince_options); // $ prince_options-> SetMedia ("Screen"); // screen styles to use instead of print styles // $ prince_options-> setbaseurl (" "); // Fake URL When you use Document_Content $ Create_response = $ Docraptor-> Createdoc ($ DOC); Optionally memorize and obtain a URL for the converted document with hosting document View more code examples with error management, asynchronous creation, saving files and hosting documents. Perfect the styling document with our style and reference formatting, and API reference. Easily add headers and more page, page interruptions, page numbers, content table, and much more! PIP Install Docraptor --upgrade or easy_install --upgrade Docraptor If you are on a system with easy_install but not pip, you can use Easy_Install instead. If you are not using Virtualenv, you may need to put the commands with sudo. Importing use DocRaptor base doc_api = docraptor.docapi () doc_api.api_client.configuration.username = 'your_api_key_here' # doc_api.api_client.configuration.debug = true answer = doc_api.create_doc ({"test": it is true, The test documents are free # but filiglained "document_content": " hello world ", content # electric directly # "document_url": " Examples / invoice.html ", # or use a" Name "URL:" Docraptor-Python.pdf ", # Find a document after" Document_Type ":" PDF ", # PDF or XLS or XLSX #" JavaScript ": True, # Enable JavaScript Processing # "Prince_options": {# "media": "screen", # Use screen styles instead of print styles # "Baseurl": " ", # Pretend URL when using Document_content #},}) Subsequent steps optionally memorize and get a URL for the converted document with hosting document View Examples of code with error handling, asynchronous creation, saving of files and hosting documents. Perfect the styling document with our style and reference formatting, and API reference. Easily add headers and more page, page interruptions, page numbers, content table, and much more! PDF generation with Node.js is as easy as making a HTTP request. The Node.js code below is a functional example of a basic PDF creation. Installation Install the IL Module for easy management of the HTTP request. $ NPM Install Request Basic Design Use Var Dead = Request ('Request'); VAR FS = Request ('FS'); Var content = " test! "; Config = {url: ' , coding: null, // Important! This produces a binary body response instead of text headers: {'type-type': 'Application / JSON'}, JSON: {user_credentials: "your_api_key_here", doc: {document_content: content, type: "pdf", test : True, // Prince_options: {// Media: "Screen", // Use screen styles instead of print styles // Baseturl: " " // URL to use to generate URL Absolute for resources from relative URLs //}}}} ;; (config, function (err, answer, body) {fs.writefile ('doc_raptor_sample.pdf', body, "binary", function (writrer) {console.log ('saved!');});} ); ); The next steps optionally memorize and get a URL for your document converted with the document that hosts your PDF style with our style and our formatting reference. Add to easy addicts and more page, page interruptions, page numbers, summary and much more! Add the following to your gemfile. GEMMA "DOCRAPTOR" then run: bundle installs basic use docraptor.configure do | config | config.username = "your_api_key_here" # config.debugging = true end $ docraptor = docraptor :: response = $ docraptor.create_doc (test: true, # test documents are free but filigrations document_content: " Hello World ", # power content directly # document_url:" ", # or use a name URL:" doctraptor-ruby.pdf ", # Helps you find a next document document_type:" pdf ", # pdf or xls or xlsx # javascript: true, # enable javascript processing # prince_options: {# media:" screen ", # use screen styles instead of styles printing # baseurl: " ", # pretending URL when using Document_Content #},) subsequent steps filming optionally and get a URL for your document converted with hosting document View more code examples with the Error management, asynchronous creation, file saving and docu hosting minds. Perfect your styling document with our style and reference formatting and API reference. Add to easy addicts and more page, page interruptions, page numbers, summary and much more! To install the Client API library on the local Maven repository, it is sufficient to run: MVN Installation to distribute it to a Remote Maven repository instead, configure repository settings and run: MVN Distribute after the client library is installed / distributed, it is You can use in your project MAVEN adding the following to your pom.xml: com.docriptor docraptor 2.0.0 Basic use Import *; Import . *; Import com.Docrationtor. *; Public Class Sync {Public Static Void Main (String [] args) Throws Exception {Docapi Docraptor = New Docapi (); Client apiclient = docraptor.getapiclient (); client.setusername ("your_api_key_here"); //client.setDebugging(tre); Doc doc = new doc (); doc.settest (True); // The test documents are free but filiglarati doc.setdocumentContent (" hello world "); // provide content directly // doc.setdocumenturl (" ); // or use a URL DOC.SETDOCUMENTTTYPE (DOCUMENT.DOCUMENTTTYPEENUM.PDF); // pdf or xls or xlsx doc.setName ("docraptor-java.pdf"); // helps you find a document after doc.setjavascript (true); // enable javascript processing // prince_options = new principles (); // doc.setPreInceoptions // prince_options.setmedia ("screen"); // Use the screen styles instead of printing styles // prince_options.setbaseurl (" ") // claiming URL when using Document_Content Docraptor.Createdoc (DOC); }} The next steps optionally memorize and receive a URL for your document converted with the hosting document View more code examples with error handling, asynchronous creation, file saving and document hosting. Perfect your style of documents with our style and formatting formatting and reference bees. Add to easy addicts and more page, page interruptions, page numbers, summary and much more! .NET 4.0 or later version of Windows Phone 7.1 Line (Mango) Command: nuget.exe Install Docraptor Package Manager Console: Install-Package Docraptor Download DLL: Get Docraptor.dll from Github Use Basic using Docraptor.client; Using docraptor.model; Using Docraptor.api; Using; Class example {static void main (string [] args) {docapi docraptor = new docapi (); docraptor.configuration.username = "your_api_key_here"; Doc doc = new doc (test: real, // test documents are free but filiglarata documentcontent: " hello world ", // electrical contents directly // documenturl: " http: //examples/invoice.html ", // or use a URL name:" docraptor-csharp.pdf ", // Find a document later DocumentType: doc.documenttypeenum.pdf // pdf or xls or XLSX // JavaScript: True, // Enable JavaScript Processing // Princeoptions: New Princeoptions (// Media: "Screen", // screen styles Use instead of printing styles // baseurl: "http: // hello. com "// fake URL when using Document_Content //)); Byte [] = CREATERESPONSE DOCRAPTOR.CREATEDOC (DOC); }} The next steps optionally memorize and receive a URL for your document converted with the hosting document View more code examples with error handling, asynchronous creation, file saving and document hosting. Perfect your styling document with our style and reference formatting and API reference. Add to easy addicts and more page, page interruptions, page numbers, summary and much more! The Docraptor JavaScript library makes it easy to create PDF with JavaScript. The library does not require jQuery, but you can use jQuery to define the contents of the document. When requesting a PDF, the library builds a hidden shape and sends to the Docraptor APIs. Until all modern browsers support the link to download attribute, using this hidden module is the best way to generate a download file directly from JavaScript. Attention: this code exposes the API key in the website source code. This code should not be used in a place accessible to the public, instead try using a server-side agent such as PHP or Ruby. Example of code Hello! World ", // or HTML supply Directly // Document_url:" ", // or use a JavaScript URL: True, // Activate JavaScript / / prince_options processing: {// Media: "screen", // screen styles Use instead of print styles //}})} @media print {# pdf-button { Display: None; }} example We have a jQuery Docraptor plugin that you should check. Examples and details can be found on that page. page.

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