Fitness Assignment - Clarke's Classes

PPL 30/40A Fitness Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to help prepare you to set and achieve personal fitness goals. Once you are on your own, it is important to have developed some sort of discipline to help maintain a healthy body. The sooner in life you develop healthy active living habits and routines, the more likely you will be to continue down the path of a healthy active lifestyle.

Part 1: Track Your Progress

We will test your fitness before you start your workout plan to get a baseline from which we can see improvements. Once we have set our goals and carried out our workout routine, you will carry out a second set of tests to see what improvements were made. You will complete ALL tests before and after, as this will give you information to talk about in your write up.

|Test |What it Measures |Before |After |

| | |Date: |Date: |

|1) Resting Heart Rate |Heart Health | | |

|2) Active Heart Rate |Heart Health | | |

|3) Vertical Jump |Muscular Strength of Lower Body | | |

|4) 1 RM Bench Press |Muscular Strength of Upper Body | | |

|5) Push Ups |Muscular Endurance of Upper Body| | |

|6) Sit Ups |Muscular Endurance of Core | | |

|7) Sit and Reach |Flexibility of Lower Body | | |

|8) Shoulder Flexion |Flexibility of Upper Body | | |

|9) Illinois Run |Agility | | |

|10) Shuttle Run |Agility | | |

|11) Stork Stand |Balance | | |

|12) Wall Ball Toss |Coordination | | |

|13) Beep Test |Cardiovascular Endurance | | |

Part 2: Improvements / Find an App

After reading over your results from the above fitness tests, you are asked to specify 2 to 4 areas you would like to see improvements in. Then you are asked to find an app that will assist you in your workouts. This app could be similar to the one we used in class, Seven, or could be something that would help you record your exercises for weight training. Find something that you would find to be helpful.

It is also recommended that you find a partner to workout with – someone with similar fitness goals.

Please fill out and hand in Appendix A by Monday, March 3rd, 2014 – as you will begin your routine shortly after this.

Part 3: Workout

You will be given one day a week in class to carry out your workout plan. The rest of the time should be done on your own. Remember, that the weight room is usually open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays after school, if you want to incorporate this into your routine.

Part 4: Analysis

The final part of this assignment will be a written portion. You will be asked analyze both the app that you chose and how well your fitness program went.

Questions to consider:

- What were you using this app for?

- Did the app fulfill it’s intended purpose for your fitness goal?

- What are some improvements you’d suggest for this app? (I’d write this as a review to the creator of the app as well)

- What are some features you really liked about this app?

- What was your fitness goal? Describe the plan you took to achieve it.

- Which fitness tests did you see an improvement in? Any surprises?

- Did you achieve your goal? Why or why not?

- What are your plans to maintain this fitness level? Or what will you do different next time to achieve your goal?

- Where do you plan to go from here with your fitness?

- Are there other areas you would like to see improvements upon in your fitness?

You will be marked on the following:

- Completion of all tests before and after workout routine is established

- The specificity of your goals

- That you found an app that fits your workout routine needs

- Your participation during workout days

- Whether or not you saw improvements as intended

- How thorough your analysis of the workout and app is

Appendix A – Fitness Goals and App

What are your fitness goals?

Which areas are you aiming to see an improvement in?

Which app do you plan to use to help you achieve these goals?

Give a brief description of how you will use it.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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