Logger32 General Features - Universitas Padjadjaran

Logger32 General Features

Logger32 has been developed to be a highly user configurable general purpose Amateur Radio logbook with computer control support for many radios and antenna rotators. It is NOT a contesting log, although there is no real reason why it could not be used for such, and does not contain some features that might be found in software specifically designed for this activity. The functionality that it DOES provide includes:

· Fully ADIF compatible – including the proposed new modes and sub modes.

· Logbook Page Window and Previous QSOs Window can each have up to 47 columns, all user configurable, including IOTA, Grid squares, satellite names, ten-ten etc.

· Logbook, Previous QSO, and QSOs to a selected prefix windows can have the columns presented in any order.

· Worked/Confirmed Table can display information in either of two ways.

· Seven user-definable log entry page items.

· Logs more than 1.5M QSOs.

· All Country, County, and IOTA databases are fully editable.

· Displays sunrise/sunset, short path distance, long and short path beam headings, and local time for the distant end.

· Comprehensive statistics tables.

· Real time satellite tracking using Keps from a local file or collected from a favored web site.

· Grayline display with selectable terminator.

· DX spot tables with input from packet or telnet sources (or both at once).

· User definable worked/confirmed color scheme on incoming spots.

· Support for many radios including a debug window.

· User selectable frequency display in KHz or MHz down to 1 Hz resolution.

· User selectable date and time format

· CDROM support.

· Support for the use of and GoList via the Internet.

· A facility to synchronize your computer clock to an atomic standard.

· All windows fully re-sizeable.

· Supports multiple .INI files for different set-ups (normal, contest, etc.)

· Fully configurable fonts, background, and foreground colors

· Auto log-on scripts for telnet and cluster access

· Definable telnet and cluster shortcuts and scripts

· Sorting of the logbook on Date, Callsign, Frequency, Band, Mode, Zone and many more.

· Personalize you own band plan.

· Prefix statistics available on screen for up to 50 bands and 48 modes

· Previously worked callsigns automatically appear under the callsign entry window. (Callsign preview)

· The Logbook, Previously Worked, Spots and Stats tables all have variable width columns

· Support for a parallel port antenna selector that can operate automatically with your bandplan.

· Log page can be sorted on QSO#, Callsign, Prefix, Frequency, Band, Mode, CQZ, DXCC, Grid Square, IOTA, State, Continent, and ITUZ.

· Logs can be output in either ADIF or CSV format.

· Supports both multiple user (One log for the family or Club station) and multiple logs (one for the main, one for contesting etc)

· User selectable fields to copy from previous QSO details to a new logbook entry.

· Logbook percentage full indicator.

· Grid Square Calculator

· Support for eQSL and Logbook of the World (LOTW).

· Functional information buttons in the Logbook Entry Window.

· Export QSOs flagged for QSLing

· QSLs waiting to be sent are highlighted in the log.

· Send DX spots to a VHF cluster or Telnet.

· Built in version of Zakanaka (the soundcard window) for PSK31/PSK63 and RTTY which includes:

Three independent, simultaneous receive channels in PSK31, Waterfall or spectral signal display.

Selectable colors for receive and transmit windows (Tx and Rx windows).

Selectable frequency markers.

Built in macros for use with a selectable number of programmable “buttons”.

Macros with programmable colored keys and number of macros.

Capture his callsign and his name with a click.

Add QSO number.

Programmable default Rx (initial receive) frequencies.

Independent AFC and squelch settings for each Rx window.

Selectable waterfall and spectrum display characteristics (color, brightness, smoothing).

IMD indication.

Slash-zero option.

Operate RTTY (including 23 Hz.) using MMTTY module written by Mako Mori.

Calibrate the sound card timing.

Operate split using audio tones or using radio control.

Save operating parameters in RTTY mode in a “Profile”

Built in CW keyer (but NO decoder) with programmable buttons and a limited range of macros

Support for automatic control of your antenna rotator

Contest serial number counter – up to 999,999 contacts

User selectable highlighting for worked, confirmed, QSL send, QSL awaiting printing and general editing

Single button compression and saving of back up log files

Built in DVK (Digital Voice Keyer)

Built in Data Terminal with programmable buttons and a range of macros

Simple conversion utility (Deg. C -> F. etc.)

DX Cluster spots can be displayed on a map

Selective filtering of DX spots

Synchronization of log to download LotW and/or eQSL records

Sending and receiving cluster "Announce" and "Talk" messages made simple by using a separate window.

Support for HamCap - A propagation prediction tool written by VE3ENA

Support for a second CAT controlled radio

Support for on-line Hamcall lookup

With Logger32 the answer is probably “Yes”. Now what is the question?



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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