August 26-31, 2009 Web Surfing Tracker of A Mad …

Aum Gung Ganapathaye Namah

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma-sambuddhassa

Homage to The Blessed One, Accomplished and Fully Enlightened

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Web Surfing Tracker

A Collection of Articles, Notes and References


(August 26-31, 2009)

(Revised: Thursday, August 05, 2010)

References Edited by

A Mad Schizophrenic

What’s in a name? That which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet.

- William Shakespeare

Copyright © 2009-2020 A Mad Schizophrenic

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8 "... Freely you received, freely give”.

- Matthew 10:8 :: New American Standard Bible (NASB)

The attempt to make God just in the eyes of sinful men will always lead to error.

- Pastor William L. Brown.

1 “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.

2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,

3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,

4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—

5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.

6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires,

7 always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth.

8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth--men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected.

9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.”

- 2 Timothy 3:1-9 :: New International Version (NIV)

The right to be left alone – the most comprehensive of rights, and the right most valued by a free people

- Justice Louis Brandeis, Olmstead v. U.S., 1928.

15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

- Revelation 3:15-16 :: King James Version (KJV)

6 As he saith also in another place, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.

- Hebrews 5:6 :: King James Version (KJV)

3 Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.

- Hebrews 7:3 :: King James Version (KJV)

Therefore, I say:

Know your enemy and know yourself;

in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated.

When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself,

your chances of winning or losing are equal.

If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself,

you are sure to be defeated in every battle.

-- Sun Tzu, The Art of War, c. 500bc

There are two ends not to be served by a wanderer. What are these two? The pursuit of desires and of the pleasure which springs from desire, which is base, common, leading to rebirth, ignoble, and unprofitable; and the pursuit of pain and hardship, which is grievous, ignoble, and unprofitable.

- The Blessed One, Lord Buddha

3 Neither let the son of the stranger, that hath joined himself to the LORD, speak, saying, The LORD hath utterly separated me from his people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree.

- Isaiah 56:3 :: King James Version (KJV)

19:12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

- Matthew 19:12 :: King James Version (KJV)

21 But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.

- Matthew 17:21 :: Amplified Bible (AMP)


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Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, India

IP Address:

Wednesday, August 26, 2009 0137 p.m. – 0207 p.m. IST


Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Mr. Sreegopal N. Sreekumaran

‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA-A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu

Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, India

Phone: 91-471-2471790

Email: sreegopalsreekumaran@



Additional Director General of Police (ADGP)

Police Headquarters

Vazhuthacaud, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India


Subject: Inviting the public to voice opinions on Kerala Police uniform.

Reference: Sreeji Augustine. (Wednesday, August 26, 2009) Kerala Police Preparing to Abandon Khaki Uniform. Thiruvananthapuram, India: Mathrubhumi Newspaper.(Malayalam) Page 2.


I advise you to go through the news article given below in detail.

If you accept the role of long range millimeterwave (MMW) cameras for spying...mind reading investigated by your officers [DCP(Law and Order), ACP Sanghumugham, CI Pettah)]...following my complaint, (Receipt No: 1176/P/AIG (PG)/PHQ/09 dated Thursday, July 02, 2009) then I appreciate you to understand the need to link external security of the nation to internal security. In that process of unification, WHATEVER UNIFORM IS WORN BY THE MILITARY OUGHT TO BE WORN BY THE POLICE FORCE, BE OF ANY STATE WITHIN INDIA. It helps the public to become aware of THE NEED TO PROTECT OUR NATION and volunteer services for the nation’s defense.

Thank you,

Sreegopal N. Sreekumaran



'Nervous' China may attack India by 2012, claims defence expert


A leading defence expert has projected that China will attack India by 2012 to divert the attention of its own people from "unprecedented" internal dissent, growing unemployment and financial problems that are threatening the hold of Communists in that country. "China will launch an attack on India before 2012. There are multiple reasons for a desperate Beijing to teach India the final lesson, thereby ensuring Chinese supremacy in Asia in this century," Bharat Verma, Editor of the Indian Defence Review, has said.

Chinese export shops shut


He said the recession has "shut the Chinese exports shop", creating an "unprecedented internal social unrest" which in turn, was severely threatening the grip of the Communists over the society. Among other reasons for this assessment were rising unemployment, flight of capital worth billions of dollars, depletion of its foreign exchange reserves and growing internal dissent, Verma said in an editorial in the forthcoming issue of the premier defence journal.

China worried over India's growth


Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev,Chinese President Hu Jintao and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, from left, pose for a photo at the first full-fledged summit of Brazil, Russia, India and China, collectively called BRIC, in the Ural Mountains city of Yekaterinburg, Russia on June 16, 2009. Officials from Russia, China and Brazil have said in recent weeks that they would invest in bonds issued by the International Monetary Fund to diversify their dollar-heavy currency reserves. While BRIC members share a desire to play a bigger role in creating a new global financial order and counterbalancing the West and Japan, their often contradictory interests would make forging a common policy a difficult task.

Irrelevance of Pakistan


In addition to this, "The growing irrelevance of Pakistan, their right hand that operates against India on their behest, is increasing the Chinese nervousness," he said, adding that US President Barak Obama's Af-Pak policy was primarily Pak-Af policy that has "intelligently set the thief to catch the thief".

Verma said Beijing was "already rattled, with its proxy Pakistan now literally embroiled in a civil war, losing its sheen against India." "Above all, it is worried over the growing alliance of India with the US and the West, because the alliance has the potential to create a technologically superior counterpoise. "All these three concerns of Chinese Communists are best addressed by waging a war against pacifist India to achieve multiple strategic objectives," he said.

Most option to attack soft-target India


While China "covertly allowed" North Korea to test underground nuclear explosion and carry out missile trials, it was also "increasing its naval presence in South China Sea to coerce into submission those opposing its claim on the Sprately Islands," the defence expert said. He said it would be "unwise" at this point of time for a recession-hit China to move against the Western interests, including Japan. "Therefore, the most attractive option is to attack a soft target like India and forcibly occupy its territory in the Northeast," Verma said.

Is Indian military equipped


Indian Army chief General Deepak Kapoor speaking to media at an army base in Beerwah some 38km north-west of Srinagar. India's army chief said his country needs a military space program because its satellites are vulnerable to attack from countries like China, which shot down a disabled weather satellite last year.

But India is "least prepared" on ground to face the Chinese threat, he says and asks a series of questions on how will India respond to repulse the Chinese game plan or whether Indian leadership would be able to "take the heat of war". "Is Indian military equipped to face the two-front wars by Beijing and Islamabad? Is the Indian civil administration geared to meet the internal security challenges that the external actors will sponsor simultaneously through their doctrine of unrestricted warfare? "The answers are an unequivocal 'no'. Pacifist India is not ready by a long shot either on the internal or the external front," the defence journal editor says.

In view of the "imminent threat" posed by China, "the quickest way to swing out of pacifism to a state of assertion is by injecting military thinking in the civil administration to build the sinews. That will enormously increase the deliverables on ground -- from Lalgarh to Tawang," he says.

Source: PTI



Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, India

IP Address:

Thursday, August 27, 2009 0726 a.m. – 0751 a.m. IST




Upload 2009aug64-73



Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, India

IP Address:

Friday, August 28, 2009 1243 p.m. – 0218 p.m. IST

"indigineous japanese people"

"indigenous japanese people"



Read: Friday, August 28, 2009


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

• Ainu people

o Ainu language

o Ainu music

o Ainu cuisine

• Ainu (Middle-earth) (plural Ainur), a primordial spirit in J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy writings

• Äynu people

• Äynu language

See also



Ainu people

Ainu people

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the ethnic group of western China, see Äynu people.

This article needs additional citations for verification.

Please help improve this article by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (October 2008)


Group of Ainu people, 1902 photograph.

Total population

The official Japanese government estimate is 25,000, though this number has been disputed with unnoffical estimates of upwards of 200,000.[1]

Regions with significant populations




Ainu was the traditional language spoken by the Ainu; today, however, it is all but forgotten - most Ainu today are native speakers of Japanese or Russian.[2]


Animism, Russian Orthodox, Buddhism

Ainu (アイヌ?) IPA: [ʔáinu] (also called Ezo in historical texts) are an ethnic group of Japan, indigenous to Hokkaidō, the Kuril Islands, and much of Sakhalin.

Most of those who identify themselves as Ainu still live in this same region, though the exact number of living Ainu is unknown. This is due to racial issues in Japan resulting in those with Ainu backgrounds hiding their identities and confusion over mixed heritages. Official estimates of the population are of around 25,000, whilst unofficially the number is upwards of 200,000 people.[1]


1 History

1.1 Official recognition

2 Origins

3 Geography

4 Language

5 Culture

5.1 Religion

6 American continent connection theory

7 Institutions

8 Subgroups

9 See also

10 Notes

11 References and further reading

12 External links


Ainu culture dates from around 1200 CE [3] and recent research suggests that it originated in a merger of the Okhotsk and Satsumon cultures.[4] Active contact between the Wajin (the ethnically Japanese) and the Ainu of Ezochi (now known as Hokkaido) began in the 13th century [5]. The Ainu were a society of hunter-gatherers, who lived mainly off fish and plants, and the people followed a religion based around the phenomenon of nature. [6] The Ainu culture survived in this way until the nineteenth century, with limited contact with the Wajin.

The turning point for Ainu culture was the beginning of the Meiji Restoration in 1868. It was then that a variety of social, political and economic reforms were introduced by the Japanese government in the hopes of modernising the country in the western style, and resulted in the annexation of Hokkaido. Sjöberg quotes Baba’s (1980) account of the Japanese government's reasoning behind the proceedings: [7]

‘ … The development of Japan's large northern island had several objectives: First, it was seen as a means to defend Japan from a rapidly developing and expansionist Russia. Second … it offered a solution to the unemployment for the former samurai class … Finally, development promised to yield the needed natural resources for a growing capitalist economy.’[8]

In 1899 the Japanese government passed an act labeling the Ainu as former Aborigines, with the idea they would assimilate - this resulted in the land the Ainu people lived on being taken by the Japanese government, and was from then on under Japanese control.[9] Also at this time, the Ainu were granted automatic Japanese citizenship, effectively denying them of being an indigenous group.

The Ainu were becoming increasingly marginalised on their own land - over a period of only 36 years, the Ainu went from being a relatively isolated group of people to having their land, language, religion and customs assimilated into those of the Japanese. [10] In addition to this, the land the Ainu lived on was distributed to the Wajin who had decided to move to Hokkaido, whom had been encouraged by the Japanese government of the Meiji era to take advantage of the island’s abundance of natural resources, and to create and maintain farms in the model of western industrial agriculture. This development was termed Kaitakushi.[11] As well as this, factories such as flour mills and beer breweries and mining practices resulted in the creation of infrastructure such as roads and railway lines, during a development period that lasted until 1904. [12] During this time the Ainu were forced to learn Japanese, required to adopt Japanese names and ordered to cease religious practices such as animal sacrifice and the custom of tattooing.


Ainu bear sacrifice. Japanese scroll painting, circa 1870.The 1899 act mentioned above was replaced in 1997—until then the government had stated there were no ethnic minority groups.[4] It was not until June 6, 2008 that Japan would formally recognise the Ainu as an indigenous group (see Official Recognition, below).[4]

Intermarriages between Japanese and Ainu were actively promoted by the Ainu to lessen the chances of discrimination against their offspring. As a result, many Ainu are indistinguishable from their Japanese neighbors. There are many small towns in the southeastern or Hidaka region where full-blooded Ainu may still be seen such as in Nibutani. In Sambutsu especially, on the eastern coast, many children of such marriages may be seen.

Their most widely known ethnonym is derived from the word ainu, which means "human" (particularly as opposed to kamui, divine beings) in the Hokkaidō dialects of the Ainu language; Emishi, Ezo or Yezo (蝦夷) are Japanese terms, which are believed to derive from the ancestral form of the modern Sakhalin Ainu word enciw or enju, also meaning "human". Today, many Ainu dislike the term Ainu because it had once been used with derogatory nuance, and prefer to identify themselves as Utari (comrade in the Ainu language). In official documents both names are used.

Official recognition

On 6 June 2008, a bi-partisan, non-binding resolution was approved by the Japanese Diet calling upon the government to recognize the Ainu people as indigenous to Japan and urge an end to discrimination against the group. The resolution recognised the Ainu people as "an indigenous people with a distinct language, religion and culture" and rescinds the law passed in 1899.[10][13]

Though the resolution is historically significant, Hideaki Uemura, professor at Keisen University in Tokyo and a specialist in indigenous peoples' rights, commented that the motion is "weak in the sense of recognizing historical facts" as the Ainu were "forced" to become Japanese in the first place.[14]


The origins of the Ainu have often been considered Jōmon-jin, natives to Japan from the Jōmon period. "The Ainu lived in this place a hundred thousand years before the Children of the Sun came" is told in one of their Yukar Upopo (Ainu legends).[15]

Ainu culture as it is known today dates from around 1200 CE[16] and recent research suggests that it originated in a merger of the Okhotsk and Satsumon cultures.[17] Their economy was based on farming as well as hunting, fishing and gathering.[18]


Ainu man, circa 1880.Full-blooded Ainu are lighter skinned than their Japanese neighbors and have more body hair,[19] a large nose and round eyes.[citation needed] Many early investigators proposed a Caucasian ancestry,[20] although recent DNA tests have not shown signs of Caucasian ancestry.

Genetic testing of the Ainu people has shown them to belong mainly to Y-haplogroup D.[21] The only places outside of Japan in which Y-haplogroup D is common are Tibet and the Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean.[22]

In a study by Tajima et al. (2004), two out of a sample of sixteen (or 12.5%) Ainu men were found to belong to Haplogroup C3, which is the most common Y-chromosome haplogroup among the indigenous populations of the Russian Far East and Mongolia;[21] Hammer et al. (2006) tested another sample of four Ainu men and found that one of them belonged to haplogroup C3.[23]

Some researchers have speculated that this minority of Haplogroup C3 carriers among the Ainu may reflect a certain degree of unidirectional genetic influence from the Nivkhs, a traditionally nomadic people of northern Sakhalin Island and the adjacent mainland, with whom the Ainu have long-standing cultural interactions.[21] According to Tanaka et al. (2004), their mtDNA lineages mainly consist of haplogroup Y (11/51 = 21.6%), haplogroup M7a(xM7a1) (8/51 = 15.7%), haplogroup D (especially D4), and haplogroup G.[24]

Mitochondrial DNA haplogroup Y is otherwise found mainly among Nivkhs, and with lower frequency among Tungusic peoples, Koreans, Mongols (including Kalmyks and Buryats), Chinese, Japanese, Tajiks and other Central Asians, South Siberian Turkic peoples (e.g. Tuvans, Todjins, Soyots), Koryaks, Alyutors, Itelmens, Taiwanese aborigines, Filipinos, Indonesians, and Malaysians. Haplogroup M7a, on the other hand, has been found elsewhere mainly among Japanese and Ryukyuans, and with lower frequency among Koreans, Chinese, Filipinos, Taiwanese aborigines, Buryats, Central Asians, and Waars of the Jaintia Hills in Meghalaya, India.[24][25][26][27][28]

A recent reevaluation of cranial traits suggests that the Ainu resemble the Okhotsk more than they do the Jōmon.[29] This agrees with the reference to the Ainu culture being a merger of Okhotsk and Satsumon cultures referenced above.

Some have speculated that the Ainu may be descendants of a prehistoric group of humans that also produced indigenous Australian peoples. In Steve Olson's book Mapping Human History, page 133, he describes the discovery of fossils dating back 10,000 years, representing the remains of the Jōmon, a group whose facial features more closely resemble those of the indigenous peoples of New Guinea and Australia.

After a new wave of immigration, probably from the Korean Peninsula some 2,300 years ago, of the Yayoi people, the Jōmon were pushed into northern Japan. Genetic data suggest that modern Japanese are descended from both the Yayoi and the Jōmon.


The Ainu were distributed in the northern and central islands of Japan, from Sakhalin island in the north to the Kurile islands and the island of Hokkaidō and Northern Honshū, although some investigators place their former range as throughout Honshū and as far north as the southern tip of Kamchatka. The island of Hokkaido was known to the Ainu as Ainu Moshir, and was formally annexed by the Japanese at the late date of 1868, partly as a means of preventing the intrusion of the Russians, and partly for imperialist reasons.

According to the Russian Empire Census of 1897, 1446 persons in the Russian Empire reported Ainu language as their mother tongue, 1434 of them in Sakhalin Island.[30] For historical reasons nearly all Ainu live in Japan now.

The southern half of Sakhalin was acquired by Japan as a result of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05, but at the end of World War II in 1945, the Soviets declared war on Japan and took possession of the Kurile islands and southern Sakhalin. The Ainu population, as previously Japanese subjects, were "repatriated" to Japan.

There are, however, a small number of Ainu living on Sakhalin, most of them descendants of Sakhalin Ainu who were evicted and later returned. There is also an Ainu minority living at the southernmost area of the Kamchatka Peninsula and on the Kurile Islands.

However, the only Ainu speakers remaining (besides perhaps a few partial speakers) live solely in Japan. There, they are concentrated primarily on the southern and eastern coasts of the island of Hokkaidō.

Due to intermarriage with the Japanese and ongoing absorption into the predominant culture, there are no truly Ainu settlements existing today. The town of Nibutani in Hidaka area (Hokkaido prefecture) has a number of Ainu households and a visit to some of the Ainu owned craft shops close to the Ainu museums (there are two of them in Nibutani) is an opportunity to interact with the Ainu people. Many "authentic Ainu villages" advertised in Hokkaido such as Akan and Shiraoi are tourist attractions and provide an opportunity to see and meet Ainu people.


Main article: Ainu language

Today, it is estimated that fewer than 100 speakers of the language remain[31], while other research places the number at fewer than 15 speakers - the language has been regarded as “almost extinct”.[32] As a result of this the study of the Ainu language is limited and is based largely on historical research.

The Ainu language is significantly different from the Japanese language in its syntax, phonology, morphology, and vocabulary. Although there have been attempts to show that they are related, modern scholars have rejected that the relationship goes beyond contact, such as the mutual borrowing of words between Japanese and Ainu.[33] In fact, no attempt to show a relationship with Ainu to any other language has gained wide acceptance, and Ainu is currently considered to be a language isolate.[34]

Words used as prepositions in English such as: to, from, by, in, and at are postpositional in Ainu; they come after the word that they modify. A single sentence in Ainu can be made up of many added or agglutinated sounds or morphemes which represent nouns or ideas.

The Ainu language has had no system of writing, and has historically been transliterated by the Japanese kana or the Russian Cyrillic and now Latin alphabets by investigators. The unwieldy nature of the Japanese kana with its inability to accurately represent terminal consonants has contributed to the degradation of the original Ainu. For example, with such words as "Kor" (meaning to hold), is now being pronounced with a terminal vowel sound as "Koro".

Many of the Ainu dialects even from one end of Hokkaido to the other were not mutually intelligible; however, the classic Ainu language of the Yukar, or Ainu epic stories, was understood by all. Without a writing system, the Ainu were masters of narration, with the Yukar and other forms of narration such as the Uepeker (Uwepeker) tales, being committed to memory and related at gatherings often lasting many hours or even days [35]


Main articles: Ainu cuisine, Ainu music, and Yukar


Ainu ceremonial dress. British Museum.Traditional Ainu culture was quite different from Japanese culture.

Never shaving after a certain age, the men had full beards and moustaches. Men and women alike cut their hair level with the shoulders at the sides of the head, trimmed semicircularly behind. The women tattooed their mouths, and sometimes the forearms. The mouth tattoos were started at a young age with a small spot on the upper lip, gradually increasing with size. The soot deposited on a pot hung over a fire of birch bark was used for color. Their traditional dress was a robe spun from the inner bark of the elm tree, called attusi or attush. Various styles of clothing were made, and consisted generally of a simple short robe with straight sleeves, which was folded around the body, and tied with a band about the waist. The sleeves ended at the wrist or forearm and the length generally was to the calves. Women also wore an undergarment of Japanese cloth.

Modern craftswomen weave and embroider traditional garments which command very high prices. In winter the skins of animals were worn, with leggings of deerskin and in Sakhalin, boots were made from the skin of dogs or salmon. Both sexes are fond of earrings, which are said to have been made of grapevine in former times, as also are bead necklaces called tamasay, which the women prized highly.

Their traditional cuisine consists of the flesh of bear, fox, wolf, badger, ox or horse, as well as fish, fowl, millet, vegetables, herbs, and roots. They never ate raw fish or flesh; it was always boiled or roasted.

Their traditional habitations were reed-thatched huts, the largest 20 ft. (6 m) square, without partitions and having a fireplace in the center. There was no chimney, only a hole at the angle of the roof; there was one window on the eastern side and there were two doors. The house of the village head was used as a public meeting place when one was needed.

Instead of using furniture, they sat on the floor, which was covered with two layers of mats, one of rush, the other of flag; and for beds they spread planks, hanging mats around them on poles, and employing skins for coverlets. The men used chopsticks when eating; the women had wooden spoons. Ainu cuisine is not commonly eaten outside Ainu communities; there are only a few Ainu-run restaurants in Japan, all located in Tokyo or Hokkaidō, serving primarily Japanese fare.

The functions of judgeship were not entrusted to these chiefs; an indefinite number of a community's members sat in judgment upon its criminals. Capital punishment did not exist, nor did the community resort to imprisonment. Beating was considered a sufficient and final penalty. However, in the case of murder, the nose and ears of the culprit were cut off or the tendons of his feet severed.


For more information see Ainu creation myth.

The Ainu are traditionally animists, believing that everything in nature has a kamui (spirit or god) on the inside. There is a hierarchy of the kamui.

The most important is grandmother earth (fire), then kamui of the mountain (animals), then kamui of the sea (sea animals), lastly everything else. They have no priests by profession.

The village chief performs whatever religious ceremonies are necessary; ceremonies are confined to making libations of rice beer, uttering prayers, and offering willow sticks with wooden shavings attached to them. These sticks are called inau (singular) and nusa (plural).

They are placed on an altar used to "send back" the spirits of killed animals. The Ainu people give thanks to the gods before eating and pray to the deity of fire in time of sickness. They believe their spirits are immortal, and that their spirits will be rewarded hereafter by ascending to kamui mosir (Land of the Gods).

Some Ainu in the north are members of the Russian Orthodox Church.

American continent connection theory

In the late 20th century, much speculation arose that people of the group related to the Jomon may have been one of the first to settle North America. This theory is based largely on skeletal and cultural evidence among tribes living in the western part of North America and certain parts of South America.

It is possible that North America had several peoples among its early settlers—these relatives of the Jomon being one of them. The best-known evidence that may support this theory is probably Kennewick Man.[36][37]

Groundbreaking genetic mapping studies by Cavalli-Sforza have shown a sharp gradient in gene frequencies centered in the area around the Sea of Japan, and particularly in the Japanese Archipelago, that distinguishes these populations from others in the rest of eastern Asia and most of the American continent.

This gradient appears as the third most important genetic movement (in other words, the third principal component of genetic variation) in Eurasia (after the "Great expansion" from the African continent, which has a cline centered in Arabia and adjacent parts of the Middle East, and a second cline that distinguishes the northern regions of Eurasia and particularly Siberia from regions to the south), which would make it consistent with the early Jōmon period, or possibly even the pre-Jōmon period.[38]



Ainu cultural promotion center and museum, in Sapporo (Sapporo Pirka Kotan)In March 1997, the Ainu were recognized by a Japanese court as an indigenous and minority people. Ainu issues did not matter in the sphere of public policy until then.

There was a limited outcry when the Saru River was dammed and the upriver town of Nibutani, one of the largest traditional Ainu villages, was flooded and the land expropriated from its Ainu owners. The reservoir was designed to service an industrial development project on the coast of Hokkaido, and despite the industrial project's cancellation, the government persisted in building the dam.

Two Ainu residents, Kaizawa Tadashi and Kayano Shigeru, refused to sell their land, and in 1993 filed lawsuit against the expropriation. The expropriation was upheld, but for the first time a Japanese Court recognised that the Ainu's indigenous rights had been violated.[39]

As signatories of the United Nations Treaty, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) which was signed by Japan in 1979, the Japanese had been forced to face the issue that the Ainu were indeed indigenous and minority peoples, which supported the Ainu in their pursuit of their rights to their distinct culture and language. There are many different organizations of Ainu trying to further their cause in many different ways.

There is an umbrella group of which most Hokkaido Ainu and some other Ainu are members, called the Hokkaido Utari Association, originally controlled by the government with the intention of speeding Ainu assimilation and integration into the Japanese nation-state, which now operates mostly independently of the government and is run exclusively by Ainu.


Tohoku Ainu (from Honshū, no known living population)[citation needed]

Hokkaido Ainu

Sakhalin Ainu

Kuril Ainu (no known living population)

Kamchatka Ainu (extinct since pre-historic times)[citation needed]

Amur Valley Ainu (probably none remain)[citation needed]

See also

Ethnic issues in Japan

Ryukyuan people

Yamato people



Human rights in Japan

Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous peoples

List of ethnic groups


Ainu music


Kennewick Man



Ainu independence movement

Ryūkyū independence movement



1. ^ a b Poisson, B. 2002, The Ainu of Japan, Lerner Publications, Minneapolis, p.5.

2. ^ Gordon, Raymond G., Jr. (ed.) (2005). Ethnologue: Languages of the World (15th ed.). Dallas: SIL International. ISBN 1-55671-159-X. OCLC 224749653. . OCLC 60338097.

3. ^ "The Boone Collection - Image Gallery: Ainu Artifacts". . Retrieved on 2008-05-08.

4. ^ a b c Sato, Takehiro; et al. (2007). "Origins and genetic features of the Okhotsk people, revealed by ancient mitochondrial DNA analysis". Journal of Human Genetics 52 (7): 618–627. doi:10.1007/s10038-007-0164-z

5. ^ Weiner, M (eds) 1997, Japan’s Minorities: The Illusion of Homogeneity, Routledge, London.

6. ^ "NOVA Online – Island of the Spirits – Origins of the Ainu". . Retrieved on 2008-05-08.

7. ^ Brett L. Walker,The conquest of Ainu Lands:Ecology and Culture in Japanese Expansion 1590-1800-University of California Press,2001,Pages 49-56,61-71 and Pages 172-176

8. ^ Sjöberg, K 1993, The Return of the Ainu, Harwood Academic Publishers, Switzerland.

9. ^ Loos, N & Osani, T 1993, Indigenous Minorities and Education, Sanyusha Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo.

10. ^ a b Fogarty, Philippa (2008-06-06). "Recognition at last for Japan's Ainu". BBC News (BBC). . Retrieved 2008-06-07.

11. ^ Hohmann, S 2008, ‘The Ainu’s modern struggle’ in World Watch, Vol 21, No. 6, pp. 20-24.

12. ^ Sjöberg, K 1993, The Return of the Ainu, Harwood Academic Publishers, Switzerland, p. 117.

13. ^ Ito, M 2008, ‘Diet officially declares Ainu indigenous’, Japan Times, 7 June, viewed 29 April 2009,

14. ^ The Japan Times | Diet officially declares Ainu indigenous

15. ^ Sjöberg, Katarina V. (1993). The Return of the Ainu: Cultural Mobilization and the Practice of Ethnicity in Japan. Studies in Anthropology and History. 9. Chur: Harwood Academic Publ.. ISBN 3718654016. OCLC 27684176.

16. ^ "The Boone Collection - Image Gallery: Ainu Artifacts". . Retrieved 2008-05-08.

17. ^ Sato, Takehiro; et al. (2007). "Origins and genetic features of the Okhotsk people, revealed by ancient mitochondrial DNA analysis". Journal of Human Genetics 52 (7): 618–627. doi:10.1007/s10038-007-0164-z.

18. ^ "NOVA Online – Island of the Spirits – Origins of the Ainu". . Retrieved 2008-05-08.

19. ^ Travis, John "Jomon Genes:Using DNA, researchers probe the genetic origins of modern Japanese" Science News February 15, 1997 Vol. 151 No. 7 p. 106

20. ^ 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Ainu

21. ^ a b c Tajima, Atsushi; et al. (2004). "Genetic origins of the Ainu inferred from combined DNA analyses of maternal and paternal lineages". Journal of Human Genetics 49 (4): 187–193. doi:10.1007/s10038-004-0131-x.

22. ^

23. ^ Hammer, Michael F.; et al. (2006). "Dual origins of the Japanese: Common ground for hunter-gatherer and farmer Y chromosomes". Journal of Human Genetics 51 (1): 47–58. doi:10.1007/s10038-005-0322-0.

24. ^ a b Tanaka, Masashi; et al. (2004). "Mitochondrial Genome Variation in Eastern Asia and the Peopling of Japan". Genome Research 14: 1832–1850. doi:10.1101/gr.2286304. PMID 15466285.

25. ^ Miroslava Derenko, Boris Malyarchuk, Tomasz Grzybowski, Galina Denisova, Irina Dambueva, Maria Perkova, Choduraa Dorzhu, Faina Luzina, Hong Kyu Lee, Tomas Vanecek, Richard Villems, and Ilia Zakharov, "Phylogeographic Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA in Northern Asian Populations," American Journal of Human Genetics, 2007 November; 81(5): 1025–1041.

26. ^ Toomas Kivisild, Helle-Viivi Tolk, Jüri Parik, Yiming Wang, Surinder S. Papiha, Hans-Jürgen Bandelt and Richard Villems, "The Emerging Limbs and Twigs of the East Asian mtDNA Tree," Molecular Biology and Evolution 19:1737–1751 (2002).

27. ^ Reddy BM, Langstieh BT, Kumar V, Nagaraja T, Reddy ANS et al. (2007), "Austro-Asiatic Tribes of Northeast India Provide Hitherto Missing Genetic Link between South and Southeast Asia." PLoS ONE 2(11): e1141. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001141

28. ^ Yong-Gang Yao, Qing-Peng Kong, Hans-Jürgen Bandelt et al., "Phylogeographic Differentiation of Mitochondrial DNA in Han Chinese," American Journal of Human Genetics 70:635–651, 2002.

29. ^ Shigematsu, Masahito; et al. (2004). "Morphological affinities between Jomon and Ainu: Reassessment based on nonmetric cranial traits". Anthropological Science 112 (2): 161–172. doi:10.1537/ase.00092.

30. ^ Russian Empire Census of 1897: Totals Russian Empire Census of 1897: Sakhalin (Russian)

31. ^ Hohmann, S. 2008, 'The Ainu's modern struggle' in World Watch, Vol 21., No. 6, pp. 20-24.

32. ^ Vovin, A. 1993, A Reconstruction of Proto-Ainu, Brill, p. 3

33. ^ Shibatani, M. 1990, The Languages of Japan, Cambridge university Press, London, p. 3

34. ^ Shibatani, M. 1990, The Languages of Japan, Cambridge university Press, London, p. 5

35. ^ Omniglot, 2009, “Ainu”, retrieved 2 August 2009,

36. ^ Kennewick Man Skeletal Find May Revolutionalize Continent's History, Science Daily

37. ^ ANTHROPOLOGY: Kennewick Man's Contemporaries, Science

38. ^ "The synthetic maps suggest a previously unsuspected center of expansion from the Sea of Japan but cannot indicate dates. This development could be tied to the Jōmon period, but one cannot entirely exclude the pre-Jōmon period and that it might be responsible for a migration to the Americas. A major source of food in those pre-agricultural times came from fishing, then as now, and this would have limited for ecological reasons the area of expansion to the coastline, perhaps that of the Sea of Japan, but also father along the Pacific Coast" "The History and Geography of Human Genes" p253, Cavalli-Sforza ISBN 0-691-08750-4

39. ^ Toward a Genuine Redress for an Unjust Past: The Nibutani Dam Case - [1997] MurUEJL 16

References and further reading

This article incorporates text from the Encyclopædia Britannica, Eleventh Edition, a publication now in the public domain.

1. Batchelor, John (1901). "On the Ainu Term `Kamui". The Ainu and Their Folklore. London: Religious Tract Society.

2. Etter, Carl (2004) [1949]. Ainu Folklore: Traditions and Culture of the Vanishing Aborigines of Japan. Whitfish, MT: Kessinger Publishing. ISBN 1417976977.

3. Fitzhugh, William W.; Dubreuil, Chisato O. (1999). Ainu: Spirit of a Northern People. Seattle: University of Washington Press. ISBN 0295979127. OCLC 42801973.

4. Honda Katsuichi (1993) (in Japanese). Ainu Minzoku. Tokyo: Asahi Shimbun Publishing. ISBN 4022565772. OCLC 29601145.

5. Ichiro Hori (1968). Folk Religion in Japan: Continuity and Change. Haskell lectures on History of religions. 1. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

6. Junko Habu (2004). Ancient Jomon of Japan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521776708. OCLC 53131386.

7. Kayano, Shigeru (1994). Our Land Was A Forest: An Ainu Memoir. Westview Press. ISBN 0813318807. ISBN 9780813318806.

8. Landor, A. Henry Savage (1893). Alone with the Hairy Ainu. Or, 3,800 miles on a Pack Saddle in Yezo and a Cruise to the Kurile Islands. London: John Murray.

9. Siddle, Richard (1996). Race, Resistance and the Ainu of Japan. London: Routledge. ISBN 0415132282. OCLC 243850790 33947034.

10. Starr, Frederick (1905). "The Hairy Ainu of Japan". Proceedings of the Second Yearly Meeting of the Iowa Anthopological Association (Iowa City: State Historical Society of Iowa).

11. Walker, Brett (2001). The Conquest of Ainu Lands: Ecology and Culture in Japanese Expansion, 1590–1800. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 0520227360. OCLC 45958211 59471355 70749620.

12. Article on the Ainu in Japan's Minorities: The Illusion of Homogeneity.

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Ainu

The Ainu Museum at Shiraoi

Smithsonian Institution

Hokkaido Utari Kyokai

Sapporo Pirka Kotan Ainu Cultural Center

Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Ainu in Samani, Hokkaido

Ainu-North American cultural similarities

Foundation for Research and Promotion of Ainu Culture (centers located in Sapporo and Tokyo)

Ainu Lineage

The Boone Collection

Nibutani Ainu Cultural Museum (in Japanese)

Article in The Christian Science Monitor, June 9, 2008

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Samlesbury witches

Samlesbury witches

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Lancaster Castle, where the Samlesbury witches were tried in the summer of 1612[1]The Samlesbury witches were three women from the Lancashire village of Samlesbury—Jane Southworth, Jennet Bierley, and Ellen Bierley—accused by a 14-year-old girl, Grace Sowerbutts, of practising witchcraft. Their trial at Lancaster Assizes in England on 19 August 1612 was one in a series of witch trials held over two days, among the most famous in English history.[2] They were unusual for England at that time in two respects: Thomas Potts, the clerk to the court, published the proceedings in his The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster; and the number of the accused found guilty and hanged was unusually high, ten at Lancaster and another at York.[3] However, all three Samlesbury witches were acquitted.

The charges against the women included child murder and cannibalism. In contrast, the others tried at the same assizes, who included the Pendle witches, were accused of maleficium—causing harm by witchcraft.[4] The case against the three women collapsed "spectacularly" when Grace Sowerbutts was exposed by the trial judge to be "the perjuring tool of a Catholic priest".[1]

Many historians, notably Hugh Trevor-Roper, have suggested that the witch trials of the 16th and 17th century were a consequence of the religious struggles of the period, with both Catholic and Protestant Churches determined to stamp out what they regarded as heresy.[5] The trial of the Samlesbury witches is perhaps one clear example of that trend; it has been described as "largely a piece of anti-Catholic propaganda",[6] and even as a show-trial, to demonstrate that Lancashire, considered at that time to be a wild and lawless region, was being purged not only of witches but also of "popish plotters" (i.e. Catholics).[7]


1 Background

1.1 Southworth family

2 Investigations

3 Trial

3.1 Examinations

4 The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster

5 Modern interpretation

5.1 Aftermath

6 References

7 External links


King James I, a product of the Scottish Reformation, came to the English throne in 1603. James had a keen interest in witchcraft and by the early 1590s was convinced that he was being plotted against by Scottish witches.[8] His 1597 book, Daemonologie, instructed his followers that they must denounce and prosecute any supporters or practitioners of witchcraft. In 1604, the year following James's accession to the English throne, a new witchcraft law was enacted, "An Act against Conjuration, Witchcraft and dealing with evil and wicked spirits", imposing the death penalty for causing harm by the use of magic or the exhumation of corpses for magical purposes.[9] James was, however, sceptical of the evidence presented in witch trials, even to the extent of personally exposing discrepancies in the testimonies presented against some accused witches.[10]

The accused witches lived in Lancashire, an English county which, at the end of the 16th century, was regarded by the authorities as a wild and lawless region, "fabled for its theft, violence and sexual laxity, where the church was honoured without much understanding of its doctrines by the common people".[11] Since the death of Queen Mary and the accession to the throne of her half-sister Elizabeth in 1558, Catholic priests had been forced into hiding, but in remote areas like Lancashire they continued to celebrate mass in secret.[12] In early 1612, the year of the trials, each justice of the peace (JP) in Lancashire was ordered to compile a list of the recusants in their area—those who refused to attend the services of the Church of England, a criminal offence at that time.[13]

Southworth family


Samlesbury Hall, family home of the Southworths[14]The 16th-century English Reformation, during which the Church of England broke away from the authority of the pope and the Catholic Church, split the Southworth family of Samlesbury Hall. Sir John Southworth, head of the family until his death in 1595, was a leading recusant and had been arrested several times for his refusal to abandon his Catholic faith. His eldest son, also called John, did convert to the Church of England, for which his father disinherited him, but the rest of the family remained staunchly Catholic.[15]

One of the accused witches, Jane Southworth, was the widow of the disinherited son, John. Relations between him and his father do not seem to have been amicable; according to a statement made by John Singleton, in which he referred to Sir John as his "old Master", the latter refused even to pass his son's house if he could avoid it, and believed that Jane would probably kill her husband.[15][16] Jane Southworth (née Sherburne) and John were married in about 1598, and the couple lived in Samlesbury Lower Hall. Jane had been widowed only a few months before her trial for witchcraft in 1612, and had seven children.[17]


On 21 March 1612, Alizon Device, who lived just outside the Lancashire village of Fence, near Pendle Hill,[18] encountered John Law, a pedlar from Halifax. She asked him for some pins, which he refused to give to her,[19] and a few minutes later Law suffered a stroke, for which he blamed Alizon.[20] Along with her mother Elizabeth and her brother James, Alizon was summoned to appear before local magistrate Roger Nowell on 30 March 1612. Based on the evidence and confessions he obtained, Nowell committed Alizon and ten others to Lancaster Gaol, to be tried for maleficium—causing harm by witchcraft—at the next assizes.[21]

Other Lancashire magistrates learned of Nowell's discovery of witchcraft in the county, and on 15 April 1612 JP Robert Holden began investigations in his own area of Samlesbury.[14] As a result, eight individuals were committed to Lancaster Assizes,[22] three of whom—Jane Southworth, Jennet Bierley, and Ellen Bierley—were accused of practising witchcraft on Grace Sowerbutts, Jennet's grand-daughter and Ellen's niece.[22]


The trial was held on 19 August 1612 before Sir Edward Bromley,[23] a judge seeking promotion to a circuit nearer London, and who may therefore have been keen to impress King James, the head of the judiciary.[24] Before the trial began, Bromley ordered the release of five of the eight defendants from Samlesbury, with a warning about their future conduct.[22] The remainder—Jane Southworth, Jennet Bierley, and Ellen Bierley—were accused of using "diverse devillish and wicked Arts, called Witchcrafts, Inchauntments, Charmes, and Sorceries, in and upon one Grace Sowerbutts", to which they pleaded not guilty.[25] Fourteen-year-old Grace was the chief prosecution witness.[26]

Grace was the first to give evidence. In her statement she claimed that both her grandmother and aunt, Jennet and Ellen Bierley, were able to transform themselves into dogs and that they had "haunted and vexed her" for years.[27] She further alleged that they had transported her to the top of a hayrick by her hair, and on another occasion had tried to persuade her to drown herself. According to Grace, her relatives had taken her to the house of Thomas Walshman and his wife, from whom they had stolen a baby to suck its blood. Grace alleged the child died the following night and that, after its burial at Samlesbury Church, Ellen and Jennet dug up the body and took it home, where they cooked and ate some of it and used the rest to make an ointment that enabled them to change themselves into other shapes.[28]

Grace also alleged that her grandmother and aunt, with Jane Southworth, attended sabbats held every Thursday and Sunday night at Red Bank, on the north shore of the River Ribble. At those secret meetings they met with "foure black things, going upright, and yet not like men in the face", with whom they ate, danced, and had sex.[29]

Thomas Walshman, the father of the baby allegedly killed and eaten by the accused, was the next to give evidence. He confirmed that his child had died of unknown causes at about one-year-old. He added that Grace Sowerbutts was discovered lying as if dead in his father's barn on about 15 April, and did not recover until the following day.[30] Two other witnesses, John Singleton and William Alker, confirmed that Sir John Southworth, Jane Southworth's father-in-law, had been reluctant to pass the house where his son lived, as he believed Jane to be an "evil woman, and a Witch".[31]


Thomas Potts, the clerk to the Lancaster Assizes, records that after hearing the evidence many of those in court were persuaded of the accused's guilt. On being asked by the judge what answer they could make to the charges laid against them, Potts reports that they "humbly fell upon their knees with weeping teares", and "desired him [Bromley] for Gods cause to examine Grace Sowerbutts". Immediately "the countenance of this Grace Sowerbutts changed"; the witnesses "began to quarrel and accuse one another", and eventually admitted that Grace had been coached in her story by a Catholic priest they called Thompson. Bromley then committed the girl to be examined by two JPs, William Leigh and Edward Chisnal.[32] Under questioning Grace readily admitted that her story was untrue, and said she had been told what to say by Jane Southworth's uncle,[7] Christopher Southworth aka Thompson, a Jesuit priest who was in hiding in the Samlesbury area;[33] Southworth was the chaplain at Samlesbury Hall,[34] and Jane Southworth's uncle by marriage.[17] Leigh and Chisnal questioned the three accused women in an attempt to discover why Southworth might have fabricated evidence against them, but none could offer any reason other than that they "goeth to the [Anglican] Church".[35]

After the statements had been read out in court Bromley ordered the jury to find the defendants not guilty, stating that:

God hath delivered you beyond expectation, I pray God you may use this mercie and favour well; and take heed you fall not hereafter: And so the court doth order that you shall be delivered.[36]

Potts concludes his account of the trial with the words: "Thus were these poore Innocent creatures, by the great care and paines of this honourable Judge, delivered from the danger of this Conspiracie; this bloudie practise of the Priest laid open".[37]

The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster

Main article: The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster


Title page of the original edition published in 1613Almost everything that is known about the trials comes from a report of the proceedings written by Thomas Potts, the clerk to the Lancaster Assizes. Potts was instructed to write his account by the trial judges, and had completed the work by 16 November 1612. Bromley revised and corrected the manuscript before its publication in 1613, declaring it to be "truly reported" and "fit and worthie to be published".[38] Although written as an apparently verbatim account, the book is not a report of what was actually said at the trial, but instead a reflection on what happened.[39] Nevertheless, Potts "seems to give a generally trustworthy, although not comprehensive, account of an Assize witchcraft trial, provided that the reader is constantly aware of his use of written material instead of verbatim reports".[40]

In his introduction to the trial, Potts writes; "Thus have we for a time left the Graund Witches of the Forrest of Pendle, to the good consideration of a very sufficient jury."[41] Bromley had by then heard the cases against the three Pendle witches who had confessed to their guilt, but he had yet to deal with the others, who maintained their innocence. He knew that the only testimony against them would come from a nine-year-old girl, and that King James had cautioned judges to examine carefully the evidence presented against accused witches, warning against credulity.[7] In his conclusion to the account of the trial, Potts says that it was interposed in the expected sequence "by special order and commandment",[42] presumably of the trial judges. After having convicted and sentenced to death three witches, Bromley may have been keen to avoid any suspicion of credulity by presenting his "masterful exposure" of the evidence presented by Grace Sowerbutts, before turning his attention back to the remainder of the Pendle witches.[7]

Modern interpretation

Potts declares that "this Countie of Lancashire ... now may lawfully bee said to abound asmuch in Witches of divers kinds as Seminaries, Jesuites, and Papists",[43] and describes the three accused women as having once been "obstinate Papists, and now came to Church".[44] The judges would certainly have been keen to be regarded by King James, the head of the judiciary, as having dealt resolutely with Catholic recusants as well as with witchcraft, the "two big threats to Jacobean order in Lancashire".[45] Samlesbury Hall, the family home of the Southworths, was suspected by the authorities of being a refuge for Catholic priests, and it was under secret government surveillance for some considerable time before the trial of 1612.[6] It may be that JP Robert Holden was at least partially motivated in his investigations by a desire to "smoke out its Jesuit chaplain", Christopher Southworth.[34]

The English experience of witchcraft was somewhat different from the European one, with only one really mass witchhunt, that of Matthew Hopkins in East Anglia during 1645. That one incident accounted for more than 20% of the number of witches it is estimated were executed in England between the early 15th and mid-18th century, fewer than 500.[46] The English legal system also differed significantly from the inquisitorial model used in Europe, requiring members of the public to accuse their neighbours of some crime, and for the case to be decided by a jury of their peers. English witch trials of the period "revolved around popular beliefs, according to which the crime of witchcraft was one of ... evil-doing", for which tangible evidence had to be provided.[47]


Illustration from William Harrison Ainsworth's novel The Lancashire Witches, published in 1848. Flying was against the laws of nature, and so impossible according to the demonology of King James.[48]Potts devotes several pages to a fairly detailed criticism of the evidence presented in Grace Sowerbutts' statement, giving an insight into the discrepancies which existed during the early 17th century between the Protestant establishment's view of witchcraft and the beliefs of the common people, who may have been influenced by the more continental views of Catholic priests such as Christopher Southworth.[49] Unlike their European counterparts, the English Protestant elite believed that witches kept familiars, or companion animals, and so it was not considered credible that the Samlesbury witches had none.[47] Grace's story of the sabbat, too, was unfamiliar to the English at that time, although belief in such secret gatherings of witches was widespread in Europe.[50] Most demonologists of the period, including King James, held that only God could perform miracles, and that he had not given the power to go against the laws of nature to those in league with the Devil.[48] Hence Potts dismisses Sowerbutts' claim that Jennet Bierley transformed herself into a black dog with the comment "I would know by what means any Priest can maintaine this point of Evidence". He equally lightly dismisses Grace's account of the sabbat she claimed to have attended, where she met with "foure black things ... not like men in the face", with the comment that "The Seminarie [priest] mistakes the face for the feete: For Chattox [one of the Pendle witches] and all her fellow witches agree, the Devill is cloven-footed: but Fancie [Chattox's familiar] had a very good face, and was a proper man."[51]

It is perhaps unlikely that the accused women would have failed to draw the examining magistrate's attention to their suspicions concerning Grace Sowerbutts' motivations when first examined, only to do so at the very end of their trial when asked by the judge if they had anything to say in their defence. The trial of the Samlesbury witches in 1612 may have been "largely a piece of anti-Catholic propaganda",[6] or even a "show-trial",[22] the purpose of which was to demonstrate that Lancashire was being purged not only of witches, but also of "popish plotters".[7]


Altham continued with his judicial career until his death in 1617, and Bromley achieved his desired promotion to the Midlands Circuit in 1616. Potts was given the keepership of Skalme Park by King James in 1615, to breed and train the king's hounds. In 1618, he was given responsibility for "collecting the forfeitures on the laws concerning sewers, for twenty-one years".[52] Jane Southworth's eldest son, Thomas, eventually inherited his grandfather's estate of Samlesbury Hall.[17]



1. ^ a b Pumfrey 2002, p. 22

2. ^ Sharpe 2007, p. 1

3. ^ Hasted 1993, p. 23

4. ^ Hasted 1993, p. 2

5. ^ Winzeler, pp. 86–87

6. ^ a b c Hasted 1993, pp. 32–33

7. ^ a b c d e Pumfrey 2002, p. 35

8. ^ Pumfrey 2002, p. 23

9. ^ Martin 2007, p. 96

10. ^ Pumfrey 2002, pp. 23–24

11. ^ Hasted 1993, p. 5

12. ^ Hasted 1993, pp. 8–9

13. ^ Hasted 1993, p. 7

14. ^ a b Hasted 1993, p. 30

15. ^ a b Hasted 1993, pp. 30–32

16. ^ Davies 1971, p. 94

17. ^ a b c Abram 1877, p. 93

18. ^ Fields 1998, p. 60

19. ^ Bennett 1993, p. 9

20. ^ Swain 2002, p. 83

21. ^ Bennett 1993, p. 16

22. ^ a b c d Goodier, Christine, The Samlesbury Witches, Lancashire County Council, , retrieved 2009-06-30

23. ^ Davies 1971, p. 83

24. ^ Pumfrey 2002, p. 24

25. ^ Davies 1971, p. 85

26. ^ Davies 1971, p. 88

27. ^ Davies 1971, p. 86

28. ^ Davies 1971, pp. 86–89

29. ^ Davies 1971, p. 90

30. ^ Davies 1971, p. 93

31. ^ Davies 1971, pp. 94–95

32. ^ Davies 1971, pp. 100–101

33. ^ Hasted 1993, p. 31

34. ^ a b Wilson 2002, p. 139

35. ^ Davies 1971, pp. 104–105

36. ^ Davies 1971, p. 168

37. ^ Davies 1971, p. 106

38. ^ Davies 1971, p. xli

39. ^ Gibson 2002, p. 48

40. ^ Gibson 2002, p. 50

41. ^ Davies 1971, p. 83

42. ^ Davies 1971, p. 107

43. ^ Davies 1971, p. 153

44. ^ Davies 1971, p. 101

45. ^ Pumfrey 2002, p. 31

46. ^ Sharpe 2002, p. 3

47. ^ a b Pumfrey 2002, p. 28

48. ^ a b Pumfrey 2002, p. 34

49. ^ Sharpe 2002, p. 4

50. ^ Wilson 2002, p. 138

51. ^ Davies 1971, p. 98

52. ^ Pumfrey 2002, p. 38


1. Abram, William Alexander (1877), A History of Blackburn, Town and Parish, , retrieved 2009-08-14

2. Bennett, Walter (1976), The Pendle Witches, Lancaster: Lancashire County Council Library and Leisure Committee, OCLC 60013737

3. Davies, Peter (1971) [1929], The Trial of the Lancaster Witches, London: Frederick Muller, ISBN 978-0584109214

4. Facsimile reprint of Davies' 1929 book, containing the text of the The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster by Potts, Thomas (1613)

5. Fields, Kenneth (1998), Lancashire Magic and Mystery: Secrets of the Red Rose County, Wilmslow: Sigma, ISBN 9781850586067

6. Gibson, Marion (2002), "Thomas Potts's Dusty Memory: Reconstructing Justice in The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches", in Poole, Robert, The Lancashire Witches: Histories and Stories, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 42–57, ISBN 978-0719062049

7. Hasted, Rachel A. C. (1993), The Pendle Witch Trial 1612, Preston: Lancashire County Books, ISBN 978-1871236231

8. Martin, Lois (2007), The History of Witchcraft, Harpenden: Pocket Essentials, ISBN 9781904048770

9. Pumfrey, Stephen (2002), "Potts, plots and politics: James I's Daemonologie and The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches", in Poole, Robert, The Lancashire Witches: Histories and Stories, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 22–41, ISBN 978-0719062049

10. Sharpe, James (2002), "The Lancaster witches in historical context", in Poole, Robert, The Lancashire Witches: Histories and Stories, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 1–18, ISBN 978-0719062049

11. Swain, John (2002), "Witchcraft, economy and society in the forest of Pendle", in Poole, Robert, The Lancashire Witches: Histories and Stories, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 73–87, ISBN 978-0719062049

12. Wilson, Richard (2002), "The pilot's thumb: Macbeth and the Jesuits", in Poole, Robert, The Lancashire Witches: Histories and Stories, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 126–145, ISBN 978-0719062049

13. Winzeler, Robert L. (2007), Anthropology and religion: what we know, think, and question, Altamira Press, ISBN 978-0759110465

External links

Daemonologie at Project Gutenberg (1597)

The Lancashire Witches at Project Gutenberg (1849)

The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster at Project Gutenberg (1613)

Witch-hunts in Early Modern Europe

In British isles Witches of Warboys (1589–1593) · North Berwick witch trials (1590) · Pendle witch trials (1612) · Northamptonshire witch trials (1612) · Samlesbury witches (1612) · Witches of Belvoir (1619) · Bury St. Edmunds witch trials (1645, 1662, 1655 & 1694) · Bideford witch trial (1684) · Paisley witch trials (1696) · Islandmagee witch trial‎ (1711)

In France Aix-en-Provence possessions (1611) · Loudun possessions (1634) · Louviers Possessions (1647) · Poison affair (1679)

In Germany Trier witch trials (1581–1593) · Fulda witch trials (1603–1606) · Würzburg witch trial (1626–1631) · Bamberg witch trials (1626–1631) · Witch trial of Fuersteneck (1703)

In Scandinavia Køge Huskors (1608–1615) · Finspång witch trial (1617) · Vardø witch trials (1621) · Ramsele witch trial (1634) · Kirkjuból witch trial (1656) · Vardø Witch Trials (1662–1663) · Mora witch trial (1669) · Torsåker witch trials (1675)

Elsewhere in Europe Valais witch trials (1428–1447) · Val Camonica witch trials (1505, 1518) · The Fairy witch trials of Sicily · Benandanti · Basque witch trials (1609) · Roermond witch trial (1613) · Spa witch trial (1616) · Werewolf witch trials · Salzburg witch trials (1675–1681) · Jesenice witch trials (1678) · Szeged witch trials (1728–1729) · Doruchowo witch trial (1783)

Texts Formicarius (1475) · Malleus Maleficarum (1486) · Witchcraft Act 1562 (England)

Other Salem witch trials (1692–1693)

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Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, India

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Friday, August 28, 2009 0533 p.m. – 0652 p.m. IST





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(1b) MMW camera thought documentation done by mind tracking cops to implicate/incriminate the file false charges against the protect Suspects 1-7...and to protect/prevent the use of millimeterwave (MMW) camera by Kerala Police from becoming public/OFFICIAL...(Any action taken against Suspects1-7...where they divulge their documentation of the MMW camera victim’s turn reveals the use of similar Kerala Police Intelligence...on anyone...within its jurisdiction...where anyone can be framed with any false charges...)

(2b) MMW camera thought documentation done by mind tracking cops to implicate/incriminate the file false charges against the protect Suspects 1-7...and to protect/prevent the use of millimeterwave (MMW) camera by Kerala Police from becoming public/OFFICIAL...(Any action taken against Suspects1-7...where they divulge their documentation of the MMW camera victim’s turn reveals the use of similar Kerala Police Intelligence...on anyone...within its jurisdiction...where anyone can be framed with any false charges...)

Shifting the line of investigation to solve the criminal case.

The investigation done by police officers try to prove my allegation is false and baseless. If queried by the victim, they just don’t know where the MMW camera is. They searched and searched but could not find it.

Also you may call someone in to the police station for questioning and give a severe warning not to harass the victim. But this is not physical harassment, face to face. As long as MMW camera is in use to monitor inside of any residence from far away, the voices spoken by the monitors are harassing, annoying to the victim. Please understand the nature of crime. Something NEW. Something not yet come across previously by the investigating police officer.

I advice to SHIFT THE LINE OF INVESTIGATION TO FINDING AND QUESTIONING SUSPECTS 1-7 INSTEAD OF HUNTING FOR MMW CAMERA. Hunt down Suspects 2 and 7 as given below to solve the case.


Suspects 1-4 belong to one family. The guy who runs Repromen Photostat situated next to Repromen Computer Centre belongs to that family too. He and Suspect 1 are look-alike, being brothers. He usually stands outside his photostat shop watching passersby as well as noting whatever is going on around his shop. Many a run-in done by Ms. Gayatri immediately outside my residence was thus witnessed by this guy, HER RELATIVE. She used to walk into Repromen Computer Center or Repromen Photostat shop as part of stalking run-ins when the victim walked out of his house. GET HOLD OF THIS GUY. INTERROGATE HIM FOR HOURS on:

(1) The whereabouts of his relative Gayatri.

(2) Was he involved in taking mass photostat of my pirated notes for selling in the black market?

(3) Obtain photos of all his brothers to show to the victim to identify Suspect 1 who stalked and harassed the petitioner. Being brothers, they are all look-alike.

(4) Obtain their family album to get recent photos of relatives which will include photos of Suspects 1-4. Due to repeated persistent showing of Suspect 2 Gayatri to the victim (to seduce) by Suspect 1, both Suspects 1-2 can be identified by the victim.

(5) Use the photo of Suspect 2 Gayatri to enquire with all the staff INCLUDING THE FEMALE SWEEPER of Repromen Computer Center/Repromen Photostat Center to learn more about her.

He will reveal where Suspect 2 physically is. THIS CASE IS SOLVED ONCE YOU NAB THIS ORAL SEX WORKER.

CATCH HOLD OF MS. GAYATRI. INTERROGATE HER. She will reveal the rest of the gang. The 6 suspects of this case.

(1) Where they are.

(2) Who they are.

(3) What they did for years.

(4) Where is the court permission to monitor the petitioner since year 2000.

(5) Where are the copies of notes they sell daily abusing/HUMILIATING the victim.

(6) How much money they thus earn every month without paying tax.

(7) Who gave them permission to steal the victim’s DAILY diary notes/MANUSCRIPT and translate it differently into Malayalam to sell around the city.

(8) Who and where are the others doing a similar money-making business using the petitioner’s diary notes with the help of MMW camera (Some of these monitoring outposts are within Cantonment Police jurisdiction)

(a) One such guy is Shyam.

(b) Where is Shyam?

(c) What is his address?

(d) How long he was making money, stealing the petitioner’s notes using MMW camera.

(e) INTERROGATE THE TENANTS OF HOUSE NO.1 Kairali Building (adjacent buiding to Lekshmi Nivas) (First on entering Kairali building), Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, India ABOUT SHYAM. Shyam either stays with them permanently or visits frequently to monitor the petitioner’s private life. This family will also reveal more information on Shyam. Shyam will divulge more information about Suspects 1-7 (including Pastor Anthony and Ms. Trish) as well as other monitoring outposts in Pulimoodu around the petitioner’s residence. Being juvenile, I don’t want any case filed against Shyam if he co-operates with the police investigation by revealing whatever he knows about the stalking, surveillance and ongoing money-making business.

Informing Income Tax Investigation officer for a raid on all money-making monitoring outposts revealed by Suspect 2 Gayatri is expected.


Investigation REQUIRED in Electronics Research and Development Centre (ER&DCI), Vellayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram 695033, Kerala, India. Question the staff and examining the records (student records, academic records etc.) of year 2001 (June 18, 2001 – August 17, 2001).

Did the female stalker Gayatri study any course there to get an ID card to move inside ER&DCI when the victim was studying there for mainframe course. If an ID card was issued, then a copy of her photo will be available there to track her down.


Check out the Foreigners Registration details at Thiruvananthapuram City Commissioner's Office about this woman. Look for details recorded on any White Australian citizen from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia staying in this city for last several years (since January 2003, to be precise). Something have to be recorded there about her residence, contact details, friends etc in this city. Follow that up.

This criminal case is solved once you nab Suspect No.1 and/or No.2 Ms. Gayatri and/or No.7 Ms. Trish and/or Shyam. Through their interrogation the whole crime documented by the victim OPENS UP. You get all the evidence, accomplices through them. Catching anyone of the four is enough to spill the beans, reveal the whole thing.

Counter Petitioner 1: Mr. Chandra Babu & brothers and their family.

M/s Repromen Computer Education/ M/s Repromen Photostat Center,

TC 25/2742 (Old TC 27/328), Ambuja Vilasom Road,

Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, India.

Phone: 91-471-2478213; 91-471-2466358.

Counter Petitioner 2: Pastor Anthony and his Catholic Church clergy (priests, nuns).

Church address will be given by Suspect 2 Ms. Gayatri and/or Shyam.

Counter Petitioner 3: Ms. Trish, Australian citizen.

Thiruvananthapuram city address will be given by Suspect 2 Ms. Gayatri and/or Shyam.

Note: The petitioner is not mad. But if at any time of the investigation, the investigating police officer feels the petitioner is mad, then feel free to contact the Thiruvananthapuram District Judge about the victim and Indian Lunacy Act of 1912. I had a petition send to District Judge office on Friday, August 14, 2009. If I am alleged to be mad, then I am being cruelly treated by my monitors who verbally harass TO MAKE ME MAD. Indian Lunacy Act of 1912 Section 13 (2) expects you, the police officer, to IMMEDIATELY inform the Magistrate/District Judge about the cruel treatment. The handwritten diary notes of the victim at describe ongoing cruel treatment/mental torture EVERY DAY AND NIGHT.

Note 2.

The victim is willing to undergo any physical/mental test sanctioned by the High Court to prove he is NOT mad, he is of sound mental health, though he was treated by his IGNORANT parents since year 2004 as if he is mad. The victim’s old parents are not aware of the mental abuse done to him by his MMW camera using monitors. The victim being jobless, lives with his old parents.

Note 3.

Being unemployed and constantly harassed by his sex predators, MMW camera using monitors, the victim unable to do a decent job is financially incapable to hire a lawyer. Thus the letter of petition.

Note 4.

Counter Petitioner 1: Mr. Chandra Babu & brothers, their family, their Catholic Church priest, nun and other clergy.

M/s Repromen Computer Education/ M/s Repromen Photostat Center,

TC 25/2742 (Old TC 27/328), Ambuja Vilasom Road

Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, India.

Phone: 91-471-2478213; 91-471-2466358.

Counter Petitioner 2: Ms. Trish, Australian citizen.

Counter Petitioner 3: Kerala Police (Kerala Home Ministry, Kerala State Government), for protecting Suspects 1-7 (since year 2000) TO COVER-UP THE USE OF MMW CAMERA FOR SPYING, SURVEILLANCE AND HARASSMENT BY KERALA POLICE (Intelligence).

Note 5.

Since one of the Counter Petitioners is Kerala Police, the Honorable Court will have to resort to an investigation which doesn't involve Kerala Police personnel. Maybe a Commission of Enquiry to look into the allegation. (Suspect 1 and his brothers will name a list of Kerala police officers who monitored/dealt with them.)


Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, India

IP Address:

Saturday, August 29, 2009 0117 p.m. – 0349 p.m. IST

And in turn Kerala Police Intelligence will reveal the extent of money laundering by Counter Petitioner 1 and will provide copies of pirated notes sold in black market as stealing using MMW camera...and thought documentation done to humiliate the HELPLESS MMW camera victim unable to stop forcible violation of his privacy.)

(12) Obtain search warrant from Court to search houses for MMW camera... as revealed by those suspects who undergo interrogation...

(Continuous monitoring of the target...using MMW ESSENTIAL for a remain a mind tracker...reading thoughts of the victim...male/FEMALE...)

(Continuous monitoring of the target...using MMW ESSENTIAL for a sex remain a mind tracker...reading thoughts of the victim...male/FEMALE...)

(13) Laws required to curb the new THOUGHT POLICE...using MMW camera...on just anyone...Thoughts cannot be used to decide the character or behaviour of any man or woman...Will this person be a potential threat to the ruling party?...or to the nation?...or to the standard accepted form of religion? Cannibalism/vampirism was not a standard accepted form of religious India of 20th century...

Opening a Pandora’s Box...with the coming of thought documentation...using MMW camera...

(1) Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act, 1988.

Role of Christian Churches...Christian priests/ Benami laundering...among Christian lay followers...How to help...give a helping Christian followers...who make quick money...unaccounted money...

(2) Commission of Enquiry Act, 1952.

(3) Constitution of India.

(4) Contempt of Courts Act, 1971.

(5) Copyright Act, 1957 with Rules, 1958.

I wrote a set of diary notes...and published it...after a while...on the web...A MMW camera user hand copies what I and when I wrote it...and publishes it IMMEDIATELY on the web...with minor/major changes...claiming the authorship of what he/she published...He/she published early than me...So he/she is the real author...Is this true?...ethical?...moral?...They even went to the extent of scanning and publishing their handcopied prove their claim they wrote monitored by the police...doing stop that practise...of stealing...

(6) Extradition Act, 1962.

(7) Foreigners Act, with Allied Acts.

(8) Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956.

Suspects 1-4 ran a sex business...before year 2000...which continued...

If this allegation about their past sex business is proved...then the hundreds of stalking run-ins done since year 2000...amounts to Immoral Traffic...Taking a prostitute wherever a prospective customer seduce the have further business with him...Then using him as a plank...develop business opportunities...with all those who deal with Sleeping with his friends...colleagues...BOSS...

(9) Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986, with Rules, 1987.

When women monitor using MMW camera...and document thoughts of male sell for money...and to humiliate the male victims for not fucking the monitoring women...then what use this Indecent Representation of Women Act?

(10) Indian Evidence Act, 1872.

(11) Indian Lunacy Act, 1912.

(12) Indian Penal Code, 1860.

(13) Indian Telegraph Act, 1885, with Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1933 and Rules, 1985.

Millimeterwave (MMW) camera is a wireless spy device.

(14) Mental Health Act, 1987.

(15) National Security Act, 1980.

Thought documentation done on key personnel who decide the fate of the nation. These key personnel cannot be blamed/punished for what was done forcibly on them...their minds...using MMW camera...

(16) Oaths Act, 1969.

(17) Official Secrets Act, 1923.

Thought documentation done on key personnel who decide the fate of the nation. These key personnel cannot be blamed/punished for what was done forcibly on them...their minds...using MMW camera...

(18) Personal Injuries (Emergency Provisions) Act, 1962 with Scheme and Personal Injuries (Emergency Regulation), 1971.

Mental injuries inflicted to victims of MMW camera use...through repeated verbal and night...

(19) Places of Worship (Special Provision) Act, 1991.

(20) Police Act, 1861 with Police Incitement to Disaffection Act, 1922.

On Thought Police...cops documenting thoughts of targeted people...

(21) Prevention of Black Marketing and Maintenance of Supplies of Essential Commodities Act, 1980.

On black marketing of pirated notes...books...novels...manuscripts...written by authors...stolen using MMW camera...

(22) Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.

(23) Prevention of Seditious Meetings Act, 1911.

All Christian/Muslim Church/Mosque gatherings are acts of sedition in a pagan nation...My notes document sedition with respect to Christianity...How Catholic pastor Anthony legalized sedition...contempt of court...its laws...with his notes...sold openly...In Western Christian nations of 21st century...all Mosque gatherings are viewed as acts of the police intelligence in those nations...

(24) Preventive Detention Act, 1950.

What is detention to a prisoner for life?...A MMW camera victim...

(25) Prisoners Act, 1900 with Prisoners (Attendance in Courts) Act, 1955 and with Rules, 1977.

Who is a prisoner?...Redefine the word ‘prisoner’...To remain a mind tracker, continuous monitoring is essential. The victim becomes a prisoner of his monitors.

(26) Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955 with Rules, 1977.

(27) Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Occupation) Act, 1971 with Rules 1971.

How will you evict a MMW camera user monitoring the inside of a public office/public premises...or even private premises...The guy/madam is living in...squatting make money...from what you are doing...

(28) Religious Endowments Act, 1863.

(29) Religious Institutions (Prevention of Misuse) Act, 1988.

(30) Sale of Goods Act, 1930.

(31) Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act, 1987, with Rules, 1987.

(32) Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 with Rules, 1968.

(33) Young Persons (Harmful Publications) Act, 1956.


Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, India

IP Address:

Sunday, August 30, 2009 1025 a.m. – 1153 a.m. IST

When the sex predators became mind trackers...with the help of MMW camera...the harassment done to force the victim to make the victim frequently think of his preoccupied with them...slowly gave way to documenting those thoughts of the the sex sell for money...Harassment became a means to make the victim brood...ponder...which was money to his mind tracking Catholic sex predators and their RASCAL PASTOR Anthony...

Written around 1029 a.m. Sunday, August 30, 2009

Revised around 1034 a.m. Sunday, August 30, 2009

Was it wrong to be born a Hindu...a pagan?...Even if I was born a Christian or a Muslim...SEX PREDATORS REMAIN THE SAME...These Christian sex predators do the same make the victim fuck somehow...

Written around 1031 a.m. Sunday, August 30, 2009

The very awareness among the public...of women as voyeurs...monitoring penises of men...penis between couples...harassing men to fuck...humiliating those men who don’t fuck...makes all harmful publications for youth...young persons...pale in comparison...You don’t need stories...cooked up stories...false stories...published to turn ON young men, lead a promiscuous life...when they actually BEAR WITNESS to voyeur they harass men to make money...for YEARS...A whole generation...of a decade...was born to witness this case...hear about this city of Thiruvananthapuram...

A prostitute is never interested in maintaining a relationship with a customer as a married woman is to her husband.

How to obtain evidence when MMW cameras are used?...You don't know the name of your monitors...from where they are and night...

(12) Laws required to curb the new THOUGHT POLICE... using MMW camera...on just anyone... (12a) Thoughts cannot be used to decide the character or behaviour of any man or woman...for the simple reason we apply judgement where we may not do WHATEVER we think...The neighbor girl is really pretty...I masturbate many a night thinking about her...But I don't rape her...or go over to talk to her...Maybe I didn't have the balls...the courage to see her face to start a friendship...aimed to end up in bed together test on her... those things I daydreamed... doing to her...for mutual happiness... pleasure...The monitoring Thought Police cannot claim I did S&M (Sado-Masochism) mentally on her many a night...So I am likely to do it physically...once the right opportunity opens up...I have to undergo preventive detention thus...Maybe such a preventive detention makes me actually do it...I went in for nothing for years... I better do satisfy myself...that I went in to jail for a SOLID reason...I have paid the price ALREADY to enjoy her...She is mine be ravished by me... again and again... (12b) Will this person be a potential threat to the ruling party?...or to the nation?... or to the standard accepted form of religion? Cannibalism... vampirism...necrophilia...were not a standard accepted form of religious India of 20th part of Kali worship... sex worship...AFTER 200-300 years of brainwashing education... by White Christian British rulers...

(13) If Paul Baird is still alive then the Court will do good to invite him to India before the explain more about satellite surveillance and harassment to give the Court a better understanding of this case...for the welfare of everyone in this these days of rampant MMW camera use. We need new LAWS! safeguard the fundamental rights of any man, woman in this New Age of changed circumstances...of blatant violation...invasion of privacy...

(14) If ever the investigating Court feels this victim of MMW camera is to be punished for ANY crime...then I do request any of the following:

(14a) Solitary confinement due to his years of home-based treatment by his old parents as a mental patient. Access to writing materials, study materials will do good.

(14b) If the Court is empowered to deport, then the victim loves to be deported to Siberia in far east Russia.

(Note: Cannibalism...or writings advocating human flesh eating may be a crime to a Court subservient to White Christian made laws...Cannibalism may not be a crime to a torture victim...or to a Kali worshipper...)


Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, India

IP Address:

Sunday, August 30, 2009 0450 p.m. – 0525 p.m. IST

(14) Juvenile Justice Act, 1986.

(14a) How old is Shyam?

(14b) How close is his relationship with the Lesbian Suspect 3?

(14c) What sort of defamatory material about the MMW camera victim he wrote for sell for PLEASE his Catholic Lesbian?

(14d) Did the kid and his PARENTS know the MMW camera victim was undergoing treatment?

(14e) How often did the boy meet his Catholic Lesbian, older by many, many years?

(14f) What is the role of low caste Ezhava Catholic Pastor Anthony in this joint operation where many who monitored the MMW camera victim's privacy wrote similar notes to portray the monitored victim as bad, dirty, evil while they the monitors good, ethical, moral who just want to make some money?

(14g) Did all of these monitors working together want to prove I wrote my notes copying from them??


Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, India

IP Address:

Sunday, August 30, 2009 0405 p.m. – 0545 p.m. IST

Maybe he thought a MONITORING kid told to write something derogatory in exchange for money for his parents will carry extra all those notes sold by women monitors...copying my notes...selling its altered versions...many women mind trackers documenting and selling altered thought documentation using MMW camera...The parents of the kid face criminal charges...for accepting money...supporting a abuse the dignity of a mental patient...

The court is advised to refer to the Bare Acts of each of the above instead of commentaries BECAUSE of the uniqueness of the crime...The first time...such a criminal appearing before the Court...We need to reinterpret the words of existing Acts...So use Acts in bare form...

The victim faced 9 years of forced conversion the form of convert to Christianity...from Christian monitors. The Courts follow Christian laws...made by White British which the Court is submissive...The victim is a pagan...On what basis AS A HUMAN...can such a pagan’s contempt of Christian Court be questioned? Centuries ago...if you refer to the history of Indian learn that the concept of Contempt of Court was brought the traders turned make pagan untouchables submissive to Christian Court of established by the British...who practiced apartheid on Indians...On Independence...we ignorant fools retained and followed the same Christian laws...on a pagan society...slowly trying to convert pagans to Christians...using Christian LAWS...Many of those laws curbed pagan rituals and Polyandry, polygamy, cannibalism, vampirism. These are religious practices inbuilt into paganism to protect pagan sustain the worship of pagan gods, goddesses into the future...

Cannibalism may not be a crime to a TORTURE victim...seeking revenge...or to a Kali worshipper...We pagans are NOT Christians to forget and forgive...)

(15) We prove various MMW camera use/applications...with respect to stalkers from year 2000 onwards...Then we carry that years 1996/7-1999 where we accept...same things...same applications...of MMW Australian soil...Malaysian soil...SO THAT the Australian female stalker Suspect 7 cannot deny...whatever was done in India...was done in Australia...Malaysia ALSO...I have written documentation for the Indian ordeal while I don't have a similar one for Malaysia or Australia...

The people with whom she stayed as paying guest from year 1996/1997-1998 at Irwin Street, Clayton, Melbourne, Australia and the people with whom she stayed as paying guest in year 1998-1999 at Reservoir Road, Narre Warren North, Melbourne, Australia will reveal when she bought that MMW camera for 24 hour surveillance...

(16) Residents of the countryside Reservoir Road, Narre Warren North, Melbourne, Australia to be talked to...using the Siren's Victoria Police...about the female stalker and the story she used around the area...told continue her surveillance...without being questioned by neighbors...on why that man...residing in a Buddhist monastery was being watched day and night?...You cannot claim that was long, long ago. Why? Because the female stalker was monitoring the same victim in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India since year 2003...continuously...

Rise (2007)

"True Blood" (2008)


Episode list for "True Blood" (2008)

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Season 1


Season 1, Episode 1: Strange Love

Original Air Date—7 September 2008

In a society where humans and vampires co-exist, Sookie Stackhouse may have found a perfect boyfriend. Sookie is clairvoyant and constantly hears people's thoughts so it makes dating a bit difficult. When vampire Bill Compton walks into the bar where she works as a waitress, she realizes that she can't "hear" what he's thinking. Vampires came out of the coffin two years before when the Japanese invented Tru Blood, a synthetic blood substitute. She rescues Bill when a couple of lowlifes try to steal his blood but she may have a price to pay for interfering. Meanwhile, Sookie's brother s arrested after a local woman is found strangled.


Season 1, Episode 2: The First Taste

Original Air Date—14 September 2008

Mack and Denise Rattray get their revenge on Sookie but Bill steps in to save her. Subsequently, Sookie's senses begin to undergo a transformation. She later learns that the Rattrays are dead and the police immediately suspect Bill. She also begins to wonder just how far vampires will go when a leading opponent of the Vampire Rights Act is killed in an accident. Bill agrees to visit Sookie and her grandmother and Tara and Jason invite themselves for the evening. Jason Stackhouse gets to see the video of his evening with Maudette Pickens. The police release him but his experience doesn't dissuade him from sleeping with every woman who will have him.


Season 1, Episode 3: Mine

Original Air Date—21 September 2008

Bill Compton's allure is diminished somewhat when Sookie visits him in his home and finds that several other rather nasty vampires has also dropped in for a visit. Bill protects her from his one-time friends but she sees a nasty side of vampire life. Dawn Green spends the night with Sookie's brother Jason but she kicks him out after an argument. She is found strangled later that day. Tara walks out on her alcoholic mother and spends the night with her employer, bar owner Sam Merlotte.


Season 1, Episode 4: Escape from Dragon House

Original Air Date—28 September 2008

With the town's second murder in a week, Jason is again the number one suspect, but Tara provides him with an alibi. Knowing that both Maudette and Dawn had frequented the Fangtasia vampire club, Sookie asks Bill to take her there as she tries to find evidence that will clear her brother. Both of the dead girls were well known at the club and Sookie meets Eric, the vampire elder. Sam Merlotte seems to have a few eccentricities of his own. Jason buys vampire blood - an aphrodisiac - from Tara's cousin Lafayette and despite clear instructions to never take more than one or two drop at any one time, downs the entire vial with somewhat painful results.


Season 1, Episode 5: Sparks Fly Out

Original Air Date—5 October 2008

After their encounter with the policeman, Sookie tells Bill that she won't be seeing him anymore. Bill keeps his promise to Sookie's Gran to speak at the monthly meeting of the Descendents of the Glorious Dead. He reminiscences about the Civil War and the Mayor gives him an old photo he found in the archives. He recalls the circumstances of how he became a vampire. Sookie's boss Sam Merlotte asks her out on a date but things don't go as he planned. Sookie is shocked by what she finds when she gets home. Jason gets more vampire blood from Lafayette and takes an interest in Tara after he hears she has a thing for him.


Season 1, Episode 6: Cold Ground

Original Air Date—12 October 2008

With her Gran there latest victim of the serial killer, Sookie has to deal with her emotions. She can't block out the thoughts of others and she knows many of the townspeople blame her association with vampires as the main reason her grandmother is now dead. She has a very clear message for them at the woman's funeral. Despite Sam Merlotte's and Bill's pleading, Sookie insists on staying in the house. She does however decide to spend the night with Bill.


Season 1, Episode 7: Burning House of Love

Original Air Date—19 October 2008

After spending the night with Bill, Sookie is convinced that she has found the man of her dreams. Her fellow workers and the customers at the bar don't quite agree as rumors spread of their relationship. Tara's alcoholic mother is convinced that she needs an exorcism and when Tara refuses to pay, tries to get a loan from the bank. Jason is desperate to get more vampire blood and visits Fangtasia where he meets someone who introduces himself to something altogether different. Sam Merlotte is seen running across the bayou - naked. The patrons at the bar are not too pleased when a group of Bill's one-time vampire friends show up. When they mention that they've bought a house locally, some of the good old boys decide to do something about it.


Season 1, Episode 8: The Fourth Man in the Fire

Original Air Date—26 October 2008

Sookie is thrilled to learn that Bill wasn't in the fire that killed four people. Her enthusiasm doesn't sit well with either the customers or her co-workers at Sam Merlotte's bar. Jason and his new friend Amy Burley are desperate to get more vampire blood. They decide to follow Lafayette to his source, but Amy's actions reveal that she has clearly done this before. Following her exorcism, Tara's mother is a new person - sober and hard working, she has also become an active member of her church. Tara is pleased with the transformation, but is not happy with her own lot in life. Arlene Fowler gets Sookie to baby sit for her but is taken aback when she realizes that Bill will also be spending the evening. Sookie is not pleased when Bill agrees to let the head of the vampire clan borrow her for an evening.


Season 1, Episode 9: Plaisir d'amour

Original Air Date—2 November 2008

After Sookie identifies the man responsible for stealing from Fangtasia, Bill steps in to protect her. In doing so however, he breaks a vampire taboo and must now face the consequences. Knowing he will be away, he asks Sam Merlotte to keep an eye on Sookie. Jason and Amy take their kidnapped vampire, Eddie, to Jason's house and confine him to the basement. They draw his blood and Jason undergoes an odd transformation. With Amy now working at Merlotte's, Jason spends some time just talking to Eddie and they develop a rapport. Tara visits her mother's exorcist but decides she can't afford the $800 cost. With Bill away, Sookie chooses to spend the night at Bill's house but wakes up the next morning with a naked man in her bed.


Season 1, Episode 10: I Don't Wanna Know

Original Air Date—9 November 2008

With Bill away, Sookie sleeps at his house only to wake up with a naked Sam Merlotte sleeping at the foot of the bed. She believes he is the serial killer but he assures her that he isn't and shares his secret with her. He also recalls important events in his life. Arlene and Rene have their engagement party at Sam's bar and Sookie - already freaked out by Sam's revelation - is stalked in the darkened kitchen. Tara decides to undergo the exorcism but later discovers something about the exorcist, Miss Jeanette. Jason decides it's time to do something about Eddie. Bill has to face the music and appears before a court presided over by Magister to learn what will happen to him for killing a fellow vampire. The normal sentence would to spend 5 years is a silver-wrapped coffin but Magister has a better idea.


Season 1, Episode 11: To Love Is to Bury

Original Air Date—16 November 2008

Jason and Amy have to clean up after Eddie's demise but it pushes Jason to the edge and he isn't sure if he wants to continue his relationship with her. Sookie caught a glimpse of something during her encounter with the serial killer and she and Sam travel to a diner in an adjoining county to see if they can get more information. What they learn is that the killer may once have struck there as well. Bill completes Jessica's transformation into a vampire but when he tells her what has happened, he doesn't quite get the reaction he was expecting. Tara is arrested for drunk driving and her mother refuses to bail her out. A stranger, Mary Ann, comes to her rescue. The serial killer strikes again leading the police to arrest Jason.


Season 1, Episode 12: You'll Be the Death of Me

Original Air Date—23 November 2008

The identity of the serial killer is revealed and he sets his sights on Sookie. He chases her to the graveyard near Bill's house and hearing her screams, Bill goes out into the sunlight to rescue her. While in jail, Jason is approached by the Fellowship of the Sun, the anti-vampire church, and he gets religion. Tara still isn't sure she can trust Maryann but she does enjoy living in her luxurious home. She's likes it even more when she meets another temporary resident, nicknamed Eggs. Maryann and Sam Merlotte have a connection.


Season 2


Season 2, Episode 1: Nothing But the Blood

Original Air Date—14 June 2009

The staff at Merlotte's are on edge when they find the body of a woman - who turns out to be Tara's fake exorcist - in a parked car with her heart torn out. Now that Bill has turned Jessica Hamby into a vampire, she is living with him and he is trying to teach her their own unique code of ethics. Sookie isn't too sure she likes the fact that Bill has this young, attractive woman living him but their own relationship and emotions are too strong to set aside. Tara is still living in Maryann's luxurious home and she continues flirting with Eggs who is also living there. Maryan has a few choice words for Tara's mother when they meet. It also turns out that Sam Merlotte and Maryann have quite a history together and Sam tries to make amends. Maryann has her own ideas however. Jason Stackhouse, who found religion while temporarily in jail, now considers going off to Texas for a Church-run leadership seminar.


Season 2, Episode 2: Keep This Party Going

Original Air Date—21 June 2009

Having kissed and made up, Sookie and Bill's relationship seems stronger than ever. Bill still has the problem of Jessica, who is proving to be just a bit of a wild child. Clan leader Eric Northman again wants to use Sookie's services. Feeling guilty about her role in having Jessica made into a vampire, Sookie agrees to take her to her home where she promises she just want to see her parents and sister one more time. Things get out of hand when she jumps out of the car and she and Sookie are soon paying a visit. It's left to an outraged Bill to resolve everything. Jason attends the leadership seminar run by the Church of the Sun and makes quite a first impression. Maryann visits Sam Merlotte's bar with interesting effects. She also reminds Sam of just who is the most powerful between them. Lafayette manages to escape from Eric's dungeon but, unable to get away completely, suggests an alternate way out to his captors.


Season 2, Episode 3: Scratches

Original Air Date—28 June 2009

An outraged Bill tells Sookie in no uncertain terms that she committed a grave error in letting Jessica visit her family. Hurt and upset, Sookie decides to walk the 20 miles home but doesn't get very far when she is attacked by a half-bull, half-man beast leaving huge gashes on her back. When his blood is unable to revive her, Bill turns to Eric for assistance and it's determined she has somehow been poisoned. Both of them are puzzled however by the beast that attacked her and have no idea what they may be up against. Once recovered, Sookie makes a deal for Lafayette's release. Maryann throws a big party but it's all a little too wild for Tara. Sam Merlotte wants to pack it in for a while and leave town. Wild child Jessica goes to Merlotte's bar where she meets Hoyt Fortenberry and they immediately hit it off. New waitress Daphne decides to go for a midnight swim with Sam and reveals something quite interesting.


Season 2, Episode 4: Shake and Fingerpop

Original Air Date—12 July 2009

As per her deal with Eric, Sookie and Bill travel to Dallas to help find the missing head of the local vampire community. They take Jessica along but on arrival, the driver meeting them attempts to abduct Sookie. Maryann throws a party for Tara who has now moved into Sookie's house. A lot of people show up and once again she weaves her magic, revealing something interesting about herself in the process. Sam Merlotte isn't sure starting a relationship with Daphne is a good idea but she tells him she knows his secret. Lafayette is still recovering from his wounds when Eric makes him a proposition. Jason is still making an impression at Church camp and is asked to move in with Sarah and Steve Newlin.


Season 2, Episode 5: Never Let Me Go

Original Air Date—19 July 2009

Still in Dallas with Bill and Jessica, Sookie is intent on keeping her part of the bargain and try to find the missing Godric despite the strange behavior of his cohorts. Eric tells Bill his true reason for wanting to find Godric. Sookie tries to learn more from the bellhop who has telepathic powers. Back in Bon Temps, most are still recovering from the effects of Tara's birthday party. Sam learns that he and Daphne have more in common that he could ever have imagined. Maryann announces that she is moving into Sookie's house and when told that she can't, casts a spell on Tara to get her to change her mind. Over at the Light of Day Institute, Jason continues to impress with his leadership skills. Fed up with husband Steve's lack of attention and respect however, Sarah Newlin decides to spend a little private time with Jason.


Season 2, Episode 6: Hard-Hearted Hannah

Original Air Date—26 July 2009

Tara and Eggs are driving down the highway when he suddenly realizes he has memories of having been there before. As he explores the nearby woods, he realizes it is an evil place. Sam and Daphne are having a good time and go frolicking in the woods. She has a surprise for him that is not welcome. Eric is out to take possession of Sookie and has Bill's old girlfriend, who has not seen him for 70 years, come to town. We learn that Bill was not always the gentle, mild-mannered vampire he is today. In Dallas, Sookie is partnered with Hugo - another human who is dating a vampire - for their visit to the Light of Day Institute. Posing as an engaged couple looking for a church to wed, they meet the Newlins and have a tour of the church - but Steve also has a surprise for them. Jason is asked to build a scaffold for a sunrise ceremony where a vampire will be exposed to the dawn sun before the entire congregation. Jason is having serious doubts about whether he wants to be part of this group.


Season 2, Episode 7: Release Me

Original Air Date—2 August 2009

Still being held in the basement at the Church, it becomes obvious to Sookie that Steve knew they were coming, but is not sure why. That tells her there is a spy among them. She tries to get a message to Bill, but he is being held prisoner by his maker, who refuses to let him go after the woman he loves. In flashbacks, Bill's conversion to a less violent lifestyle is revealed. When Steve learns Sookie's true identity, he makes the connection with Jason and assumes he's a spy. As they begin to wreak their vengeance, Sookie is saved by someone she has yet to meet. Back at the hotel Jessica and Hoyt decide to sleep together. In Bon Temps, Sam manages to escape, courtesy of a drunken Andy Bellefleur. Any plans he may have had for getting even with Daphne are overtaken by Maryann who has her own plans for her acolyte. The rest of the revelers have no memory of what happened the night before.


Season 2, Episode 8: Timebomb

Original Air Date—9 August 2009

Having saved Sookie, Godric orders Eric to leave the premises with her - and to do so peacefully. Unfortunately, Steve Newlin and his followers are waiting for them in the Church and he isn't too choosy as to which vampire they use for their sunrise ceremony. Godric tries a different approach and hopes to make peace with Steve, who adamantly opposes any such possibility. Safely returned to their lair, Godric's peaceful approach and lack of desire for revenge doesn't sit well with some of his followers. Steve also has a surprise for him. In Bon Temps, Eggs tells Tara that he's blacked out again and they try to piece together where he's been. Maryann prepares a special dish for them. Sam Merlotte finds himself under arrest when Daphne's body is found in the restaurant freezer. Having finally slept together, Jessica and Hoyt discover a disadvantage to Jessica being a vampire.


Season 2, Episode 9: I Will Rise Up

Original Air Date—16 August 2009

Vampires and humans clean up in the aftermath of the explosion. Eric tricks Sookie into drinking some of his blood, much to Bill's dismay. As a result of the lapse in security, Godric's leadership falls under review but his response surprises everyone, especially Eric, who begs him not to go through with his plan. In Bon Temps, Maryann is out to find Sam Merlotte and complete the ritual sacrifice. She casts a spell on everyone in Sam's bar to get them to look for him. Lafayette and Tara's mother forcibly remove her from Sookie's house. Hoyt and Jessica get used to their situation and Hoyt decides it's time to introduce his true love to his vampire-hating mother.

Next US airings:

Sun. Sept. 6 9:00 PM HBO


Season 2, Episode 10: New World in My View

Original Air Date—23 August 2009

Next US airings:

Sun. Sept. 6 10:00 PM HBO


Season 2, Episode 11: Frenzy

Original Air Date—30 August 2009

Next US airings:

Tue. Sept. 1 11:30 PM HBO

Wed. Sept. 2 9:00 PM HBO


Season 2, Episode 12: Beyond Here Lies Nothin'

Original Air Date—13 September 2009


Season 3


Season 3, Episode 1: Episode #3.1

Original Air Date—????


Season 3, Episode 2: Episode #3.2

Original Air Date—????


Season 3, Episode 3: Episode #3.3

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Season 3, Episode 4: Episode #3.4

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Season 3, Episode 5: Episode #3.5

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Season 3, Episode 6: Episode #3.6

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Season 3, Episode 7: Episode #3.7

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Season 3, Episode 8: Episode #3.8

Original Air Date—????


Season 3, Episode 9: Episode #3.9

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Season 3, Episode 10: Episode #3.10

Original Air Date—????


Season 3, Episode 11: Episode #3.11

Original Air Date—????


Season 3, Episode 12: Episode #3.12

Original Air Date—????



The Crow: City of Angels (1996)

Kate Beckinsale

Underworld: Evolution (2006)


Published on internet: Thursday, August 05, 2010

Revised: Thursday, August 05, 2010

Information on the web site is given in good faith about a certain spiritual way of life, irrespective of any specific religion, in the belief that the information is not misused, misjudged or misunderstood. Persons using this information for whatever purpose must rely on their own skill, intelligence and judgment in its application. The webmaster does not accept any liability for harm or damage resulting from advice given in good faith on this website.


“Thou belongest to That Which Is Undying, and not merely to time alone,” murmured the Sphinx, breaking its muteness at last. “Thou art eternal, and not merely of the vanishing flesh. The soul in man cannot be killed, cannot die. It waits, shroud-wrapped, in thy heart, as I waited, sand-wrapped, in thy world. Know thyself, O mortal! For there is One within thee, as in all men, that comes and stands at the bar and bears witness that there IS a God!”

(Reference: Brunton, Paul. (1962) A Search in Secret Egypt. (17th Impression) London, UK: Rider & Company. Page: 35.)



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