Project #5 Addiction @ AHS Name ...

[pic] P.O.W.E.R. Final Case Study Due the day before finals.

Students will choose a health related topic of their choice, find 6 sources about that topic, and design a case study that other students will take as part of their final for this class. Use the template below to complete the case study. Students will be assessed on the general gifted rubric.

Final Part 1: 90 points design a case study. Part 2: 10 points review other case studies.

|Topic/Title: |Organ Transplant |

|Essential Question |What must be done for an organ transplant? Why does the body reject some organs and except others? What is Rheumatic Fever? |

|2 learning objectives |Students will 1.learn what is required for a person to be a donor and 2. What the rejection rate is for different organs and why |

| |the organs are rejected. They will also learn about rheumatic fever. |

|Narrative to set up the |Jarrod is a 40-year-old man with a seven year old and a four year old. His wife died suddenly three years ago from a systemic |

|problem part 1 (120 to 150 |infection. He was generally healthy until he devolved a persistent cough that lasted for six months. When he finally decided to |

|words) |go to the doctor he was diagnosed with an advanced case of lung disease that was thought to have devolved during his childhood |

| |because his parents where such heavy smokers. Since his case is so advanced his only option is a double lung transplant. The |

| |doctor warned him that lung transplants only have a 45-53% chance of success and If the new lungs are accepted there would still |

| |be a high chance of infection. Jarrod decides to go home and consider his options before making his final decision. |

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|4 questions to part 1. |1. What is an the process one must go through to get an organ? |

| |2. What defines a healthy donor? |

| |3. When are organ transplants considered as treatment? |

| |4. Do you think Jarrod should go through with the operation? |

|Narrative to set up problem|After carefully deliberation, Jarred finally decides to go through with the operation. It was a success. The lungs had been |

|part 2 (120 to 150 words) |accepted. Jarrod’s life continues as normal until two months after the organ transplant. Jarrod had developed strep thought that |

| |quickly turned into rheumatic fever. After the strep had been cured his heart continued to be damaged until a heart transplant |

| |was the only option left. Luckily a heart is available but the risks are the same as before, Infection and rejection. Without |

| |the new heart Jarred will die relatively quickly but if he does get the new heart if it is rejected he will die. Either way he |

| |has to small children to think about, so he must make the most rational decision he can to continue living. [pic] |

|3 questions for part. |expansion/ critical thinking questions. May have two sides or even more than one answer. |

| |1. What are the criteria for heart transplant? |

| |2. What happens when an organ is rejected? |

| |3. What is rheumatic fever? |

|List of 6 resources |These are the sources your students will use in order to answer the questions. |

|(Hyperlinked) |1. |

| |2. |

| |3. |

| |4. |

| |5. |

| |6. |

• Website Research Review

|Date: |12/11/11 |

|Name of Web site |Human Diseases and Conditions |

|URL Address | |

|Who runs the web site? |Advameg |

|Who pays for the web site? |Advameg |

|When was the website last updated? |Does not say, but within the last year. |

|Is the web page useful or well |Yes because it gives lots of information in a easy to read way. |

|designed? Why? Why not? | |

|List 4 pieces of information the |1. Rheumatic fever is most common in children. |

|Web page gives you. | |

| |2. It is caused by complication from strep throat |

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| |3.When rheumatic fever sets in, the body’s immune system starts attacking other parts of the body instead of the just the |

| |bacteria causing strep throat. |

|What is the original source if any?| |

| |4.Sometimes the sore throat subsides before any signs of rheumatic fever occur. |

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|How will you use the information |It will be used for the second part of the article |

|for your project? | |

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• Website Research Review

|Date: |12/11/11 |

|Name of Web site |WebMD |

|URL Address | |

|Who runs the web site? |WebMD |

|Who pays for the web site? |WebMD |

|When was the website last updated? |Dec. 13, 2011 |

|Is the web page useful or well |Yes because it was nicely organized and easy to use. |

|designed? Why? Why not? | |

|List 4 pieces of information the |1. The kidneys, the liver, the lungs, and the heart are just a few of the organs that can be transplanted. |

|Web page gives you. | |

| |2. Not everyone can get an organ transplant. One example is someone with an alcohol or drug problem |

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| |3. More then one organ can be transplanted at a time. |

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|What is the original source if any?|4. After organ transplant antirejection medication must be taken so that there is a lesser chance of rejection. |

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|How will you use the information |This is what my project is about so I will need it for the whole thing. |

|for your project? | |

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