Biology 223 Final Exam - Stuart Sumida

For the Final Exam, remember!!

Be sure to print your name and student number on your computerized answer form.

On the computerized answer sheet you must:

(1) print your name and student number; In the section where you bubble in your name, print and bubble in LAST NAME, then FIRST NAME.

(2) on the section marked “Grade or Education”, mark 1 (if you do not do this, the exam cannot be graded).

(3) mark the appropriate bubbles for both your name and your student number.

Forms without a name or student number cannot be graded. DO NOT put down a false student number.

Please read every question carefully and completely before you answer. There is only one correct answer for each question. Choose the best possible answer. There are both short answer questions and multiple choice questions.

Example Multiple Choice Questions

This list is BY NO MEANS COMPLETE AND INCLUSIVE. It is only meant to give you an idea of the manner in which questions could be asked.

1. Which of the bones listed below is derived from components of the dermatocranium, splanchnocranium, and chondrocranium? (A student submitted question.)

a. occipital

b. maxillary

c. ethmoid

d. temporal

e. frontal

2. Which of the following muscles will be functional both in manipulating food in your mouth and sipping fluid through a straw? (A modification of a student submitted question.)

a. posterior digastric

b. buccinator

c. obicularis occuli

d. geniohyoid

e. mylohyoid

3. Of the following muscles found in the neck, which of them is the most superficially placed?

a. sternothyroid

b. sternohyoid

c. anterior scalene

d. platysma

e. spinalis cervicis (epaxial muscle)

4. Through which of the following foramina will the slowest impulse travel?

a. cribiform plate

b. obturator foramen

c. superior orbital fissure

d. foramen rotundum

e. stylomastoid foramen

5. Which of the following structures will be found in both the neck and the abdomen?

a. dorsal aorta

b. sympathetic trunk

c. three layers of lateral hypaxial musculature.

d. large prevertebral muscles

e. coelom

6. Which of the following structures forms a complete ring around the airway and is formed from neural crest?

a. thyroid cartilage

b. hyoid bone

c. cricoid cartilage

d. arytenoid cartilages

e. cartilaginous rings of the trachea

7. Movement of a structure away the longitudinal axis of the body may be accomplished by which of the following muscles?

a. pectoralis major

b. lateral rectus

c. piriformis

d. rectus abdominus

e. rectus femoris

8. The distal (lateral-most) articulation of the stapes is with the:

a. oval window

b. incus

c. hyoid

d. malleus

e. ear drum

9. The meninges are derived from:

a. ectoderm

b. neural crest.

c. mesoderm.

d. endoderm.

e. Cerebrospinal fluid.

10. Venous blood from the inferior sagittal sinus dumps into:

a. Right or left petrosal sinus.

b. sympathetic trunk.

c. Straight sinus.

d. Superior sagittal sinus.

e. Cavernous venous sinus.

11. Which of the following bones is paired? (A modification of a student submitted question.)

a. vomer

b. occipital

c. sphenoid

d. temporal.

e. ethmoid

12. The frontalis muscle is innervated by:

a. the ophthalmic nerve

b. the maxillary nerve

c. the mandibular nerve

d. the facial nerve

e. the glossopharyngeal nerve

13. The mandibular nerve carries (a student submitted question):

a. Sensory fibers only

b. Motor fibers only

c. Both sensory and motor fibers

d. Neither sensory nor motor fibers

14. Which of the following muscles does not cross both the shoulder joint and the elbow joint?

a. Biceps brachii

b. Triceps brachii

c. Coracobrachalis

d. Brachialis

e. C & D

15. Which of the following structures is not associated with its correct nerve of innervation? (A modification of a student submitted question.)

a. Biceps brachii muscle – musculocutaneous

b. Sternocleidomastoid muscle – Spinal accessory (XI)

c. Structures of the hindgut (parasympathetic) – Vagus (X)

d. Deltoid muscle – Axillary nerve

e. Buccinator muscle – Facial (VII)

16. Tension on the vocal cords (= vocal ligaments) may be DECREASED by:

a. Rotating the arytenoids cartilages medially.

b. Tilting the thyroid cartilage forward (ventrally).

c. Rotating the epiglottis upward (superiorly).

d. Tilting the thyroid cartilage back (dorsally).

17. Which of the following muscles is NOT a muscle of the mandibular arch, innervated by a branch of the trigeminal nerve (V)?

a. stylohyoid

b. lateral pterygoid

c. medial pterygoid

d. digastric, anterior belly

e. temporalis

18. The lateral pterygoid functions to:

a. close (adduct) the jaw.

b. open (abduct) the jaw

c. pull jaw forward

d. pull jaw laterally

e. all of the above

19. Which of the following muscles is derived embryologically from axial muscle?

a. Trapezius

b. Serratus anterior

c. Pectoralis major

d. Latissimus dorsi

e. Infraspinatus

20. Function(s) of the biceps brachii include:

a. Flexion of the elbow joint

b. Flexion of the shoulder joint

c. Supination

d. All of the above

e. None of the above.


This list is BY NO MEANS COMPLETE AND INCLUSIVE. It is only meant to give you an idea of the major themes I feel are important. Essentially, anything in your notes is fair game. If in both your notes and the lab or the reading, it is very likely to be on the exam.

A. Cranial nerves: know all 12 by number, name, function, dorsal root vs. ventral root vs. special sense, foramina of passage through the skull. Use the huge table I gave you in class to help study for this.

B. Brachial plexus: know the major five terminal nerves of the plexus and the muscles they innervate.

C. Major muscle groups of the arm/upper limb: Attachment of limb to body, shoulder muscles, attachment across elbow, attachment across wrist.

D. Major muscle groups of the arm/upper limb: branchial, axial, dorsal appendicular or ventral appendicular?

E. Bones of the skull: know major bone, major components of each bone, and the embryological derivation of each (including mode of formation and germ layer of origin)

F. Major blood vessels the supply (arteries, circulosus arteriosus cerebri and its branches) and drain (veins, venous sinuses) the interior of the skull.

G. Major muscles of the mandibular arch, name, function, attachment, and innervation.

H. Major muscles of the hyoid arch, name, function, attachment, and innervation.

I. Major foramina of the skull.

J. Be able to compare similarities and differences of the neck and the body.

K. Ectodermal placodes and what thy give rise to in the head.


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