Questions on chapter 11(cardiovascular)

Questions on chapter 11(cardiovascular)

I-Mention in short

-parts of the aorta

-arteries of the upper limb

- arteries of the lower limb

-structural differences between arteries and veins

-factors that help in venous return

-predisposing factors for varicose veins

-the three layers of heart wall

-what is cardiac output

-the four chambers of the heart and blood vessels connected to each

-the four valves of the heart and its location

-the two common problems met with in valves

-what is circle of Willis

-what is hepatic portal circulation

-blood shunts present in the fetus

-what is pulse

-what is blood pressure

-5 pressure points used to feel pulse

-the two main factors affecting blood pressure

-factors that affect blood pressure

-how the kidney can affect blood pressure

-the two forces that control capillary exchange

-what of these factors increase or decrease blood pressure:adrenaline,histamine nicotine,alcohol,heat, cold

-waves of ECG and the cause of each

-parts of intrinsic conduction system of the heart

II-Fill in spaces

-feeling pulsation in----------------------------artey indicates adequate circulation to foot

-systolic blood pressure below 100mmHg is called while that above140 is called-----------

-the apex of the heart is directed toward the left --------and rests on the----------------, approximately at the level of the-------------intercostal space in the ----------------line

-the posterosuperior aspect of the heart is called its----------, it lies beneath the ---------rib

--------------------is a double sac of serous membrane,the inner layer is called--------------------or-----------------

the ventricles are separated by------------------septum while atria are separated by-------------

the---------------------circulation carries blood from the right side to the left while---------------circulation carries blood from left to right

---------------------anchor the cusps of AV valves to the walls of the ventricles

-the arteries suppling the heart are called---------------

-crushing chest pain due to ischaemia is called-----------------

--------------------------is a serious complication of varicose veins

-a common complication of thrombophlebitis is--------------------

-the only branches of ascending aorta are

-----------arteries serves the kidneys

----------artery supplies the ovaries while-------------------supplies the testis

-the first branch of abdominal aorta is called------------------

-the final branches of abdominal aorta are------------------

-external iliac artey continues as------------------ artery

-veins draining the head and arms empty into----------------------and those draining the lower body empty into-------------------------------

-the basilica and cephalic veins are joined at the anterior aspect of the elbow by the--------------------------------------

-the ------------------------------is often chosen as a site for blood sample -the external and internal iliac veins join to form-------------

-if ischaemic hert cells die,it leads to what is called------------------------

-umblical cord cotains---------------artery and----------------vein

-all blood constituents can pass through capillaries except------------------and-------

- through capillaries blood exchange with-----------------------fluid before the cells

-cold causes -------------------------while heat causes ----------------------of blood vessel

-atrial repolarization does not appear in ECG because it is covered by------------------

-cardiac output is about--------------------------- while stroke volume is about-------------

-normal heart rate is about ---------, rate bellow ---------- is called bradycardia but rate above 100is called--------------------

III-True or false

-through capillaries blood exchanges directly with cells

-the great saphenous veins are the longest veins in the body

-each semilunar valve has three cusps

-the heart is supplied by blood in its chambers

-the coronary sinus empties in the right atrium

-the coronary arteries are filled during systole

the coronary arteries branch from the base of the pulmonary trunck

-arteries always carry oxygenated blood

-arteries are able toexpand and recoil

-cardiac output usually equals venous return

-all bood constituents can pass through capillaries

-depolarization waves can reach the vebtricles only through AV node

-the pacemaker of the heart is ---------------

- in heart block,----------------- is damaged

-rapid uncoordinated shuddering of heart muscle is called------------------- ,it is caused usually by-------------------

IV-Match table A with table B

Table A ( )brachiocephalic Table B 1-suplies head and upper limb

( )vertebral 2-suplies posterior part of brain

( )subclavian 3-extends to upper limb

( )external iliac 4-extends to lower limb

( )gonadal 5-testicular and ovarian

( )renal 6-to the kidneys

( )pulmonary trunk 7-short wide divide into two brabches

( )celiac trunk 8- short wide divide into 3 branches

( )coronary 9-to heart muscle

( )popliteal 10-behind the knee

Table A ( )pulmonary veins Table B 1-carries oxygenated blood,4 in number

( )umblical vein 2-carries blood from placenta to the fetus

( )great saphenous vein 3-common site for varicose veins

( )jugular veins 4-carries blood from braibn to the heart

( )hepatic portal vein 5-carries blood from intestine to liver


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